@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import enum
import importlib
import importlib.abc
@ -10,7 +11,9 @@ import os
import pkgutil
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
import zipimport
from contextvars import ContextVar
from pathlib import Path
from zipfile import ZipFile
@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ from .globals import (
postprocessors, plugin_overrides,
from .compat import functools # isort: split
@ -42,12 +45,6 @@ class PluginType(enum.Enum):
EXTRACTORS = ('extractor', 'IE')
_plugin_type_lookup = {
PluginType.POSTPROCESSORS: (postprocessors, plugin_pps),
PluginType.EXTRACTORS: (extractors, plugin_ies),
class PluginLoader(importlib.abc.Loader):
"""Dummy loader for virtual namespace packages"""
@ -165,22 +162,74 @@ def iter_modules(subpackage):
yield from pkgutil.iter_modules(path=pkg.__path__, prefix=f'{fullname}.')
def load_module(module, module_name, suffix):
result = inspect.getmembers(module, lambda obj: (
def get_regular_modules(module, module_name, suffix):
# Find standard public plugin classes (not overrides)
return inspect.getmembers(module, lambda obj: (
and obj.__name__.endswith(suffix)
and obj.__module__.startswith(module_name)
and not obj.__name__.startswith('_')
and obj.__name__ in getattr(module, '__all__', [obj.__name__])))
return result
and obj.__name__ in getattr(module, '__all__', [obj.__name__])
and getattr(obj, '_plugin_name', None) is None
load_module = get_regular_modules
def get_override_modules(module, module_name, suffix):
# Find override plugin classes
def predicate(obj):
if not inspect.isclass(obj):
return False
mro = inspect.getmro(obj)
return (
and getattr(obj, '_plugin_name', None) is not None
and mro[mro.index(obj) + 1].__name__.endswith(suffix)
return inspect.getmembers(module, predicate)
def configure_ie_override_class(klass, super_class, plugin_name):
ie_key = getattr(super_class, 'ie_key', None)
if not ie_key:
warnings.warn(f'Override plugin {klass} is not an extractor')
return False
klass.ie_key = ie_key
klass.IE_NAME = f'{super_class.IE_NAME}+{plugin_name}'
class _PluginTypeConfig:
destination: ContextVar
plugin_destination: ContextVar
# Function to configure the override class. Return False to skip the class
# Takes (klass, super_class, plugin_name) as arguments
configure_override_func: callable = lambda *args: None
_plugin_type_lookup = {
PluginType.POSTPROCESSORS: _PluginTypeConfig(
PluginType.EXTRACTORS: _PluginTypeConfig(
def load_plugins(plugin_type: PluginType):
destination, plugin_destination = _plugin_type_lookup[plugin_type]
plugin_config = _plugin_type_lookup[plugin_type]
name, suffix = plugin_type.value
classes = {}
regular_classes = {}
override_classes = {}
if os.environ.get('YTDLP_NO_PLUGINS'):
return classes
return regular_classes
for finder, module_name, _ in iter_modules(name):
if any(x.startswith('_') for x in module_name.split('.')):
@ -201,7 +250,8 @@ def load_plugins(plugin_type: PluginType):
f'Error while importing module {module_name!r}\n{traceback.format_exc(limit=-1)}',
classes.update(load_module(module, module_name, suffix))
regular_classes.update(get_regular_modules(module, module_name, suffix))
override_classes.update(get_override_modules(module, module_name, suffix))
# Compat: old plugin system using __init__.py
# Note: plugins imported this way do not show up in directories()
@ -215,41 +265,38 @@ def load_plugins(plugin_type: PluginType):
plugins = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
sys.modules[spec.name] = plugins
classes.update(load_module(plugins, spec.name, suffix))
regular_classes.update(get_regular_modules(plugins, spec.name, suffix))
# regular_plugins = {}
# __init_subclass__ was removed so we manually add overrides
# for name, klass in classes.items():
# plugin_name = getattr(klass, '_plugin_name', None)
# if not plugin_name:
# regular_plugins[name] = klass
# continue
# Configure override classes
for name, klass in override_classes.items():
plugin_name = getattr(klass, '_plugin_name', None)
if not plugin_name:
# these should always have plugin_name
# FIXME: Most likely something wrong here
# This does not work as plugin overrides are not available here. They are not imported in plugin_ies.
mro = inspect.getmro(klass)
super_class = klass.__wrapped__ = mro[mro.index(klass) + 1]
klass.PLUGIN_NAME = plugin_name
# mro = inspect.getmro(klass)
# super_class = klass.__wrapped__ = mro[mro.index(klass) + 1]
# klass.PLUGIN_NAME, klass.ie_key = plugin_name, super_class.ie_key
# klass.IE_NAME = f'{super_class.IE_NAME}+{plugin_name}'
# while getattr(super_class, '__wrapped__', None):
# super_class = super_class.__wrapped__
# setattr(sys.modules[super_class.__module__], super_class.__name__, klass)
# plugin_overrides.get()[super_class].append(klass)
if plugin_config.configure_override_func(klass, super_class, plugin_name) is False:
# Add the classes into the global plugin lookup
# # We want to prepend to the main lookup
destination.set(merge_dicts(destination.get(), classes))
while getattr(super_class, '__wrapped__', None):
super_class = super_class.__wrapped__
setattr(sys.modules[super_class.__module__], super_class.__name__, klass)
return classes
# Add the classes into the global plugin lookup for that type
# We want to prepend to the main lookup for that type
plugin_config.destination.set(merge_dicts(plugin_config.destination.get(), regular_classes))
return regular_classes
def load_all_plugin_types():
# for plugin_type in PluginType:
# load_plugins(plugin_type)
def load_all_plugin_types():
for plugin_type in PluginType:
sys.meta_path.insert(0, PluginFinder(f'{PACKAGE_NAME}.extractor', f'{PACKAGE_NAME}.postprocessor'))