from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os . path
import optparse
import re
import sys
from . compat import (
compat_expanduser ,
compat_get_terminal_size ,
compat_getenv ,
compat_kwargs ,
compat_shlex_split ,
from . utils import (
expand_path ,
get_executable_path ,
preferredencoding ,
write_string ,
from . cookies import SUPPORTED_BROWSERS
from . version import __version__
from . downloader . external import list_external_downloaders
from . postprocessor import (
FFmpegExtractAudioPP ,
FFmpegSubtitlesConvertorPP ,
FFmpegThumbnailsConvertorPP ,
FFmpegVideoRemuxerPP ,
SponsorBlockPP ,
from . postprocessor . modify_chapters import DEFAULT_SPONSORBLOCK_CHAPTER_TITLE
def _hide_login_info ( opts ) :
PRIVATE_OPTS = set ( [ ' -p ' , ' --password ' , ' -u ' , ' --username ' , ' --video-password ' , ' --ap-password ' , ' --ap-username ' ] )
eqre = re . compile ( ' ^(?P<key> ' + ( ' | ' . join ( re . escape ( po ) for po in PRIVATE_OPTS ) ) + ' )=.+$ ' )
def _scrub_eq ( o ) :
m = eqre . match ( o )
if m :
return m . group ( ' key ' ) + ' =PRIVATE '
else :
return o
opts = list ( map ( _scrub_eq , opts ) )
for idx , opt in enumerate ( opts ) :
if opt in PRIVATE_OPTS and idx + 1 < len ( opts ) :
opts [ idx + 1 ] = ' PRIVATE '
return opts
def parseOpts ( overrideArguments = None ) :
def _readOptions ( filename_bytes , default = [ ] ) :
try :
optionf = open ( filename_bytes )
except IOError :
return default # silently skip if file is not present
try :
contents = optionf . read ( )
if sys . version_info < ( 3 , ) :
contents = contents . decode ( preferredencoding ( ) )
res = compat_shlex_split ( contents , comments = True )
finally :
optionf . close ( )
return res
def _readUserConf ( package_name , default = [ ] ) :
# .config
xdg_config_home = compat_getenv ( ' XDG_CONFIG_HOME ' ) or compat_expanduser ( ' ~/.config ' )
userConfFile = os . path . join ( xdg_config_home , package_name , ' config ' )
if not os . path . isfile ( userConfFile ) :
userConfFile = os . path . join ( xdg_config_home , ' %s .conf ' % package_name )
userConf = _readOptions ( userConfFile , default = None )
if userConf is not None :
return userConf , userConfFile
# appdata
appdata_dir = compat_getenv ( ' appdata ' )
if appdata_dir :
userConfFile = os . path . join ( appdata_dir , package_name , ' config ' )
userConf = _readOptions ( userConfFile , default = None )
if userConf is None :
userConfFile + = ' .txt '
userConf = _readOptions ( userConfFile , default = None )
if userConf is not None :
return userConf , userConfFile
# home
userConfFile = os . path . join ( compat_expanduser ( ' ~ ' ) , ' %s .conf ' % package_name )
userConf = _readOptions ( userConfFile , default = None )
if userConf is None :
userConfFile + = ' .txt '
userConf = _readOptions ( userConfFile , default = None )
if userConf is not None :
return userConf , userConfFile
return default , None
def _format_option_string ( option ) :
''' ( ' -o ' , ' --option ' ) -> -o, --format METAVAR '''
opts = [ ]
if option . _short_opts :
opts . append ( option . _short_opts [ 0 ] )
if option . _long_opts :
opts . append ( option . _long_opts [ 0 ] )
if len ( opts ) > 1 :
opts . insert ( 1 , ' , ' )
if option . takes_value ( ) :
opts . append ( ' %s ' % option . metavar )
return ' ' . join ( opts )
def _list_from_options_callback ( option , opt_str , value , parser , append = True , delim = ' , ' ) :
# append can be True, False or -1 (prepend)
current = getattr ( parser . values , option . dest ) if append else [ ]
value = [ value ] if delim is None else value . split ( delim )
Improve argument parsing for `-P`, `-o`, `-S`
* `-P "subtitle,thumbnail:PATH"` is now possible. Similarly for `-o`
* `-S "fps,br" -S "res,codec"` is now interpreted as `-S res,codec,fps,br`. Previously, `-S fps,br` was ignored in this case.
4 years ago
setattr (
parser . values , option . dest ,
current + value if append is True else value + current )
def _set_from_options_callback (
option , opt_str , value , parser ,
delim = ' , ' , allowed_values = None , process = str . lower , aliases = { } ) :
current = getattr ( parser . values , option . dest )
values = [ process ( value ) ] if delim is None else process ( value ) . split ( delim ) [ : : - 1 ]
while values :
actual_val = val = values . pop ( )
if val == ' all ' :
current . update ( allowed_values )
elif val == ' -all ' :
current = set ( )
elif val in aliases :
values . extend ( aliases [ val ] )
else :
if val [ 0 ] == ' - ' :
val = val [ 1 : ]
current . discard ( val )
else :
current . update ( [ val ] )
if allowed_values is not None and val not in allowed_values :
raise optparse . OptionValueError ( f ' wrong { option . metavar } for { opt_str } : { actual_val } ' )
setattr ( parser . values , option . dest , current )
def _dict_from_options_callback (
Improve argument parsing for `-P`, `-o`, `-S`
* `-P "subtitle,thumbnail:PATH"` is now possible. Similarly for `-o`
* `-S "fps,br" -S "res,codec"` is now interpreted as `-S res,codec,fps,br`. Previously, `-S fps,br` was ignored in this case.
4 years ago
option , opt_str , value , parser ,
allowed_keys = r ' [ \ w-]+ ' , delimiter = ' : ' , default_key = None , process = None , multiple_keys = True ) :
out_dict = getattr ( parser . values , option . dest )
Improve argument parsing for `-P`, `-o`, `-S`
* `-P "subtitle,thumbnail:PATH"` is now possible. Similarly for `-o`
* `-S "fps,br" -S "res,codec"` is now interpreted as `-S res,codec,fps,br`. Previously, `-S fps,br` was ignored in this case.
4 years ago
if multiple_keys :
allowed_keys = r ' ( %s )(,( %s ))* ' % ( allowed_keys , allowed_keys )
mobj = re . match ( r ' (?i)(?P<keys> %s ) %s (?P<val>.*)$ ' % ( allowed_keys , delimiter ) , value )
if mobj is not None :
Improve argument parsing for `-P`, `-o`, `-S`
* `-P "subtitle,thumbnail:PATH"` is now possible. Similarly for `-o`
* `-S "fps,br" -S "res,codec"` is now interpreted as `-S res,codec,fps,br`. Previously, `-S fps,br` was ignored in this case.
4 years ago
keys = [ k . strip ( ) for k in mobj . group ( ' keys ' ) . lower ( ) . split ( ' , ' ) ]
val = mobj . group ( ' val ' )
elif default_key is not None :
Improve argument parsing for `-P`, `-o`, `-S`
* `-P "subtitle,thumbnail:PATH"` is now possible. Similarly for `-o`
* `-S "fps,br" -S "res,codec"` is now interpreted as `-S res,codec,fps,br`. Previously, `-S fps,br` was ignored in this case.
4 years ago
keys , val = [ default_key ] , value
else :
raise optparse . OptionValueError (
' wrong %s formatting; it should be %s , not " %s " ' % ( opt_str , option . metavar , value ) )
try :
val = process ( val ) if process else val
except Exception as err :
raise optparse . OptionValueError (
' wrong %s formatting; %s ' % ( opt_str , err ) )
Improve argument parsing for `-P`, `-o`, `-S`
* `-P "subtitle,thumbnail:PATH"` is now possible. Similarly for `-o`
* `-S "fps,br" -S "res,codec"` is now interpreted as `-S res,codec,fps,br`. Previously, `-S fps,br` was ignored in this case.
4 years ago
for key in keys :
