from __future__ import unicode_literals
import errno
import os
import socket
import time
import random
import re
from .common import FileDownloader
from ..compat import (
from ..utils import (
class HttpFD(FileDownloader):
def real_download(self, filename, info_dict):
url = info_dict['url']
class DownloadContext(dict):
__getattr__ = dict.get
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
ctx = DownloadContext()
ctx.filename = filename
ctx.tmpfilename = self.temp_name(filename)
ctx.stream = None
# Do not include the Accept-Encoding header
headers = {'Youtubedl-no-compression': 'True'}
add_headers = info_dict.get('http_headers')
if add_headers:
is_test = self.params.get('test', False)
chunk_size = self._TEST_FILE_SIZE if is_test else (
info_dict.get('downloader_options', {}).get('http_chunk_size')
or self.params.get('http_chunk_size') or 0)
ctx.open_mode = 'wb'
ctx.resume_len = 0
ctx.data_len = None
ctx.block_size = self.params.get('buffersize', 1024)
ctx.start_time = time.time()
ctx.chunk_size = None
if self.params.get('continuedl', True):
# Establish possible resume length
if os.path.isfile(encodeFilename(ctx.tmpfilename)):
ctx.resume_len = os.path.getsize(
ctx.is_resume = ctx.resume_len > 0
count = 0
retries = self.params.get('retries', 0)
class SucceedDownload(Exception):
class RetryDownload(Exception):
def __init__(self, source_error):
self.source_error = source_error
class NextFragment(Exception):
def set_range(req, start, end):
range_header = 'bytes=%d-' % start
if end:
range_header += compat_str(end)
req.add_header('Range', range_header)
def establish_connection():
ctx.chunk_size = (random.randint(int(chunk_size * 0.95), chunk_size)
if not is_test and chunk_size else chunk_size)
if ctx.resume_len > 0:
range_start = ctx.resume_len
if ctx.is_resume:
ctx.open_mode = 'ab'
elif ctx.chunk_size > 0:
range_start = 0
range_start = None
ctx.is_resume = False
range_end = range_start + ctx.chunk_size - 1 if ctx.chunk_size else None
if range_end and ctx.data_len is not None and range_end >= ctx.data_len:
range_end = ctx.data_len - 1
has_range = range_start is not None
ctx.has_range = has_range
request = sanitized_Request(url, None, headers)
if has_range:
set_range(request, range_start, range_end)
# Establish connection
ctx.data = self.ydl.urlopen(request)
# When trying to resume, Content-Range HTTP header of response has to be checked
# to match the value of requested Range HTTP header. This is due to a webservers
# that don't support resuming and serve a whole file with no Content-Range
# set in response despite of requested Range (see
# https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/6057#issuecomment-126129799)
if has_range:
content_range = ctx.data.headers.get('Content-Range')
if content_range:
content_range_m = re.search(r'bytes (\d+)-(\d+)?(?:/(\d+))?', content_range)
# Content-Range is present and matches requested Range, resume is possible
if content_range_m:
if range_start == int(content_range_m.group(1)):
content_range_end = int_or_none(content_range_m.group(2))
content_len = int_or_none(content_range_m.group(3))
accept_content_len = (
# Non-chunked download
not ctx.chunk_size
# Chunked download and requested piece or
# its part is promised to be served
or content_range_end == range_end
or content_len < range_end)
if accept_content_len:
ctx.data_len = content_len
# Content-Range is either not present or invalid. Assuming remote webserver is
# trying to send the whole file, resume is not possible, so wiping the local file
# and performing entire redownload
ctx.resume_len = 0
ctx.open_mode = 'wb'
ctx.data_len = int_or_none(ctx.data.info().get('Content-length', None))
except (compat_urllib_error.HTTPError, ) as err:
if err.code == 416:
# Unable to resume (requested range not satisfiable)
# Open the connection again without the range header
ctx.data = self.ydl.urlopen(
sanitized_Request(url, None, headers))
content_length = ctx.data.info()['Content-Length']
except (compat_urllib_error.HTTPError, ) as err:
if err.code < 500 or err.code >= 600:
# Examine the reported length
if (content_length is not None
and (ctx.resume_len - 100 < int(content_length) < ctx.resume_len + 100)):
# The file had already been fully downloaded.
# Explanation to the above condition: in issue #175 it was revealed that
# YouTube sometimes adds or removes a few bytes from the end of the file,
# changing the file size slightly and causing problems for some users. So
# I decided to implement a suggested change and consider the file
# completely downloaded if the file size differs less than 100 bytes from
# the one in the hard drive.
self.try_rename(ctx.tmpfilename, ctx.filename)
'filename': ctx.filename,
'status': 'finished',
'downloaded_bytes': ctx.resume_len,
'total_bytes': ctx.resume_len,
raise SucceedDownload()
# The length does not match, we start the download over
ctx.resume_len = 0
ctx.open_mode = 'wb'
elif err.code < 500 or err.code >= 600:
# Unexpected HTTP error
raise RetryDownload(err)
except socket.error as err:
if err.errno != errno.ECONNRESET:
# Connection reset is no problem, just retry
raise RetryDownload(err)
def download():
data_len = ctx.data.info().get('Content-length', None)
