@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
import json
import re
import urllib. pars e
import tim e
import uuid
from . common import InfoExtractor
from . . networking . exceptions import HTTPError
from . . utils import (
ExtractorError ,
determine_ext ,
int_or_none ,
join_nonempty ,
jwt_decode_hs256 ,
parse_duration ,
parse_iso8601 ,
try_get ,
url_or_none ,
urlencode_postdata ,
from . . utils . traversal import traverse_obj
@ -276,81 +281,213 @@ class MLBVideoIE(MLBBaseIE):
class MLBTVIE ( InfoExtractor ) :
_VALID_URL = r ' https?://(?:www \ .)?mlb \ .com/tv/g(?P<id> \ d {6} ) '
_NETRC_MACHINE = ' mlb '
_TESTS = [ {
' url ' : ' https://www.mlb.com/tv/g661581/vee2eff5f-a7df-4c20-bdb4-7b926fa12638 ' ,
' info_dict ' : {
' id ' : ' 661581 ' ,
' ext ' : ' mp4 ' ,
' title ' : ' 2022-07-02 - St. Louis Cardinals @ Philadelphia Phillies ' ,
' release_date ' : ' 20220702 ' ,
' release_timestamp ' : 1656792300 ,
} ,
' params ' : {
' skip_download ' : True ,
} ,
} ]
mutation initSession ( $ device : InitSessionInput ! , $ clientType : ClientType ! , $ experience : ExperienceTypeInput ) {
initSession ( device : $ device , clientType : $ clientType , experience : $ experience ) {
entitlements {
location {
} '''
mutation initPlaybackSession (
$ adCapabilities : [ AdExperienceType ]
$ mediaId : String !
$ deviceId : String !
$ sessionId : String !
$ quality : PlaybackQuality
) {
initPlaybackSession (
adCapabilities : $ adCapabilities
mediaId : $ mediaId
deviceId : $ deviceId
sessionId : $ sessionId
quality : $ quality
) {
playback {
} '''
_APP_VERSION = ' 7.8.2 '
_device_id = None
_session_id = None
_access_token = None
_token_expiry = 0
def _api_headers ( self ) :
if ( self . _token_expiry - 120 ) < = time . time ( ) :
self . write_debug ( ' Access token has expired; re-logging in ' )
self . _perform_login ( * self . _get_login_info ( ) )
return { ' Authorization ' : f ' Bearer { self . _access_token } ' }
def _real_initialize ( self ) :
if not self . _access_token :
self . raise_login_required (
' All videos are only available to registered users ' , method = ' password ' )
def _perform_login ( self , username , password ) :
data = f ' grant_type=password&username= { urllib . parse . quote ( username ) } &password= { urllib . parse . quote ( password ) } &scope=openid offline_access&client_id=0oa3e1nutA1HLzAKG356 '
access_token = self . _download_json (
' https://ids.mlb.com/oauth2/aus1m088yK07noBfh356/v1/token ' , None ,
headers = {
' User-Agent ' : ' okhttp/3.12.1 ' ,
' Content-Type ' : ' application/x-www-form-urlencoded ' ,
} , data = data . encode ( ) ) [ ' access_token ' ]
def _ set_device_id( self , username ) :
if not self . _device_id :
self . _device_id = self . cache . load (
self . _NETRC_MACHINE , ' device_ids ' , default = { } ) . get ( username )
if self . _device_id :
self . _device_id = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) )
self . cache . store ( self . _NETRC_MACHINE , ' device_ids ' , { username : self . _device_id } )
entitlement = self . _download_webpage (
f ' https://media-entitlement.mlb.com/api/v3/jwt?os=Android&appname=AtBat&did= { uuid . uuid4 ( ) } ' , None ,
headers = {
' User-Agent ' : ' okhttp/3.12.1 ' ,
' Authorization ' : f ' Bearer { access_token } ' ,
} )
def _perform_login ( self , username , password ) :
try :
self . _access_token = self . _download_json (
' https://ids.mlb.com/oauth2/aus1m088yK07noBfh356/v1/token ' , None ,
' Logging in ' , ' Unable to log in ' , headers = {
' User-Agent ' : ' okhttp/3.12.1 ' ,
