import re

from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (

class NhkBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
    _BASE_URL_REGEX = r'https?://www3\.nhk\.or\.jp/nhkworld/(?P<lang>[a-z]{2})/'

    def _call_api(self, m_id, lang, is_video, is_episode, is_clip):
        return self._download_json(
            self._API_URL_TEMPLATE % (
                'v' if is_video else 'r',
                'clip' if is_clip else 'esd',
                'episode' if is_episode else 'program',
                m_id, lang, '/all' if is_video else ''),
            m_id, query={'apikey': 'EJfK8jdS57GqlupFgAfAAwr573q01y6k'})['data']['episodes'] or []

    def _get_api_info(self, refresh=True):
        if not refresh:
            return self.cache.load('nhk', 'api_info')'nhk', 'api_info', {})
        movie_player_js = self._download_webpage(
            '', None,
            note='Downloading stream API information')
        api_info = {
            'url': self._search_regex(
                r'prod:[^;]+\bapiUrl:\s*[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]', movie_player_js, None, 'stream API url'),
            'token': self._search_regex(
                r'prod:[^;]+\btoken:\s*[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]', movie_player_js, None, 'stream API token'),
        }'nhk', 'api_info', api_info)
        return api_info

    def _extract_stream_info(self, vod_id):
        for refresh in (False, True):
            api_info = self._get_api_info(refresh)
            if not api_info:

            api_url = api_info.pop('url')
            meta = traverse_obj(
                    api_url, vod_id, 'Downloading stream url info', fatal=False, query={
                        'type': 'json',
                        'optional_id': vod_id,
                        'active_flg': 1,
                    }), ('meta', 0))
            stream_url = traverse_obj(
                meta, ('movie_url', ('mb_auto', 'auto_sp', 'auto_pc'), {url_or_none}), get_all=False)

            if stream_url:
                formats, subtitles = self._extract_m3u8_formats_and_subtitles(stream_url, vod_id)
                return {
                    **traverse_obj(meta, {
                        'duration': ('duration', {int_or_none}),
                        'timestamp': ('publication_date', {unified_timestamp}),
                        'release_timestamp': ('insert_date', {unified_timestamp}),
                        'modified_timestamp': ('update_date', {unified_timestamp}),
                    'formats': formats,
                    'subtitles': subtitles,
        raise ExtractorError('Unable to extract stream url')

    def _extract_episode_info(self, url, episode=None):
        fetch_episode = episode is None
        lang, m_type, episode_id = NhkVodIE._match_valid_url(url).group('lang', 'type', 'id')
        is_video = m_type != 'audio'

        if is_video:
            episode_id = episode_id[:4] + '-' + episode_id[4:]

        if fetch_episode:
            episode = self._call_api(
                episode_id, lang, is_video, True, episode_id[:4] == '9999')[0]

        def get_clean_field(key):
            return clean_html(episode.get(key + '_clean') or episode.get(key))

        title = get_clean_field('sub_title')
        series = get_clean_field('title')

        thumbnails = []
        for s, w, h in [('', 640, 360), ('_l', 1280, 720)]:
            img_path = episode.get('image' + s)
            if not img_path:
                'id': f'{h}p',
                'height': h,
                'width': w,
                'url': '' + img_path,

        episode_name = title
        if series and title:
            title = f'{series} - {title}'
        elif series and not title:
            title = series
            series = None
            episode_name = None
        else:  # title, no series
            episode_name = None

        info = {
            'id': episode_id + '-' + lang,
            'title': title,
            'description': get_clean_field('description'),
            'thumbnails': thumbnails,
            'series': series,
            'episode': episode_name,

        if is_video:
            vod_id = episode['vod_id']
                'id': vod_id,

            if fetch_episode:
                # From
                audio_path = remove_end(episode['audio']['audio'], '.m4a')
                info['formats'] = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
                    f'{urljoin("", audio_path)}/index.m3u8',
                    episode_id, 'm4a', entry_protocol='m3u8_native',
                    m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False)
                for f in info['formats']:
                    f['language'] = lang
                    '_type': 'url_transparent',
                    'ie_key': NhkVodIE.ie_key(),
                    'url': url,
        return info