out_dict [ key ] = val
# No need to wrap help messages if we're on a wide console
columns = compat_get_terminal_size ( ) . columns
max_width = columns if columns else 80
# 47% is chosen because that is how is currently formatted
# and moving help text even further to the right is undesirable.
# This can be reduced in the future to get a prettier output
max_help_position = int ( 0.47 * max_width )
fmt = optparse . IndentedHelpFormatter ( width = max_width , max_help_position = max_help_position )
fmt . format_option_strings = _format_option_string
kw = {
' version ' : __version__ ,
' formatter ' : fmt ,
' usage ' : ' % prog [OPTIONS] URL [URL...] ' ,
' conflict_handler ' : ' resolve ' ,
parser = optparse . OptionParser ( * * compat_kwargs ( kw ) )
general = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' General Options ' )
general . add_option (
' -h ' , ' --help ' ,
action = ' help ' ,
help = ' Print this help text and exit ' )
general . add_option (
' --version ' ,
action = ' version ' ,
help = ' Print program version and exit ' )
general . add_option (
' -U ' , ' --update ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' update_self ' ,
help = ' Update this program to latest version. Make sure that you have sufficient permissions (run with sudo if needed) ' )
general . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' -i ' , ' --ignore-errors ' , ' --no-abort-on-error ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' ignoreerrors ' , default = None ,
help = ' Continue on download errors, for example to skip unavailable videos in a playlist (default) (Alias: --no-abort-on-error) ' )
general . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --abort-on-error ' , ' --no-ignore-errors ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' ignoreerrors ' ,
help = ' Abort downloading of further videos if an error occurs (Alias: --no-ignore-errors) ' )
general . add_option (
' --dump-user-agent ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' dump_user_agent ' , default = False ,
help = ' Display the current user-agent and exit ' )
general . add_option (
' --list-extractors ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' list_extractors ' , default = False ,
help = ' List all supported extractors and exit ' )
general . add_option (
' --extractor-descriptions ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' list_extractor_descriptions ' , default = False ,
help = ' Output descriptions of all supported extractors and exit ' )
general . add_option (
' --force-generic-extractor ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' force_generic_extractor ' , default = False ,
help = ' Force extraction to use the generic extractor ' )
general . add_option (
' --default-search ' ,
dest = ' default_search ' , metavar = ' PREFIX ' ,
help = ' Use this prefix for unqualified URLs. For example " gvsearch2: " downloads two videos from google videos for the search term " large apple " . Use the value " auto " to let yt-dlp guess ( " auto_warning " to emit a warning when guessing). " error " just throws an error. The default value " fixup_error " repairs broken URLs, but emits an error if this is not possible instead of searching ' )
general . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --ignore-config ' , ' --no-config ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = (
' Disable loading any configuration files except the one provided by --config-location. '
' When given inside a configuration file, no further configuration files are loaded. '
' Additionally, (for backward compatibility) if this option is found inside the '
' system configuration file, the user configuration is not loaded ' ) )
general . add_option (
' --config-location ' ,
dest = ' config_location ' , metavar = ' PATH ' ,
help = ' Location of the main configuration file; either the path to the config or its containing directory ' )
general . add_option (
' --flat-playlist ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
action = ' store_const ' , dest = ' extract_flat ' , const = ' in_playlist ' , default = False ,
help = ' Do not extract the videos of a playlist, only list them ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
general . add_option (
' --no-flat-playlist ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' extract_flat ' ,
help = ' Extract the videos of a playlist ' )
general . add_option (
' --mark-watched ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' mark_watched ' , default = False ,
help = ' Mark videos watched (YouTube only) ' )
general . add_option (
' --no-mark-watched ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' mark_watched ' ,
help = ' Do not mark videos watched (default) ' )
general . add_option (
' --no-colors ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' no_color ' , default = False ,
help = ' Do not emit color codes in output ' )
general . add_option (
' --compat-options ' ,
metavar = ' OPTS ' , dest = ' compat_opts ' , default = set ( ) , type = ' str ' ,
action = ' callback ' , callback = _set_from_options_callback ,
callback_kwargs = {
' allowed_values ' : {
' filename ' , ' format-sort ' , ' abort-on-error ' , ' format-spec ' , ' no-playlist-metafiles ' ,
' multistreams ' , ' no-live-chat ' , ' playlist-index ' , ' list-formats ' , ' no-direct-merge ' ,
' no-youtube-channel-redirect ' , ' no-youtube-unavailable-videos ' , ' no-attach-info-json ' ,
' embed-thumbnail-atomicparsley ' , ' seperate-video-versions ' , ' no-clean-infojson ' , ' no-keep-subs ' ,
} ,
' aliases ' : {
' youtube-dl ' : [ ' -multistreams ' , ' all ' ] ,
' youtube-dlc ' : [ ' -no-youtube-channel-redirect ' , ' -no-live-chat ' , ' all ' ] ,
} , help = (
' Options that can help keep compatibility with youtube-dl or youtube-dlc '
' configurations by reverting some of the changes made in yt-dlp. '
' See " Differences in default behavior " for details ' ) )
network = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Network Options ' )
network . add_option (
' --proxy ' , dest = ' proxy ' ,
default = None , metavar = ' URL ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = (
' Use the specified HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy. To enable '
' SOCKS proxy, specify a proper scheme. For example '
' socks5:// Pass in an empty string (--proxy " " ) '
' for direct connection ' ) )
network . add_option (
' --socket-timeout ' ,
dest = ' socket_timeout ' , type = float , default = None , metavar = ' SECONDS ' ,
help = ' Time to wait before giving up, in seconds ' )
network . add_option (
' --source-address ' ,
metavar = ' IP ' , dest = ' source_address ' , default = None ,
help = ' Client-side IP address to bind to ' ,
network . add_option (
' -4 ' , ' --force-ipv4 ' ,
action = ' store_const ' , const = ' ' , dest = ' source_address ' ,
help = ' Make all connections via IPv4 ' ,
network . add_option (
' -6 ' , ' --force-ipv6 ' ,
action = ' store_const ' , const = ' :: ' , dest = ' source_address ' ,
help = ' Make all connections via IPv6 ' ,
geo = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Geo-restriction ' )
geo . add_option (
' --geo-verification-proxy ' ,
dest = ' geo_verification_proxy ' , default = None , metavar = ' URL ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = (
' Use this proxy to verify the IP address for some geo-restricted sites. '
' The default proxy specified by --proxy (or none, if the option is not present) is used for the actual downloading ' ) )
geo . add_option (
' --cn-verification-proxy ' ,
dest = ' cn_verification_proxy ' , default = None , metavar = ' URL ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
geo . add_option (
' --geo-bypass ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' geo_bypass ' , default = True ,
help = ' Bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header ' )
geo . add_option (
' --no-geo-bypass ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' geo_bypass ' , default = True ,
help = ' Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header ' )
geo . add_option (
' --geo-bypass-country ' , metavar = ' CODE ' ,
dest = ' geo_bypass_country ' , default = None ,
help = ' Force bypass geographic restriction with explicitly provided two-letter ISO 3166-2 country code ' )
geo . add_option (
' --geo-bypass-ip-block ' , metavar = ' IP_BLOCK ' ,
dest = ' geo_bypass_ip_block ' , default = None ,
help = ' Force bypass geographic restriction with explicitly provided IP block in CIDR notation ' )
selection = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Video Selection ' )
selection . add_option (
' --playlist-start ' ,
dest = ' playliststart ' , metavar = ' NUMBER ' , default = 1 , type = int ,
help = ' Playlist video to start at (default is %d efault) ' )
selection . add_option (
' --playlist-end ' ,
dest = ' playlistend ' , metavar = ' NUMBER ' , default = None , type = int ,
help = ' Playlist video to end at (default is last) ' )
selection . add_option (
' --playlist-items ' ,
dest = ' playlist_items ' , metavar = ' ITEM_SPEC ' , default = None ,
help = ' Playlist video items to download. Specify indices of the videos in the playlist separated by commas like: " --playlist-items 1,2,5,8 " if you want to download videos indexed 1, 2, 5, 8 in the playlist. You can specify range: " --playlist-items 1-3,7,10-13 " , it will download the videos at index 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13 ' )
selection . add_option (
' --match-title ' ,
dest = ' matchtitle ' , metavar = ' REGEX ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
selection . add_option (
' --reject-title ' ,
dest = ' rejecttitle ' , metavar = ' REGEX ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
selection . add_option (
' --max-downloads ' ,
dest = ' max_downloads ' , metavar = ' NUMBER ' , type = int , default = None ,
help = ' Abort after downloading NUMBER files ' )
selection . add_option (
' --min-filesize ' ,
metavar = ' SIZE ' , dest = ' min_filesize ' , default = None ,
help = ' Do not download any videos smaller than SIZE (e.g. 50k or 44.6m) ' )
selection . add_option (
' --max-filesize ' ,
metavar = ' SIZE ' , dest = ' max_filesize ' , default = None ,
help = ' Do not download any videos larger than SIZE (e.g. 50k or 44.6m) ' )
selection . add_option (
' --date ' ,
metavar = ' DATE ' , dest = ' date ' , default = None ,
help = (
' Download only videos uploaded in this date. '
' The date can be " YYYYMMDD " or in the format '
' " (now|today)[+-][0-9](day|week|month|year)(s)? " ' ) )
selection . add_option (
' --datebefore ' ,
metavar = ' DATE ' , dest = ' datebefore ' , default = None ,
help = (
' Download only videos uploaded on or before this date. '
' The date formats accepted is the same as --date ' ) )
selection . add_option (
' --dateafter ' ,
metavar = ' DATE ' , dest = ' dateafter ' , default = None ,
help = (
' Download only videos uploaded on or after this date. '
' The date formats accepted is the same as --date ' ) )
selection . add_option (
' --min-views ' ,
metavar = ' COUNT ' , dest = ' min_views ' , default = None , type = int ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
selection . add_option (
' --max-views ' ,
metavar = ' COUNT ' , dest = ' max_views ' , default = None , type = int ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
selection . add_option (
' --match-filter ' ,
metavar = ' FILTER ' , dest = ' match_filter ' , default = None ,
