commit 7e820c6e3da0ac8faecdf91c080cd5f3d5f2d73b Author: HeNine <> Date: Wed Mar 22 19:12:48 2023 +0100 classes diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e73197 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +build +*.log +*.synctex.gz +.vscode +main.pdf \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/character.tex b/character.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50d067b --- /dev/null +++ b/character.tex @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +\part{Character} +\input{character/stats} +\input{character/character_creation} +\input{character/classes} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/character/character_creation.tex b/character/character_creation.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..805a6fc --- /dev/null +++ b/character/character_creation.tex @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +\chapter{Character Creation} + +\section*{Mechanics} + +\begin{multicols}{2} + + \subsection*{1 Choose classes} + \subsection*{2 Add +1 to all stats} + \subsection*{3 Add +1 to two stats of choice} + \subsection*{4 Reallocate stats} + \subsection*{5 Choose starting equipment} + \subsection*{6 Compute derived stats} + +\end{multicols} + + +\section*{Role-playing} + +\subsection*{Name} + +\subsection*{Background} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/character/classes.tex b/character/classes.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..715ba47 --- /dev/null +++ b/character/classes.tex @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +\chapter{Classes} + +\section*{Combat Classes} + +The first set of classes focuses on combat. Each of them specializes in their own way of dealing damage and controlling the battlefield. + +\subsection*{Fighter} + +Fighters are trained in the use of melee weapons and can use them to great effect. This often puts them in the front line, where their role is to prevent enemies from hurting their more vulnerable allies. + +\subsubsection*{Guard} + +A guard's main job is to protect their allies from attacks. They may not be trained in the fine points of sword-fighting, but their ability to control a crowd is second to none. + +\begin{tabular}[h!]{rl} + \textsf{\textbf{Stats}} & \stat{STR} +1, \stat{CON} +1, \stat{STB} +1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Standard weapons}} & Halberd/Spear, Shortsword \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Weapon proficiencies}} & Simple Weapons, Pole Weapons \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Armor proficiencies}} & Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Intimidation, Perception +\end{tabular} + +% - Immobile, tank +% - Shield? + + +\subsubsection*{Knight} + +The noble knight is trained in the art of swinging their sword with great efficiency. They can quickly disarm and subdue their opponent. + +% - mobile, mounted? +% - Shield? + + +\begin{tabular}[h!]{rl} + \textsf{\textbf{Stats}} & \stat{STR} +1, \stat{DEX} +1, \stat{STB} +1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Standard weapons}} & Longsword \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Weapon proficiencies}} & Bladed Weapons \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Armor proficiencies}} & Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Riding +\end{tabular} + +\subsubsection*{Brawler} + +When, at the end of the evening, the landlord wishes to empty his tavern of the increasingly unfriendly drunks, he employs a brawler. Using raw power and whatever weapon is at hand, the brawler can empty a room in short order. + +% - Fist! + +\begin{tabular}[h!]{rl} + \textsf{\textbf{Stats}} & \stat{STR} +1, \stat{DEX} +1, \stat{CON} +1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Standard weapons}} & Brass Knuckles, Knife, Mace \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Weapon proficiencies}} & Simple Weapons, Blunt Weapons \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Armor proficiencies}} & Light Armor, Medium Armor \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Athletics, Intimidation +\end{tabular} + +\subsection*{Rogue} + +If fighters use power to gain the upper hand, rogues rely on finesse to dispatch their opponent, or, if the situation suggests it, run away. + +\subsubsection*{Thief} + +The stealthy thief would rather avoid a fight, if possible. However, when cornered, they can fight like a cat. + +% - Stealth and stab + +\begin{tabular}[h!]