' Content-Type ' : ' application/x-www-form-urlencoded ' ,
} , data = urlencode_postdata ( {
' grant_type ' : ' password ' ,
' username ' : username ,
' password ' : password ,
' scope ' : ' openid offline_access ' ,
' client_id ' : ' 0oa3e1nutA1HLzAKG356 ' ,
} ) ) [ ' access_token ' ]
except ExtractorError as error :
if isinstance ( error . cause , HTTPError ) and error . cause . status == 400 :
raise ExtractorError ( ' Invalid username or password ' , expected = True )
self . _token_expiry = traverse_obj ( self . _access_token , ( { jwt_decode_hs256 } , ' exp ' , { int } ) ) or 0
self . _set_device_id ( username )
self . _session_id = self . _call_api ( {
' operationName ' : ' initSession ' ,
' query ' : self . _GRAPHQL_INIT_QUERY ,
' variables ' : {
' device ' : {
' appVersion ' : self . _APP_VERSION ,
' deviceFamily ' : ' desktop ' ,
' knownDeviceId ' : self . _device_id ,
' languagePreference ' : ' ENGLISH ' ,
' manufacturer ' : ' ' ,
' model ' : ' ' ,
' os ' : ' ' ,
' osVersion ' : ' ' ,
} ,
' clientType ' : ' WEB ' ,
} ,
} , None , ' session ID ' ) [ ' data ' ] [ ' initSession ' ] [ ' sessionId ' ]
data = f ' grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange&subject_token= { entitlement } &subject_token_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt&platform=android-tv '
self . _access_token = self . _download_json (
' https://us.edge.bamgrid.com/token ' , None ,
def _call_api ( self , data , video_id , description = ' GraphQL JSON ' , fatal = True ) :
return self . _download_json (
' https://media-gateway.mlb.com/graphql ' , video_id ,
f ' Downloading { description } ' , f ' Unable to download { description } ' , fatal = fatal ,
headers = {
* * self . _api_headers ,
' Accept ' : ' application/json ' ,
' Authorization ' : ' Bearer bWxidHYmYW5kcm9pZCYxLjAuMA.6LZMbH2r--rbXcgEabaDdIslpo4RyZrlVfWZhsAgXIk ' ,
' Content-Type ' : ' application/x-www-form-urlencoded ' ,
} , data = data . encode ( ) ) [ ' access_token ' ]
' Content-Type ' : ' application/json ' ,
' x-client-name ' : ' WEB ' ,
' x-client-version ' : self . _APP_VERSION ,
} , data = json . dumps ( data , separators = ( ' , ' , ' : ' ) ) . encode ( ) )
def _extract_formats_and_subtitles ( self , broadcast , video_id ) :
feed = traverse_obj ( broadcast , ( ' homeAway ' , { str . title } ) )
medium = traverse_obj ( broadcast , ( ' type ' , { str } ) )
language = traverse_obj ( broadcast , ( ' language ' , { str . lower } ) )
format_id = join_nonempty ( feed , medium , language )
response = self . _call_api ( {
' operationName ' : ' initPlaybackSession ' ,
' query ' : self . _GRAPHQL_PLAYBACK_QUERY ,
' variables ' : {
' adCapabilities ' : [ ' GOOGLE_STANDALONE_AD_PODS ' ] ,
' deviceId ' : self . _device_id ,
' mediaId ' : broadcast [ ' mediaId ' ] ,
' quality ' : ' PLACEHOLDER ' ,
' sessionId ' : self . _session_id ,
} ,
} , video_id , f ' { format_id } broadcast JSON ' , fatal = False )
playback = traverse_obj ( response , ( ' data ' , ' initPlaybackSession ' , ' playback ' , { dict } ) )
m3u8_url = traverse_obj ( playback , ( ' url ' , { url_or_none } ) )
token = traverse_obj ( playback , ( ' token ' , { str } ) )
if not ( m3u8_url and token ) :
errors = ' ; ' . join ( traverse_obj ( response , ( ' errors ' , . . . , ' message ' , { str } ) ) )
if ' not entitled ' in errors :
raise ExtractorError ( errors , expected = True )
elif errors : # Only warn when 'blacked out' since radio formats are available
self . report_warning ( f ' API returned errors for { format_id } : { errors } ' )