# Range HTTP header may be ignored/unsupported by a webserver
# (e.g. extractor/scivee.py, extractor/bambuser.py).
# However, for a test we still would like to download just a piece of a file.
# To achieve this we limit data_len to _TEST_FILE_SIZE and manually control
# block size when downloading a file.
if is_test and (data_len is None or int(data_len) > self._TEST_FILE_SIZE):
data_len = self._TEST_FILE_SIZE
if data_len is not None:
data_len = int(data_len) + ctx.resume_len
min_data_len = self.params.get('min_filesize')
max_data_len = self.params.get('max_filesize')
if min_data_len is not None and data_len < min_data_len:
self.to_screen('\r[download] File is smaller than min-filesize (%s bytes < %s bytes). Aborting.' % (data_len, min_data_len))
return False
if max_data_len is not None and data_len > max_data_len:
self.to_screen('\r[download] File is larger than max-filesize (%s bytes > %s bytes). Aborting.' % (data_len, max_data_len))
return False
byte_counter = 0 + ctx.resume_len
block_size = ctx.block_size
start = time.time()
# measure time over whole while-loop, so slow_down() and best_block_size() work together properly
now = None # needed for slow_down() in the first loop run
before = start # start measuring
def retry(e):
to_stdout = ctx.tmpfilename == '-'
if not to_stdout:
ctx.stream = None
ctx.resume_len = byte_counter if to_stdout else os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(ctx.tmpfilename))
raise RetryDownload(e)
while True:
# Download and write
pull changes from remote master (#190)
* [scrippsnetworks] Add new extractor(closes #19857)(closes #22981)
* [teachable] Improve locked lessons detection (#23528)
* [teachable] Fail with error message if no video URL found
* [extractors] add missing import for ScrippsNetworksIE
* [brightcove] cache brightcove player policy keys
* [prosiebensat1] improve geo restriction handling(closes #23571)
* [soundcloud] automatically update client id on failing requests
* [spankbang] Fix extraction (closes #23307, closes #23423, closes #23444)
* [spankbang] Improve removed video detection (#23423)
* [brightcove] update policy key on failing requests
* [pornhub] Fix extraction and add support for m3u8 formats (closes #22749, closes #23082)
* [pornhub] Improve locked videos detection (closes #22449, closes #22780)
* [brightcove] invalidate policy key cache on failing requests
* [soundcloud] fix client id extraction for non fatal requests
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* [devscripts/create-github-release] Switch to using PAT for authentication
Basic authentication will be deprecated soon
* release 2020.01.01
* [redtube] Detect private videos (#23518)
* [vice] improve extraction(closes #23631)
* [devscripts/create-github-release] Remove unused import
* [wistia] improve format extraction and extract subtitles(closes #22590)
* [nrktv:seriebase] Fix extraction (closes #23625) (#23537)
* [discovery] fix anonymous token extraction(closes #23650)
* [scrippsnetworks] add support for www.discovery.com videos
* [scrippsnetworks] correct test case URL
* [dctp] fix format extraction(closes #23656)
* [pandatv] Remove extractor (#23630)
* [naver] improve extraction
- improve geo-restriction handling
- extract automatic captions
- extract uploader metadata
- extract VLive HLS formats
* [naver] improve metadata extraction
* [cloudflarestream] improve extraction
- add support for bytehighway.net domain
- add support for signed URLs
- extract thumbnail
* [cloudflarestream] import embed URL extraction
* [lego] fix extraction and extract subtitle(closes #23687)
* [safari] Fix kaltura session extraction (closes #23679) (#23670)
* [orf:fm4] Fix extraction (#23599)
* [orf:radio] Clean description and improve extraction
* [twitter] add support for promo_video_website cards(closes #23711)
* [vodplatform] add support for embed.kwikmotion.com domain
* [ndr:base:embed] Improve thumbnails extraction (closes #23731)
* [canvas] Add support for new API endpoint and update tests (closes #17680, closes #18629)
* [travis] Add flake8 job (#23720)
* [yourporn] Fix extraction (closes #21645, closes #22255, closes #23459)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.01.15
* [soundcloud] Restore previews extraction (closes #23739)
* [orf:tvthek] Improve geo restricted videos detection (closes #23741)
* [zype] improve extraction
- extract subtitles(closes #21258)
- support URLs with alternative keys/tokens(#21258)
- extract more metadata
* [americastestkitchen] fix extraction
* [nbc] add support for nbc multi network URLs(closes #23049)
* [ard] improve extraction(closes #23761)
- simplify extraction
- extract age limit and series
- bypass geo-restriction
* [ivi:compilation] Fix entries extraction (closes #23770)
* [24video] Add support for 24video.vip (closes #23753)
* [businessinsider] Fix jwplatform id extraction (closes #22929) (#22954)
* [ard] add a missing condition
* [azmedien] fix extraction(closes #23783)
* [voicerepublic] fix extraction
* [stretchinternet] fix extraction(closes #4319)
* [youtube] Fix sigfunc name extraction (closes #23819)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.01.24
* [soundcloud] imporve private playlist/set tracks extraction
* [svt] fix article extraction(closes #22897)(closes #22919)
* [svt] fix series extraction(closes #22297)
* [viewlift] improve extraction
- fix extraction(closes #23851)
- add add support for authentication
- add support for more domains
* [vimeo] fix album extraction(closes #23864)
* [tva] Relax _VALID_URL (closes #23903)
* [tv5mondeplus] Fix extraction (closes #23907, closes #23911)
* [twitch:stream] Lowercase channel id for stream request (closes #23917)
* [sportdeutschland] Update to new sportdeutschland API
They switched to SSL, but under a different host AND path...
Remove the old test cases because these videos have become unavailable.
