@ -61,12 +61,18 @@ class HlsFD(FragmentFD):
s = urlh.read().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
can_download, message = self.can_download(s, info_dict, self.params.get('allow_unplayable_formats')), None
if can_download and not Cryptodome_AES and '#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128' in s:
if FFmpegFD.available():
if can_download:
has_ffmpeg = FFmpegFD.available()
no_crypto = not Cryptodome_AES and '#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128' in s
if no_crypto and has_ffmpeg:
can_download, message = False, 'The stream has AES-128 encryption and pycryptodomex is not available'
elif no_crypto:
message = ('The stream has AES-128 encryption and neither ffmpeg nor pycryptodomex are available; '
'Decryption will be performed natively, but will be extremely slow')
elif re.search(r'#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:(?!0$)', s):
install_ffmpeg = '' if has_ffmpeg else 'install ffmpeg and '
message = ('Live HLS streams are not supported by the native downloader. If this is a livestream, '
f'please {install_ffmpeg}add "--downloader ffmpeg --hls-use-mpegts" to your command')
if not can_download:
has_drm = re.search('|'.join([
r'#EXT-X-FAXS-CM:', # Adobe Flash Access