help = (
' Generic video filter. Any field (see " OUTPUT TEMPLATE " ) can be compared with a '
' number or a string using the operators defined in " Filtering formats " . '
' You can also simply specify a field to match if the field is present '
' and " !field " to check if the field is not present. In addition, '
' Python style regular expression matching can be done using " ~= " , '
' and multiple filters can be checked with " & " . '
' Use a " \\ " to escape " & " or quotes if needed. Eg: --match-filter '
' " !is_live & like_count>?100 & description~= \' (?i) \\ bcats \\ & dogs \\ b \' " '
' matches only videos that are not live, has a like count more than 100 '
' (or the like field is not available), and also has a description '
' that contains the phrase " cats & dogs " (ignoring case) ' ) )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
selection . add_option (
' --no-match-filter ' ,
metavar = ' FILTER ' , dest = ' match_filter ' , action = ' store_const ' , const = None ,
help = ' Do not use generic video filter (default) ' )
selection . add_option (
' --no-playlist ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' noplaylist ' , default = False ,
help = ' Download only the video, if the URL refers to a video and a playlist ' )
selection . add_option (
' --yes-playlist ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' noplaylist ' ,
help = ' Download the playlist, if the URL refers to a video and a playlist ' )
selection . add_option (
' --age-limit ' ,
metavar = ' YEARS ' , dest = ' age_limit ' , default = None , type = int ,
help = ' Download only videos suitable for the given age ' )
selection . add_option (
' --download-archive ' , metavar = ' FILE ' ,
dest = ' download_archive ' ,
help = ' Download only videos not listed in the archive file. Record the IDs of all downloaded videos in it ' )
selection . add_option (
' --break-on-existing ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' break_on_existing ' , default = False ,
help = ' Stop the download process when encountering a file that is in the archive ' )
selection . add_option (
' --break-on-reject ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' break_on_reject ' , default = False ,
help = ' Stop the download process when encountering a file that has been filtered out ' )
selection . add_option (
' --skip-playlist-after-errors ' , metavar = ' N ' ,
dest = ' skip_playlist_after_errors ' , default = None , type = int ,
help = ' Number of allowed failures until the rest of the playlist is skipped ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
selection . add_option (
' --no-download-archive ' ,
dest = ' download_archive ' , action = " store_const " , const = None ,
help = ' Do not use archive file (default) ' )
selection . add_option (
' --include-ads ' ,
dest = ' include_ads ' , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
selection . add_option (
' --no-include-ads ' ,
dest = ' include_ads ' , action = ' store_false ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
authentication = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Authentication Options ' )
authentication . add_option (
' -u ' , ' --username ' ,
dest = ' username ' , metavar = ' USERNAME ' ,
help = ' Login with this account ID ' )
authentication . add_option (
' -p ' , ' --password ' ,
dest = ' password ' , metavar = ' PASSWORD ' ,
help = ' Account password. If this option is left out, yt-dlp will ask interactively ' )
authentication . add_option (
' -2 ' , ' --twofactor ' ,
dest = ' twofactor ' , metavar = ' TWOFACTOR ' ,
help = ' Two-factor authentication code ' )
authentication . add_option (
' -n ' , ' --netrc ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' usenetrc ' , default = False ,
help = ' Use .netrc authentication data ' )
authentication . add_option (
' --video-password ' ,
dest = ' videopassword ' , metavar = ' PASSWORD ' ,
help = ' Video password (vimeo, youku) ' )
authentication . add_option (
' --ap-mso ' ,
dest = ' ap_mso ' , metavar = ' MSO ' ,
help = ' Adobe Pass multiple-system operator (TV provider) identifier, use --ap-list-mso for a list of available MSOs ' )
authentication . add_option (
' --ap-username ' ,
dest = ' ap_username ' , metavar = ' USERNAME ' ,
help = ' Multiple-system operator account login ' )
authentication . add_option (
' --ap-password ' ,
dest = ' ap_password ' , metavar = ' PASSWORD ' ,
help = ' Multiple-system operator account password. If this option is left out, yt-dlp will ask interactively ' )
authentication . add_option (
' --ap-list-mso ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' ap_list_mso ' , default = False ,
help = ' List all supported multiple-system operators ' )
video_format = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Video Format Options ' )
video_format . add_option (
' -f ' , ' --format ' ,
action = ' store ' , dest = ' format ' , metavar = ' FORMAT ' , default = None ,
Better Format Sorting (Squashed)
* Added --format-sort (-S height,filesize)
* Made fields reversible (-S +height)
* Added --format-sort-force, --no-format-sort-force
* Added limit (-S height:720)
* Added codec preference (-S vcodec,acodec)
* Correct handling of preference<-1000
* Rebased to yt-dlc
* Automatically determine missing bitrates
* aext, vext, protocol, acodec, vcodec can now takes priority as string, not number (-S vext:webm)
* Correct handling of None in codec, audio_codec (None means the codec is unknown while 'none' means it doesn't exist)
* Correctly parse filesize (-S filesize:200M)
* Generalized preference calculation
* Rewrote entire code into the class FormatSort
* Correctly handle user input errors
* Combined fields (-S +ext:webm:webm)
* Closest mode (-S filesize~50M)
* Aliases (framerate=fps, br=bitrate etc)
* Documentation
4 years ago
help = ' Video format code, see " FORMAT SELECTION " for more details ' )
video_format . add_option (
' -S ' , ' --format-sort ' , metavar = ' SORTORDER ' ,
dest = ' format_sort ' , default = [ ] , type = ' str ' , action = ' callback ' ,
callback = _list_from_options_callback , callback_kwargs = { ' append ' : - 1 } ,
Better Format Sorting (Squashed)
* Added --format-sort (-S height,filesize)
* Made fields reversible (-S +height)
* Added --format-sort-force, --no-format-sort-force
* Added limit (-S height:720)
* Added codec preference (-S vcodec,acodec)
* Correct handling of preference<-1000
* Rebased to yt-dlc
* Automatically determine missing bitrates
* aext, vext, protocol, acodec, vcodec can now takes priority as string, not number (-S vext:webm)
* Correct handling of None in codec, audio_codec (None means the codec is unknown while 'none' means it doesn't exist)
* Correctly parse filesize (-S filesize:200M)
* Generalized preference calculation
* Rewrote entire code into the class FormatSort
* Correctly handle user input errors
* Combined fields (-S +ext:webm:webm)
* Closest mode (-S filesize~50M)
* Aliases (framerate=fps, br=bitrate etc)
* Documentation
4 years ago
help = ' Sort the formats by the fields given, see " Sorting Formats " for more details ' )
video_format . add_option (
' --format-sort-force ' , ' --S-force ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' format_sort_force ' , metavar = ' FORMAT ' , default = False ,
help = (
' Force user specified sort order to have precedence over all fields, '
' see " Sorting Formats " for more details ' ) )
video_format . add_option (
' --no-format-sort-force ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' format_sort_force ' , metavar = ' FORMAT ' , default = False ,
help = (
' Some fields have precedence over the user specified sort order (default), '
' see " Sorting Formats " for more details ' ) )
Better Format Selection
* Added options: --video-multistreams, --no-video-multistreams, --audio-multistreams, --no-audio-multistreams
* New format selectors: best*, worst*, bestvideo*, bestaudio*, worstvideo*, worstaudio*
* Added b,w,v,a as alias for best, worst, video and audio respectively in format selection
* Changed video format sorting to show video only files and video+audio files together.
4 years ago
video_format . add_option (
' --video-multistreams ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' allow_multiple_video_streams ' , default = None ,
Change defaults
* Enabled --ignore by default
* Disabled --video-multistreams and --audio-multistreams by default
* Changed default format selection to 'bv*+ba/b' when --audio-multistreams is disabled
* Changed default format sort order to 'res,fps,codec,size,br,asr,proto,ext,has_audio,source,format_id'
* Changed default output template to '%(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s'
* Enabled `--list-formats-as-table` by default
4 years ago
help = ' Allow multiple video streams to be merged into a single file ' )
Better Format Selection
* Added options: --video-multistreams, --no-video-multistreams, --audio-multistreams, --no-audio-multistreams
* New format selectors: best*, worst*, bestvideo*, bestaudio*, worstvideo*, worstaudio*
* Added b,w,v,a as alias for best, worst, video and audio respectively in format selection
* Changed video format sorting to show video only files and video+audio files together.
4 years ago
video_format . add_option (
' --no-video-multistreams ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' allow_multiple_video_streams ' ,
Change defaults
* Enabled --ignore by default
* Disabled --video-multistreams and --audio-multistreams by default
* Changed default format selection to 'bv*+ba/b' when --audio-multistreams is disabled
* Changed default format sort order to 'res,fps,codec,size,br,asr,proto,ext,has_audio,source,format_id'
* Changed default output template to '%(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s'
* Enabled `--list-formats-as-table` by default
4 years ago
help = ' Only one video stream is downloaded for each output file (default) ' )
Better Format Selection
* Added options: --video-multistreams, --no-video-multistreams, --audio-multistreams, --no-audio-multistreams
* New format selectors: best*, worst*, bestvideo*, bestaudio*, worstvideo*, worstaudio*
* Added b,w,v,a as alias for best, worst, video and audio respectively in format selection
* Changed video format sorting to show video only files and video+audio files together.
4 years ago
video_format . add_option (
' --audio-multistreams ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' allow_multiple_audio_streams ' , default = None ,
Change defaults
* Enabled --ignore by default
* Disabled --video-multistreams and --audio-multistreams by default
* Changed default format selection to 'bv*+ba/b' when --audio-multistreams is disabled
* Changed default format sort order to 'res,fps,codec,size,br,asr,proto,ext,has_audio,source,format_id'
* Changed default output template to '%(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s'
* Enabled `--list-formats-as-table` by default
4 years ago
help = ' Allow multiple audio streams to be merged into a single file ' )
Better Format Selection
* Added options: --video-multistreams, --no-video-multistreams, --audio-multistreams, --no-audio-multistreams
* New format selectors: best*, worst*, bestvideo*, bestaudio*, worstvideo*, worstaudio*
* Added b,w,v,a as alias for best, worst, video and audio respectively in format selection
* Changed video format sorting to show video only files and video+audio files together.