* [popcorntimes] Add extractor (closes #23949)
* [thisoldhouse] fix extraction(closes #23951)
* [toggle] Add support for mewatch.sg (closes #23895) (#23930)
* [compat] Introduce compat_realpath (refs #23991)
* [update] Fix updating via symlinks (closes #23991)
* [nytimes] improve format sorting(closes #24010)
* [abc:iview] Support 720p (#22907) (#22921)
* [nova:embed] Fix extraction (closes #23672)
* [nova:embed] Improve (closes #23690)
* [nova] Improve extraction (refs #23690)
* [jpopsuki] Remove extractor (closes #23858)
* [YoutubeDL] Fix playlist entry indexing with --playlist-items (closes #10591, closes #10622)
* [test_YoutubeDL] Fix get_ids
* [test_YoutubeDL] Add tests for #10591 (closes #23873)
* [24video] Add support for porn.24video.net (closes #23779, closes #23784)
* [npr] Add support for streams (closes #24042)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.02.16
* [tv2dk:bornholm:play] Fix extraction (#24076)
* [imdb] Fix extraction (closes #23443)
* [wistia] Add support for multiple generic embeds (closes #8347, closes #11385)
* [teachable] Add support for multiple videos per lecture (closes #24101)
* [pornhd] Fix extraction (closes #24128)
* [options] Remove duplicate short option -v for --version (#24162)
* [extractor/common] Convert ISM manifest to unicode before processing on python 2 (#24152)
* [YoutubeDL] Force redirect URL to unicode on python 2
* Remove no longer needed compat_str around geturl
* [youjizz] Fix extraction (closes #24181)
* [test_subtitles] Remove obsolete test
* [zdf:channel] Fix tests
* [zapiks] Fix test
* [xtube] Fix metadata extraction (closes #21073, closes #22455)
* [xtube:user] Fix test
* [telecinco] Fix extraction (refs #24195)
* [telecinco] Add support for article opening videos
* [franceculture] Fix extraction (closes #24204)
* [xhamster] Fix extraction (closes #24205)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.03.01
* [vimeo] Fix subtitles URLs (#24209)
* [servus] Add support for new URL schema (closes #23475, closes #23583, closes #24142)
* [youtube:playlist] Fix tests (closes #23872) (#23885)
* [peertube] Improve extraction
* [peertube] Fix issues and improve extraction (closes #23657)
* [pornhub] Improve title extraction (closes #24184)
* [vimeo] fix showcase password protected video extraction(closes #24224)
* [youtube] Fix age-gated videos support without login (closes #24248)
* [youtube] Fix tests
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.03.06
* [nhk] update API version(closes #24270)
* [youtube] Improve extraction in 429 error conditions (closes #24283)
* [youtube] Improve age-gated videos extraction in 429 error conditions (refs #24283)
* [youtube] Remove outdated code
Additional get_video_info requests don't seem to provide any extra itags any longer
* [README.md] Clarify 429 error
* [pornhub] Add support for pornhubpremium.com (#24288)
* [utils] Add support for cookies with spaces used instead of tabs
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.03.08
* Revert "[utils] Add support for cookies with spaces used instead of tabs"
According to [1] TABs must be used as separators between fields.
Files produces by some tools with spaces as separators are considered
1. https://curl.haxx.se/docs/http-cookies.html
This reverts commit cff99c91d150df2a4e21962a3ca8d4ae94533b8c.
* [utils] Add reference to cookie file format
* Revert "[vimeo] fix showcase password protected video extraction(closes #24224)"
This reverts commit 12ee431676bb655f04c7dd416a73c1f142ed368d.
* [nhk] Relax _VALID_URL (#24329)
* [nhk] Remove obsolete rtmp formats (closes #24329)
* [nhk] Update m3u8 URL and use native hls (#24329)
* [ndr] Fix extraction (closes #24326)
* [xtube] Fix formats extraction (closes #24348)
* [xtube] Fix typo
* [hellporno] Fix extraction (closes #24399)
* [cbc:watch] Add support for authentication
* [cbc:watch] Fix authenticated device token caching (closes #19160)
* [soundcloud] fix download url extraction(closes #24394)
* [limelight] remove disabled API requests(closes #24255)
* [bilibili] Add support for new URL schema with BV ids (closes #24439, closes #24442)
* [bilibili] Add support for player.bilibili.com (closes #24402)
* [teachable] Extract chapter metadata (closes #24421)
* [generic] Look for teachable embeds before wistia
* [teachable] Update upskillcourses domain
New version does not use teachable platform any longer
* [teachable] Update gns3 domain
* [teachable] Update test
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.03.24
* [spankwire] Fix extraction (closes #18924, closes #20648)
* [spankwire] Add support for generic embeds (refs #24633)
* [youporn] Add support form generic embeds
* [mofosex] Add support for generic embeds (closes #24633)
* [tele5] Fix extraction (closes #24553)
* [extractor/common] Skip malformed ISM manifest XMLs while extracting ISM formats (#24667)
* [tv4] Fix ISM formats extraction (closes #24667)
* [twitch:clips] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #24290) (#24642)
* [motherless] Fix extraction (closes #24699)
* [nova:embed] Fix extraction (closes #24700)
* [youtube] Skip broken multifeed videos (closes #24711)
* [soundcloud] Extract AAC format
* [soundcloud] Improve AAC format extraction (closes #19173, closes #24708)
* [thisoldhouse] Fix video id extraction (closes #24548)
Added support for:
with of without "www."
