@ -6002,114 +6002,63 @@ def parse_m3u8_attributes(attrib):
def urshift(val, n):
return val >> n if val >= 0 else (val + 0x100000000) >> n
# Based on png2str() written by @gdkchan and improved by @yokrysty
# Originally posted at https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/9706
def decode_png(png_data):
# Reference: https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/
header = png_data[8:]
if png_data[:8] != b'\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a' or header[4:8] != b'IHDR':
if png_data[:8] != b'\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a':
raise IOError('Not a valid PNG file.')
int_map = {1: '>B', 2: '>H', 4: '>I'}
unpack_integer = lambda x: compat_struct_unpack(int_map[len(x)], x)[0]
def unpack_integer(data):
return compat_struct_unpack(f'>{int_map[len(data)]}', data)[0]
int_map = {1: 'B', 2: 'H', 4: 'I'}
header = png_data[8:]
chunks = []
while header:
length = unpack_integer(header[:4])
header = header[4:]
chunk_type = header[:4]
header = header[4:]
chunk_data = header[:length]
header = header[length:]
chunk_type, chunk_data, header = header[4:8], header[8:8 + length], header[8 + length + 4:]
chunks.append({'type': chunk_type, 'data': chunk_data})
header = header[4:] # Skip CRC
if not (ihdr := next((c["data"] for c in chunks if c["type"] == b'IHDR'), None)):
raise IOError("Unable to read PNG header.")
'type': chunk_type,
'length': length,
'data': chunk_data
ihdr = chunks[0]['data']
width = unpack_integer(ihdr[:4])
height = unpack_integer(ihdr[4:8])
idat = b''
for chunk in chunks:
if chunk['type'] == b'IDAT':
idat += chunk['data']
width, height = unpack_integer(ihdr[:4]), unpack_integer(ihdr[4:8])
idat = b''.join(c['data'] for c in chunks if c['type'] == b'IDAT')
if not idat:
raise IOError('Unable to read PNG data.')
decompressed_data = bytearray(zlib.decompress(idat))
stride = width * 3
pixels = []
def _get_pixel(idx):
x = idx % stride
y = idx // stride
return pixels[y][x]
pixels = [[] for _ in range(height)]
def _get_pixel(x, y):
return pixels[y][x] if x >= 0 and y >= 0 else 0
for y in range(height):
basePos = y * (1 + stride)
filter_type = decompressed_data[basePos]
current_row = []
filter_type = decompressed_data[y * (1 + stride)]
for x in range(stride):
color = decompressed_data[1 + basePos + x]
basex = y * stride + x
left = 0
up = 0
if x > 2:
left = _get_pixel(basex - 3)
if y > 0:
up = _get_pixel(basex - stride)
color = decompressed_data[1 + y * (1 + stride) + x]
left, up = _get_pixel(x - 3, y), _get_pixel(x, y - 1)
if filter_type == 1: # Sub
if filter_type == 1: # Sub
color = (color + left) & 0xff
elif filter_type == 2: # Up
elif filter_type == 2: # Up
color = (color + up) & 0xff
elif filter_type == 3: # Average
elif filter_type == 3: # Average
color = (color + ((left + up) >> 1)) & 0xff
elif filter_type == 4: # Paeth
a = left
b = up
c = 0
if x > 2 and y > 0:
c = _get_pixel(basex - stride - 3)
elif filter_type == 4: # Paeth
a, b, c = left, up, _get_pixel(x - 3, y - 1)
p = a + b - c
pa = abs(p - a)
pb = abs(p - b)
pc = abs(p - c)
if pa <= pb and pa <= pc:
color = (color + a) & 0xff
elif pb <= pc:
color = (color + b) & 0xff
color = (color + c) & 0xff
pa, pb, pc = abs(p - a), abs(p - b), abs(p - c)
color = (color + (a if pa <= pb and pa <= pc else b if pb <= pc else c)) & 0xff
return width, height, pixels
def write_xattr(path, key, value):
# This mess below finds the best xattr tool for the job