@ -387,8 +387,9 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
if True , otherwise use ffmpeg / avconv if False , otherwise
use downloader suggested by extractor if None .
compat_opts : Compatibility options . See " Differences in default behavior " .
Note that only format - sort , format - spec , no - live - chat , no - attach - info - json
playlist - index , list - formats , no - youtube - channel - redirect
Note that only format - sort , format - spec , no - live - chat ,
no - attach - info - json , playlist - index , list - formats ,
no - direct - merge , no - youtube - channel - redirect ,
and no - youtube - unavailable - videos works when used via the API
The following parameters are not used by YoutubeDL itself , they are used by
@ -2294,7 +2295,8 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
if not test :
for ph in self . _progress_hooks :
fd . add_progress_hook ( ph )
self . write_debug ( ' Invoking downloader on %r ' % info . get ( ' url ' ) )
urls = ' " , " ' . join ( [ f [ ' url ' ] for f in info . get ( ' requested_formats ' , [ ] ) ] or [ info [ ' url ' ] ] )
self . write_debug ( ' Invoking downloader on " %s " ' % urls )
new_info = dict ( info )
if new_info . get ( ' http_headers ' ) is None :
new_info [ ' http_headers ' ] = self . _calc_headers ( new_info )
@ -2533,17 +2535,6 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
success = True
if info_dict . get ( ' requested_formats ' ) is not None :
downloaded = [ ]
merger = FFmpegMergerPP ( self )
if self . params . get ( ' allow_unplayable_formats ' ) :
self . report_warning (
' You have requested merging of multiple formats '
' while also allowing unplayable formats to be downloaded. '
' The formats won \' t be merged to prevent data corruption. ' )
elif not merger . available :
self . report_warning (
' You have requested merging of multiple formats but ffmpeg is not installed. '
' The formats won \' t be merged. ' )
def compatible_formats ( formats ) :
# TODO: some formats actually allow this (mkv, webm, ogg, mp4), but not all of them.
@ -2591,27 +2582,57 @@ class YoutubeDL(object):
temp_filename = correct_ext ( temp_filename )
dl_filename = existing_file ( full_filename , temp_filename )
info_dict [ ' __real_download ' ] = False
if dl_filename is None :
for f in requested_formats :
new_info = dict ( info_dict )
new_info . update ( f )
fname = prepend_extension (
self . prepare_filename ( new_info , ' temp ' ) ,
' f %s ' % f [ ' format_id ' ] , new_info [ ' ext ' ] )
if not self . _ensure_dir_exists ( fname ) :
downloaded . append ( fname )
partial_success , real_download = self . dl ( fname , new_info )
info_dict [ ' __real_download ' ] = info_dict [ ' __real_download ' ] or real_download
success = success and partial_success
if merger . available and not self . params . get ( ' allow_unplayable_formats ' ) :
info_dict [ ' __postprocessors ' ] . append ( merger )
info_dict [ ' __files_to_merge ' ] = downloaded
# Even if there were no downloads, it is being merged only now
info_dict [ ' __real_download ' ] = True
else :
for file in downloaded :
files_to_move [ file ] = None
_protocols = set ( determine_protocol ( f ) for f in requested_formats )
if len ( _protocols ) == 1 :
info_dict [ ' protocol ' ] = _protocols . pop ( )
directly_mergable = (
' no-direct-merge ' not in self . params . get ( ' compat_opts ' , [ ] )
and info_dict . get ( ' protocol ' ) is not None # All requested formats have same protocol
and not self . params . get ( ' allow_unplayable_formats ' )
and get_suitable_downloader ( info_dict , self . params ) . __name__ == ' FFmpegFD ' )
if directly_mergable :
info_dict [ ' url ' ] = requested_formats [ 0 ] [ ' url ' ]
# Treat it as a single download
dl_filename = existing_file ( full_filename , temp_filename )
if dl_filename is None :
success , real_download = self . dl ( temp_filename , info_dict )
info_dict [ ' __real_download ' ] = real_download
else :
downloaded = [ ]
merger = FFmpegMergerPP ( self )
if self . params . get ( ' allow_unplayable_formats ' ) :
self . report_warning (
' You have requested merging of multiple formats '
' while also allowing unplayable formats to be downloaded. '
' The formats won \' t be merged to prevent data corruption. ' )
elif not merger . available :
self . report_warning (
' You have requested merging of multiple formats but ffmpeg is not installed. '
' The formats won \' t be merged. ' )
if dl_filename is None :
for f in requested_formats :
new_info = dict ( info_dict )
del new_info [ ' requested_formats ' ]
new_info . update ( f )
fname = prepend_extension (
self . prepare_filename ( new_info , ' temp ' ) ,
' f %s ' % f [ ' format_id ' ] , new_info [ ' ext ' ] )
if not self . _ensure_dir_exists ( fname ) :
downloaded . append ( fname )
partial_success , real_download = self . dl ( fname , new_info )
info_dict [ ' __real_download ' ] = info_dict [ ' __real_download ' ] or real_download
success = success and partial_success
if merger . available and not self . params . get ( ' allow_unplayable_formats ' ) :
info_dict [ ' __postprocessors ' ] . append ( merger )
info_dict [ ' __files_to_merge ' ] = downloaded
# Even if there were no downloads, it is being merged only now
info_dict [ ' __real_download ' ] = True
else :
for file in downloaded :
files_to_move [ file ] = None
else :
# Just a single file
dl_filename = existing_file ( full_filename , temp_filename )