and either ".chorus.build" or ".com"
It now validated correctly on older URL's
<iframe src="https://thisoldhouse.chorus.build/videos/zype/5e33baec27d2e50001d5f52f
and newer ones
<iframe src="https://www.thisoldhouse.com/videos/zype/5e2b70e95216cc0001615120
* [thisoldhouse] Improve video id extraction (closes #24549)
* [youtube] Fix DRM videos detection (refs #24736)
* [options] Clarify doc on --exec command (closes #19087) (#24883)
* [prosiebensat1] Improve extraction and remove 7tv.de support (#24948)
* [prosiebensat1] Extract series metadata
* [tenplay] Relax _VALID_URL (closes #25001)
* [tvplay] fix Viafree extraction(closes #15189)(closes #24473)(closes #24789)
* [yahoo] fix GYAO Player extraction and relax title URL regex(closes #24178)(closes #24778)
* [youtube] Use redirected video id if any (closes #25063)
* [youtube] Improve player id extraction and add tests
* [extractor/common] Extract multiple JSON-LD entries
* [crunchyroll] Fix and improve extraction (closes #25096, closes #25060)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.05.03
* [puhutv] Remove no longer available HTTP formats (closes #25124)
* [utils] Improve cookie files support
+ Add support for UTF-8 in cookie files
* Skip malformed cookie file entries instead of crashing (invalid entry len, invalid expires at)
* [dailymotion] Fix typo
* [compat] Introduce compat_cookiejar_Cookie
* [extractor/common] Use compat_cookiejar_Cookie for _set_cookie (closes #23256, closes #24776)
To always ensure cookie name and value are bytestrings on python 2.
* [orf] Add support for more radio stations (closes #24938) (#24968)
* [uol] fix extraction(closes #22007)
* [downloader/http] Finish downloading once received data length matches expected
Always do this if possible, i.e. if Content-Length or expected length is known, not only in test.
This will save unnecessary last extra loop trying to read 0 bytes.
* [downloader/http] Request last data block of exact remaining size
Always request last data block of exact size remaining to download if possible not the current block size.
* [iprima] Improve extraction (closes #25138)
* [youtube] Improve signature cipher extraction (closes #25188)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.05.08
* [spike] fix Bellator mgid extraction(closes #25195)
* [bbccouk] PEP8
* [mailru] Fix extraction (closes #24530) (#25239)
* [README.md] flake8 HTTPS URL (#25230)
* [youtube] Add support for yewtu.be (#25226)
* [soundcloud] reduce API playlist page limit(closes #25274)
* [vimeo] improve format extraction and sorting(closes #25285)
* [redtube] Improve title extraction (#25208)
* [indavideo] Switch to HTTPS for API request (#25191)
* [utils] Fix file permissions in write_json_file (closes #12471) (#25122)
* [redtube] Improve formats extraction and extract m3u8 formats (closes #25311, closes #25321)
* [ard] Improve _VALID_URL (closes #25134) (#25198)
* [giantbomb] Extend _VALID_URL (#25222)
* [postprocessor/ffmpeg] Embed series metadata with --add-metadata
* [youtube] Add support for more invidious instances (#25417)
* [ard:beta] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #25405)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.05.29
* [jwplatform] Improve embeds extraction (closes #25467)
* [periscope] Fix untitled broadcasts (#25482)
* [twitter:broadcast] Add untitled periscope broadcast test
* [malltv] Add support for sk.mall.tv (#25445)
* [brightcove] Fix subtitles extraction (closes #25540)
* [brightcove] Sort imports
* [twitch] Pass v5 accept header and fix thumbnails extraction (closes #25531)
* [twitch:stream] Fix extraction (closes #25528)
* [twitch:stream] Expect 400 and 410 HTTP errors from API
* [tele5] Prefer jwplatform over nexx (closes #25533)
* [jwplatform] Add support for bypass geo restriction
* [tele5] Bypass geo restriction
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.06.06
* [kaltura] Add support for multiple embeds on a webpage (closes #25523)
* [youtube] Extract chapters from JSON (closes #24819)
* [facebook] Support single-video ID links
I stumbled upon this at https://www.facebook.com/bwfbadminton/posts/10157127020046316 . No idea how prevalent it is yet.