class NhkVodIE(NhkBaseIE):
    _VALID_URL = [
        rf'{NhkBaseIE._BASE_URL_REGEX}ondemand/(?P<type>video)/(?P<id>\d{{4}}[\da-z]\d+)',  # deprecated
    # Content available only for a limited period of time. Visit
    # for working samples.
    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'nw_vod_v_en_2049_126_20230413233000_01_1681398302',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'Japan Railway Journal - The Tohoku Shinkansen: Full Speed Ahead',
            'description': 'md5:49f7c5b206e03868a2fdf0d0814b92f6',
            'thumbnail': r're:https://.+/.+\.jpg',
            'episode': 'The Tohoku Shinkansen: Full Speed Ahead',
            'series': 'Japan Railway Journal',
            'modified_timestamp': 1707217907,
            'timestamp': 1681428600,
            'release_timestamp': 1693883728,
            'duration': 1679,
            'upload_date': '20230413',
            'modified_date': '20240206',
            'release_date': '20230905',
    }, {
        # video clip
        'url': '',
        'md5': '153c3016dfd252ba09726588149cf0e7',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'lpZXIwaDE6_Z-976CPsFdxyICyWUzlT5',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'Dining with the Chef - Chef Saito\'s Family recipe: MENCHI-KATSU',
            'description': 'md5:5aee4a9f9d81c26281862382103b0ea5',
            'thumbnail': r're:https://.+/.+\.jpg',
            'series': 'Dining with the Chef',
            'episode': 'Chef Saito\'s Family recipe: MENCHI-KATSU',
            'duration': 148,
            'upload_date': '20190816',
            'release_date': '20230902',
            'release_timestamp': 1693619292,
            'modified_timestamp': 1707217907,
            'modified_date': '20240206',
            'timestamp': 1565997540,
    }, {
        # radio
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'livinginjapan-20231001-1-en',
            'ext': 'm4a',
            'title': 'Living in Japan - Tips for Travelers to Japan / Ramen Vending Machines',
            'series': 'Living in Japan',
            'description': 'md5:0a0e2077d8f07a03071e990a6f51bfab',
            'thumbnail': r're:https://.+/.+\.jpg',
            'episode': 'Tips for Travelers to Japan / Ramen Vending Machines',
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        # video, alphabetic character in ID #29670
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'qfjay6cg',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'DESIGN TALKS plus - Fishermen’s Finery',
            'description': 'md5:8a8f958aaafb0d7cb59d38de53f1e448',
            'thumbnail': r're:^https?:/(/[a-z0-9.-]+)+\.jpg\?w=1920&h=1080$',
            'upload_date': '20210615',
            'timestamp': 1623722008,
        'skip': '404 Not Found',
    }, {
        # japanese-language, longer id than english
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'nw_ja_v_jvod_ohayou_20231008',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'おはよう日本(7時台) - 10月8日放送',
            'series': 'おはよう日本(7時台)',
            'episode': '10月8日放送',
            'thumbnail': r're:https://.+/.+\.jpg',
            'description': 'md5:9c1d6cbeadb827b955b20e99ab920ff0',
        'skip': 'expires 2023-10-15',
    }, {
        # a one-off (single-episode series). title from the api is just '<p></p>'
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'nw_vod_v_en_3004_952_20230723091000_01_1690074552',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'Barakan Discovers - AMAMI OSHIMA: Isson\'s Treasure Isla',
            'description': 'md5:5db620c46a0698451cc59add8816b797',
            'thumbnail': r're:https://.+/.+\.jpg',
            'release_date': '20230905',
            'timestamp': 1690103400,
            'duration': 2939,
            'release_timestamp': 1693898699,
            'upload_date': '20230723',
            'modified_timestamp': 1707217907,
            'modified_date': '20240206',
            'episode': 'AMAMI OSHIMA: Isson\'s Treasure Isla',
            'series': 'Barakan Discovers',
    }, {
        # /ondemand/video/ url with alphabetical character in 5th position of id
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'nw_c_en_9999-a07',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'episode': 'Mini-Dramas on SDGs: Ep 1 Close the Gender Gap [Director\'s Cut]',
            'series': 'Mini-Dramas on SDGs',
            'modified_date': '20240206',
            'title': 'Mini-Dramas on SDGs - Mini-Dramas on SDGs: Ep 1 Close the Gender Gap [Director\'s Cut]',
            'description': 'md5:3f9dcb4db22fceb675d90448a040d3f6',
            'timestamp': 1621962360,
            'duration': 189,
            'release_date': '20230903',
            'modified_timestamp': 1707217907,
            'upload_date': '20210525',
            'thumbnail': r're:https://.+/.+\.jpg',
            'release_timestamp': 1693713487,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'nw_c_en_9999-d17',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'Flowers of snow blossom - The 72 Pentads of Yamato',
            'description': 'Today’s focus: Snow',
            'release_timestamp': 1693792402,
            'release_date': '20230904',
            'upload_date': '20220128',
            'timestamp': 1643370960,
            'thumbnail': r're:https://.+/.+\.jpg',
            'duration': 136,
            'series': '',
            'modified_date': '20240206',
            'modified_timestamp': 1707217907,
    }, {
        # new /shows/ url format
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'nw_vod_v_en_2032_307_20240321113000_01_1710990282',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': 'Japanology Plus - 20th Anniversary Special Part 1',
            'description': 'md5:817d41fc8e54339ad2a916161ea24faf',
            'episode': '20th Anniversary Special Part 1',
            'series': 'Japanology Plus',
            'thumbnail': r're:https://.+/.+\.jpg',
            'duration': 1680,
            'timestamp': 1711020600,
            'upload_date': '20240321',
            'release_timestamp': 1711022683,
            'release_date': '20240321',
            'modified_timestamp': 1711031012,
            'modified_date': '20240321',
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'nw_vod_v_en_3020_025_20230325144000_01_1679723944',
            'ext': 'mp4',
            'title': '100 Ideas to Save the World - Working Styles Evolve',
            'description': 'md5:9e6c7778eaaf4f7b4af83569649f84d9',
            'episode': 'Working Styles Evolve',
            'series': '100 Ideas to Save the World',
            'thumbnail': r're:https://.+/.+\.jpg',
            'duration': 899,
            'upload_date': '20230325',
            'timestamp': 1679755200,
            'release_date': '20230905',
            'release_timestamp': 1693880540,
            'modified_date': '20240206',
            'modified_timestamp': 1707217907,
    }, {
        # new /shows/audio/ url format
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        # valid url even if can't be found in wild; support needed for clip entries extraction
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        return self._extract_episode_info(url)

