use kartsimrust::{
premade::{get_bob, get_drub},
fn main() {
let mut a = 1.0;
let mut b = 1.0;
let mut total_turns = 0.0;
let mut battles = 0.0;
loop {
let mut bob = get_bob();
let mut drubs = (0..2).map(|_| get_drub()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
if let Some(turns) = make_them_fight(vec![&mut bob], drubs.iter_mut().collect()) {
battles += 1.0;
total_turns += turns as f64;
if bob.hp <= 0 {
b += 1.0;
println!("Bob died in {} turns.", turns)
} else {
a += 1.0;
println!("Drub died in {} turns.", turns)
if (a * b) / (f64::powi(a + b, 2) * (a + b + 1.0)) <= 0.0001 {
} else {
println!("No one died.")
"Bob won {:.2}% of battles in an average of {:.1} turns.",
a / (a + b) * 100.0,
total_turns / battles