* [youtube] Fix playlist and feed extraction (closes #25675)
* [youtube] Fix thumbnails extraction and remove uploader id extraction warning (closes #25676)
* [youtube] Fix upload date extraction
* [youtube] Improve view count extraction
* [youtube] Fix uploader id and uploader URL extraction
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.06.16
* [youtube] Fix categories and improve tags extraction
* [youtube] Force old layout (closes #25682, closes #25683, closes #25680, closes #25686)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.06.16.1
* [brightcove] Improve embed detection (closes #25674)
* [bellmedia] add support for cp24.com clip URLs(closes #25764)
* [youtube:playlists] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #25810)
* [youtube] Prevent excess HTTP 301 (#25786)
* [wistia] Restrict embed regex (closes #25969)
* [youtube] Improve description extraction (closes #25937) (#25980)
* [youtube] Fix sigfunc name extraction (closes #26134, closes #26135, closes #26136, closes #26137)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.07.28
* [xhamster] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #25789) (#25804)
* [xhamster] Fix extraction (closes #26157) (#26254)
* [xhamster] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #25927)
Co-authored-by: Remita Amine <remitamine@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sergey M․ <dstftw@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nmeum <soeren+github@soeren-tempel.net>
Co-authored-by: Roxedus <me@roxedus.dev>
Co-authored-by: Singwai Chan <c.singwai@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: cdarlint <cdarlint@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Johannes N <31795504+jonolt@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: jnozsc <jnozsc@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Moritz Patelscheck <moritz.patelscheck@campus.tu-berlin.de>
Co-authored-by: PB <3854688+uno20001@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Philipp Hagemeister <phihag@phihag.de>
Co-authored-by: Xaver Hellauer <software@hellauer.bayern>
Co-authored-by: d2au <d2au.dev@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jan 'Yenda' Trmal <jtrmal@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: jxu <7989982+jxu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Martin Ström <name@my-domain.se>
Co-authored-by: The Hatsune Daishi <nao20010128@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: tsia <github@tsia.de>
Co-authored-by: 3risian <59593325+3risian@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Tristan Waddington <tristan.waddington@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Devon Meunier <devon.meunier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Felix Stupp <felix.stupp@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: tom <tomster954@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: AndrewMBL <62922222+AndrewMBL@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: willbeaufoy <will@willbeaufoy.net>
Co-authored-by: Philipp Stehle <anderschwiedu@googlemail.com>
Co-authored-by: hh0rva1h <61889859+hh0rva1h@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: comsomisha <shmelev1996@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: TotalCaesar659 <14265316+TotalCaesar659@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado <iam@juanfra.info>
Co-authored-by: Dave Loyall <dave@the-good-guys.net>
Co-authored-by: tlsssl <63866177+tlsssl@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob <ankenyr@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Michael Klein <github@a98shuttle.de>
Co-authored-by: JordanWeatherby <47519158+JordanWeatherby@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: striker.sh <19488257+strikersh@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Matej Dujava <mdujava@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Glenn Slayden <5589855+glenn-slayden@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: MRWITEK <mrvvitek@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: JChris246 <43832407+JChris246@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: TheRealDude2 <the.real.dude@gmx.de>
5 years ago
data_block = ctx.data.read(block_size if data_len is None else min(block_size, data_len - byte_counter))
# socket.timeout is a subclass of socket.error but may not have
# errno set
except socket.timeout as e:
except socket.error as e:
if e.errno not in (errno.ECONNRESET, errno.ETIMEDOUT):
byte_counter += len(data_block)
# exit loop when download is finished
if len(data_block) == 0:
# Open destination file just in time
if ctx.stream is None:
ctx.stream, ctx.tmpfilename = sanitize_open(
ctx.tmpfilename, ctx.open_mode)
assert ctx.stream is not None
ctx.filename = self.undo_temp_name(ctx.tmpfilename)
except (OSError, IOError) as err:
self.report_error('unable to open for writing: %s' % str(err))
return False
if self.params.get('xattr_set_filesize', False) and data_len is not None:
write_xattr(ctx.tmpfilename, 'user.ytdl.filesize', str(data_len).encode('utf-8'))
except (XAttrUnavailableError, XAttrMetadataError) as err:
self.report_error('unable to set filesize xattr: %s' % str(err))
except (IOError, OSError) as err:
self.report_error('unable to write data: %s' % str(err))
return False
# Apply rate limit
self.slow_down(start, now, byte_counter - ctx.resume_len)
# end measuring of one loop run
now = time.time()
after = now
# Adjust block size
if not self.params.get('noresizebuffer', False):
block_size = self.best_block_size(after - before, len(data_block))
before = after
# Progress message
speed = self.calc_speed(start, now, byte_counter - ctx.resume_len)
if ctx.data_len is None:
eta = None
eta = self.calc_eta(start, time.time(), ctx.data_len - ctx.resume_len, byte_counter - ctx.resume_len)
'status': 'downloading',
'downloaded_bytes': byte_counter,
'total_bytes': ctx.data_len,
'tmpfilename': ctx.tmpfilename,
'filename': ctx.filename,
'eta': eta,
'speed': speed,
'elapsed': now - ctx.start_time,
pull changes from remote master (#190)
* [scrippsnetworks] Add new extractor(closes #19857)(closes #22981)
* [teachable] Improve locked lessons detection (#23528)
* [teachable] Fail with error message if no video URL found
* [extractors] add missing import for ScrippsNetworksIE
* [brightcove] cache brightcove player policy keys
* [prosiebensat1] improve geo restriction handling(closes #23571)
* [soundcloud] automatically update client id on failing requests
* [spankbang] Fix extraction (closes #23307, closes #23423, closes #23444)
* [spankbang] Improve removed video detection (#23423)
* [brightcove] update policy key on failing requests
* [pornhub] Fix extraction and add support for m3u8 formats (closes #22749, closes #23082)