class NhkVodProgramIE(NhkBaseIE):
    _VALID_URL = rf'''(?x)
    _TESTS = [{
        # video program episodes
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sumo',
            'title': 'GRAND SUMO Highlights',
            'description': 'md5:fc20d02dc6ce85e4b72e0273aa52fdbf',
        'playlist_mincount': 1,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'japanrailway',
            'title': 'Japan Railway Journal',
            'description': 'md5:ea39d93af7d05835baadf10d1aae0e3f',
        'playlist_mincount': 12,
    }, {
        # video program clips
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'japanrailway',
            'title': 'Japan Railway Journal',
            'description': 'md5:ea39d93af7d05835baadf10d1aae0e3f',
        'playlist_mincount': 12,
    }, {
        # audio program
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'livinginjapan',
            'title': 'Living in Japan',
            'description': 'md5:665bb36ec2a12c5a7f598ee713fc2b54',
        'playlist_mincount': 12,
    }, {
        # /tv/ program url
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'designtalksplus',
            'title': 'DESIGN TALKS plus',
            'description': 'md5:47b3b3a9f10d4ac7b33b53b70a7d2837',
        'playlist_mincount': 20,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,

    def suitable(cls, url):
        return False if NhkVodIE.suitable(url) else super().suitable(url)

    def _extract_meta_from_class_elements(self, class_values, html):
        for class_value in class_values:
            if value := clean_html(get_element_by_class(class_value, html)):
                return value

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        lang, m_type, program_id, episode_type = self._match_valid_url(url).group('lang', 'type', 'id', 'episode_type')
        episodes = self._call_api(
            program_id, lang, m_type != 'audio', False, episode_type == 'clip')

        def entries():
            for episode in episodes:
                if episode_path := episode.get('url'):
                    yield self._extract_episode_info(urljoin(url, episode_path), episode)

        html = self._download_webpage(url, program_id)
        program_title = self._extract_meta_from_class_elements([
            'p-programDetail__title',  # /ondemand/program/
            'pProgramHero__logoText',  # /shows/
            'tAudioProgramMain__title',  # /shows/audio/programs/
            'p-program-name'], html)  # /tv/
        program_description = self._extract_meta_from_class_elements([
            'p-programDetail__text',  # /ondemand/program/
            'pProgramHero__description',  # /shows/
            'tAudioProgramMain__info',  # /shows/audio/programs/
            'p-program-description'], html)  # /tv/

        return self.playlist_result(entries(), program_id, program_title, program_description)

class NhkForSchoolBangumiIE(InfoExtractor):
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://www2\.nhk\.or\.jp/school/movie/(?P<type>bangumi|clip)\.cgi\?das_id=(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)'
    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'D0005150191_00003',
            'title': 'にている かな',
            'duration': 599.999,
            'timestamp': 1396414800,