{rl} + \textsf{\textbf{Stats}} & \stat{Dex} +1, \stat{int} +1, \stat{cmp} +1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Standard weapons}} & Dagger, Cosh, Throwing Knife \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Weapon proficiencies}} & Simple Weapons, Ranged Weapons \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Armor proficiencies}} & \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Athletics, Stealth, Mechanism Operation +\end{tabular} + +\subsubsection*{Swashbuckler} + +Debonair and nimble, the swashbuckler is a master of flair, their flashing sword feared by who dare impugn their honor. They are not, however, above using their crossbow to settle a dispute quickly and efficiently. +% - Jump and slash + +\begin{tabular}[h!]{rl} + \textsf{\textbf{Stats}} & \stat{Str} +1, \stat{dex} +1, \stat{cha} +1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Standard weapons}} & Rapier, Throwing Knife, Crossbow \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Weapon proficiencies}} & Simple Weapons, Bladed Weapon, Ranged Weapons \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Armor proficiencies}} & Light Armor\\ + \textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Athletics +\end{tabular} + +\subsection*{Ranger} + +Rangers prefer the quiet of the wilderness, to the bustle of a big city. They can survive in a forest for extended periods of time. Spending time outside also makes them a well of knowledge regarding the local fauna, flora and geography. + +\subsubsection*{Survivalist} + +The survivalist strives to be one with nature; living off the land, foraging, and finding shelter -- without leaving a trace. +% - Is half a druid + +\begin{tabular}[h!]{rl} + \textsf{\textbf{Stats}} & \stat{dex} +1, \stat{con} +1, \stat{int} +1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Standard weapons}} & Knife, Machete, Bow \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Weapon proficiencies}} & Simple Weapons, Ranged Weapons \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Armor proficiencies}} & \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Survival, Lore (nature) +\end{tabular} + +\subsubsection*{Hunter} + +With their trust animal companion, the hunter stalks the local forests for game. In a forest, a hunter can disappear and remain completely unseen until they strike. + +% - Has pet + +\begin{tabular}[h!]{rl} + \textsf{\textbf{Stats}} & \stat{dex} +1, \stat{con} +1, \stat{knd} +1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Standard weapons}} & Knife, Spear, Bow, Sling \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Weapon proficiencies}} & Simple Weapons, Ranged Weapons \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Armor proficiencies}} & Light Armor \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Animal Handling, Lore (geography), Stealth +\end{tabular} + +\subsection*{Mage} + +Magic users weave arcane forces present in the world into powerful magicks. Each magic user draws spells from a specific tradition, or school, of spellcasting. + +\subsubsection*{Witch} + +The effects of the witch may be subtle, but they are powerful. Let the wizards have their flashes and bangs, the witch's rituals bend reality itself to their advantage. + +\paragraph*{Schools} Nature, Demons, Elemental, Mesmerism, Necromancy + +% - Big ritualistic ineffable magic +% - Can be other half of druid + +\begin{tabular}[h!]{rl} + \textsf{\textbf{Stats}} & \stat{int} +1, \stat{knd} +1, \stat{cmp} +1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Standard weapons}} & Knife, Stick \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Weapon proficiencies}} & Simple Weapons \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Armor proficiencies}} & \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Lore (arcane), Lore (\_) +\end{tabular} + +\subsubsection*{Wizard} + +The wizard controls the forces of nature and reality around them to weave displays of absolute power. + +\paragraph*{Schools} Elemental, Illusion, Force, Transmutation, Body % wtf is body + +% - I cast fireball! + +\begin{tabular}[h!]