4 years ago
video_format . add_option (
' --no-audio-multistreams ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' allow_multiple_audio_streams ' ,
Change defaults
* Enabled --ignore by default
* Disabled --video-multistreams and --audio-multistreams by default
* Changed default format selection to 'bv*+ba/b' when --audio-multistreams is disabled
* Changed default format sort order to 'res,fps,codec,size,br,asr,proto,ext,has_audio,source,format_id'
* Changed default output template to '%(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s'
* Enabled `--list-formats-as-table` by default
4 years ago
help = ' Only one audio stream is downloaded for each output file (default) ' )
video_format . add_option (
' --all-formats ' ,
action = ' store_const ' , dest = ' format ' , const = ' all ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
video_format . add_option (
' --prefer-free-formats ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' prefer_free_formats ' , default = False ,
help = (
' Prefer video formats with free containers over non-free ones of same quality. '
' Use with " -S ext " to strictly prefer free containers irrespective of quality ' ) )
video_format . add_option (
' --no-prefer-free-formats ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' prefer_free_formats ' , default = False ,
help = " Don ' t give any special preference to free containers (default) " )
video_format . add_option (
' --check-formats ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' check_formats ' , default = None ,
help = ' Check that the formats selected are actually downloadable ' )
video_format . add_option (
' --no-check-formats ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' check_formats ' ,
help = ' Do not check that the formats selected are actually downloadable ' )
video_format . add_option (
' -F ' , ' --list-formats ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' listformats ' ,
help = ' List available formats of each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used ' )
video_format . add_option (
' --list-formats-as-table ' ,
Change defaults
* Enabled --ignore by default
* Disabled --video-multistreams and --audio-multistreams by default
* Changed default format selection to 'bv*+ba/b' when --audio-multistreams is disabled
* Changed default format sort order to 'res,fps,codec,size,br,asr,proto,ext,has_audio,source,format_id'
* Changed default output template to '%(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s'
* Enabled `--list-formats-as-table` by default
4 years ago
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' listformats_table ' , default = True ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
video_format . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --list-formats-old ' , ' --no-list-formats-as-table ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' listformats_table ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
video_format . add_option (
' --merge-output-format ' ,
action = ' store ' , dest = ' merge_output_format ' , metavar = ' FORMAT ' , default = None ,
help = (
' If a merge is required (e.g. bestvideo+bestaudio), '
' output to given container format. One of mkv, mp4, ogg, webm, flv. '
' Ignored if no merge is required ' ) )
video_format . add_option (
' --allow-unplayable-formats ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' allow_unplayable_formats ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
video_format . add_option (
' --no-allow-unplayable-formats ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' allow_unplayable_formats ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
subtitles = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Subtitle Options ' )
subtitles . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --write-subs ' , ' --write-srt ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writesubtitles ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write subtitle file ' )
subtitles . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --no-write-subs ' , ' --no-write-srt ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' writesubtitles ' ,
help = ' Do not write subtitle file (default) ' )
subtitles . add_option (
' --write-auto-subs ' , ' --write-automatic-subs ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writeautomaticsub ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write automatically generated subtitle file (Alias: --write-automatic-subs) ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
subtitles . add_option (
' --no-write-auto-subs ' , ' --no-write-automatic-subs ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' writeautomaticsub ' , default = False ,
help = ' Do not write auto-generated subtitles (default) (Alias: --no-write-automatic-subs) ' )
subtitles . add_option (
' --all-subs ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' allsubtitles ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
subtitles . add_option (
' --list-subs ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' listsubtitles ' , default = False ,
help = ' List available subtitles of each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used ' )
subtitles . add_option (
' --sub-format ' ,
action = ' store ' , dest = ' subtitlesformat ' , metavar = ' FORMAT ' , default = ' best ' ,
help = ' Subtitle format, accepts formats preference, for example: " srt " or " ass/srt/best " ' )
subtitles . add_option (
' --sub-langs ' , ' --srt-langs ' ,
action = ' callback ' , dest = ' subtitleslangs ' , metavar = ' LANGS ' , type = ' str ' ,
default = [ ] , callback = _list_from_options_callback ,
help = (
' Languages of the subtitles to download (can be regex) or " all " separated by commas. (Eg: --sub-langs en.*,ja) '
' You can prefix the language code with a " - " to exempt it from the requested languages. (Eg: --sub-langs all,-live_chat) '
' Use --list-subs for a list of available language tags ' ) )
downloader = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Download Options ' )
downloader . add_option (
' -N ' , ' --concurrent-fragments ' ,
dest = ' concurrent_fragment_downloads ' , metavar = ' N ' , default = 1 , type = int ,
help = ' Number of fragments of a dash/hlsnative video that should be download concurrently (default is %d efault) ' )
downloader . add_option (
' -r ' , ' --limit-rate ' , ' --rate-limit ' ,
dest = ' ratelimit ' , metavar = ' RATE ' ,
help = ' Maximum download rate in bytes per second (e.g. 50K or 4.2M) ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --throttled-rate ' ,
dest = ' throttledratelimit ' , metavar = ' RATE ' ,
help = ' Minimum download rate in bytes per second below which throttling is assumed and the video data is re-extracted (e.g. 100K) ' )
downloader . add_option (
' -R ' , ' --retries ' ,
dest = ' retries ' , metavar = ' RETRIES ' , default = 10 ,
help = ' Number of retries (default is %d efault), or " infinite " ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --fragment-retries ' ,
dest = ' fragment_retries ' , metavar = ' RETRIES ' , default = 10 ,
help = ' Number of retries for a fragment (default is %d efault), or " infinite " (DASH, hlsnative and ISM) ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --skip-unavailable-fragments ' , ' --no-abort-on-unavailable-fragment ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' skip_unavailable_fragments ' , default = True ,
help = ' Skip unavailable fragments for DASH, hlsnative and ISM (default) (Alias: --no-abort-on-unavailable-fragment) ' )
downloader . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --abort-on-unavailable-fragment ' , ' --no-skip-unavailable-fragments ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' skip_unavailable_fragments ' ,
help = ' Abort downloading if a fragment is unavailable (Alias: --no-skip-unavailable-fragments) ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --keep-fragments ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' keep_fragments ' , default = False ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = ' Keep downloaded fragments on disk after downloading is finished ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --no-keep-fragments ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' keep_fragments ' ,
help = ' Delete downloaded fragments after downloading is finished (default) ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --buffer-size ' ,
dest = ' buffersize ' , metavar = ' SIZE ' , default = ' 1024 ' ,
help = ' Size of download buffer (e.g. 1024 or 16K) (default is %d efault) ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
downloader . add_option (
' --resize-buffer ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' noresizebuffer ' ,
help = ' The buffer size is automatically resized from an initial value of --buffer-size (default) ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --no-resize-buffer ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' noresizebuffer ' , default = False ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = ' Do not automatically adjust the buffer size ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --http-chunk-size ' ,
dest = ' http_chunk_size ' , metavar = ' SIZE ' , default = None ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = (
' Size of a chunk for chunk-based HTTP downloading (e.g. 10485760 or 10M) (default is disabled). '
' May be useful for bypassing bandwidth throttling imposed by a webserver (experimental) ' ) )
downloader . add_option (
' --test ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' test ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
downloader . add_option (
' --playlist-reverse ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Download playlist videos in reverse order ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
downloader . add_option (
' --no-playlist-reverse ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' playlist_reverse ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = ' Download playlist videos in default order (default) ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --playlist-random ' ,
action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Download playlist videos in random order ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --xattr-set-filesize ' ,
dest = ' xattr_set_filesize ' , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Set file xattribute ytdl.filesize with expected file size ' )
downloader . add_option (
' --hls-prefer-native ' ,
dest = ' hls_prefer_native ' , action = ' store_true ' , default = None ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
downloader . add_option (
' --hls-prefer-ffmpeg ' ,
dest = ' hls_prefer_native ' , action = ' store_false ' , default = None ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
downloader . add_option (
' --hls-use-mpegts ' ,
dest = ' hls_use_mpegts ' , action = ' store_true ' , default = None ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = (
' Use the mpegts container for HLS videos; '
' allowing some players to play the video while downloading, '
' and reducing the chance of file corruption if download is interrupted. '
' This is enabled by default for live streams ' ) )
downloader . add_option (
' --no-hls-use-mpegts ' ,
dest = ' hls_use_mpegts ' , action = ' store_false ' ,
help = (
' Do not use the mpegts container for HLS videos. '
' This is default when not downloading live streams ' ) )
downloader . add_option (
' --downloader ' , ' --external-downloader ' ,
dest = ' external_downloader ' , metavar = ' [PROTO:]NAME ' , default = { } , type = ' str ' ,
action = ' callback ' , callback = _dict_from_options_callback ,
callback_kwargs = {
' allowed_keys ' : ' http|ftp|m3u8|dash|rtsp|rtmp|mms ' ,
' default_key ' : ' default ' ,
' process ' : str . strip
} , help = (
' Name or path of the external downloader to use (optionally) prefixed by '
' the protocols (http, ftp, m3u8, dash, rstp, rtmp, mms) to use it for. '
' Currently supports native, %s (Recommended: aria2c). '
' You can use this option multiple times to set different downloaders for different protocols. '
' For example, --downloader aria2c --downloader " dash,m3u8:native " will use '
' aria2c for http/ftp downloads, and the native downloader for dash/m3u8 downloads '
' (Alias: --external-downloader) ' % ' , ' . join ( list_external_downloaders ( ) ) ) )
downloader . add_option (
' --downloader-args ' , ' --external-downloader-args ' ,
metavar = ' NAME:ARGS ' , dest = ' external_downloader_args ' , default = { } , type = ' str ' ,
action = ' callback ' , callback = _dict_from_options_callback ,
callback_kwargs = {
' allowed_keys ' : r ' ffmpeg_[io] \ d*| %s ' % ' | ' . join ( list_external_downloaders ( ) ) ,
' default_key ' : ' default ' ,
' process ' : compat_shlex_split
} , help = (
' Give these arguments to the external downloader. '
' Specify the downloader name and the arguments separated by a colon " : " . '
' For ffmpeg, arguments can be passed to different positions using the same syntax as --postprocessor-args. '
' You can use this option multiple times to give different arguments to different downloaders '
' (Alias: --external-downloader-args) ' ) )
workarounds = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Workarounds ' )
workarounds . add_option (
' --encoding ' ,
dest = ' encoding ' , metavar = ' ENCODING ' ,
help = ' Force the specified encoding (experimental) ' )
workarounds . add_option (
' --no-check-certificate ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' no_check_certificate ' , default = False ,
help = ' Suppress HTTPS certificate validation ' )
workarounds . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --prefer-insecure ' , ' --prefer-unsecure ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' prefer_insecure ' ,
help = ' Use an unencrypted connection to retrieve information about the video (Currently supported only for YouTube) ' )
workarounds . add_option (
' --user-agent ' ,
metavar = ' UA ' , dest = ' user_agent ' ,
help = ' Specify a custom user agent ' )
workarounds . add_option (
' --referer ' ,
metavar = ' URL ' , dest = ' referer ' , default = None ,
help = ' Specify a custom referer, use if the video access is restricted to one domain ' ,
workarounds . add_option (
' --add-header ' ,
metavar = ' FIELD:VALUE ' , dest = ' headers ' , default = { } , type = ' str ' ,
action = ' callback ' , callback = _dict_from_options_callback ,
Improve argument parsing for `-P`, `-o`, `-S`
* `-P "subtitle,thumbnail:PATH"` is now possible. Similarly for `-o`
* `-S "fps,br" -S "res,codec"` is now interpreted as `-S res,codec,fps,br`. Previously, `-S fps,br` was ignored in this case.
