@ -95,6 +95,61 @@ def _js_ternary(cndn, if_true=True, if_false=False):
return if_true
# Ref: https://es5.github.io/#x9.8.1
def js_number_to_string(val: float, radix: int = 10):
if radix in (JS_Undefined, None):
radix = 10
assert radix in range(2, 37), 'radix must be an integer at least 2 and no greater than 36'
if math.isnan(val):
return 'NaN'
if val == 0:
return '0'
if math.isinf(val):
return '-Infinity' if val < 0 else 'Infinity'
if radix == 10:
# TODO: implement special cases
ALPHABET = b'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.-'
result = collections.deque()
sign = val < 0
val = abs(val)
fraction, integer = math.modf(val)
delta = max(math.nextafter(.0, math.inf), math.ulp(val) / 2)
if fraction >= delta:
result.append(-2) # `.`
while fraction >= delta:
delta *= radix
fraction, digit = math.modf(fraction * radix)
# if we need to round, propagate potential carry through fractional part
needs_rounding = fraction > 0.5 or (fraction == 0.5 and int(digit) & 1)
if needs_rounding and fraction + delta > 1:
for index in reversed(range(1, len(result))):
if result[index] + 1 < radix:
result[index] += 1
integer += 1
integer, digit = divmod(int(integer), radix)
while integer > 0:
integer, digit = divmod(integer, radix)
if sign:
result.appendleft(-1) # `-`
return bytes(ALPHABET[digit] for digit in result).decode('ascii')
# Ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence
_OPERATORS = { # None => Defined in JSInterpreter._operator
'?': None,