@ -124,10 +124,13 @@ which means you can modify it, redistribute it or use it however you like.
video id, %(playlist)s for the playlist the
video is in, %(playlist_index)s for the
position in the playlist and %% for a
literal percent. Use - to output to stdout.
Can also be used to download to a different
directory, for example with -o '/my/downloa
ds/%(uploader)s/%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s' .
literal percent. %(height)s and %(width)s
for the width and height of the video in
the picked format. Use - to output to
stdout. Can also be used to download to a
different directory, for example with -o '/
%(ext)s' .
--autonumber-size NUMBER Specifies the number of digits in
%(autonumber)s when it is present in output
filename template or --auto-number option