{rl} + \textsf{\textbf{Stats}} & \stat{int} +1, \stat{knd} +1, \stat{cha} +1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Standard weapons}} & Dagger, Staff \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Weapon proficiencies}} & \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Armor proficiencies}} & \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Skills}} & Lore (arcane), Research (arcane) +\end{tabular} + +\section*{Non-Combat Classes} + +\subsection*{Craftsman} + +\subsubsection*{Builder} +% - Building big strong things +% - _Build (wood)_ +% - _Build (stone)_ +% - _Build (metal)_ + +\subsubsection*{Tinker} +% - Building small precise things +% - _Craft (wood)_ +% - _Craft (metal)_ + +\subsubsection*{Artist} +% - Build arts +% - _Create (draw)_ +% - _Create (music)_ +% - _Create (sculpture)_ +% - _Create (writing)_ +% - _Perception_ + +\subsection*{Intellectual} + +\subsubsection*{Historian} +% - _Lore (history)_ +% - _Lore (social)_ +% - _Research (history)_ + +\subsubsection*{Scientist} +% - _Lore (science)_ +% - _Lore (alchemy)_ +% - _Research (science)_ +% - _Research (alchemy)_ + +\subsubsection*{Occultist} +% - _Create (draw)_ +% - _Lore (arcane)_ +% - _Research (arcane)_ +% - _Create (writing)_ + +\subsection*{Leader} + +\subsubsection*{Trader/Diplomat} +% - _Research (social)_ +% - _Create (writing)_ +% - _Lore (social)_ + +\subsubsection*{Priest} +% - _Lore (social)_ +% - _Lore (history)_ +% - _Persuasion_ +% - _Empathy_ +% - _Create (oration)_ + +\subsection*{Laborer} + +\subsubsection*{Farmer} +% - Moving light stuff, animal care +% - _Animal handling_ +% - _Survival_ + +\subsubsection*{Stevedore} +% - Moving heavy stuff +% \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/character/stats.tex b/character/stats.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c633998 --- /dev/null +++ b/character/stats.tex @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +\chapter{Stats}\label{ch:stats} + +\section*{Basic Stats} + + +Stats describe your character mechanically. When a situation arises where your success is not certain, your future is in the hands of fate, in the form of dice. + +The basic stats are divided into two categories. The physical stats -- Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Stability -- represent the physical state and fitness of your character, while the mental stats -- Intelligence, Knowledge, Composure and Charisma -- describe your mental capabilities. + +% \rule{\linewidth}{0.3pt} + +\subsection*{Physical Stats} + +\begin{multicols}{2} + + \subsubsection*{Strength} + + The Strength (\stat{STR}) stat describes how physically strong your character is. It is used in feats of strength such as moving heavy things, wielding heavy weaponry and construction. + + \subsubsection*{Dexterity} + + Dexterity (\stat{DEX}) refers to how nimble and fleet-footed a character is. Running, climbing, dodging projectiles, \stat{DEX} is an important tool in any adventurer's arsenal. + + \subsubsection*{Constitution} + + Constitution (\stat{CON}) shows how long a character can keep operating under physical stress, be it from injury or from disease. It also helps you keep fighting for longer. + + \subsubsection*{Stability} + + Stability\hspace{0.35em}(\stat{STB}), on the other hand, describes how hard a character is to hurt in the first place. A character with high \stat{STB} is sure on their feet and hard to move if they don't want to leave. + +\end{multicols} + +% \rule{\linewidth}{0.3pt} + +\subsection*{Mental Stats} + + +\begin{multicols}{2} + + \subsubsection*{Intelligence} + + High Intelligence (\stat{INT}) means your character is quick-witted and can think on their feet. Whether it's computing an alchemical formula or double-entry bookkeeping, INT helps you complete mental tasks quickly and correctly. + + \subsubsection*{Knowledge} + + Knowledge (\stat{KND}) represents all the facts and figures, the lores and histories, your character has memorized. What is the chief export of this kingdom? Who slighted whom at the latest ball? What