We also want to know what the expected margin of success is, given that the player succeeded in the roll, $\text{E}\left[M | M \geq0\right]$. \Cref{tab:exp_mos} shows the expectations.
Of note are the expected numbers of successes for \stat{DT} 11. The requirement for critical successes there causes a large variance in results. It is also important to remember that this does not show the full range of results. The highest possible result is $2d$, which for one die is the only possible (successful) result, while other numbers of dice have wider ranges.
The variance on the upper half of the \stat{DT} range is very low. Even large dice pools can only expect 1 or 2 successes. With a drop in \stat{DT} the dice pool really comes into its own and can be expected to produce more successes.
This means that building a large dice pool is not enough to ensure a large number of successes. The player must actually reduce the \stat{DT} to get a high likelihood of more successes.