import itertools import json from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( ExtractorError, format_field, int_or_none, str_or_none, try_get, ) class TrovoBaseIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL_BASE = r'https?://(?:www\.)?trovo\.live/' _HEADERS = {'Origin': ''} def _call_api(self, video_id, query=None, data=None): return self._download_json( '', video_id, query=query, data=data, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}) def _extract_streamer_info(self, data): streamer_info = data.get('streamerInfo') or {} username = streamer_info.get('userName') return { 'uploader': streamer_info.get('nickName'), 'uploader_id': str_or_none(streamer_info.get('uid')), 'uploader_url': format_field(username, template=''), } class TrovoIE(TrovoBaseIE): _VALID_URL = TrovoBaseIE._VALID_URL_BASE + r'(?!(?:clip|video)/)(?P<id>[^/?&#]+)' def _real_extract(self, url): username = self._match_id(url) live_info = self._call_api(username, query={ 'query': '''{ getLiveInfo(params: {userName: "%s"}) { isLive programInfo { coverUrl id streamInfo { desc playUrl } title } streamerInfo { nickName uid userName } } }''' % username, })['data']['getLiveInfo'] if live_info.get('isLive') == 0: raise ExtractorError('%s is offline' % username, expected=True) program_info = live_info['programInfo'] program_id = program_info['id'] title = program_info['title'] formats = [] for stream_info in (program_info.get('streamInfo') or []): play_url = stream_info.get('playUrl') if not play_url: continue format_id = stream_info.get('desc') formats.append({ 'format_id': format_id, 'height': int_or_none(format_id[:-1]) if format_id else None, 'url': play_url, 'http_headers': self._HEADERS, }) self._sort_formats(formats) info = { 'id': program_id, 'title': title, 'formats': formats, 'thumbnail': program_info.get('coverUrl'), 'is_live': True, } info.update(self._extract_streamer_info(live_info)) return info class TrovoVodIE(TrovoBaseIE): _VALID_URL = TrovoBaseIE._VALID_URL_BASE + r'(?:clip|video)/(?P<id>[^/?&#]+)' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'ltv-100095501_100095501_1609596043', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Spontaner 12 Stunden Stream! - Ok Boomer!', 'uploader': 'Exsl', 'timestamp': 1609640305, 'upload_date': '20210103', 'uploader_id': '100095501', 'duration': 43977, 'view_count': int, 'like_count': int, 'comment_count': int, 'comments': 'mincount:8', 'categories': ['Grand Theft Auto V'], }, 'skip': '404' }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }] def _real_extract(self, url): vid = self._match_id(url) resp = self._call_api(vid, data=json.dumps([{ 'query': '''{ batchGetVodDetailInfo(params: {vids: ["%s"]}) { VodDetailInfos } }''' % vid, }, { 'query': '''{ getCommentList(params: {appInfo: {postID: "%s"}, pageSize: 1000000000, preview: {}}) { commentList { author { nickName uid } commentID content createdAt parentID } } }''' % vid, }]).encode()) vod_detail_info = resp[0]['data']['batchGetVodDetailInfo']['VodDetailInfos'][vid] vod_info = vod_detail_info['vodInfo'] title = vod_info['title'] language = vod_info.get('languageName') formats = [] for play_info in (vod_info.get('playInfos') or []): play_url = play_info.get('playUrl') if not play_url: continue format_id = play_info.get('desc') formats.append({ 'ext': 'mp4', 'filesize': int_or_none(play_info.get('fileSize')), 'format_id': format_id, 'height': int_or_none(format_id[:-1]) if format_id else None, 'language': language, 'protocol': 'm3u8_native', 'tbr': int_or_none(play_info.get('bitrate')), 'url': play_url, 'http_headers': self._HEADERS, }) self._sort_formats(formats) category = vod_info.get('categoryName') get_count = lambda x: int_or_none(vod_info.get(x + 'Num')) comment_list = try_get(resp, lambda x: x[1]['data']['getCommentList']['commentList'], list) or [] comments = [] for comment in comment_list: content = comment.get('content') if not content: continue author = comment.get('author') or {} parent = comment.get('parentID') comments.append({ 'author': author.get('nickName'), 'author_id': str_or_none(author.get('uid')), 'id': str_or_none(comment.get('commentID')), 'text': content, 'timestamp': int_or_none(comment.get('createdAt')), 'parent': 'root' if parent == 0 else str_or_none(parent), }) info = { 'id': vid, 'title': title, 'formats': formats, 'thumbnail': vod_info.get('coverUrl'), 'timestamp': int_or_none(vod_info.get('publishTs')), 'duration': int_or_none(vod_info.get('duration')), 'view_count': get_count('watch'), 'like_count': get_count('like'), 'comment_count': get_count('comment'), 'comments': comments, 'categories': [category] if category else None, } info.update(self._extract_streamer_info(vod_detail_info)) return info class TrovoChannelBaseIE(TrovoBaseIE): def _get_vod_json(self, page, uid): raise NotImplementedError('This method must be implemented by subclasses') def _entries(self, uid): for page in itertools.count(1): vod_json = self._get_vod_json(page, uid) vods = vod_json.get('vodInfos', []) for vod in vods: yield self.url_result( '' % (self._TYPE, vod.get('vid')), ie=TrovoVodIE.ie_key()) has_more = vod_json['hasMore'] if not has_more: break def _real_extract(self, url): id = self._match_id(url) uid = str(self._call_api(id, query={ 'query': '{getLiveInfo(params:{userName:"%s"}){streamerInfo{uid}}}' % id })['data']['getLiveInfo']['streamerInfo']['uid']) return self.playlist_result(self._entries(uid), playlist_id=uid) class TrovoChannelVodIE(TrovoChannelBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'trovovod:(?P<id>[^\s]+)' IE_DESC = 'All VODs of a channel; "trovovod:" prefix' _TESTS = [{ 'url': 'trovovod:OneTappedYou', 'playlist_mincount': 24, 'info_dict': { 'id': '100719456', }, }] _QUERY = '{getChannelLtvVideoInfos(params:{pageSize:99,currPage:%d,channelID:%s}){hasMore,vodInfos{vid}}}' _TYPE = 'video' def _get_vod_json(self, page, uid): return self._call_api(uid, query={ 'query': self._QUERY % (page, uid) })['data']['getChannelLtvVideoInfos'] class TrovoChannelClipIE(TrovoChannelBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'trovoclip:(?P<id>[^\s]+)' IE_DESC = 'All Clips of a channel; "trovoclip:" prefix' _TESTS = [{ 'url': 'trovoclip:OneTappedYou', 'playlist_mincount': 29, 'info_dict': { 'id': '100719456', }, }] _QUERY = '{getChannelClipVideoInfos(params:{pageSize:99,currPage:%d,channelID:%s,albumType:VOD_CLIP_ALBUM_TYPE_LATEST}){hasMore,vodInfos{vid}}}' _TYPE = 'clip' def _get_vod_json(self, page, uid): return self._call_api(uid, query={ 'query': self._QUERY % (page, uid) })['data']['getChannelClipVideoInfos']