You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

157 lines
6.7 KiB

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import int_or_none
from ..compat import compat_urllib_parse_urlencode
class TwentyThreeVideoIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = '23video'
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?P<domain>[^.]+\.(?:twentythree\.net|kglteater\.dk|23video\.com|filmweb\.no))/v\.ihtml/player\.html\?(?P<query>.*?\bphoto(?:_|%5f)id=(?P<id>\d+).*)'
_TESTS = [{
'url': '',
'md5': '75fcf216303eb1dae9920d651f85ced4',
'info_dict': {
'id': '20448876',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Video Marketing Minute: Personalized Video',
'timestamp': 1513855354,
'upload_date': '20171221',
'uploader_id': '12258964',
'uploader': 'Rasmus Bysted',
}, {
'url': '',
'md5': '772a91f83d129ee5f015b12bea61a78b',
'info_dict': {
'id': '36137620',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Photoshop Elements 2019 - Photo Text',
'timestamp': 1538664032,
'upload_date': '20181004',
'uploader_id': '10801356',
'uploader': 'Kristoffer Engbo',
}, {
4 years ago
'url': '',
'md5': '4e20a33ce86b13ca114ee44a0a8d8efb',
'info_dict': {
'id': '65098499',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Askepot',
'timestamp': 1605173942,
'upload_date': '20201112',
'uploader_id': '62151179',
'uploader': 'jbny',
}, {
'url': '',
'md5': 'c39ffb965079fb4395788e6814ec3cdc',
'info_dict': {
'id': '52486482',
'ext': 'mp4',
4 years ago
'title': 'Nøddeknækkeren 2019',
'timestamp': 1558953133,
'upload_date': '20190527',
'uploader_id': '7450690',
'uploader': 'Tejs Holm',
def _real_extract(self, url):
domain, query, photo_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
base_url = 'https://%s' % domain
def is_geo_blocked():
# /api/player/settings
playersettings_0 = {'player_id': 0, 'parameters': 'showDescriptions=0&source=site&photo%5fid=' + photo_id + '&autoPlay=1', '_li': 0, '_bot': 0}
playersettings_0_param = '/api/player/settings?' + compat_urllib_parse_urlencode(playersettings_0)
# /api/live/list
livelist_1 = {'include_actions_p': 1, 'showDescriptions': 0, 'source': 'site', 'photo_id': photo_id, 'autoPlay': 1, 'upcoming_p': 1, 'ordering': 'streaming', 'player_id': 0}
livelist_1_param = '/api/live/list?' + compat_urllib_parse_urlencode(livelist_1)
# /api/photo/list
photolist_2 = {'size': 10, 'include_actions_p': 1, 'showDescriptions': 0, 'source': 'site', 'photo_id': photo_id, 'autoPlay': 1, 'player_id': 0}
photolist_2_param = '/api/photo/list?' + compat_urllib_parse_urlencode(photolist_2)
new_query = {'format': 'json', 'callback': 'test', 'playersettings_0': playersettings_0_param, 'livelist_1': livelist_1_param, 'photolist_2': photolist_2_param}
photolist_result = self._download_json(
base_url + '/api/concatenate',
transform_source=lambda s: self._search_regex(r'(?s)({.+})', s, 'photolist_2')
if "photos" in photolist_result:
for photo in photolist_result['photos']:
if photo['photo_id'] == photo_id:
return photo['protection_method'] == 'geoblocking'
4 years ago
return False
def get_video_query():
if is_geo_blocked():
token = self._download_json(
base_url + '/api/protection/verify',
query={'protection_method': 'geoblocking', 'object_id': photo_id, 'object_type': 'photo', 'format': 'json', 'callback': 'visualplatform_1'},
transform_source=lambda s: self._search_regex(r'(?s)({.+})', s, 'protectedtoken'))['protectedtoken']['protected_token']
4 years ago
return {'format': 'json', 'token': token}
return {'format': 'json'}
4 years ago
video_query = get_video_query()
photo_data = self._download_json(
base_url + '/api/photo/list?' + query, photo_id,
transform_source=lambda s: self._search_regex(r'(?s)({.+})', s, 'photo data'))['photo']
title = photo_data['title']
formats = []
audio_path = photo_data.get('audio_download')
if audio_path:
'format_id': 'audio',
'url': base_url + audio_path,
'filesize': int_or_none(photo_data.get('audio_size')),
'vcodec': 'none',
def add_common_info_to_list(l, template, id_field, id_value):
f_base = template % id_value
f_path = photo_data.get(f_base + 'download')
if not f_path:
id_field: id_value,
'url': base_url + f_path,
'width': int_or_none(photo_data.get(f_base + 'width')),
'height': int_or_none(photo_data.get(f_base + 'height')),
'filesize': int_or_none(photo_data.get(f_base + 'size')),
for f in ('mobile_high', 'medium', 'hd', '1080p', '4k'):
add_common_info_to_list(formats, 'video_%s_', 'format_id', f)
thumbnails = []
for t in ('quad16', 'quad50', 'quad75', 'quad100', 'small', 'portrait', 'standard', 'medium', 'large', 'original'):
add_common_info_to_list(thumbnails, '%s_', 'id', t)
return {
'id': photo_id,
'title': title,
'timestamp': int_or_none(photo_data.get('creation_date_epoch')),
'duration': int_or_none(photo_data.get('video_length')),
'view_count': int_or_none(photo_data.get('view_count')),
'comment_count': int_or_none(photo_data.get('number_of_comments')),
'uploader_id': photo_data.get('user_id'),
'uploader': photo_data.get('display_name'),
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
'formats': formats,