* [pornhub] Improve locked videos detection (closes #22449, closes #22780)
* [brightcove] invalidate policy key cache on failing requests
* [soundcloud] fix client id extraction for non fatal requests
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* [devscripts/create-github-release] Switch to using PAT for authentication
Basic authentication will be deprecated soon
* release 2020.01.01
* [redtube] Detect private videos (#23518)
* [vice] improve extraction(closes #23631)
* [devscripts/create-github-release] Remove unused import
* [wistia] improve format extraction and extract subtitles(closes #22590)
* [nrktv:seriebase] Fix extraction (closes #23625) (#23537)
* [discovery] fix anonymous token extraction(closes #23650)
* [scrippsnetworks] add support for www.discovery.com videos
* [scrippsnetworks] correct test case URL
* [dctp] fix format extraction(closes #23656)
* [pandatv] Remove extractor (#23630)
* [naver] improve extraction
- improve geo-restriction handling
- extract automatic captions
- extract uploader metadata
- extract VLive HLS formats
* [naver] improve metadata extraction
* [cloudflarestream] improve extraction
- add support for bytehighway.net domain
- add support for signed URLs
- extract thumbnail
* [cloudflarestream] import embed URL extraction
* [lego] fix extraction and extract subtitle(closes #23687)
* [safari] Fix kaltura session extraction (closes #23679) (#23670)
* [orf:fm4] Fix extraction (#23599)
* [orf:radio] Clean description and improve extraction
* [twitter] add support for promo_video_website cards(closes #23711)
* [vodplatform] add support for embed.kwikmotion.com domain
* [ndr:base:embed] Improve thumbnails extraction (closes #23731)
* [canvas] Add support for new API endpoint and update tests (closes #17680, closes #18629)
* [travis] Add flake8 job (#23720)
* [yourporn] Fix extraction (closes #21645, closes #22255, closes #23459)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.01.15
* [soundcloud] Restore previews extraction (closes #23739)
* [orf:tvthek] Improve geo restricted videos detection (closes #23741)
* [zype] improve extraction
- extract subtitles(closes #21258)
- support URLs with alternative keys/tokens(#21258)
- extract more metadata
* [americastestkitchen] fix extraction
* [nbc] add support for nbc multi network URLs(closes #23049)
* [ard] improve extraction(closes #23761)
- simplify extraction
- extract age limit and series
- bypass geo-restriction
* [ivi:compilation] Fix entries extraction (closes #23770)
* [24video] Add support for 24video.vip (closes #23753)
* [businessinsider] Fix jwplatform id extraction (closes #22929) (#22954)
* [ard] add a missing condition
* [azmedien] fix extraction(closes #23783)
* [voicerepublic] fix extraction
* [stretchinternet] fix extraction(closes #4319)
* [youtube] Fix sigfunc name extraction (closes #23819)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.01.24
* [soundcloud] imporve private playlist/set tracks extraction
* [svt] fix article extraction(closes #22897)(closes #22919)
* [svt] fix series extraction(closes #22297)
* [viewlift] improve extraction
- fix extraction(closes #23851)
- add add support for authentication
- add support for more domains
* [vimeo] fix album extraction(closes #23864)
* [tva] Relax _VALID_URL (closes #23903)
* [tv5mondeplus] Fix extraction (closes #23907, closes #23911)
* [twitch:stream] Lowercase channel id for stream request (closes #23917)
* [sportdeutschland] Update to new sportdeutschland API
They switched to SSL, but under a different host AND path...
Remove the old test cases because these videos have become unavailable.
* [popcorntimes] Add extractor (closes #23949)
* [thisoldhouse] fix extraction(closes #23951)
* [toggle] Add support for mewatch.sg (closes #23895) (#23930)
* [compat] Introduce compat_realpath (refs #23991)
* [update] Fix updating via symlinks (closes #23991)
* [nytimes] improve format sorting(closes #24010)
* [abc:iview] Support 720p (#22907) (#22921)
* [nova:embed] Fix extraction (closes #23672)
* [nova:embed] Improve (closes #23690)
* [nova] Improve extraction (refs #23690)
* [jpopsuki] Remove extractor (closes #23858)
* [YoutubeDL] Fix playlist entry indexing with --playlist-items (closes #10591, closes #10622)
* [test_YoutubeDL] Fix get_ids
* [test_YoutubeDL] Add tests for #10591 (closes #23873)
* [24video] Add support for porn.24video.net (closes #23779, closes #23784)
* [npr] Add support for streams (closes #24042)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.02.16
* [tv2dk:bornholm:play] Fix extraction (#24076)
* [imdb] Fix extraction (closes #23443)
* [wistia] Add support for multiple generic embeds (closes #8347, closes #11385)
* [teachable] Add support for multiple videos per lecture (closes #24101)
* [pornhd] Fix extraction (closes #24128)
* [options] Remove duplicate short option -v for --version (#24162)
* [extractor/common] Convert ISM manifest to unicode before processing on python 2 (#24152)
* [YoutubeDL] Force redirect URL to unicode on python 2
* Remove no longer needed compat_str around geturl
* [youjizz] Fix extraction (closes #24181)
* [test_subtitles] Remove obsolete test
* [zdf:channel] Fix tests
* [zapiks] Fix test
* [xtube] Fix metadata extraction (closes #21073, closes #22455)
* [xtube:user] Fix test
* [telecinco] Fix extraction (refs #24195)
* [telecinco] Add support for article opening videos
* [franceculture] Fix extraction (closes #24204)
* [xhamster] Fix extraction (closes #24205)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.03.01
* [vimeo] Fix subtitles URLs (#24209)
* [servus] Add support for new URL schema (closes #23475, closes #23583, closes #24142)
* [youtube:playlist] Fix tests (closes #23872) (#23885)
* [peertube] Improve extraction
* [peertube] Fix issues and improve extraction (closes #23657)
* [pornhub] Improve title extraction (closes #24184)
* [vimeo] fix showcase password protected video extraction(closes #24224)
* [youtube] Fix age-gated videos support without login (closes #24248)
* [youtube] Fix tests
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.03.06
* [nhk] update API version(closes #24270)
* [youtube] Improve extraction in 429 error conditions (closes #24283)
* [youtube] Improve age-gated videos extraction in 429 error conditions (refs #24283)
* [youtube] Remove outdated code
Additional get_video_info requests don't seem to provide any extra itags any longer
* [README.md] Clarify 429 error
* [pornhub] Add support for pornhubpremium.com (#24288)
* [utils] Add support for cookies with spaces used instead of tabs
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.03.08
* Revert "[utils] Add support for cookies with spaces used instead of tabs"
According to [1] TABs must be used as separators between fields.
