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\paragraph{Sure Strike}
Sure Strike is an attack that guarantees a hit, but is not as good as a normal attack is expected to be.
Assuming the average \stat{DT} in a fight is 6, with \stat{con} 3, the expected size of a dice pool is 7. With a dice pool that size, the expected number of successes is around 2--3.
If we make the player sacrifice $d'$ dice to get $d'/2$ successes it means that with 7 dice, the player could get 3 successes, which is more than expected. On the other hand, they would have to sacrifice all 7 dice, instead of 3--4 they would likely lose to failures.
If, instead, they choose to spend 3--4 dice, they get 1--2 successes, which is fewer than expected.
Sweep hits multiple enemies. For flavor reasons, this ability should be limited by the player's \stat{STR}, i.e., the character must be strong to be able to push their weapon through multiple opponents.
\paragraph{Hard Strike}
Hard Strike should be more powerful than Sure Strike, bur can be less reliable.
Using the same assumption of \stat{DT} 6 and a pool of 7, if we assume a \stat{STR} of 3, adding \stat{STR} to successes roughly doubles the number of successes.
There must be a cost the prevents the player using this ability on every turn. Discarding the entire dice pool would mean it would likely take two turns to build it up to the previous size, which is congruent with the doubling of the damage. However, discarding a dice pool of 1--3 on every turn to get 3 successes would be too cheap. Therefore, a minimum must be set. Requiring $2\cdot\stat{str}$ dice to be discarded seems like a good balance. Making that number the maximum also avoids a problem with large dice pools. Even though statistically speaking you can expect the same number of successes from any dice pool, discarding 10 dice would feel worse than discarding 6.
The basic design of Parry is to make a roll and remove the number of defender's successes from that of the attacker.
Being about to use this ability on every turn would be too powerful and too tedious. Therefore, it must be limited to occasional use, similar to Hard Strike.
Disappear is intended to be used in combat (cf. Camouflage). However, any character paying attention should be able to spot a thief trying to disappear.
This is modeled by giving characters that attacked the thief and characters that did not attack anyone -- and are therefore free to pay attention -- to make an opposed roll.
Camouflage is supposed to be used before an encounter. Therefore, camouflage does not work on characters that are paying attention.
To balance that, camouflage allows movement. While a Thief is supposed to disappear and reappear multiple times in an encounter, a hunter is supposed to hide \emph{before} the encounter and strike when the time is right.
Reference in New Issue