            'upload_date': '20140402',
            'ext': 'mp4',

            'chapters': 'count:12',
        'params': {
            # m3u8 download
            'skip_download': True,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        program_type, video_id = self._match_valid_url(url).groups()

        webpage = self._download_webpage(
            f'{program_type}.cgi?das_id={video_id}', video_id)

        # searches all variables
        base_values = { for g in re.finditer(r'var\s+([a-zA-Z_]+)\s*=\s*"([^"]+?)";', webpage)}
        # and programObj values too
        program_values = { for g in re.finditer(r'(?:program|clip)Obj\.([a-zA-Z_]+)\s*=\s*(["\'])([^"]+?)\2;', webpage)}
        # extract all chapters
        chapter_durations = [parse_duration( for g in re.finditer(r'chapterTime\.push\(\'([0-9:]+?)\'\);', webpage)]
        chapter_titles = [' '.join([ or '', unescapeHTML(]).strip() for g in re.finditer(r'<div class="cpTitle"><span>(scene\s*\d+)?</span>([^<]+?)</div>', webpage)]

        # this is how player_core.js is actually doing (!)
        version = base_values.get('r_version') or program_values.get('version')
        if version:
            video_id = f'{video_id.split("_")[0]}_{version}'

        formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
            video_id, ext='mp4', m3u8_id='hls')

        duration = parse_duration(base_values.get('r_duration'))

        chapters = None
        if chapter_durations and chapter_titles and len(chapter_durations) == len(chapter_titles):
            start_time = chapter_durations
            end_time = chapter_durations[1:] + [duration]
            chapters = [{
                'start_time': s,
                'end_time': e,
                'title': t,
            } for s, e, t in zip(start_time, end_time, chapter_titles)]

        return {
            'id': video_id,
            'title': program_values.get('name'),
            'duration': parse_duration(base_values.get('r_duration')),
            'timestamp': unified_timestamp(base_values['r_upload']),
            'formats': formats,
            'chapters': chapters,

class NhkForSchoolSubjectIE(InfoExtractor):
    IE_DESC = 'Portal page for each school subjects, like Japanese (kokugo, 国語) or math (sansuu/suugaku or 算数・数学)'
        'rika', 'syakai', 'kokugo',
        'sansuu', 'seikatsu', 'doutoku',
        'ongaku', 'taiiku', 'zukou',
        'gijutsu', 'katei', 'sougou',
        'eigo', 'tokkatsu',
        'tokushi', 'sonota',
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.nhk\.or\.jp/school/(?P<id>{})/?(?:[\?#].*)?$'.format(
        '|'.join(re.escape(s) for s in KNOWN_SUBJECTS))

    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sougou',
            'title': '総合的な学習の時間',
        'playlist_mincount': 16,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'rika',
            'title': '理科',
        'playlist_mincount': 15,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        subject_id = self._match_id(url)
        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, subject_id)

        return self.playlist_from_matches(
            re.finditer(rf'href="((?:https?://www\.nhk\.or\.jp)?/school/{re.escape(subject_id)}/[^/]+/)"', webpage),
            self._html_search_regex(r'(?s)<span\s+class="subjectName">\s*<img\s*[^<]+>\s*([^<]+?)</span>', webpage, 'title', fatal=False),
            lambda g: urljoin(url,

class NhkForSchoolProgramListIE(InfoExtractor):
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.nhk\.or\.jp/school/(?P<id>(?:{})/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)'.format(
        '|'.join(re.escape(s) for s in NhkForSchoolSubjectIE.KNOWN_SUBJECTS))
    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'sougou/q',
            'title': 'Q~こどものための哲学',
        'playlist_mincount': 20,