else :
self . report_warning ( f ' No formats available for { format_id } broadcast; skipping ' )
return [ ] , { }
cdn_headers = { ' x-cdn-token ' : token }
fmts , subs = self . _extract_m3u8_formats_and_subtitles (
m3u8_url . replace ( f ' / { token } / ' , ' / ' ) , video_id , ' mp4 ' ,
m3u8_id = format_id , fatal = False , headers = cdn_headers )
for fmt in fmts :
fmt [ ' http_headers ' ] = cdn_headers
fmt . setdefault ( ' format_note ' , join_nonempty ( feed , medium , delim = ' ' ) )
fmt . setdefault ( ' language ' , language )
if fmt . get ( ' vcodec ' ) == ' none ' and fmt [ ' language ' ] == ' en ' :
fmt [ ' source_preference ' ] = 10
return fmts , subs
def _real_extract ( self , url ) :
video_id = self . _match_id ( url )
airings = self . _download_json (
f ' https://search-api-mlbtv.mlb.com/svc/search/v2/graphql/persisted/query/core/Airings?variables=%7B%22partnerProgramIds%22%3A%5B%22 { video_id } %22%5D%2C%22applyEsniMediaRightsLabels%22%3Atrue%7D ' ,
video_id ) [ ' data ' ] [ ' Airings ' ]
metadata = traverse_obj ( self . _download_json (
' https://statsapi.mlb.com/api/v1/schedule ' , video_id , query = {
' gamePk ' : video_id ,
' hydrate ' : ' broadcasts(all),statusFlags ' ,
} ) , ( ' dates ' , . . . , ' games ' , lambda _ , v : str ( v [ ' gamePk ' ] ) == video_id and v [ ' broadcasts ' ] , any ) )
broadcasts = traverse_obj ( metadata , (
' broadcasts ' , lambda _ , v : v [ ' mediaId ' ] and v [ ' mediaState ' ] [ ' mediaStateCode ' ] != ' MEDIA_OFF ' ) )
formats , subtitles = [ ] , { }
for airing in traverse_obj ( airings , lambda _ , v : v [ ' playbackUrls ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' href ' ] ) :
format_id = join_nonempty ( ' feedType ' , ' feedLanguage ' , from_dict = airing )
m3u8_url = traverse_obj ( self . _download_json (
airing [ ' playbackUrls ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' href ' ] . format ( scenario = ' browser~csai ' ) , video_id ,
note = f ' Downloading { format_id } stream info JSON ' ,
errnote = f ' Failed to download { format_id } stream info, skipping ' ,
fatal = False , headers = {
' Authorization ' : self . _access_token ,
' Accept ' : ' application/vnd.media-service+json; version=2 ' ,
} ) , ( ' stream ' , ' complete ' , { url_or_none } ) )
if not m3u8_url :
f , s = self . _extract_m3u8_formats_and_subtitles (
m3u8_url , video_id , ' mp4 ' , m3u8_id = format_id , fatal = False )
formats . extend ( f )
self . _merge_subtitles ( s , target = subtitles )
for broadcast in broadcasts :
fmts , subs = self . _extract_formats_and_subtitles ( broadcast , video_id )
formats . extend ( fmts )
self . _merge_subtitles ( subs , target = subtitles )
return {
' id ' : video_id ,
' title ' : traverse_obj ( airings , ( . . . , ' titles ' , 0 , ' episodeName ' ) , get_all = False ) ,
' is_live ' : traverse_obj ( airings , ( . . . , ' mediaConfig ' , ' productType ' ) , get_all = False ) == ' LIVE ' ,
' title ' : join_nonempty (
traverse_obj ( metadata , ( ' officialDate ' , { str } ) ) ,
traverse_obj ( metadata , ( ' teams ' , ( ' away ' , ' home ' ) , ' team ' , ' name ' , { str } , all , { ' @ ' . join } ) ) ,
delim = ' - ' ) ,
' is_live ' : traverse_obj ( broadcasts , ( . . . , ' mediaState ' , ' mediaStateCode ' , { str } , any ) ) == ' MEDIA_ON ' ,
' release_timestamp ' : traverse_obj ( metadata , ( ' gameDate ' , { parse_iso8601 } ) ) ,
' formats ' : formats ,
' subtitles ' : subtitles ,
' http_headers ' : { ' Authorization ' : f ' Bearer { self . _access_token } ' } ,