Files produces by some tools with spaces as separators are considered
1. https://curl.haxx.se/docs/http-cookies.html
This reverts commit cff99c91d150df2a4e21962a3ca8d4ae94533b8c.
* [utils] Add reference to cookie file format
* Revert "[vimeo] fix showcase password protected video extraction(closes #24224)"
This reverts commit 12ee431676bb655f04c7dd416a73c1f142ed368d.
* [nhk] Relax _VALID_URL (#24329)
* [nhk] Remove obsolete rtmp formats (closes #24329)
* [nhk] Update m3u8 URL and use native hls (#24329)
* [ndr] Fix extraction (closes #24326)
* [xtube] Fix formats extraction (closes #24348)
* [xtube] Fix typo
* [hellporno] Fix extraction (closes #24399)
* [cbc:watch] Add support for authentication
* [cbc:watch] Fix authenticated device token caching (closes #19160)
* [soundcloud] fix download url extraction(closes #24394)
* [limelight] remove disabled API requests(closes #24255)
* [bilibili] Add support for new URL schema with BV ids (closes #24439, closes #24442)
* [bilibili] Add support for player.bilibili.com (closes #24402)
* [teachable] Extract chapter metadata (closes #24421)
* [generic] Look for teachable embeds before wistia
* [teachable] Update upskillcourses domain
New version does not use teachable platform any longer
* [teachable] Update gns3 domain
* [teachable] Update test
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.03.24
* [spankwire] Fix extraction (closes #18924, closes #20648)
* [spankwire] Add support for generic embeds (refs #24633)
* [youporn] Add support form generic embeds
* [mofosex] Add support for generic embeds (closes #24633)
* [tele5] Fix extraction (closes #24553)
* [extractor/common] Skip malformed ISM manifest XMLs while extracting ISM formats (#24667)
* [tv4] Fix ISM formats extraction (closes #24667)
* [twitch:clips] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #24290) (#24642)
* [motherless] Fix extraction (closes #24699)
* [nova:embed] Fix extraction (closes #24700)
* [youtube] Skip broken multifeed videos (closes #24711)
* [soundcloud] Extract AAC format
* [soundcloud] Improve AAC format extraction (closes #19173, closes #24708)
* [thisoldhouse] Fix video id extraction (closes #24548)
Added support for:
with of without "www."
and either ".chorus.build" or ".com"
It now validated correctly on older URL's
<iframe src="https://thisoldhouse.chorus.build/videos/zype/5e33baec27d2e50001d5f52f
and newer ones
<iframe src="https://www.thisoldhouse.com/videos/zype/5e2b70e95216cc0001615120
* [thisoldhouse] Improve video id extraction (closes #24549)
* [youtube] Fix DRM videos detection (refs #24736)
* [options] Clarify doc on --exec command (closes #19087) (#24883)
* [prosiebensat1] Improve extraction and remove 7tv.de support (#24948)
* [prosiebensat1] Extract series metadata
* [tenplay] Relax _VALID_URL (closes #25001)
* [tvplay] fix Viafree extraction(closes #15189)(closes #24473)(closes #24789)
* [yahoo] fix GYAO Player extraction and relax title URL regex(closes #24178)(closes #24778)
* [youtube] Use redirected video id if any (closes #25063)
* [youtube] Improve player id extraction and add tests
* [extractor/common] Extract multiple JSON-LD entries
* [crunchyroll] Fix and improve extraction (closes #25096, closes #25060)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.05.03
* [puhutv] Remove no longer available HTTP formats (closes #25124)
* [utils] Improve cookie files support
+ Add support for UTF-8 in cookie files
* Skip malformed cookie file entries instead of crashing (invalid entry len, invalid expires at)
* [dailymotion] Fix typo
* [compat] Introduce compat_cookiejar_Cookie
* [extractor/common] Use compat_cookiejar_Cookie for _set_cookie (closes #23256, closes #24776)
To always ensure cookie name and value are bytestrings on python 2.
* [orf] Add support for more radio stations (closes #24938) (#24968)
* [uol] fix extraction(closes #22007)
* [downloader/http] Finish downloading once received data length matches expected
Always do this if possible, i.e. if Content-Length or expected length is known, not only in test.
This will save unnecessary last extra loop trying to read 0 bytes.
* [downloader/http] Request last data block of exact remaining size
Always request last data block of exact size remaining to download if possible not the current block size.
* [iprima] Improve extraction (closes #25138)
* [youtube] Improve signature cipher extraction (closes #25188)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.05.08
* [spike] fix Bellator mgid extraction(closes #25195)
* [bbccouk] PEP8
* [mailru] Fix extraction (closes #24530) (#25239)
* [README.md] flake8 HTTPS URL (#25230)
* [youtube] Add support for yewtu.be (#25226)
* [soundcloud] reduce API playlist page limit(closes #25274)
* [vimeo] improve format extraction and sorting(closes #25285)
* [redtube] Improve title extraction (#25208)
* [indavideo] Switch to HTTPS for API request (#25191)
* [utils] Fix file permissions in write_json_file (closes #12471) (#25122)
* [redtube] Improve formats extraction and extract m3u8 formats (closes #25311, closes #25321)
* [ard] Improve _VALID_URL (closes #25134) (#25198)
* [giantbomb] Extend _VALID_URL (#25222)
* [postprocessor/ffmpeg] Embed series metadata with --add-metadata
* [youtube] Add support for more invidious instances (#25417)
* [ard:beta] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #25405)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.05.29
* [jwplatform] Improve embeds extraction (closes #25467)
* [periscope] Fix untitled broadcasts (#25482)
* [twitter:broadcast] Add untitled periscope broadcast test
* [malltv] Add support for sk.mall.tv (#25445)
* [brightcove] Fix subtitles extraction (closes #25540)
* [brightcove] Sort imports
* [twitch] Pass v5 accept header and fix thumbnails extraction (closes #25531)
* [twitch:stream] Fix extraction (closes #25528)
* [twitch:stream] Expect 400 and 410 HTTP errors from API
* [tele5] Prefer jwplatform over nexx (closes #25533)
* [jwplatform] Add support for bypass geo restriction
* [tele5] Bypass geo restriction
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.06.06
* [kaltura] Add support for multiple embeds on a webpage (closes #25523)
* [youtube] Extract chapters from JSON (closes #24819)
* [facebook] Support single-video ID links
I stumbled upon this at https://www.facebook.com/bwfbadminton/posts/10157127020046316 . No idea how prevalent it is yet.
