\ProvidesClass{kartsstyle}[2023/05/08 Class for KaRTS books]
% Start from KOMA book
% Load for later
% Page geometry and PDF settings
\RequirePackage[a4paper,bottom=3.2cm,outer=2cm, inner=1.5cm, footskip=2.0cm]{geometry}
\hypersetup{pdfpagelayout=TwoColumnRight,pdfstartview={XYZ null null 1.00}}
% Microtype and fonts
% Colors
\definecolor{chapterbrown}{RGB}{ 89, 25, 9}
\definecolor{sectionbrown}{RGB}{140, 39, 14}
% Headers and footers
% Chapter headings
% Stat and dice typesetting
\newcommand{\dc}[1]{\textsc{\larger d}#1}
% Firstpar environment for the first paragraph of the chapter. Adds drop-capital, increases font size and add line spacing
% Multicol package. Change font size to \small.
% Metaphysics require complex math typesetting
% Cleveref -- Must be loaded after hyperref and amsmath
% Siunitx because what a TTRPG needs is precise metric typesetting
% For side boxes
\newenvironment{boxnote}[1][Note]{\begin{framed}\textbf{\sffamily #1} }{\end{framed}}