@ -4,28 +4,49 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import js_to_json
from ..utils import (
from ..compat import (
class MegaphoneIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'megaphone.fm'
IE_DESC = 'megaphone.fm embedded players'
_VALID_URL = r'https://player\.megaphone\.fm/(?P<id>[A-Z0-9]+)'
_TEST = {
'url': 'https://player.megaphone.fm/GLT9749789991?"',
_PLAYER_URL_TEMPL = 'https://player.megaphone.fm/%s'
_VALID_URL_TEMPL = _PLAYER_URL_TEMPL.replace('.', r'\.')
_VALID_URL = _VALID_URL_TEMPL % r'(?P<id>[A-Z0-9]+)'
_JSON_URL_TEMPL = _PLAYER_URL_TEMPL % 'playlist/episode/%s'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://player.megaphone.fm/GLT9749789991',
'md5': '4816a0de523eb3e972dc0dda2c191f96',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'GLT9749789991',
'ext': 'mp3',
'title': '#97 What Kind Of Idiot Gets Phished?',
'thumbnail': r're:^https://.*\.png.*$',
'duration': 1776.26375,
'author': 'Reply All',
'thumbnail': r're:^https://.*\.png(?:\?.+)?$',
'duration': 2013.36,
'uploader': 'Reply All',
'upload_date': '20170518',
'timestamp': 1495101600,
'description': 'md5:8fc2ba1da0efb099ef928df127358a90',
def _real_extract(self, url):
video_id = self._match_id(url)
def _old_real_extract(self, url, video_id):
"""version for pages before React-ification"""
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
title = self._og_search_property('audio:title', webpage)
@ -45,11 +66,254 @@ class MegaphoneIE(InfoExtractor):
'thumbnail': thumbnail,
'title': title,
'author': author,
'duration': episode_data['duration'],
'duration': episode_data.get('duration'),
'formats': formats,
def _real_extract(self, url):
video_id = self._match_id(url)
episode_json = self._download_json(self._JSON_URL_TEMPL % video_id, video_id, fatal=False)
if episode_json is False:
# probably, no pages match the old structure, but try anyway
return self._old_real_extract(url, video_id)
entries = []
for e in try_get(episode_json, lambda x: x['episodes'], list) or []:
title = try_get(e, lambda x: x['title'], compat_str)
if not title:
video_url = dict_get(e, ('episodeUrlHRef', 'audioURL'))
if not video_url:
entry = {
'id': e.get('UID') or video_id,
'title': title,
'description': clean_html(e.get('summary')),
'alt_title': e.get('subtitle'),
'formats': [{'url': video_url}],
'thumbnail': e.get('imageUrl'),
'duration': parse_duration(e.get('duration')),
'timestamp': parse_iso8601(e.get('pubDate')),
uploader = episode_json.get('podcastTitle')
if uploader:
entry['uploader'] = uploader
entry['author'] = uploader
if entries:
if len(entries) == 1:
return entries[0]
return self.playlist_result(entries, playlist_id=video_id, playlist_title=episode_json.get('podcastTitle'))
def _extract_urls(cls, webpage):
return [m[0] for m in re.findall(
r'<iframe[^>]*?\ssrc=["\'](%s)' % cls._VALID_URL, webpage)]
class MegaphoneEpisodeIE(MegaphoneIE):
IE_NAME = 'megaphone.fm:episode'
IE_DESC = 'megaphone.fm episode'
_VALID_URL_TEMPL = r'https://playlist\.megaphone\.fm/?%s'
_VALID_URL = _VALID_URL_TEMPL % r'\?e=(?P<id>[A-Z0-9]+)'
_JSON_URL_TEMPL = MegaphoneIE._PLAYER_URL_TEMPL % 'playlist/episode/%s'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://playlist.megaphone.fm/?e=PAN7405681599',
'md5': '7fa866c3af93caac7e13a579c183f6ab',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'PAN7405681599',
'ext': 'mp3',
'title': 'Nirvana - Nevermind: 30 Years Later with Danny Goldberg',
'thumbnail': r're:^https://.*\.jpe?g(?:\?.+)?$',
'duration': 3576.94,
'uploader': 'Cobras & Fire: Comedy / Rock Talk Show',
'upload_date': '20210810',
'timestamp': 1628578800,
'description': 'md5:8f5623a8b22d3be4420c4570d0e36b69',
class MegaphonePlaylistIE(MegaphoneEpisodeIE):
IE_NAME = 'megaphone.fm:playlist'
IE_DESC = 'megaphone.fm playlist'
_VALID_URL = MegaphoneEpisodeIE._VALID_URL_TEMPL % r'\?p=(?P<id>[A-Z0-9]+)'
_JSON_URL_TEMPL = MegaphoneIE._PLAYER_URL_TEMPL % 'playlist/%s'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://playlist.megaphone.fm/?p=DEM6640968282',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'DEM6640968282',
'title': 'Lightbulb Productions',
'playlist_mincount': 6,
}, {
'url': 'https://playlist.megaphone.fm/?p=DEM6640968282',
'md5': '71fbb6616c75aa2cc972e978683dffd4',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'DEM6640968282',
'ext': 'mp3',
'title': 'Open Source World',
'thumbnail': r're:^https://.*\.jpe?g(?:\?.+)?$',
'duration': 754.38,
'uploader': 'Lightbulb Productions',
'upload_date': '20200602',
'timestamp': 1591070400,
'description': 'md5:a06a5a078c0d98bb023626615fb1432d',
'params': {
'noplaylist': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
entries = super(MegaphonePlaylistIE, self)._real_extract(url)
