# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( clean_html, determine_ext, ExtractorError, float_or_none, int_or_none, str_or_none, url_or_none, urlencode_postdata, urljoin, ) class LecturioBaseIE(InfoExtractor): _API_BASE_URL = 'https://app.lecturio.com/api/en/latest/html5/' _LOGIN_URL = 'https://app.lecturio.com/en/login' _NETRC_MACHINE = 'lecturio' def _perform_login(self, username, password): # Sets some cookies _, urlh = self._download_webpage_handle( self._LOGIN_URL, None, 'Downloading login popup') def is_logged(url_handle): return self._LOGIN_URL not in url_handle.geturl() # Already logged in if is_logged(urlh): return login_form = { 'signin[email]': username, 'signin[password]': password, 'signin[remember]': 'on', } response, urlh = self._download_webpage_handle( self._LOGIN_URL, None, 'Logging in', data=urlencode_postdata(login_form)) # Logged in successfully if is_logged(urlh): return errors = self._html_search_regex( r'(?s)<ul[^>]+class=["\']error_list[^>]+>(.+?)</ul>', response, 'errors', default=None) if errors: raise ExtractorError('Unable to login: %s' % errors, expected=True) raise ExtractorError('Unable to log in') class LecturioIE(LecturioBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'''(?x) https:// (?: app\.lecturio\.com/([^/]+/(?P<nt>[^/?#&]+)\.lecture|(?:\#/)?lecture/c/\d+/(?P<id>\d+))| (?:www\.)?lecturio\.de/[^/]+/(?P<nt_de>[^/?#&]+)\.vortrag ) ''' _TESTS = [{ 'url': 'https://app.lecturio.com/medical-courses/important-concepts-and-terms-introduction-to-microbiology.lecture#tab/videos', 'md5': '9a42cf1d8282a6311bf7211bbde26fde', 'info_dict': { 'id': '39634', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Important Concepts and Terms — Introduction to Microbiology', }, 'skip': 'Requires lecturio account credentials', }, { 'url': 'https://www.lecturio.de/jura/oeffentliches-recht-staatsexamen.vortrag', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': 'https://app.lecturio.com/#/lecture/c/6434/39634', 'only_matching': True, }] _CC_LANGS = { 'Arabic': 'ar', 'Bulgarian': 'bg', 'German': 'de', 'English': 'en', 'Spanish': 'es', 'Persian': 'fa', 'French': 'fr', 'Japanese': 'ja', 'Polish': 'pl', 'Pashto': 'ps', 'Russian': 'ru', } def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = self._match_valid_url(url) nt = mobj.group('nt') or mobj.group('nt_de') lecture_id = mobj.group('id') display_id = nt or lecture_id api_path = 'lectures/' + lecture_id if lecture_id else 'lecture/' + nt + '.json' video = self._download_json( self._API_BASE_URL + api_path, display_id) title = video['title'].strip() if not lecture_id: pid = video.get('productId') or video.get('uid') if pid: spid = pid.split('_') if spid and len(spid) == 2: lecture_id = spid[1] formats = [] for format_ in video['content']['media']: if not isinstance(format_, dict): continue file_ = format_.get('file') if not file_: continue ext = determine_ext(file_) if ext == 'smil': # smil contains only broken RTMP formats anyway continue file_url = url_or_none(file_) if not file_url: continue label = str_or_none(format_.get('label')) filesize = int_or_none(format_.get('fileSize')) f = { 'url': file_url, 'format_id': label, 'filesize': float_or_none(filesize, invscale=1000) } if label: mobj = re.match(r'(\d+)p\s*\(([^)]+)\)', label) if mobj: f.update({ 'format_id': mobj.group(2), 'height': int(mobj.group(1)), }) formats.append(f) self._sort_formats(formats) subtitles = {} automatic_captions = {} captions = video.get('captions') or [] for cc in captions: cc_url = cc.get('url') if not cc_url: continue cc_label = cc.get('translatedCode') lang = cc.get('languageCode') or self._search_regex( r'/([a-z]{2})_', cc_url, 'lang', default=cc_label.split()[0] if cc_label else 'en') original_lang = self._search_regex( r'/[a-z]{2}_([a-z]{2})_', cc_url, 'original lang', default=None) sub_dict = (automatic_captions if 'auto-translated' in cc_label or original_lang else subtitles) sub_dict.setdefault(self._CC_LANGS.get(lang, lang), []).append({ 'url': cc_url, }) return { 'id': lecture_id or nt, 'title': title, 'formats': formats, 'subtitles': subtitles, 'automatic_captions': automatic_captions, } class LecturioCourseIE(LecturioBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'https://app\.lecturio\.com/(?:[^/]+/(?P<nt>[^/?#&]+)\.course|(?:#/)?course/c/(?P<id>\d+))' _TESTS = [{ 'url': 'https://app.lecturio.com/medical-courses/microbiology-introduction.course#/', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'microbiology-introduction', 'title': 'Microbiology: Introduction', 'description': 'md5:13da8500c25880c6016ae1e6d78c386a', }, 'playlist_count': 45, 'skip': 'Requires lecturio account credentials', }, { 'url': 'https://app.lecturio.com/#/course/c/6434', 'only_matching': True, }] def _real_extract(self, url): nt, course_id = self._match_valid_url(url).groups() display_id = nt or course_id api_path = 'courses/' + course_id if course_id else 'course/content/' + nt + '.json' course = self._download_json( self._API_BASE_URL + api_path, display_id) entries = [] for lecture in course.get('lectures', []): lecture_id = str_or_none(lecture.get('id')) lecture_url = lecture.get('url') if lecture_url: lecture_url = urljoin(url, lecture_url) else: lecture_url = 'https://app.lecturio.com/#/lecture/c/%s/%s' % (course_id, lecture_id) entries.append(self.url_result( lecture_url, ie=LecturioIE.ie_key(), video_id=lecture_id)) return self.playlist_result( entries, display_id, course.get('title'), clean_html(course.get('description'))) class LecturioDeCourseIE(LecturioBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'https://(?:www\.)?lecturio\.de/[^/]+/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)\.kurs' _TEST = { 'url': 'https://www.lecturio.de/jura/grundrechte.kurs', 'only_matching': True, } def _real_extract(self, url): display_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id) entries = [] for mobj in re.finditer( r'(?s)<td[^>]+\bdata-lecture-id=["\'](?P<id>\d+).+?\bhref=(["\'])(?P<url>(?:(?!\2).)+\.vortrag)\b[^>]+>', webpage): lecture_url = urljoin(url, mobj.group('url')) lecture_id = mobj.group('id') entries.append(self.url_result( lecture_url, ie=LecturioIE.ie_key(), video_id=lecture_id)) title = self._search_regex( r'<h1[^>]*>([^<]+)', webpage, 'title', default=None) return self.playlist_result(entries, display_id, title)