diff --git a/lua/kickstart/plugins/debug.lua b/lua/kickstart/plugins/debug.lua index 753cb0ce..36433190 100644 --- a/lua/kickstart/plugins/debug.lua +++ b/lua/kickstart/plugins/debug.lua @@ -104,33 +104,24 @@ return { -- Set icons to characters that are more likely to work in every terminal. -- Feel free to remove or use ones that you like more! :) -- Don't feel like these are good choices. - icons = { expanded = '▾', collapsed = '▸', current_frame = '*' }, controls = { icons = { + disconnect = '', pause = '⏸', - play = '▶', - step_into = '⏎', - step_over = '⏭', - step_out = '⏮', + play = '', + run_last = '', step_back = 'b', - run_last = '▶▶', - terminate = '⏹', - disconnect = '⏏', + step_into = '', + step_over = '➔', + step_out = '', + terminate = '', }, }, } -- Change breakpoint icons - -- vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'DapBreak', { fg = '#e51400' }) - -- vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'DapStop', { fg = '#ffcc00' }) - -- local breakpoint_icons = vim.g.have_nerd_font - -- and { Breakpoint = '', BreakpointCondition = '', BreakpointRejected = '', LogPoint = '', Stopped = '' } - -- or { Breakpoint = '●', BreakpointCondition = '⊜', BreakpointRejected = '⊘', LogPoint = '◆', Stopped = '⭔' } - -- for type, icon in pairs(breakpoint_icons) do - -- local tp = 'Dap' .. type - -- local hl = (type == 'Stopped') and 'DapStop' or 'DapBreak' - -- vim.fn.sign_define(tp, { text = icon, texthl = hl, numhl = hl }) - -- end + vim.fn.sign_define('DapStopped', { text = '›', texthl = 'DiagnosticInfo' }) + vim.fn.sign_define('DapBreakpoint', { text = '', texthl = 'DiagnosticError' }) dap.listeners.after.event_initialized['dapui_config'] = dapui.open dap.listeners.before.event_terminated['dapui_config'] = dapui.close