name: Ask question
description: Ask yt-dlp related question
labels: [question]
  - type: checkboxes
    id: checklist
      label: Checklist
      description: |
        Carefully read and work through this check list in order to prevent the most common mistakes and misuse of yt-dlp:
        - label: I'm asking a question and **not** reporting a bug or requesting a feature
          required: true
        - label: I've looked through the [README](
          required: true
        - label: I've searched the [bugtracker]( for similar questions including closed ones. DO NOT post duplicates
          required: true
        - label: I've read the [guidelines for opening an issue](
          required: true
  - type: textarea
    id: question
      label: Question
      description: |
        Ask your question in an arbitrary form.
        Please make sure it's worded well enough to be understood, see [is-the-description-of-the-issue-itself-sufficient](
        Provide any additional information and as much context and examples as possible.
        If your question contains "isn't working" or "can you add", this is most likely the wrong template.
        If you are in doubt if this is the right template, use another template!
      placeholder: WRITE QUESTION HERE
      required: true
  - type: textarea
    id: log
      label: Verbose log
      description: |
        If your question involves a yt-dlp command, provide the complete verbose output of that command.
        Add the `-vU` flag to **your** command line you run yt-dlp with (`yt-dlp -vU <your command line>`), copy the WHOLE output and insert it below.
        It should look similar to this:
      placeholder: |
        [debug] Command-line config: ['-vU', '']
        [debug] Portable config file: yt-dlp.conf
        [debug] Portable config: ['-i']
        [debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs utf-8, stdout utf-8, stderr utf-8, pref cp1252
        [debug] yt-dlp version 2021.12.01 (exe)
        [debug] Python version 3.8.8 (CPython 64bit) - Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0
        [debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 3.0.1, ffprobe 3.0.1
        [debug] Optional libraries: Cryptodome, keyring, mutagen, sqlite, websockets
        [debug] Proxy map: {}
        yt-dlp is up to date (2021.12.01)
        <more lines>
      render: shell