@ -3273,8 +3273,14 @@ def multipart_encode(data, boundary=None):
return out , content_type
def variadic ( x , allowed_types = ( str , bytes , dict ) ) :
return x if isinstance ( x , collections . abc . Iterable ) and not isinstance ( x , allowed_types ) else ( x , )
def is_iterable_like ( x , allowed_types = collections . abc . Iterable , blocked_types = NO_DEFAULT ) :
if blocked_types is NO_DEFAULT :
blocked_types = ( str , bytes , collections . abc . Mapping )
return isinstance ( x , allowed_types ) and not isinstance ( x , blocked_types )
def variadic ( x , allowed_types = NO_DEFAULT ) :
return x if is_iterable_like ( x , blocked_types = allowed_types ) else ( x , )
def dict_get ( d , key_or_keys , default = None , skip_false_values = True ) :
@ -5467,7 +5473,7 @@ def traverse_obj(
obj , * paths , default = NO_DEFAULT , expected_type = None , get_all = True ,
casesense = True , is_user_input = False , traverse_string = False ) :
Safely traverse nested ` dict ` s and ` Sequenc e` s
Safely traverse nested ` dict ` s and ` Iterabl e` s
>> > obj = [ { } , { " key " : " value " } ]
>> > traverse_obj ( obj , ( 1 , " key " ) )
@ -5475,7 +5481,7 @@ def traverse_obj(
Each of the provided ` paths ` is tested and the first producing a valid result will be returned .
The next path will also be tested if the path branched but no results could be found .
Supported values for traversal are ` Mapping ` , ` Sequenc e` and ` re . Match ` .
Supported values for traversal are ` Mapping ` , ` Iterabl e` and ` re . Match ` .
Unhelpful values ( ` { } ` , ` None ` ) are treated as the absence of a value and discarded .
The paths will be wrapped in ` variadic ` , so that ` ' key ' ` is conveniently the same as ` ( ' key ' , ) ` .
@ -5492,7 +5498,7 @@ def traverse_obj(
Read as : ` [ traverse_obj ( obj , branch ) for branch in branches ] ` .
- ` function ` : Branch out and return values filtered by the function .
Read as : ` [ value for key , value in obj if function ( key , value ) ] ` .
For ` Sequenc e` s , ` key ` is the index of the value .
For ` Iterabl e` s , ` key ` is the index of the value .
For ` re . Match ` es , ` key ` is the group number ( 0 = full match )
as well as additionally any group names , if given .
- ` dict ` Transform the current object and return a matching dict .
@ -5540,7 +5546,9 @@ def traverse_obj(
result = None
if obj is None and traverse_string :
if key is . . . or callable ( key ) or isinstance ( key , slice ) :
branching = True
result = ( )
elif key is None :
result = obj
@ -5563,7 +5571,7 @@ def traverse_obj(
branching = True
if isinstance ( obj , collections . abc . Mapping ) :
result = obj . values ( )
elif isinstance ( obj , collections . abc . Iterable ) and not isinstance ( obj , ( str , bytes ) ) :
elif is_iterable_like ( obj ) :
result = obj
elif isinstance ( obj , re . Match ) :
result = obj . groups ( )
@ -5577,7 +5585,7 @@ def traverse_obj(
branching = True
if isinstance ( obj , collections . abc . Mapping ) :
iter_obj = obj . items ( )
elif isinstance ( obj , collections . abc . Iterable ) and not isinstance ( obj , ( str , bytes ) ) :
elif is_iterable_like ( obj ) :
iter_obj = enumerate ( obj )
elif isinstance ( obj , re . Match ) :
iter_obj = itertools . chain (
@ -5601,7 +5609,7 @@ def traverse_obj(
} or None
elif isinstance ( obj , collections . abc . Mapping ) :
result = ( obj. get (key ) if casesense or ( key in obj ) else
result = ( try_call( obj. get , args = (key , ) ) if casesense or try_call ( obj . __contains__ , args = ( key , ) ) else
next ( ( v for k , v in obj . items ( ) if casefold ( k ) == key ) , None ) )
elif isinstance ( obj , re . Match ) :
@ -5613,7 +5621,7 @@ def traverse_obj(
result = next ( ( v for k , v in obj . groupdict ( ) . items ( ) if casefold ( k ) == key ) , None )
elif isinstance ( key , ( int , slice ) ) :
if isinstanc e( obj , collections . abc . Sequence ) and not isinstance ( obj , ( str , bytes ) ) :
if is_iterable_lik e( obj , collections . abc . Sequence ) :
branching = isinstance ( key , slice )
with contextlib . suppress ( IndexError ) :
result = obj [ key ]