4 years ago
callback_kwargs = { ' multiple_keys ' : False } ,
help = ' Specify a custom HTTP header and its value, separated by a colon " : " . You can use this option multiple times ' ,
workarounds . add_option (
' --bidi-workaround ' ,
dest = ' bidi_workaround ' , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Work around terminals that lack bidirectional text support. Requires bidiv or fribidi executable in PATH ' )
workarounds . add_option (
' --sleep-requests ' , metavar = ' SECONDS ' ,
dest = ' sleep_interval_requests ' , type = float ,
help = ' Number of seconds to sleep between requests during data extraction ' )
workarounds . add_option (
' --sleep-interval ' , ' --min-sleep-interval ' , metavar = ' SECONDS ' ,
dest = ' sleep_interval ' , type = float ,
help = (
' Number of seconds to sleep before each download. '
' This is the minimum time to sleep when used along with --max-sleep-interval '
' (Alias: --min-sleep-interval) ' ) )
workarounds . add_option (
' --max-sleep-interval ' , metavar = ' SECONDS ' ,
dest = ' max_sleep_interval ' , type = float ,
help = ' Maximum number of seconds to sleep. Can only be used along with --min-sleep-interval ' )
workarounds . add_option (
' --sleep-subtitles ' , metavar = ' SECONDS ' ,
dest = ' sleep_interval_subtitles ' , default = 0 , type = int ,
help = ' Number of seconds to sleep before each subtitle download ' )
verbosity = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Verbosity and Simulation Options ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' -q ' , ' --quiet ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' quiet ' , default = False ,
help = ' Activate quiet mode. If used with --verbose, print the log to stderr ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' --no-warnings ' ,
dest = ' no_warnings ' , action = ' store_true ' , default = False ,
help = ' Ignore warnings ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' -s ' , ' --simulate ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' simulate ' , default = None ,
help = ' Do not download the video and do not write anything to disk ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' --no-simulate ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' simulate ' ,
help = ' Download the video even if printing/listing options are used ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' --ignore-no-formats-error ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' ignore_no_formats_error ' , default = False ,
help = (
' Ignore " No video formats " error. Usefull for extracting metadata '
' even if the videos are not actually available for download (experimental) ' ) )
verbosity . add_option (
' --no-ignore-no-formats-error ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' ignore_no_formats_error ' ,
help = ' Throw error when no downloadable video formats are found (default) ' )
verbosity . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --skip-download ' , ' --no-download ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' skip_download ' , default = False ,
help = ' Do not download the video but write all related files (Alias: --no-download) ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' -O ' , ' --print ' ,
metavar = ' TEMPLATE ' , action = ' append ' , dest = ' forceprint ' ,
help = (
' Quiet, but print the given fields for each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used. '
' Either a field name or same syntax as the output template can be used ' ) )
verbosity . add_option (
' -g ' , ' --get-url ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' geturl ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' -e ' , ' --get-title ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' gettitle ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' --get-id ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' getid ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' --get-thumbnail ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' getthumbnail ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' --get-description ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' getdescription ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' --get-duration ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' getduration ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' --get-filename ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' getfilename ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' --get-format ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' getformat ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' -j ' , ' --dump-json ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' dumpjson ' , default = False ,
help = ' Quiet, but print JSON information for each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used. See " OUTPUT TEMPLATE " for a description of available keys ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' -J ' , ' --dump-single-json ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' dump_single_json ' , default = False ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = (
' Quiet, but print JSON information for each url or infojson passed. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used. '
' If the URL refers to a playlist, the whole playlist information is dumped in a single line ' ) )
verbosity . add_option (
' --print-json ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' print_json ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' --force-write-archive ' , ' --force-write-download-archive ' , ' --force-download-archive ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' force_write_download_archive ' , default = False ,
help = (
' Force download archive entries to be written as far as no errors occur, '
' even if -s or another simulation option is used (Alias: --force-download-archive) ' ) )
verbosity . add_option (
' --newline ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' progress_with_newline ' , default = False ,
help = ' Output progress bar as new lines ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' --no-progress ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' noprogress ' , default = False ,
help = ' Do not print progress bar ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' --console-title ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' consoletitle ' , default = False ,
help = ' Display progress in console titlebar ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' -v ' , ' --verbose ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' verbose ' , default = False ,
help = ' Print various debugging information ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' --dump-pages ' , ' --dump-intermediate-pages ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' dump_intermediate_pages ' , default = False ,
help = ' Print downloaded pages encoded using base64 to debug problems (very verbose) ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' --write-pages ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' write_pages ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write downloaded intermediary pages to files in the current directory to debug problems ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' --youtube-print-sig-code ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' youtube_print_sig_code ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' --print-traffic ' , ' --dump-headers ' ,
dest = ' debug_printtraffic ' , action = ' store_true ' , default = False ,
help = ' Display sent and read HTTP traffic ' )
verbosity . add_option (
' -C ' , ' --call-home ' ,
dest = ' call_home ' , action = ' store_true ' , default = False ,
# help='[Broken] Contact the yt-dlp server for debugging')
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
verbosity . add_option (
' --no-call-home ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
dest = ' call_home ' , action = ' store_false ' ,
# help='Do not contact the yt-dlp server for debugging (default)')
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
filesystem = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Filesystem Options ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' -a ' , ' --batch-file ' ,
dest = ' batchfile ' , metavar = ' FILE ' ,
help = " File containing URLs to download ( ' - ' for stdin), one URL per line. "
" Lines starting with ' # ' , ' ; ' or ' ] ' are considered as comments and ignored " )
filesystem . add_option (
' --id ' , default = False ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' useid ' , help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
filesystem . add_option (
' -P ' , ' --paths ' ,
metavar = ' [TYPES:]PATH ' , dest = ' paths ' , default = { } , type = ' str ' ,
action = ' callback ' , callback = _dict_from_options_callback ,
callback_kwargs = {
' allowed_keys ' : ' home|temp| %s ' % ' | ' . join ( OUTTMPL_TYPES . keys ( ) ) ,
' default_key ' : ' home '
} , help = (
' The paths where the files should be downloaded. '
' Specify the type of file and the path separated by a colon " : " . '
' All the same types as --output are supported. '
' Additionally, you can also provide " home " (default) and " temp " paths. '
' All intermediary files are first downloaded to the temp path and '
' then the final files are moved over to the home path after download is finished. '
' This option is ignored if --output is an absolute path ' ) )
filesystem . add_option (
' -o ' , ' --output ' ,
Improve argument parsing for `-P`, `-o`, `-S`
* `-P "subtitle,thumbnail:PATH"` is now possible. Similarly for `-o`
* `-S "fps,br" -S "res,codec"` is now interpreted as `-S res,codec,fps,br`. Previously, `-S fps,br` was ignored in this case.