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        program_id = self._match_id(url)

        webpage = self._download_webpage(f'{program_id}/', program_id)

        title = (self._generic_title('', webpage)
                 or self._html_search_regex(r'<h3>([^<]+?)とは?\s*</h3>', webpage, 'title', fatal=False))
        title = re.sub(r'\s*\|\s*NHK\s+for\s+School\s*$', '', title) if title else None
        description = self._html_search_regex(
            webpage, 'description', fatal=False, group=0)

        bangumi_list = self._download_json(
            f'{program_id}/meta/program.json', program_id)
        # they're always bangumi
        bangumis = [
            for x in traverse_obj(bangumi_list, ('part', ..., 'part-video-dasid')) or []]

        return self.playlist_result(bangumis, program_id, title, description)

class NhkRadiruIE(InfoExtractor):
    IE_DESC = 'NHK らじる (Radiru/Rajiru)'
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.nhk\.or\.jp/radio/(?:player/ondemand|ondemand/detail)\.html\?p=(?P<site>[\da-zA-Z]+)_(?P<corner>[\da-zA-Z]+)(?:_(?P<headline>[\da-zA-Z]+))?'
    _TESTS = [{
        'url': '',
        'skip': 'Episode expired on 2024-06-09',
        'info_dict': {
            'title': 'ジャズ・トゥナイト ジャズ「Night and Day」特集',
            'id': '0449_01_4003239',
            'ext': 'm4a',
            'uploader': 'NHK FM 東京',
            'description': 'md5:ad05f3c3f3f6e99b2e69f9b5e49551dc',
            'series': 'ジャズ・トゥナイト',
            'channel': 'NHK FM 東京',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'upload_date': '20240601',
            'series_id': '0449_01',
            'release_date': '20240601',
            'timestamp': 1717257600,
            'release_timestamp': 1717250400,
    }, {
        # playlist, airs every weekday so it should _hopefully_ be okay forever
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': '0458_01',
            'title': 'ベストオブクラシック',
            'description': '世界中の上質な演奏会をじっくり堪能する本格派クラシック番組。',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'series_id': '0458_01',
            'uploader': 'NHK FM',
            'channel': 'NHK FM',
            'series': 'ベストオブクラシック',
        'playlist_mincount': 3,
    }, {
        # one with letters in the id
        'url': '',
        'note': 'Expires on 2025-03-31',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'F683_01_3910688',
            'ext': 'm4a',
            'title': '夏目漱石「文鳥」第1回',
            'series': '【らじる文庫】夏目漱石「文鳥」(全4回)',
            'series_id': 'F683_01',
            'description': '朗読:浅井理アナウンサー',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'upload_date': '20240106',
            'release_date': '20240106',
            'uploader': 'NHK R1',
            'release_timestamp': 1704511800,
            'channel': 'NHK R1',
            'timestamp': 1704512700,
        'expected_warnings': ['Unable to download JSON metadata',
                              'Failed to get extended metadata. API returned Error 1: Invalid parameters'],
    }, {
        # news
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'F261_01_4012173',
            'ext': 'm4a',
            'channel': 'NHKラジオ第1',
            'uploader': 'NHKラジオ第1',
            'series': 'NHKラジオニュース',
            'title': '午前0時のNHKニュース',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'release_timestamp': 1718290800,
            'release_date': '20240613',
            'timestamp': 1718291400,
            'upload_date': '20240613',
    }, {
        # fallback when extended metadata fails
        'url': '',
        'skip': 'Expires on 2024-06-07',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': '2834_01_4009298',
            'title': 'まち☆キラ!開成町特集',
            'ext': 'm4a',
            'release_date': '20240531',
            'upload_date': '20240531',
            'series': 'はま☆キラ!',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'channel': 'NHK R1,FM',
            'description': '',
            'timestamp': 1717123800,
            'uploader': 'NHK R1,FM',
            'release_timestamp': 1717120800,
            'series_id': '2834_01',
        'expected_warnings': ['Failed to get extended metadata. API returned empty list.'],