is the name of the demon standing in front of you? A character with high KND can answer those questions. + + \subsubsection*{Composure} + + In a social situation, Composure\hspace{0.35em}(\stat{CMP}) helps you stay calm and unfazed. When a nobleman slights you, or the crowd starts jeering your words, \stat{CMP} keeps you from reacting in a way you might later come to regret. + + \subsubsection*{Charisma} + + A character with high Charisma (\stat{CHA}) is good at convincing others. In a negotiation, they get what they want. They can hold a crowd in the palm of their hand and have everyone doing their bidding. + +\end{multicols} + +% \rule{\linewidth}{1pt} + +\section*{Derived Stats} + +Additional stats are derived from basic stats. They are not static, but change, either when the basic stats they are derived from change, or, in the case of hitpoints and mental points, as part of an encounter. + +% \rule{\linewidth}{0.3pt} + +\subsection*{Physical derived stats} + +\begin{multicols}{2} + + \subsubsection*{Hitpoints} + + \[ + \textrm{HP} = (\textrm{CON} + \textrm{STB}) \cdot (2 + \textrm{level}) + \] + + Your character's Hitpoints (\stat{HP}) is a description of your character's current physical state. + + The formula above calculates the maximum \stat{hp}, that is, the \stat{HP} a character has at the start of the game, or when their \stat{hp} has been fully restored by other means. If a character's \stat{con} and \stat{STB} would result in the character having negative \stat{hp}, that character's maximum \stat{hp} is 0. That means that this character is naturally frail and can be put in mortal danger by the slightest physical threat. + + Damage sustained -- either from combat, or from other events -- gets subtracted from the current \stat{HP}. If your \stat{HP} drops below 0, you are at death's door. Your character's life hangs in the balance, and it is up to the GR to determine what happens next. + + \subsubsection*{Armor Class} + + \[ + \textrm{AC} = \textrm{STB} + \textrm{DEX} + \textrm{Armor} + \] + + Armor class (\stat{AC}) represents how hard a character is to hurt in combat. This stat only changes when one of the components changes, i.e., when either \stat{STB} or \stat{dex} changes for some reason, or when the character replaces their armor. + +\end{multicols} + +% \rule{\linewidth}{0.3pt} + +\subsection*{Mental derived stats} + +\begin{multicols}{2} + + \subsubsection*{Mental Points} + + \[ + \textrm{MP} = (\textrm{CHA} + \textrm{CMP}) \cdot (2 + \textrm{level}) + \] + + Mental Points (\stat{mp}) show how strong the character is mentally at any point. They behave the same as \stat{HP}, but are used in mentally taxing situations, such at negotiations and debates. Also like \stat{hp}, a character can have 0 \stat{mp}. Such a character can be outwitted by the simplest shopkeep. A character dropping below 0 \stat{MP} is also at the mercy of the GR: they may faint, be too exhausted to continue, or something else entirely. + + \subsubsection*{Astuteness} + + \[ + \textrm{AT} = \textrm{CMP} + \textrm{KND} + \textrm{INT} + \] + + Like \stat{ac}, Astuteness + (\stat{AT}) represents the character's resistance in a clash of words and minds. This stat also only changes when one of the constituent stats changes. + +\end{multicols} + diff --git a/encounters.tex b/encounters.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3115410 --- /dev/null +++ b/encounters.tex @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +\part{Encounters} + +\input{encounters/combat} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/encounters/combat.tex b/encounters/combat.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4728463 --- /dev/null +++ b/encounters/combat.tex @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +\chapter{Combat} + +Combat is a form of an extended test (\cref{sec:extended_test}) where characters take turns, trying to achieve their goals through physical means. + +\section*{Combat Dice Pool} + +\[ + \textrm{Dice pool} = \textrm{Proficiency stat} + \textrm{Weapon proficiency} +\] + +At the start of a combat encounter, characters build their dice pool. The initial size depends on the stat associated with the weapon the character is currently using, and whether the character is proficient with that weapon. + +\section*{Basic Attack} + +\[ + \textrm{DT} = \textrm{Defnder AC} - \textrm{Attacker Weapon Proficiency} +\] + + +\[ + \textrm{Damage} = (\textrm{Margin of success} + \textrm{Weapon Proficiency})\,\textsc{d}\,\textrm{Damage die} + \textrm{Damage Stat} +\] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/game.tex b/game.