1. `__future__` imports and `coding: utf-8` were removed
2. Files were rewritten with `pyupgrade --py36-plus --keep-percent-format`
3. f-strings were cherry-picked from `pyupgrade --py36-plus`
Extractors are left untouched (except removing header) to avoid unnecessary merge conflicts
* Split `__init__` code into multiple functions
* Clean up validation code by grouping similar types of options
* Expose `parse_options` to third parties
* Move `_match_entry` and `post_extract` to `process_video_result`. It is also left in `process_info` for API compat
* `--list-...` options and `--force-write-archive` now obey filtering options
* Move `SponsorBlockPP` to `after_filter`. Closes
* Reverts 4ec82a72bb since this commit addresses the issue it was solving
* Add option `--live-from-start` to enable downloading live videos from start
* Add key `is_from_start` in formats to identify formats (of live videos) that downloads from start
* [dash] Create protocol `http_dash_segments_generator` that allows a function to be passed instead of fragments
* [fragment] Allow multiple live dash formats to download simultaneously
* [youtube] Implement fragment re-fetching for the live dash formats
* [youtube] Re-extract dash manifest every 5 hours (manifest expires in 6hrs)
* [postprocessor/ffmpeg] Add `FFmpegFixupDuplicateMoovPP` to fixup duplicated moov atoms
Known issue: Ctrl+C doesn't work on Windows when downloading multiple formats
Authored by: nao20010128nao, pukkandan
* Separate `--console-title` and `--no-progress`
* Add option `--progress` to show progress-bar even in quiet mode
* Fix and refactor `minicurses`
* Use `minicurses` for all progress reporting
* Standardize use of terminal sequences and enable color support for windows 10
* Add option `--progress-template` to customize progress-bar and console-title
* Add postprocessor hooks and progress reporting
Closes: #906, #901, #1085, #1170
In youtube-dl, `-i` ignores both download and post-processing error, and
treats the download as successful even if the post-processor fails.
yt-dlp used to skip the entire video on either error and there was no
option to ignore the post-processing errors like youtube-dl does.
By splitting the option into two, now either just the download errors
(--no-abort-on-error, default on CLI) or all errors (--ignore-errors)
can be ignored as per the users' needs
SponsorBlock options:
* The fetched sponsor sections are written to infojson
* `--sponsorblock-remove` removes specified chapters from file
* `--sponsorblock-mark` marks the specified sponsor sections as chapters
* `--sponsorblock-chapter-title` to specify sponsor chapter template
* `--sponsorblock-api` to use a different API
Related improvements:
* Split `--embed-chapters` from `--embed-metadata`
* Add `--remove-chapters` to remove arbitrary chapters
* Add `--force-keyframes-at-cuts` for more accurate cuts when removing and splitting chapters
Deprecates all `--sponskrub` options
Authored by: nihil-admirari, pukkandan
* Support direct `/player/` URL
* Treat the different versions of an episode as different formats of a single video. So `experience_id` can no longer be used as the video `id` and the `episode_id` is used instead. This means that all existing archives will break
* Extractor options `language` and `version` to pre-select them
* Compat option `seperate-video-versions` to fall back to old behavior (including using the old video IDs)
The updater now uses `.update.run_update` and not `.update.update_self`.
Although I don't expect anyone to be using the updater via API, a wrapper `update_self` is provided for compatibility just in case
PNG, being a lossless format, should be a better default here compared to JPG since we won't be compressing to a lossy format and losing some of the original image data
PNG is also supported for embedding in all the formats similar to JPEG
Authored by: louie-github
* Option `--concurrent-fragments` (`-N`) to set the number of threads
Related: #165
Known issues:
* When receiving Ctrl+C, the process will exit only after finishing the currently downloading fragments
* The download progress shows the speed of only one thread
Authored by shirt-dev
* `--get-comments` doesn't imply `--write-info-json` if `-J`, `-j` or `--print-json` are used
* Don't pass `config_location` to `YoutubeDL` (it is unused)
* [bilibiliaudio] Recognize the file as audio-only
* Update gitignore
* Fix typos