4 years ago
metavar = ' [TYPES:]TEMPLATE ' , dest = ' outtmpl ' , default = { } , type = ' str ' ,
action = ' callback ' , callback = _dict_from_options_callback ,
callback_kwargs = {
' allowed_keys ' : ' | ' . join ( OUTTMPL_TYPES . keys ( ) ) ,
' default_key ' : ' default '
} , help = ' Output filename template; see " OUTPUT TEMPLATE " for details ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --output-na-placeholder ' ,
dest = ' outtmpl_na_placeholder ' , metavar = ' TEXT ' , default = ' NA ' ,
help = ( ' Placeholder value for unavailable meta fields in output filename template (default: " %d efault " ) ' ) )
filesystem . add_option (
' --autonumber-size ' ,
dest = ' autonumber_size ' , metavar = ' NUMBER ' , type = int ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
filesystem . add_option (
' --autonumber-start ' ,
dest = ' autonumber_start ' , metavar = ' NUMBER ' , default = 1 , type = int ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
filesystem . add_option (
' --restrict-filenames ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' restrictfilenames ' , default = False ,
help = ' Restrict filenames to only ASCII characters, and avoid " & " and spaces in filenames ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-restrict-filenames ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' restrictfilenames ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = ' Allow Unicode characters, " & " and spaces in filenames (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --windows-filenames ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' windowsfilenames ' , default = False ,
help = ' Force filenames to be windows compatible ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-windows-filenames ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' windowsfilenames ' ,
help = ' Make filenames windows compatible only if using windows (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --trim-filenames ' , ' --trim-file-names ' , metavar = ' LENGTH ' ,
dest = ' trim_file_name ' , default = 0 , type = int ,
help = ' Limit the filename length (excluding extension) to the specified number of characters ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --auto-number ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' autonumber ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
filesystem . add_option (
' --title ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' usetitle ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
filesystem . add_option (
' --literal ' , default = False ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' usetitle ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
filesystem . add_option (
' -w ' , ' --no-overwrites ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' overwrites ' , default = None ,
help = ' Do not overwrite any files ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --force-overwrites ' , ' --yes-overwrites ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' overwrites ' ,
help = ' Overwrite all video and metadata files. This option includes --no-continue ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-force-overwrites ' ,
action = ' store_const ' , dest = ' overwrites ' , const = None ,
help = ' Do not overwrite the video, but overwrite related files (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' -c ' , ' --continue ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' continue_dl ' , default = True ,
help = ' Resume partially downloaded files/fragments (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-continue ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' continue_dl ' ,
help = (
' Do not resume partially downloaded fragments. '
' If the file is not fragmented, restart download of the entire file ' ) )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
filesystem . add_option (
' --part ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' nopart ' , default = False ,
help = ' Use .part files instead of writing directly into output file (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-part ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' nopart ' ,
help = ' Do not use .part files - write directly into output file ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
filesystem . add_option (
' --mtime ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' updatetime ' , default = True ,
help = ' Use the Last-modified header to set the file modification time (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-mtime ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' updatetime ' ,
help = ' Do not use the Last-modified header to set the file modification time ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --write-description ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writedescription ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write video description to a .description file ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-write-description ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' writedescription ' ,
help = ' Do not write video description (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --write-info-json ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writeinfojson ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write video metadata to a .info.json file (this may contain personal information) ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-write-info-json ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' writeinfojson ' ,
help = ' Do not write video metadata (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --write-annotations ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writeannotations ' , default = False ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-write-annotations ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' writeannotations ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
filesystem . add_option (
' --write-playlist-metafiles ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' allow_playlist_files ' , default = None ,
help = (
' Write playlist metadata in addition to the video metadata '
' when using --write-info-json, --write-description etc. (default) ' ) )
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-write-playlist-metafiles ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' allow_playlist_files ' ,
help = ' Do not write playlist metadata when using --write-info-json, --write-description etc. ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --clean-infojson ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' clean_infojson ' , default = None ,
help = (
' Remove some private fields such as filenames from the infojson. '
' Note that it could still contain some personal information (default) ' ) )
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-clean-infojson ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' clean_infojson ' ,
help = ' Write all fields to the infojson ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --write-comments ' , ' --get-comments ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' getcomments ' , default = False ,
help = (
' Retrieve video comments to be placed in the infojson. '
' The comments are fetched even without this option if the extraction is known to be quick (Alias: --get-comments) ' ) )
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-write-comments ' , ' --no-get-comments ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' getcomments ' , default = False ,
help = ' Do not retrieve video comments unless the extraction is known to be quick (Alias: --no-get-comments) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --load-info-json ' , ' --load-info ' ,
dest = ' load_info_filename ' , metavar = ' FILE ' ,
help = ' JSON file containing the video information (created with the " --write-info-json " option) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --cookies ' ,
dest = ' cookiefile ' , metavar = ' FILE ' ,
help = ' File to read cookies from and dump cookie jar in ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-cookies ' ,
action = ' store_const ' , const = None , dest = ' cookiefile ' , metavar = ' FILE ' ,
help = ' Do not read/dump cookies from/to file (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --cookies-from-browser ' ,
dest = ' cookiesfrombrowser ' , metavar = ' BROWSER[:PROFILE] ' ,
help = (
' Load cookies from a user profile of the given web browser. '
' Currently supported browsers are: {} . '
' You can specify the user profile name or directory using '
' If no profile is given, the most recently accessed one is used ' . format (
' | ' . join ( sorted ( SUPPORTED_BROWSERS ) ) ) ) )
filesystem . add_option (
' --no-cookies-from-browser ' ,
action = ' store_const ' , const = None , dest = ' cookiesfrombrowser ' ,
help = ' Do not load cookies from browser (default) ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --cache-dir ' , dest = ' cachedir ' , default = None , metavar = ' DIR ' ,
help = ' Location in the filesystem where youtube-dl can store some downloaded information (such as client ids and signatures) permanently. By default $XDG_CACHE_HOME/yt-dlp or ~/.cache/yt-dlp ' )
filesystem . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --no-cache-dir ' , action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' cachedir ' ,
help = ' Disable filesystem caching ' )
filesystem . add_option (
' --rm-cache-dir ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' rm_cachedir ' ,
help = ' Delete all filesystem cache files ' )
thumbnail = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Thumbnail Options ' )
thumbnail . add_option (
' --write-thumbnail ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writethumbnail ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write thumbnail image to disk ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
thumbnail . add_option (
' --no-write-thumbnail ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' writethumbnail ' ,
help = ' Do not write thumbnail image to disk (default) ' )
thumbnail . add_option (
' --write-all-thumbnails ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' write_all_thumbnails ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write all thumbnail image formats to disk ' )
thumbnail . add_option (
' --list-thumbnails ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' list_thumbnails ' , default = False ,
help = ' List available thumbnails of each video. Simulate unless --no-simulate is used ' )
link = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Internet Shortcut Options ' )
link . add_option (
' --write-link ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writelink ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write an internet shortcut file, depending on the current platform (.url, .webloc or .desktop). The URL may be cached by the OS ' )
link . add_option (
' --write-url-link ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writeurllink ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write a .url Windows internet shortcut. The OS caches the URL based on the file path ' )
link . add_option (
' --write-webloc-link ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writewebloclink ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write a .webloc macOS internet shortcut ' )
link . add_option (
' --write-desktop-link ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' writedesktoplink ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write a .desktop Linux internet shortcut ' )
postproc = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Post-Processing Options ' )
postproc . add_option (
' -x ' , ' --extract-audio ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' extractaudio ' , default = False ,
help = ' Convert video files to audio-only files (requires ffmpeg and ffprobe) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --audio-format ' , metavar = ' FORMAT ' , dest = ' audioformat ' , default = ' best ' ,
help = (
' Specify audio format to convert the audio to when -x is used. Currently supported formats are: '
' best (default) or one of %s ' % ' | ' . join ( FFmpegExtractAudioPP . SUPPORTED_EXTS ) ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --audio-quality ' , metavar = ' QUALITY ' ,
dest = ' audioquality ' , default = ' 5 ' ,
help = ' Specify ffmpeg audio quality, insert a value between 0 (better) and 9 (worse) for VBR or a specific bitrate like 128K (default %d efault) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --remux-video ' ,
metavar = ' FORMAT ' , dest = ' remuxvideo ' , default = None ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = (
' Remux the video into another container if necessary (currently supported: %s ). '
' If target container does not support the video/audio codec, remuxing will fail. '
' You can specify multiple rules; Eg. " aac>m4a/mov>mp4/mkv " will remux aac to m4a, mov to mp4 '
' and anything else to mkv. ' % ' | ' . join ( FFmpegVideoRemuxerPP . SUPPORTED_EXTS ) ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --recode-video ' ,
metavar = ' FORMAT ' , dest = ' recodevideo ' , default = None ,
help = (
' Re-encode the video into another format if re-encoding is necessary. '
' The syntax and supported formats are the same as --remux-video ' ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --postprocessor-args ' , ' --ppa ' ,
metavar = ' NAME:ARGS ' , dest = ' postprocessor_args ' , default = { } , type = ' str ' ,
action = ' callback ' , callback = _dict_from_options_callback ,
Improve argument parsing for `-P`, `-o`, `-S`
* `-P "subtitle,thumbnail:PATH"` is now possible. Similarly for `-o`
* `-S "fps,br" -S "res,codec"` is now interpreted as `-S res,codec,fps,br`. Previously, `-S fps,br` was ignored in this case.