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6f357e --- /dev/null +++ b/game.tex @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +\part{The Game} + +\chapter{Players} + +\section*{Player Characters} + +\section*{Game Runner} + +\input{game/dice} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/game/dice.tex b/game/dice.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b88f73 --- /dev/null +++ b/game/dice.tex @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +\chapter{Dice} + +\section*{Notation} + + We use \dc{N} to denote an N-sided die. The dice commonly used in this game are: \dc4, \dc6, \dc8, \dc10, \dc12, \dc20 and \dc100. If we want to say, ``roll X dice and add their results together,'' we denote that with X\dc{N}. For example, to say, ``roll two eight-sided dice and add the results'', we write 2\dc{8}. + +% \rule{\linewidth}{1pt} + + \section*{{\small D}12} + + The \dc{12} is the main die that determines the fate of characters in \tochange{this game}. In general, when the fate of a character hangs in the balance of chance, the player assembles a pool of dice based on the stats (\cref{ch:stats}) that are relevant to the situation. The roll of those dice determines the outcome. + +\begin{multicols}{2} + + \subsection*{Difficulty Threshold} + + Whether a roll is a success or a failure depends on the Difficulty Threshold (DT) of the task. The DT is a value between 1 and 12, which determines which rolls are successes and which are failures. For any particular task, the DT is either set by the GR, or is computed from the opponent's stats. Rolls with results greater than the DT are counted as successes and the remaining rolls are failures. + + \subsection*{Rolling 1 or 12} + + When rolling for a test, rolls of 1 or 12 has special meaning: they provide double the successes/failures. Rolling 1 gives two failures and rolling 12 gives two successes. + + \subsection*{Margin of Success} + + The difference between the number of successes and the number of failures on a roll is the Margin of Success. For basic tests, the size of the margin does not matter, as long as it is positive. For more complex situations, the GR can use the margin to determine the degree of success. In encounters, the margin is used for further rolls to determine the details of the result. + + \paragraph*{Note} When playing with real dice, the margin can be determined by pairing success and failure dice and setting them aside (for 1 and 12, remove two of the opposite dice), and counting the remaining dice. + + \subsection*{Tests} + + Depending on the complexity of the task at hand, different types of tests can be used to determine the success. Broadly, the tests fall into two categories: basic and extended. Basic test are used for quick and simple obstacles, while extended tests are used for longer tasks, such as combat. + + \subsubsection*{Basic Test} + + A basic test is used for situation with a simple success/failure outcome. If it makes sense, the margin of success can be used to determine the details of the test. + + \begin{samepage} + \begin{enumerate} + \item GR specifies which stats are applicable + \item Player assembles the dice pool + \item GR sets or determines the DT + \item Player rolls the dice and determines the margin of success + \item GR interprets the result + \end{enumerate} + \end{samepage} + + \subsubsection*{Extended Test}\label{sec:extended_test} + + An extended test occurs during more complicated tasks; a common example is combat, or a negotiation. It represents an arduous task that requires time and concentration to complete. + + It differs from the basic test in that the pool starts with the initial size, then, after every roll, failures are removed, and new dice are added based on the relevant stat -- either \stat{con} or \stat{CHA}. + + \begin{samepage} + \begin{enumerate} + \item GR specifies which stats are applicable + \item Player assembles the dice pool + \item GR sets or determines the DT \label{en:start} + \item Player rolls the dice and determines the margin of success + \item GR interprets the result + \item Player removes all dice that came up failures from the pool + \item Player adds \stat{CON}/\stat{CHA} dice to the pool + \item Repeat from \ref{en:start}. + \end{enumerate} + \end{samepage} + +\end{multicols} diff --git a/items.tex b/items.