if entries:
noplaylist = self._downloader.params.get('noplaylist')
if noplaylist:
self.to_screen('Downloading just the first episode because of --no-playlist')
return entries['entries'][0]
return entries
import xml
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
compat_XMLParser = xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser
from ..compat import (
class compat_XMLParser(xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser):
def _fixtext(self, text):
return text
def compat_etree_fromstring(text):
doc = _XML(
for el in _etree_iter(doc):
if el.text is not None and isinstance(el.text, bytes):
el.text = el.text.decode('utf-8')
return doc
class MegaphoneChannelIE(MegaphoneIE):
IE_NAME = 'megaphone.fm:channel'
IE_DESC = 'megaphone.fm channel'
_VALID_URL = r'https://cms\.megaphone\.fm/channel/(?P<id>[A-Z0-9]+)(?:\?selected=(?P<clip_id>[A-Z0-9]+))?'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/ADL3707263633',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'ADL3707263633',
'title': 'Pax Britannica',
'description': 'md5:7b4002330ffe4abcb81d97ab9b56fede',
'playlist_mincount': 98,
}, {
'url': 'https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/ADL3707263633?selected=ADL9449136081',
'md5': '42901d1112c059a8de374046e0b1ed25',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'ADL9449136081',
'title': '02.23 - Nolumus Leges Angliae Mutari',
'description': 'md5:d35989ec81de7199b3020bc919ab7c0d',
'ext': 'mp3',
'thumbnail': r're:^https://.*\.png(?:\?.+)?$',
'duration': 2470.09,
'extractor_key': 'Megaphone',
'upload_date': '20210711',
'timestamp': 1625961600,
'uploader': 'Pax Britannica',
}, {
'url': 'https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/ADL3707263633',
'md5': '81156c760235d45a9133a9ea9ccbb7d0',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'ADL9716153485',
'title': '02.24 - Give Unto Caesar His Due',
'description': 'The First English Civil War begins.',
'ext': 'mp3',
'duration': 1860,
'params': {
'noplaylist': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groupdict()
video_id = mobj['id']
# If clip is selected, dl that instead
clip_id = mobj.get('clip_id')
if clip_id:
return self.url_result(self._PLAYER_URL_TEMPL % clip_id, ie='Megaphone', video_id=clip_id)
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
# Useful information is split between a JS JSON.parse() call and
# a <div class="public-ep-list>...</div> HTML element
playlist_json = self._search_regex(
webpage, 'playlist JSON')
# The data must be parsed twice: once for JSON.parse, once for Python
playlist_json = self._parse_json(
playlist_json, video_id,
transform_source=lambda s: self._parse_json(s, video_id, transform_source=js_to_json))
entries = []
ep_num = 0
ep_list = None
# Support --no-playlist to get the first item when no explicit selection
noplaylist = self._downloader.params.get('noplaylist')
for episode in playlist_json:
ep_num += 1
ep_url = episode.get('mp3')
ep_title = episode.get('title')
ep_id = episode.get('uid')
if not (ep_url and ep_id):
entry = {
'url': ep_url,
'id': ep_id,
if ep_num == 1:
# As there are items to process, initialise the public-ep-list
ep_list = self._search_regex(
webpage, 'episode list', default=None, group='ep_list')
if ep_list:
# Although the page itself isn't well-formed as XML, the
# <div class="public-ep-list>...</div> HTML element is (apparently)
# So for "easy" extraction, make it into a compat_etree_Element
ep_list = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><eplist>%s</eplist>' % ep_list
ep_list = ep_list.encode('utf-8')
ep_list = try_get(ep_list, compat_etree_fromstring, compat_etree_Element)
if ep_list is not None:
# Use the subset XPath syntax to extract the additional data (counted from 0)
ep_info = ep_list.find(compat_xpath("div[@id='%d']" % ep_num))
if ep_info is not None:
if not ep_title:
title = ep_info.find(compat_xpath(".//div[@class='ep-title']"))
if title:
ep_title = str_or_none(title.text)
description = ep_info.find(compat_xpath(".//div[@class='ep-summary']"))
if description is not None:
entry['description'] = str_or_none(description.text)
duration = ep_info.find(compat_xpath(".//div[@class='ep-duration']"))
if duration is not None:
entry['duration'] = parse_duration(duration.text)
if not ep_title:
entry['title'] = ep_title
if ep_num == 1 and noplaylist:
self.to_screen('Downloading just the first episode because of --no-playlist')
return entry
if entries:
title = (self._og_search_property('audio:artist', webpage, default=None)
or get_element_by_class('title', webpage))
description = get_element_by_class('summary', webpage)
return self.playlist_result(entries, video_id, title, description)