name : Feature request
description : Request a new feature unrelated to any particular site or extractor
labels : [ triage, enhancement]
body :
- type : checkboxes
id : checklist
attributes :
label : Checklist
description : |
Carefully read and work through this check list in order to prevent the most common mistakes and misuse of yt-dlp :
options :
- label : I'm requesting a feature unrelated to a specific site
required : true
- label : I've looked through the [README](
required : true
- label : I've verified that I have **updated yt-dlp to nightly or master** ([update instructions](
required : true
- label : I've searched the [bugtracker]( for similar requests **including closed ones**. DO NOT post duplicates
required : true
- type : textarea
id : description
attributes :
label : Provide a description that is worded well enough to be understood
description : See [is-the-description-of-the-issue-itself-sufficient](
placeholder : Provide any additional information, any suggested solutions, and as much context and examples as possible
validations :
required : true