@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ import xml.etree.ElementTree
from ..compat import functools # isort: split
from ..compat import compat_etree_fromstring, compat_expanduser, compat_os_name
from ..cookies import LenientSimpleCookie
from ..downloader import FileDownloader
from ..downloader.f4m import get_base_url, remove_encrypted_media
from ..utils import (
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ from ..utils import (
@ -1686,295 +1686,21 @@ class InfoExtractor:
html, '%s form' % form_id, group='form')
return self._hidden_inputs(form)
class FormatSort:
regex = r' *((?P<reverse>\+)?(?P<field>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)((?P<separator>[~:])(?P<limit>.*?))?)? *$'
default = ('hidden', 'aud_or_vid', 'hasvid', 'ie_pref', 'lang', 'quality',
'res', 'fps', 'hdr:12', 'vcodec:vp9.2', 'channels', 'acodec',
'size', 'br', 'asr', 'proto', 'ext', 'hasaud', 'source', 'id') # These must not be aliases
ytdl_default = ('hasaud', 'lang', 'quality', 'tbr', 'filesize', 'vbr',
'height', 'width', 'proto', 'vext', 'abr', 'aext',
'fps', 'fs_approx', 'source', 'id')
settings = {
'vcodec': {'type': 'ordered', 'regex': True,
'order': ['av0?1', 'vp0?9.2', 'vp0?9', '[hx]265|he?vc?', '[hx]264|avc', 'vp0?8', 'mp4v|h263', 'theora', '', None, 'none']},
'acodec': {'type': 'ordered', 'regex': True,
'order': ['[af]lac', 'wav|aiff', 'opus', 'vorbis|ogg', 'aac', 'mp?4a?', 'mp3', 'e-?a?c-?3', 'ac-?3', 'dts', '', None, 'none']},
'hdr': {'type': 'ordered', 'regex': True, 'field': 'dynamic_range',
'order': ['dv', '(hdr)?12', r'(hdr)?10\+', '(hdr)?10', 'hlg', '', 'sdr', None]},
'proto': {'type': 'ordered', 'regex': True, 'field': 'protocol',
'order': ['(ht|f)tps', '(ht|f)tp$', 'm3u8.*', '.*dash', 'websocket_frag', 'rtmpe?', '', 'mms|rtsp', 'ws|websocket', 'f4']},
'vext': {'type': 'ordered', 'field': 'video_ext',
'order': ('mp4', 'webm', 'flv', '', 'none'),
'order_free': ('webm', 'mp4', 'flv', '', 'none')},
'aext': {'type': 'ordered', 'field': 'audio_ext',
'order': ('m4a', 'aac', 'mp3', 'ogg', 'opus', 'webm', '', 'none'),
'order_free': ('ogg', 'opus', 'webm', 'mp3', 'm4a', 'aac', '', 'none')},
'hidden': {'visible': False, 'forced': True, 'type': 'extractor', 'max': -1000},
'aud_or_vid': {'visible': False, 'forced': True, 'type': 'multiple',
'field': ('vcodec', 'acodec'),
'function': lambda it: int(any(v != 'none' for v in it))},
'ie_pref': {'priority': True, 'type': 'extractor'},
'hasvid': {'priority': True, 'field': 'vcodec', 'type': 'boolean', 'not_in_list': ('none',)},
'hasaud': {'field': 'acodec', 'type': 'boolean', 'not_in_list': ('none',)},
'lang': {'convert': 'float', 'field': 'language_preference', 'default': -1},
'quality': {'convert': 'float', 'default': -1},
'filesize': {'convert': 'bytes'},
'fs_approx': {'convert': 'bytes', 'field': 'filesize_approx'},
'id': {'convert': 'string', 'field': 'format_id'},
'height': {'convert': 'float_none'},
'width': {'convert': 'float_none'},
'fps': {'convert': 'float_none'},
'channels': {'convert': 'float_none', 'field': 'audio_channels'},
'tbr': {'convert': 'float_none'},
'vbr': {'convert': 'float_none'},
'abr': {'convert': 'float_none'},
'asr': {'convert': 'float_none'},
'source': {'convert': 'float', 'field': 'source_preference', 'default': -1},
'codec': {'type': 'combined', 'field': ('vcodec', 'acodec')},
'br': {'type': 'combined', 'field': ('tbr', 'vbr', 'abr'), 'same_limit': True},
'size': {'type': 'combined', 'same_limit': True, 'field': ('filesize', 'fs_approx')},
'ext': {'type': 'combined', 'field': ('vext', 'aext')},
'res': {'type': 'multiple', 'field': ('height', 'width'),
'function': lambda it: (lambda l: min(l) if l else 0)(tuple(filter(None, it)))},
# Actual field names
'format_id': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'id'},
'preference': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'ie_pref'},
'language_preference': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'lang'},
'source_preference': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'source'},
'protocol': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'proto'},
'filesize_approx': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'fs_approx'},
'audio_channels': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'channels'},
# Deprecated
'dimension': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'res', 'deprecated': True},
'resolution': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'res', 'deprecated': True},
'extension': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'ext', 'deprecated': True},
'bitrate': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'br', 'deprecated': True},
'total_bitrate': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'tbr', 'deprecated': True},
'video_bitrate': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'vbr', 'deprecated': True},