4 years ago
callback_kwargs = {
' allowed_keys ' : r ' \ w+(?: \ + \ w+)? ' , ' default_key ' : ' default-compat ' ,
' process ' : compat_shlex_split ,
' multiple_keys ' : False
} , help = (
' Give these arguments to the postprocessors. '
' Specify the postprocessor/executable name and the arguments separated by a colon " : " '
' to give the argument to the specified postprocessor/executable. Supported PP are: '
' Merger, ModifyChapters, SplitChapters, ExtractAudio, VideoRemuxer, VideoConvertor, '
' Metadata, EmbedSubtitle, EmbedThumbnail, SubtitlesConvertor, ThumbnailsConvertor, '
' FixupStretched, FixupM4a, FixupM3u8, FixupTimestamp and FixupDuration. '
' The supported executables are: AtomicParsley, FFmpeg and FFprobe. '
' You can also specify " PP+EXE:ARGS " to give the arguments to the specified executable '
' only when being used by the specified postprocessor. Additionally, for ffmpeg/ffprobe, '
' " _i " / " _o " can be appended to the prefix optionally followed by a number to pass the argument '
' before the specified input/output file. Eg: --ppa " Merger+ffmpeg_i1:-v quiet " . '
' You can use this option multiple times to give different arguments to different '
' postprocessors. (Alias: --ppa) ' ) )
postproc . add_option (
' -k ' , ' --keep-video ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' keepvideo ' , default = False ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = ' Keep the intermediate video file on disk after post-processing ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --no-keep-video ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' keepvideo ' ,
help = ' Delete the intermediate video file after post-processing (default) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --post-overwrites ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' nopostoverwrites ' ,
help = ' Overwrite post-processed files (default) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --no-post-overwrites ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' nopostoverwrites ' , default = False ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = ' Do not overwrite post-processed files ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --embed-subs ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' embedsubtitles ' , default = False ,
help = ' Embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4, webm and mkv videos) ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
postproc . add_option (
' --no-embed-subs ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' embedsubtitles ' ,
help = ' Do not embed subtitles (default) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --embed-thumbnail ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' embedthumbnail ' , default = False ,
help = ' Embed thumbnail in the video as cover art ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
postproc . add_option (
' --no-embed-thumbnail ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' embedthumbnail ' ,
help = ' Do not embed thumbnail (default) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --embed-metadata ' , ' --add-metadata ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' addmetadata ' , default = False ,
help = ' Embed metadata to the video file. Also adds chapters to file unless --no-add-chapters is used (Alias: --add-metadata) ' )
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
postproc . add_option (
' --no-embed-metadata ' , ' --no-add-metadata ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' addmetadata ' ,
help = ' Do not add metadata to file (default) (Alias: --no-add-metadata) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --embed-chapters ' , ' --add-chapters ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' addchapters ' , default = None ,
help = ' Add chapter markers to the video file (Alias: --add-chapters) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --no-embed-chapters ' , ' --no-add-chapters ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' addchapters ' ,
help = ' Do not add chapter markers (default) (Alias: --no-add-chapters) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --metadata-from-title ' ,
metavar = ' FORMAT ' , dest = ' metafromtitle ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
postproc . add_option (
' --parse-metadata ' ,
metavar = ' FROM:TO ' , dest = ' parse_metadata ' , action = ' append ' ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = (
' Parse additional metadata like title/artist from other fields; '
' see " MODIFYING METADATA " for details ' ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --replace-in-metadata ' ,
dest = ' parse_metadata ' , metavar = ' FIELDS REGEX REPLACE ' , action = ' append ' , nargs = 3 ,
help = ' Replace text in a metadata field using the given regex. This option can be used multiple times ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --xattrs ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' xattrs ' , default = False ,
help = ' Write metadata to the video file \' s xattrs (using dublin core and xdg standards) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --fixup ' ,
metavar = ' POLICY ' , dest = ' fixup ' , default = None ,
choices = ( ' never ' , ' ignore ' , ' warn ' , ' detect_or_warn ' , ' force ' ) ,
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
help = (
' Automatically correct known faults of the file. '
' One of never (do nothing), warn (only emit a warning), '
' detect_or_warn (the default; fix file if we can, warn otherwise), '
' force (try fixing even if file already exists ' ) )
postproc . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --prefer-avconv ' , ' --no-prefer-ffmpeg ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' prefer_ffmpeg ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
postproc . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --prefer-ffmpeg ' , ' --no-prefer-avconv ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' prefer_ffmpeg ' , default = True ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
postproc . add_option (
' --ffmpeg-location ' , ' --avconv-location ' , metavar = ' PATH ' ,
dest = ' ffmpeg_location ' ,
help = ' Location of the ffmpeg binary; either the path to the binary or its containing directory ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --exec ' , metavar = ' CMD ' ,
action = ' append ' , dest = ' exec_cmd ' ,
help = (
' Execute a command on the file after downloading and post-processing. '
' Same syntax as the output template can be used to pass any field as arguments to the command. '
' An additional field " filepath " that contains the final path of the downloaded file is also available. '
' If no fields are passed, % (filepath)q is appended to the end of the command. '
' This option can be used multiple times ' ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --no-exec ' ,
action = ' store_const ' , dest = ' exec_cmd ' , const = [ ] ,
help = ' Remove any previously defined --exec ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --exec-before-download ' , metavar = ' CMD ' ,
action = ' append ' , dest = ' exec_before_dl_cmd ' ,
help = (
' Execute a command before the actual download. '
' The syntax is the same as --exec but " filepath " is not available. '
' This option can be used multiple times ' ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --no-exec-before-download ' ,
action = ' store_const ' , dest = ' exec_before_dl_cmd ' , const = [ ] ,
help = ' Remove any previously defined --exec-before-download ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --convert-subs ' , ' --convert-sub ' , ' --convert-subtitles ' ,
metavar = ' FORMAT ' , dest = ' convertsubtitles ' , default = None ,
help = (
' Convert the subtitles to another format (currently supported: %s ) '
' (Alias: --convert-subtitles) ' % ' | ' . join ( FFmpegSubtitlesConvertorPP . SUPPORTED_EXTS ) ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --convert-thumbnails ' ,
metavar = ' FORMAT ' , dest = ' convertthumbnails ' , default = None ,
help = (
' Convert the thumbnails to another format '
' (currently supported: %s ) ' % ' | ' . join ( FFmpegThumbnailsConvertorPP . SUPPORTED_EXTS ) ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --split-chapters ' , ' --split-tracks ' ,
dest = ' split_chapters ' , action = ' store_true ' , default = False ,
help = (
' Split video into multiple files based on internal chapters. '
' The " chapter: " prefix can be used with " --paths " and " --output " to '
' set the output filename for the split files. See " OUTPUT TEMPLATE " for details ' ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --no-split-chapters ' , ' --no-split-tracks ' ,
dest = ' split_chapters ' , action = ' store_false ' ,
help = ' Do not split video based on chapters (default) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --remove-chapters ' ,
metavar = ' REGEX ' , dest = ' remove_chapters ' , action = ' append ' ,
help = ' Remove chapters whose title matches the given regular expression. This option can be used multiple times ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --no-remove-chapters ' , dest = ' remove_chapters ' , action = ' store_const ' , const = None ,
help = ' Do not remove any chapters from the file (default) ' )
postproc . add_option (
' --force-keyframes-at-cuts ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' force_keyframes_at_cuts ' , default = False ,
help = (
' Force keyframes around the chapters before removing/splitting them. '
' Requires a reencode and thus is very slow, but the resulting video '
' may have fewer artifacts around the cuts ' ) )
postproc . add_option (
' --no-force-keyframes-at-cuts ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' force_keyframes_at_cuts ' ,
help = ' Do not force keyframes around the chapters when cutting/splitting (default) ' )
sponsorblock = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' SponsorBlock Options ' , description = (
' Make chapter entries for, or remove various segments (sponsor, introductions, etc.) '
' from downloaded YouTube videos using the SponsorBlock API ( ' ) )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --sponsorblock-mark ' , metavar = ' CATS ' ,
dest = ' sponsorblock_mark ' , default = set ( ) , action = ' callback ' , type = ' str ' ,
callback = _set_from_options_callback , callback_kwargs = { ' allowed_values ' : SponsorBlockPP . CATEGORIES . keys ( ) } ,
help = (
' SponsorBlock categories to create chapters for, separated by commas. '
' Available categories are all, %s . You can prefix the category with a " - " to exempt it. '
' See for description of the categories. '
' Eg: --sponsorblock-query all,-preview ' % ' , ' . join ( SponsorBlockPP . CATEGORIES . keys ( ) ) ) )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --sponsorblock-remove ' , metavar = ' CATS ' ,