    _API_URL_TMPL = None

    def _extract_extended_metadata(self, episode_id, aa_vinfo):
        service, _, area = traverse_obj(aa_vinfo, (2, {str}, {lambda x: (x or '').partition(',')}))
        detail_url = try_call(
            lambda: self._API_URL_TMPL.format(area=area, service=service, dateid=aa_vinfo[3]))
        if not detail_url:
            return {}

        response = self._download_json(
            detail_url, episode_id, 'Downloading extended metadata',
            'Failed to download extended metadata', fatal=False, expected_status=400)
        if not response:
            return {}

        if error := traverse_obj(response, ('error', {dict})):
                'Failed to get extended metadata. API returned '
                f'Error {join_nonempty("code", "message", from_dict=error, delim=": ")}')
            return {}

        full_meta = traverse_obj(response, ('list', service, 0, {dict}))
        if not full_meta:
            self.report_warning('Failed to get extended metadata. API returned empty list.')
            return {}

        station = ' '.join(traverse_obj(full_meta, (('service', 'area'), 'name', {str}))) or None
        thumbnails = [{
            'id': str(id_),
            'preference': 1 if id_.startswith('thumbnail') else -2 if id_.startswith('logo') else -1,
            **traverse_obj(thumb, {
                'url': 'url',
                'width': ('width', {int_or_none}),
                'height': ('height', {int_or_none}),
        } for id_, thumb in traverse_obj(full_meta, ('images', {dict.items}, lambda _, v: v[1]['url']))]

        return filter_dict({
            'channel': station,
            'uploader': station,
            'description': join_nonempty(
                'subtitle', 'content', 'act', 'music', delim='\n\n', from_dict=full_meta),
            'thumbnails': thumbnails,
            **traverse_obj(full_meta, {
                'title': ('title', {str}),
                'timestamp': ('end_time', {unified_timestamp}),
                'release_timestamp': ('start_time', {unified_timestamp}),

    def _extract_episode_info(self, episode, programme_id, series_meta):
        episode_id = f'{programme_id}_{episode["id"]}'
        aa_vinfo = traverse_obj(episode, ('aa_contents_id', {lambda x: x.split(';')}))
        extended_metadata = self._extract_extended_metadata(episode_id, aa_vinfo)
        fallback_start_time, _, fallback_end_time = traverse_obj(
            aa_vinfo, (4, {str}, {lambda x: (x or '').partition('_')}))

        return {
            'id': episode_id,
            'formats': self._extract_m3u8_formats(episode.get('stream_url'), episode_id, fatal=False),
            'container': 'm4a_dash',  # force fixup, AAC-only HLS
            'was_live': True,
            'title': episode.get('program_title'),
            'description': episode.get('program_sub_title'),  # fallback
            'timestamp': unified_timestamp(fallback_end_time),
            'release_timestamp': unified_timestamp(fallback_start_time),

    def _extract_news_info(self, headline, programme_id, series_meta):
        episode_id = f'{programme_id}_{headline["headline_id"]}'
        episode = traverse_obj(headline, ('file_list', 0, {dict}))

        return {
            'id': episode_id,
            'formats': self._extract_m3u8_formats(episode.get('file_name'), episode_id, fatal=False),
            'container': 'm4a_dash',  # force fixup, AAC-only HLS
            'was_live': True,
            'series': series_meta.get('title'),
            'thumbnail': url_or_none(headline.get('headline_image')) or series_meta.get('thumbnail'),
            **traverse_obj(episode, {
                'title': ('file_title', {str}),
                'description': ('file_title_sub', {str}),
                'timestamp': ('open_time', {unified_timestamp}),
                'release_timestamp': ('aa_vinfo4', {lambda x: x.split('_')[0]}, {unified_timestamp}),

    def _real_initialize(self):
        if self._API_URL_TMPL:
        api_config = self._download_xml(
            '', None, 'Downloading API config', fatal=False)
        NhkRadiruIE._API_URL_TMPL = try_call(lambda: f'https:{api_config.find(".//url_program_detail").text}')

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        site_id, corner_id, headline_id = self._match_valid_url(url).group('site', 'corner', 'headline')
        programme_id = f'{site_id}_{corner_id}'

        if site_id == 'F261':  # XXX: News programmes use old API (for now?)
            meta = self._download_json(
                '', programme_id)['main']
            series_meta = traverse_obj(meta, {
                'title': ('program_name', {str}),
                'channel': ('media_name', {str}),
                'uploader': ('media_name', {str}),
                'thumbnail': (('thumbnail_c', 'thumbnail_p'), {url_or_none}),
            }, get_all=False)

            if headline_id:
                headline = traverse_obj(
                    meta, ('detail_list', lambda _, v: v['headline_id'] == headline_id, any))
                if not headline:
                    raise ExtractorError('Content not found; it has most likely expired', expected=True)
                return self._extract_news_info(headline, programme_id, series_meta)

