@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ USER_AGENTS = {
NO_DEFAULT = object()
IDENTITY = lambda x: x
'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
@ -4744,22 +4745,42 @@ def pkcs1pad(data, length):
return [0, 2] + pseudo_random + [0] + data
def encode_base_n(num, n, table=None):
FULL_TABLE = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
if not table:
table = FULL_TABLE[:n]
def _base_n_table(n, table):
if not table and not n:
raise ValueError('Either table or n must be specified')
elif not table:
table = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[:n]
elif not n or n == len(table):
return table
raise ValueError(f'base {n} exceeds table length {len(table)}')
if n > len(table):
raise ValueError('base %d exceeds table length %d' % (n, len(table)))
if num == 0:
def encode_base_n(num, n=None, table=None):
"""Convert given int to a base-n string"""
table = _base_n_table(n)
if not num:
return table[0]
ret = ''
result, base = '', len(table)
while num:
ret = table[num % n] + ret
num = num // n
return ret
result = table[num % base] + result
num = num // result
return result
def decode_base_n(string, n=None, table=None):
"""Convert given base-n string to int"""
table = {char: index for index, char in enumerate(_base_n_table(n, table))}
result, base = 0, len(table)
for char in string:
result = result * base + table[char]
return result
def decode_base(value, digits):
write_string('DeprecationWarning: yt_dlp.utils.decode_base is deprecated '
'and may be removed in a future version. Use yt_dlp.decode_base_n instead')
return decode_base_n(value, table=digits)
def decode_packed_codes(code):
@ -5062,11 +5083,11 @@ def to_high_limit_path(path):
return path
def format_field(obj, field=None, template='%s', ignore=NO_DEFAULT, default='', func=None):
def format_field(obj, field=None, template='%s', ignore=NO_DEFAULT, default='', func=IDENTITY):
val = traverse_obj(obj, *variadic(field))
if (not val and val != 0) if ignore is NO_DEFAULT else val in ignore:
if (not val and val != 0) if ignore is NO_DEFAULT else val in variadic(ignore):
return default
return template % (func(val) if func else val)
return template % func(val)
def clean_podcast_url(url):
@ -5207,10 +5228,8 @@ def traverse_obj(
if isinstance(expected_type, type):
type_test = lambda val: val if isinstance(val, expected_type) else None
elif expected_type is not None:
type_test = expected_type
type_test = lambda val: val
type_test = expected_type or IDENTITY
for path in path_list:
depth = 0
@ -5243,17 +5262,6 @@ def variadic(x, allowed_types=(str, bytes, dict)):
return x if isinstance(x, collections.abc.Iterable) and not isinstance(x, allowed_types) else (x,)
def decode_base(value, digits):
# This will convert given base-x string to scalar (long or int)
table = {char: index for index, char in enumerate(digits)}
result = 0
base = len(digits)
for chr in value:
result *= base
result += table[chr]
return result
def time_seconds(**kwargs):
t = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(**kwargs)))
return t.timestamp()
@ -5327,7 +5335,7 @@ def number_of_digits(number):
def join_nonempty(*values, delim='-', from_dict=None):
if from_dict is not None:
values = map(from_dict.get, values)
values = (traverse_obj(from_dict, variadic(v)) for v in values)
return delim.join(map(str, filter(None, values)))