dest = ' sponsorblock_remove ' , default = set ( ) , action = ' callback ' , type = ' str ' ,
callback = _set_from_options_callback , callback_kwargs = { ' allowed_values ' : SponsorBlockPP . CATEGORIES . keys ( ) } ,
help = (
' SponsorBlock categories to be removed from the video file, separated by commas. '
' If a category is present in both mark and remove, remove takes precedence. '
' The syntax and available categories are the same as for --sponsorblock-mark ' ) )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --sponsorblock-chapter-title ' , metavar = ' TEMPLATE ' ,
default = DEFAULT_SPONSORBLOCK_CHAPTER_TITLE , dest = ' sponsorblock_chapter_title ' ,
help = (
' The title template for SponsorBlock chapters created by --sponsorblock-mark. '
' The same syntax as the output template is used, but the only available fields are '
' start_time, end_time, category, categories, name, category_names. Defaults to " %d efault " ' ) )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --no-sponsorblock ' , default = False ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' no_sponsorblock ' ,
help = ' Disable both --sponsorblock-mark and --sponsorblock-remove ' )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --sponsorblock-api ' , metavar = ' URL ' ,
default = ' ' , dest = ' sponsorblock_api ' ,
help = ' SponsorBlock API location, defaults to %d efault ' )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --sponskrub ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' sponskrub ' , default = None ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --no-sponskrub ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' sponskrub ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --sponskrub-cut ' , default = False ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' sponskrub_cut ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
sponsorblock . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --no-sponskrub-cut ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' sponskrub_cut ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --sponskrub-force ' , default = False ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' sponskrub_force ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
sponsorblock . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --no-sponskrub-force ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' sponskrub_force ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --sponskrub-location ' , metavar = ' PATH ' ,
dest = ' sponskrub_path ' , default = ' ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
sponsorblock . add_option (
' --sponskrub-args ' , dest = ' sponskrub_args ' , metavar = ' ARGS ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
extractor = optparse . OptionGroup ( parser , ' Extractor Options ' )
extractor . add_option (
' --extractor-retries ' ,
dest = ' extractor_retries ' , metavar = ' RETRIES ' , default = 3 ,
help = ' Number of retries for known extractor errors (default is %d efault), or " infinite " ' )
extractor . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --allow-dynamic-mpd ' , ' --no-ignore-dynamic-mpd ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' dynamic_mpd ' , default = True ,
help = ' Process dynamic DASH manifests (default) (Alias: --no-ignore-dynamic-mpd) ' )
extractor . add_option (
Added negative switches for many existing options
* The idea is that it should be possible to negate any boolean option by adding a `no-` to the switch
New: `--no-ignore-dynamic-mpd`, `--no-allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--allow-dynamic-mpd`, `--youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-include-hls-manifest`, `--no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest`, `--no-download`, `--no-download-archive`, `--resize-buffer`, `--part`, `--mtime`, `--no-keep-fragments`, `--no-cookies`, `--no-write-annotations`, `--no-write-info-json`, `--no-write-description`, `--no-write-thumbnail`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--post-overwrites`, `--no-keep-video`, `--no-embed-subs`, `--no-embed-thumbnail`, `--no-add-metadata`, `--no-include-ads`, `--no-write-sub`, `--no-write-auto-sub`, `--no-playlist-reverse`, `--no-restrict-filenames`, `--youtube-include-dash-manifest`, `--no-format-sort-force`, `--flat-videos`, `--no-list-formats-as-table`, `--no-sponskrub`, `--no-sponskrub-cut`, `--no-sponskrub-force`
Renamed: `--write-subs`, --no-write-subs`, `--no-write-auto-subs, `--write-auto-subs`. Note that these can still be used without the ending "s"
4 years ago
' --ignore-dynamic-mpd ' , ' --no-allow-dynamic-mpd ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' dynamic_mpd ' ,
help = ' Do not process dynamic DASH manifests (Alias: --no-allow-dynamic-mpd) ' )
extractor . add_option (
' --hls-split-discontinuity ' ,
dest = ' hls_split_discontinuity ' , action = ' store_true ' , default = False ,
help = ' Split HLS playlists to different formats at discontinuities such as ad breaks '
extractor . add_option (
' --no-hls-split-discontinuity ' ,
dest = ' hls_split_discontinuity ' , action = ' store_false ' ,
help = ' Do not split HLS playlists to different formats at discontinuities such as ad breaks (default) ' )
_extractor_arg_parser = lambda key , vals = ' ' : ( key . strip ( ) . lower ( ) . replace ( ' - ' , ' _ ' ) , [ val . strip ( ) for val in vals . split ( ' , ' ) ] )
extractor . add_option (
' --extractor-args ' ,
metavar = ' KEY:ARGS ' , dest = ' extractor_args ' , default = { } , type = ' str ' ,
action = ' callback ' , callback = _dict_from_options_callback ,
callback_kwargs = {
' multiple_keys ' : False ,
' process ' : lambda val : dict (
_extractor_arg_parser ( * arg . split ( ' = ' , 1 ) ) for arg in val . split ( ' ; ' ) )
} , help = (
' Pass these arguments to the extractor. See " EXTRACTOR ARGUMENTS " for details. '
' You can use this option multiple times to give arguments for different extractors ' ) )
extractor . add_option (
' --youtube-include-dash-manifest ' , ' --no-youtube-skip-dash-manifest ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' youtube_include_dash_manifest ' , default = True ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
extractor . add_option (
' --youtube-skip-dash-manifest ' , ' --no-youtube-include-dash-manifest ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' youtube_include_dash_manifest ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
extractor . add_option (
' --youtube-include-hls-manifest ' , ' --no-youtube-skip-hls-manifest ' ,
action = ' store_true ' , dest = ' youtube_include_hls_manifest ' , default = True ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
extractor . add_option (
' --youtube-skip-hls-manifest ' , ' --no-youtube-include-hls-manifest ' ,
action = ' store_false ' , dest = ' youtube_include_hls_manifest ' ,
help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
parser . add_option_group ( general )
parser . add_option_group ( network )
parser . add_option_group ( geo )
parser . add_option_group ( selection )
parser . add_option_group ( downloader )
parser . add_option_group ( filesystem )
parser . add_option_group ( thumbnail )
parser . add_option_group ( link )
parser . add_option_group ( verbosity )
parser . add_option_group ( workarounds )
parser . add_option_group ( video_format )
parser . add_option_group ( subtitles )
parser . add_option_group ( authentication )
parser . add_option_group ( postproc )
parser . add_option_group ( sponsorblock )
parser . add_option_group ( extractor )
if overrideArguments is not None :
opts , args = parser . parse_args ( overrideArguments )
if opts . verbose :
write_string ( ' [debug] Override config: ' + repr ( overrideArguments ) + ' \n ' )
else :
def compat_conf ( conf ) :
if sys . version_info < ( 3 , ) :
return [ a . decode ( preferredencoding ( ) , ' replace ' ) for a in conf ]
return conf
configs = {
' command-line ' : compat_conf ( sys . argv [ 1 : ] ) ,
' custom ' : [ ] , ' home ' : [ ] , ' portable ' : [ ] , ' user ' : [ ] , ' system ' : [ ] }
paths = { ' command-line ' : False }
opts , args = parser . parse_args ( configs [ ' command-line ' ] )
def get_configs ( ) :
if ' --config-location ' in configs [ ' command-line ' ] :
location = compat_expanduser ( opts . config_location )
if os . path . isdir ( location ) :
location = os . path . join ( location , ' yt-dlp.conf ' )
if not os . path . exists ( location ) :
parser . error ( ' config-location %s does not exist. ' % location )
configs [ ' custom ' ] = _readOptions ( location , default = None )
if configs [ ' custom ' ] is None :
configs [ ' custom ' ] = [ ]
else :
paths [ ' custom ' ] = location
if ' --ignore-config ' in configs [ ' command-line ' ] :
if ' --ignore-config ' in configs [ ' custom ' ] :
def read_options ( path , user = False ) :
# Multiple package names can be given here
# Eg: ('yt-dlp', 'youtube-dlc', 'youtube-dl') will look for
# the configuration file of any of these three packages
for package in ( ' yt-dlp ' , ) :
if user :
config , current_path = _readUserConf ( package , default = None )
else :
current_path = os . path . join ( path , ' %s .conf ' % package )
config = _readOptions ( current_path , default = None )
if config is not None :
return config , current_path
return [ ] , None
configs [ ' portable ' ] , paths [ ' portable ' ] = read_options ( get_executable_path ( ) )
if ' --ignore-config ' in configs [ ' portable ' ] :
def get_home_path ( ) :
opts = parser . parse_args ( configs [ ' portable ' ] + configs [ ' custom ' ] + configs [ ' command-line ' ] ) [ 0 ]
return expand_path ( opts . paths . get ( ' home ' , ' ' ) ) . strip ( )
configs [ ' home ' ] , paths [ ' home ' ] = read_options ( get_home_path ( ) )
if ' --ignore-config ' in configs [ ' home ' ] :
configs [ ' system ' ] , paths [ ' system ' ] = read_options ( ' /etc ' )
if ' --ignore-config ' in configs [ ' system ' ] :
configs [ ' user ' ] , paths [ ' user ' ] = read_options ( ' ' , True )
if ' --ignore-config ' in configs [ ' user ' ] :
configs [ ' system ' ] , paths [ ' system ' ] = [ ] , None
get_configs ( )
argv = configs [ ' system ' ] + configs [ ' user ' ] + configs [ ' home ' ] + configs [ ' portable ' ] + configs [ ' custom ' ] + configs [ ' command-line ' ]
opts , args = parser . parse_args ( argv )
if opts . verbose :
for label in ( ' System ' , ' User ' , ' Portable ' , ' Home ' , ' Custom ' , ' Command-line ' ) :
key = label . lower ( )
if paths . get ( key ) is None :
if paths [ key ] :
write_string ( ' [debug] %s config file: %s \n ' % ( label , paths [ key ] ) )
write_string ( ' [debug] %s config: %s \n ' % ( label , repr ( _hide_login_info ( configs [ key ] ) ) ) )
return parser , opts , args