@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
writeannotations: Write the video annotations to a .annotations.xml file
writethumbnail: Write the thumbnail image to a file
write_all_thumbnails: Write all thumbnail formats to files
thumbnailformat: Thumbnail format ID
writesubtitles: Write the video subtitles to a file
writeautomaticsub: Write the automatically generated subtitles to a file
allsubtitles: Downloads all the subtitles of the video
@ -2425,8 +2426,24 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
def _write_thumbnails(self, info_dict, filename):
if self.params.get('writethumbnail', False):
def try_and_return_int(s):
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return -1
thumbnails = info_dict.get('thumbnails')
if thumbnails:
thumbnailformat = try_and_return_int(self.params.get('thumbnailformat', False))
if thumbnailformat:
if thumbnailformat in range(len(thumbnails)):
thumbnails = [thumbnails[thumbnailformat]]
'Thumbnail ID unavailable, falling back to default.'
' Check available thumbnail formats with the option --list-thumbnails'
thumbnails = [thumbnails[-1]]
thumbnails = [thumbnails[-1]]
elif self.params.get('write_all_thumbnails', False):
thumbnails = info_dict.get('thumbnails')