            def news_entries():
                for headline in traverse_obj(meta, ('detail_list', ..., {dict})):
                    yield self._extract_news_info(headline, programme_id, series_meta)

            return self.playlist_result(
                news_entries(), programme_id, description=meta.get('site_detail'), **series_meta)

        meta = self._download_json(
            '', programme_id, query={
                'site_id': site_id,
                'corner_site_id': corner_id,

        fallback_station = join_nonempty('NHK', traverse_obj(meta, ('radio_broadcast', {str})), delim=' ')
        series_meta = {
            'series': join_nonempty('title', 'corner_name', delim=' ', from_dict=meta),
            'series_id': programme_id,
            'thumbnail': traverse_obj(meta, ('thumbnail_url', {url_or_none})),
            'channel': fallback_station,
            'uploader': fallback_station,

        if headline_id:
            episode = traverse_obj(meta, ('episodes', lambda _, v: v['id'] == int(headline_id), any))
            if not episode:
                raise ExtractorError('Content not found; it has most likely expired', expected=True)
            return self._extract_episode_info(episode, programme_id, series_meta)

        def entries():
            for episode in traverse_obj(meta, ('episodes', ..., {dict})):
                yield self._extract_episode_info(episode, programme_id, series_meta)

        return self.playlist_result(
            entries(), programme_id, title=series_meta.get('series'),
            description=meta.get('series_description'), **series_meta)

class NhkRadioNewsPageIE(InfoExtractor):
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.nhk\.or\.jp/radionews/?(?:$|[?#])'
    _TESTS = [{
        # airs daily, on-the-hour most hours
        'url': '',
        'playlist_mincount': 5,
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'F261_01',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'description': 'md5:bf2c5b397e44bc7eb26de98d8f15d79d',
            'channel': 'NHKラジオ第1',
            'uploader': 'NHKラジオ第1',
            'title': 'NHKラジオニュース',

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        return self.url_result('', NhkRadiruIE)

class NhkRadiruLiveIE(InfoExtractor):
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.nhk\.or\.jp/radio/player/\?ch=(?P<id>r[12]|fm)'
    _TESTS = [{
        # radio 1, no area specified
        'url': '',
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'r1-tokyo',
            'title': 're:^NHKネットラジオ第1 東京.+$',
            'ext': 'm4a',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'live_status': 'is_live',
    }, {
        # radio 2, area specified
        # (the area doesnt actually matter, r2 is national)
        'url': '',
        'params': {'extractor_args': {'nhkradirulive': {'area': ['fukuoka']}}},
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'r2-fukuoka',
            'title': 're:^NHKネットラジオ第2 福岡.+$',
            'ext': 'm4a',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'live_status': 'is_live',
    }, {
        # fm, area specified
        'url': '',
        'params': {'extractor_args': {'nhkradirulive': {'area': ['sapporo']}}},
        'info_dict': {
            'id': 'fm-sapporo',
            'title': 're:^NHKネットラジオFM 札幌.+$',
            'ext': 'm4a',
            'thumbnail': '',
            'live_status': 'is_live',

    _NOA_STATION_IDS = {'r1': 'n1', 'r2': 'n2', 'fm': 'n3'}

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        station = self._match_id(url)
        area = self._configuration_arg('area', ['tokyo'])[0]

        config = self._download_xml(
            '', station, 'Downloading area information')
        data = config.find(f'.//data//area[.="{area}"]/..')

        if not data:
            raise ExtractorError('Invalid area. Valid areas are: {}'.format(', '.join(
                [i.text for i in config.findall('.//data//area')])), expected=True)

        noa_info = self._download_json(
            station, note=f'Downloading {area} station metadata', fatal=False)
        present_info = traverse_obj(noa_info, ('nowonair_list', self._NOA_STATION_IDS.get(station), 'present'))

        return {
            'title': ' '.join(traverse_obj(present_info, (('service', 'area'), 'name', {str}))),
            'id': join_nonempty(station, area),
            'thumbnails': traverse_obj(present_info, ('service', 'images', ..., {
                'url': 'url',
                'width': ('width', {int_or_none}),
                'height': ('height', {int_or_none}),
            'formats': self._extract_m3u8_formats(data.find(f'{station}hls').text, station),
            'is_live': True,