'audio_bitrate': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'abr', 'deprecated': True},
'framerate': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'fps', 'deprecated': True},
'filesize_estimate': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'size', 'deprecated': True},
'samplerate': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'asr', 'deprecated': True},
'video_ext': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'vext', 'deprecated': True},
'audio_ext': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'aext', 'deprecated': True},
'video_codec': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'vcodec', 'deprecated': True},
'audio_codec': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'acodec', 'deprecated': True},
'video': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'hasvid', 'deprecated': True},
'has_video': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'hasvid', 'deprecated': True},
'audio': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'hasaud', 'deprecated': True},
'has_audio': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'hasaud', 'deprecated': True},
'extractor': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'ie_pref', 'deprecated': True},
'extractor_preference': {'type': 'alias', 'field': 'ie_pref', 'deprecated': True},
def __init__(self, ie, field_preference):
self._order = []
self.ydl = ie._downloader
self.evaluate_params(self.ydl.params, field_preference)
if ie.get_param('verbose'):
def _get_field_setting(self, field, key):
if field not in self.settings:
if key in ('forced', 'priority'):
return False
self.ydl.deprecated_feature(f'Using arbitrary fields ({field}) for format sorting is '
'deprecated and may be removed in a future version')
self.settings[field] = {}
propObj = self.settings[field]
if key not in propObj:
type = propObj.get('type')
if key == 'field':
default = 'preference' if type == 'extractor' else (field,) if type in ('combined', 'multiple') else field
elif key == 'convert':
default = 'order' if type == 'ordered' else 'float_string' if field else 'ignore'
default = {'type': 'field', 'visible': True, 'order': [], 'not_in_list': (None,)}.get(key, None)
propObj[key] = default
return propObj[key]
def _resolve_field_value(self, field, value, convertNone=False):
if value is None:
if not convertNone:
return None
value = value.lower()
conversion = self._get_field_setting(field, 'convert')
if conversion == 'ignore':
return None
if conversion == 'string':
return value
elif conversion == 'float_none':
return float_or_none(value)
elif conversion == 'bytes':
return FileDownloader.parse_bytes(value)
elif conversion == 'order':
order_list = (self._use_free_order and self._get_field_setting(field, 'order_free')) or self._get_field_setting(field, 'order')
use_regex = self._get_field_setting(field, 'regex')
list_length = len(order_list)
empty_pos = order_list.index('') if '' in order_list else list_length + 1
if use_regex and value is not None:
for i, regex in enumerate(order_list):
if regex and re.match(regex, value):
return list_length - i
return list_length - empty_pos # not in list
else: # not regex or value = None
return list_length - (order_list.index(value) if value in order_list else empty_pos)
if value.isnumeric():
return float(value)
self.settings[field]['convert'] = 'string'
return value
def evaluate_params(self, params, sort_extractor):
self._use_free_order = params.get('prefer_free_formats', False)
self._sort_user = params.get('format_sort', [])
self._sort_extractor = sort_extractor
def add_item(field, reverse, closest, limit_text):
field = field.lower()
if field in self._order:
limit = self._resolve_field_value(field, limit_text)
data = {
'reverse': reverse,
'closest': False if limit is None else closest,
'limit_text': limit_text,
'limit': limit}
if field in self.settings:
self.settings[field] = data
sort_list = (
tuple(field for field in self.default if self._get_field_setting(field, 'forced'))
+ (tuple() if params.get('format_sort_force', False)
else tuple(field for field in self.default if self._get_field_setting(field, 'priority')))
+ tuple(self._sort_user) + tuple(sort_extractor) + self.default)
for item in sort_list:
match = re.match(self.regex, item)
if match is None:
raise ExtractorError('Invalid format sort string "%s" given by extractor' % item)
field = match.group('field')
if field is None:
if self._get_field_setting(field, 'type') == 'alias':
alias, field = field, self._get_field_setting(field, 'field')
if self._get_field_setting(alias, 'deprecated'):
self.ydl.deprecated_feature(f'Format sorting alias {alias} is deprecated and may '
f'be removed in a future version. Please use {field} instead')
reverse = match.group('reverse') is not None
closest = match.group('separator') == '~'
limit_text = match.group('limit')