* [youtube] Fix playlist and feed extraction (closes #25675)
* [youtube] Fix thumbnails extraction and remove uploader id extraction warning (closes #25676)
* [youtube] Fix upload date extraction
* [youtube] Improve view count extraction
* [youtube] Fix uploader id and uploader URL extraction
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.06.16
* [youtube] Fix categories and improve tags extraction
* [youtube] Force old layout (closes #25682, closes #25683, closes #25680, closes #25686)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.06.16.1
* [brightcove] Improve embed detection (closes #25674)
* [bellmedia] add support for cp24.com clip URLs(closes #25764)
* [youtube:playlists] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #25810)
* [youtube] Prevent excess HTTP 301 (#25786)
* [wistia] Restrict embed regex (closes #25969)
* [youtube] Improve description extraction (closes #25937) (#25980)
* [youtube] Fix sigfunc name extraction (closes #26134, closes #26135, closes #26136, closes #26137)
* [ChangeLog] Actualize
[ci skip]
* release 2020.07.28
* [xhamster] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #25789) (#25804)
* [xhamster] Fix extraction (closes #26157) (#26254)
* [xhamster] Extend _VALID_URL (closes #25927)
Co-authored-by: Remita Amine <remitamine@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sergey M․ <dstftw@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: nmeum <soeren+github@soeren-tempel.net>
Co-authored-by: Roxedus <me@roxedus.dev>
Co-authored-by: Singwai Chan <c.singwai@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: cdarlint <cdarlint@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Johannes N <31795504+jonolt@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: jnozsc <jnozsc@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Moritz Patelscheck <moritz.patelscheck@campus.tu-berlin.de>
Co-authored-by: PB <3854688+uno20001@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Philipp Hagemeister <phihag@phihag.de>
Co-authored-by: Xaver Hellauer <software@hellauer.bayern>
Co-authored-by: d2au <d2au.dev@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jan 'Yenda' Trmal <jtrmal@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: jxu <7989982+jxu@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Martin Ström <name@my-domain.se>
Co-authored-by: The Hatsune Daishi <nao20010128@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: tsia <github@tsia.de>
Co-authored-by: 3risian <59593325+3risian@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Tristan Waddington <tristan.waddington@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Devon Meunier <devon.meunier@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Felix Stupp <felix.stupp@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: tom <tomster954@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: AndrewMBL <62922222+AndrewMBL@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: willbeaufoy <will@willbeaufoy.net>
Co-authored-by: Philipp Stehle <anderschwiedu@googlemail.com>
Co-authored-by: hh0rva1h <61889859+hh0rva1h@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: comsomisha <shmelev1996@mail.ru>
Co-authored-by: TotalCaesar659 <14265316+TotalCaesar659@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado <iam@juanfra.info>
Co-authored-by: Dave Loyall <dave@the-good-guys.net>
Co-authored-by: tlsssl <63866177+tlsssl@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob <ankenyr@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Michael Klein <github@a98shuttle.de>
Co-authored-by: JordanWeatherby <47519158+JordanWeatherby@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: striker.sh <19488257+strikersh@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Matej Dujava <mdujava@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Glenn Slayden <5589855+glenn-slayden@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: MRWITEK <mrvvitek@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: JChris246 <43832407+JChris246@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: TheRealDude2 <the.real.dude@gmx.de>
5 years ago
if data_len is not None and byte_counter == data_len:
if not is_test and ctx.chunk_size and ctx.data_len is not None and byte_counter < ctx.data_len:
ctx.resume_len = byte_counter
# ctx.block_size = block_size
raise NextFragment()
if ctx.stream is None:
self.report_error('Did not get any data blocks')
return False
if ctx.tmpfilename != '-':
if data_len is not None and byte_counter != data_len:
err = ContentTooShortError(byte_counter, int(data_len))
if count <= retries:
raise err
self.try_rename(ctx.tmpfilename, ctx.filename)
# Update file modification time
if self.params.get('updatetime', True):
info_dict['filetime'] = self.try_utime(ctx.filename, ctx.data.info().get('last-modified', None))
'downloaded_bytes': byte_counter,
'total_bytes': byte_counter,
'filename': ctx.filename,
'status': 'finished',
'elapsed': time.time() - ctx.start_time,
return True
while count <= retries:
return download()
except RetryDownload as e:
count += 1
if count <= retries:
self.report_retry(e.source_error, count, retries)
except NextFragment:
except SucceedDownload:
return True
self.report_error('giving up after %s retries' % retries)
return False