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02c1a8a --- /dev/null +++ b/items.tex @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +\part{Items} + +\input{items/equipment} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/items/equipment.tex b/items/equipment.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2277371 --- /dev/null +++ b/items/equipment.tex @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +\chapter{Equipment} + +\section*{Armor} + +\begin{multicols}{2} + + \subsection*{None} + + When a character is wearing clothes that offer no protection, they do not get a bonus to their \stat{ac}. + + \begin{tabular}[h!]{rp{4.3cm}} + \textsf{\textbf{Armor}} & 0 \\ + % \textsf{\textbf{Stat adjust}} & \dc{4} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Examples}} & Farmhand's clothes, Ball gown, Wizard's robe + \end{tabular} + + \subsection*{Light Armor} + + Light armor is clothing that has been designed to offer some protection. + + \begin{tabular}[h!]{rp{4.3cm}} + \textsf{\textbf{Armor}} & +1 \\ + % \textsf{\textbf{Stat adjust}} & \dc{4} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Examples}} & Leather armor, Padded cloth + \end{tabular} + + \subsection*{Medium Armor} + + Medium armor is, usually, metal armor that has been designed for protection in battle, while still allowing a full range of motion. + + \begin{tabular}[h!]{rp{4.3cm}} + \textsf{\textbf{Armor}} & +3 \\ + % \textsf{\textbf{Stat adjust}} & \dc{4} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Examples}} & Chainmail, Cuirass + \end{tabular} + + \subsection*{Heavy Armor} + + Heavy armor offers high protection, however, due to its stiffness and weight, it restricts the motion of the wearer. + + \begin{tabular}[h!]{rp{4.3cm}} + \textsf{\textbf{Armor}} & +5 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Stat adjust}} & \stat{dex} -1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Examples}} & Full Suit of Armor + \end{tabular} +\end{multicols} + + +\section*{Weapons} + +Weapons fall into one of five classes: simple weapons, bladed weapons, blunt weapons, pole weapons and ranged weapons. These classes are broad descriptors of how different types of weapons behave in the game. A player may choose any weapon, or even invent a whole new kind of weapon, and, together with the GR, determine what class it falls into. + +\begin{multicols}{2} + + + \subsection*{Simple Weapons} + + Simple weapons are weapons that do not require training to use. This is the only class of weapons that can be used without a proficiency, however, in that case the proficiency bonus does not apply. + + \begin{tabular}[h!]{rp{4.3cm}} + \textsf{\textbf{Proficiency stat}} & \stat{STR} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Damage die}} & \dc{4} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Examples}} & \raggedright Dagger, Club, Knife, Shortsword + \end{tabular} + + \subsection*{Bladed Weapons} + + Bladed weapons that require training deal more damage, but require proficiency. + + \begin{tabular}[h!]{rp{4.3cm}} + \textsf{\textbf{Proficiency stat}} & \stat{STR} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Damage die}} & \dc{6} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Examples}} & Longsword, Katana + \end{tabular} + + \subsection*{Blunt Weapons} + + Blunt weapons depend on their weight and the strength of the wielder to deal damage. However, they make the user less dexterous, due to their unwieldiness. + + \begin{tabular}[h!]{rp{4.3cm}} + \textsf{\textbf{Proficiency stat}} & \stat{STR} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Damage die}} & \dc{6} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Damage stat}} & \stat{STR} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Stat adjust}} & \stat{dex} -1 \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Examples}} & Mace, Flail, Warhammer + \end{tabular} + + + \subsection*{Pole Weapons} + + Pole weapons can reach farther than other weapons. + + \begin{tabular}[h!]{rp{4.3cm}} + \textsf{\textbf{Proficiency stat}} & \stat{dex} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Damage die}} & \dc{4} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Damage stat}} & \stat{dex} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Examples}} & Spear, Halberd, Glaive + \end{tabular} + + \subsection*{Ranged Weapons} + + Ranged weapons fire projectile at a target to deal damage. + + \begin{tabular}[h!]{rp{4.3cm}} + \textsf{\textbf{Proficiency stat}} & \stat{dex} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Damage die}} & \dc{4} \\ + \textsf{\textbf{Examples}} & Throwing knife, Javelin, Bow, Sling + \end{tabular} + +\end{multicols} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/latexmkrc b/latexmkrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5b5ac1 --- /dev/null +++ b/latexmkrc @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +@default_files = ('main.tex'); + +$aux_dir = "build"; +$emulate_aux = 1; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/main.tex b/main.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fee6389 --- /dev/null +++ b/main.tex @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,pagesize, openany]{scrbook} + +\KOMAoptions{ + numbers=noenddot, + chapterprefix, + parskip=half +} +\setlength{\footskip}{2.5em} +\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} +\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} +\usepackage[english]{babel} + +\usepackage{scrlayer-scrpage} + +\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} +\hypersetup{pdfpagelayout=TwoColumnRight,pdfstartview={XYZ null null 1.00}} + +\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} + +\usepackage[]{cleveref} + +\usepackage{multicol} +\setlength{\columnsep}{0.75cm} +\raggedcolumns +\usepackage{blindtext} + +% \usepackage[a4paper,bottom=2.2cm,hmarginratio=2:3,textwidth=10.5cm]{geometry} +\usepackage[a4paper,bottom=3.2cm,outer=2cm, inner=1.5cm, footskip=2.0cm]{geometry} + +% \usepackage{setspace} +% % \onehalfspacing + +% \usepackage[]{parskip} +% \usepackage{array} +\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} + +\raggedbottom + +% \renewcommand*\sfdefault{ugq} +\usepackage[scaled]{helvet} +% \usepackage{tgadventor} +\usepackage[]{scholax} + +\usepackage{microtype} + +\usepackage{anyfontsize} + +% \addtokomafont{chapter}{\scshape} + +\definecolor{chapterbrown}{RGB}{ 89, 25, 9} +\definecolor{sectionbrown}{RGB}{140, 39, 14} + + +\renewcommand{\chapterlineswithprefixformat}[3]{% +\color{chapterbrown}#2\MakeUppercase{#3}% +} + +\addtokomafont{section}{\color{sectionbrown}} +\addtokomafont{subsection}{\color{sectionbrown}} +\addtokomafont{subsubsection}{\color{sectionbrown}} +\renewcommand*{\chapterheadmidvskip}{\par\nobreak\vspace{0em}} +\newcommand{\clearpart}[1]{\cleardoubleevenpage\part{#1}} + +\addtokomafont{pagenumber}{\normalshape} + +\renewcommand\chapterpagestyle{plain} +\renewcommand\partpagestyle{empty} +\setkomafont{pagehead}{\footnotesize\sffamily} +\ihead[]{} +% \ohead[]{} +\lehead[]{Adventurer's Guide to Kraain} +\cehead[]{} +\rohead[]{\leftmark} +% \ofoot[]{} +\ofoot[\pagemark]{\pagemark} + +\title{Adventurer's Guide to Kraain} +\author{\texttt{HeNine}} +\date{2023} + + + + +\newcommand{\tochange}[1]{\textcolor{red}{#1}} + +\newcommand{\dc}[1]{\textsc{\large d}#1} + +\newcommand*{\stat}[1]{\textsc{\Large \MakeLowercase {#1}}} +% \newcommand*{\str}{\stat{stb}} +% \newcommand*{\dex}{\stat{stb}} +% \newcommand*{\con}{\stat{stb}} +% \newcommand*{\stb}{\stat{stb}} +% \newcommand*{\stb}{\stat{stb}} +% \newcommand*{\stb}{\stat{stb}} +% \newcommand*{\stb}{\stat{stb}} +% \newcommand*{\stb}{\stat{stb}} + +\begin{document} +% \fontdimen2\font=1.25\fontdimen2\font + +\pagestyle{scrheadings} + + +\frontmatter + +\maketitle + +\tableofcontents + +\mainmatter + + +\include{game} + +\include{character} + +\include{items} + +\include{encounters} + +\end{document}