has_limit = limit_text is not None
has_multiple_fields = self._get_field_setting(field, 'type') == 'combined'
has_multiple_limits = has_limit and has_multiple_fields and not self._get_field_setting(field, 'same_limit')
fields = self._get_field_setting(field, 'field') if has_multiple_fields else (field,)
limits = limit_text.split(':') if has_multiple_limits else (limit_text,) if has_limit else tuple()
limit_count = len(limits)
for (i, f) in enumerate(fields):
add_item(f, reverse, closest,
limits[i] if i < limit_count
else limits[0] if has_limit and not has_multiple_limits
else None)
def print_verbose_info(self, write_debug):
if self._sort_user:
write_debug('Sort order given by user: %s' % ', '.join(self._sort_user))
if self._sort_extractor:
write_debug('Sort order given by extractor: %s' % ', '.join(self._sort_extractor))
write_debug('Formats sorted by: %s' % ', '.join(['%s%s%s' % (
'+' if self._get_field_setting(field, 'reverse') else '', field,
'%s%s(%s)' % ('~' if self._get_field_setting(field, 'closest') else ':',
self._get_field_setting(field, 'limit_text'),
self._get_field_setting(field, 'limit'))
if self._get_field_setting(field, 'limit_text') is not None else '')
for field in self._order if self._get_field_setting(field, 'visible')]))
def _calculate_field_preference_from_value(self, format, field, type, value):
reverse = self._get_field_setting(field, 'reverse')
closest = self._get_field_setting(field, 'closest')
limit = self._get_field_setting(field, 'limit')
if type == 'extractor':
maximum = self._get_field_setting(field, 'max')
if value is None or (maximum is not None and value >= maximum):
value = -1
elif type == 'boolean':
in_list = self._get_field_setting(field, 'in_list')
not_in_list = self._get_field_setting(field, 'not_in_list')
value = 0 if ((in_list is None or value in in_list) and (not_in_list is None or value not in not_in_list)) else -1
elif type == 'ordered':
value = self._resolve_field_value(field, value, True)
# try to convert to number
val_num = float_or_none(value, default=self._get_field_setting(field, 'default'))
is_num = self._get_field_setting(field, 'convert') != 'string' and val_num is not None
if is_num:
value = val_num
return ((-10, 0) if value is None
else (1, value, 0) if not is_num # if a field has mixed strings and numbers, strings are sorted higher
else (0, -abs(value - limit), value - limit if reverse else limit - value) if closest
else (0, value, 0) if not reverse and (limit is None or value <= limit)
else (0, -value, 0) if limit is None or (reverse and value == limit) or value > limit
else (-1, value, 0))
def _calculate_field_preference(self, format, field):
type = self._get_field_setting(field, 'type') # extractor, boolean, ordered, field, multiple
get_value = lambda f: format.get(self._get_field_setting(f, 'field'))
if type == 'multiple':
type = 'field' # Only 'field' is allowed in multiple for now
actual_fields = self._get_field_setting(field, 'field')
value = self._get_field_setting(field, 'function')(get_value(f) for f in actual_fields)
value = get_value(field)
return self._calculate_field_preference_from_value(format, field, type, value)
def calculate_preference(self, format):
# Determine missing protocol
if not format.get('protocol'):
format['protocol'] = determine_protocol(format)
# Determine missing ext
if not format.get('ext') and 'url' in format:
format['ext'] = determine_ext(format['url'])
if format.get('vcodec') == 'none':
format['audio_ext'] = format['ext'] if format.get('acodec') != 'none' else 'none'
format['video_ext'] = 'none'
format['video_ext'] = format['ext']
format['audio_ext'] = 'none'
# if format.get('preference') is None and format.get('ext') in ('f4f', 'f4m'): # Not supported?
# format['preference'] = -1000
# Determine missing bitrates
if format.get('tbr') is None:
if format.get('vbr') is not None and format.get('abr') is not None:
format['tbr'] = format.get('vbr', 0) + format.get('abr', 0)
if format.get('vcodec') != 'none' and format.get('vbr') is None:
format['vbr'] = format.get('tbr') - format.get('abr', 0)
if format.get('acodec') != 'none' and format.get('abr') is None:
format['abr'] = format.get('tbr') - format.get('vbr', 0)
def FormatSort(cls):
class FormatSort(FormatSorter):
def __init__(ie, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(ie._downloader, *args, **kwargs)
return tuple(self._calculate_field_preference(format, field) for field in self._order)
'yt_dlp.InfoExtractor.FormatSort is deprecated and may be removed in the future. '
'Use yt_dlp.utils.FormatSorter instead')
return FormatSort
def _sort_formats(self, formats, field_preference=[]):
if not formats:
formats.sort(key=self.FormatSort(self, field_preference).calculate_preference)
formats.sort(key=FormatSorter(self._downloader, field_preference).calculate_preference)
def _check_formats(self, formats, video_id):
if formats: