mirror of https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
385 lines
14 KiB
385 lines
14 KiB
import errno
import hashlib
import json
import os.path
import re
import ssl
import sys
import types
import yt_dlp.extractor
from yt_dlp import YoutubeDL
from yt_dlp.utils import preferredencoding, try_call, write_string, find_available_port
if 'pytest' in sys.modules:
import pytest
is_download_test = pytest.mark.download
def is_download_test(test_class):
return test_class
def get_params(override=None):
PARAMETERS_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
LOCAL_PARAMETERS_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
with open(PARAMETERS_FILE, encoding='utf-8') as pf:
parameters = json.load(pf)
if os.path.exists(LOCAL_PARAMETERS_FILE):
with open(LOCAL_PARAMETERS_FILE, encoding='utf-8') as pf:
if override:
return parameters
def try_rm(filename):
""" Remove a file if it exists """
except OSError as ose:
if ose.errno != errno.ENOENT:
def report_warning(message, *args, **kwargs):
Print the message to stderr, it will be prefixed with 'WARNING:'
If stderr is a tty file the 'WARNING:' will be colored
if sys.stderr.isatty() and os.name != 'nt':
_msg_header = '\033[0;33mWARNING:\033[0m'
_msg_header = 'WARNING:'
output = f'{_msg_header} {message}\n'
if 'b' in getattr(sys.stderr, 'mode', ''):
output = output.encode(preferredencoding())
class FakeYDL(YoutubeDL):
def __init__(self, override=None):
# Different instances of the downloader can't share the same dictionary
# some test set the "sublang" parameter, which would break the md5 checks.
params = get_params(override=override)
super().__init__(params, auto_init=False)
self.result = []
def to_screen(self, s, *args, **kwargs):
def trouble(self, s, *args, **kwargs):
raise Exception(s)
def download(self, x):
def expect_warning(self, regex):
# Silence an expected warning matching a regex
old_report_warning = self.report_warning
def report_warning(self, message, *args, **kwargs):
if re.match(regex, message):
old_report_warning(message, *args, **kwargs)
self.report_warning = types.MethodType(report_warning, self)
def gettestcases(include_onlymatching=False):
for ie in yt_dlp.extractor.gen_extractors():
yield from ie.get_testcases(include_onlymatching)
def getwebpagetestcases():
for ie in yt_dlp.extractor.gen_extractors():
for tc in ie.get_webpage_testcases():
tc.setdefault('add_ie', []).append('Generic')
yield tc
md5 = lambda s: hashlib.md5(s.encode()).hexdigest()
def _iter_differences(got, expected, field):
if isinstance(expected, str):
op, _, val = expected.partition(':')
if op in ('mincount', 'maxcount', 'count'):
if not isinstance(got, (list, dict)):
yield field, f'expected either {list.__name__} or {dict.__name__}, got {type(got).__name__}'
expected_num = int(val)
got_num = len(got)
if op == 'mincount':
if got_num < expected_num:
yield field, f'expected at least {val} items, got {got_num}'
if op == 'maxcount':
if got_num > expected_num:
yield field, f'expected at most {val} items, got {got_num}'
assert op == 'count'
if got_num != expected_num:
yield field, f'expected exactly {val} items, got {got_num}'
if not isinstance(got, str):
yield field, f'expected {str.__name__}, got {type(got).__name__}'
if op == 're':
if not re.match(val, got):
yield field, f'should match {val!r}, got {got!r}'
if op == 'startswith':
if not val.startswith(got):
yield field, f'should start with {val!r}, got {got!r}'
if op == 'contains':
if not val.startswith(got):
yield field, f'should contain {val!r}, got {got!r}'
if op == 'md5':
hash_val = md5(got)
if hash_val != val:
yield field, f'expected hash {val}, got {hash_val}'
if got != expected:
yield field, f'expected {expected!r}, got {got!r}'
if isinstance(expected, dict) and isinstance(got, dict):
for key, expected_val in expected.items():
if key not in got:
yield field, f'missing key: {key!r}'
field_name = key if field is None else f'{field}.{key}'
yield from _iter_differences(got[key], expected_val, field_name)
if isinstance(expected, type):
if not isinstance(got, expected):
yield field, f'expected {expected.__name__}, got {type(got).__name__}'
if isinstance(expected, list) and isinstance(got, list):
# TODO: clever diffing algorithm lmao
if len(expected) != len(got):
yield field, f'expected length of {len(expected)}, got {len(got)}'
for index, (got_val, expected_val) in enumerate(zip(got, expected)):
field_name = str(index) if field is None else f'{field}.{index}'
yield from _iter_differences(got_val, expected_val, field_name)
if got != expected:
yield field, f'expected {expected!r}, got {got!r}'
def _expect_value(message, got, expected, field):
mismatches = list(_iter_differences(got, expected, field))
if not mismatches:
fields = [field for field, _ in mismatches if field is not None]
return ''.join((
message, f' ({", ".join(fields)})' if fields else '',
*(f'\n\t{field}: {message}' for field, message in mismatches)))
def expect_value(self, got, expected, field):
if message := _expect_value('values differ', got, expected, field):
def expect_dict(self, got_dict, expected_dict):
if message := _expect_value('dictionaries differ', got_dict, expected_dict, None):
def sanitize_got_info_dict(got_dict):
# Lists
'formats', 'thumbnails', 'subtitles', 'automatic_captions', 'comments', 'entries',
# Auto-generated
'autonumber', 'playlist', 'format_index', 'video_ext', 'audio_ext', 'duration_string', 'epoch', 'n_entries',
'fulltitle', 'extractor', 'extractor_key', 'filename', 'filepath', 'infojson_filename', 'original_url',
# Only live_status needs to be checked
'is_live', 'was_live',
IGNORED_PREFIXES = ('', 'playlist', 'requested', 'webpage')
def sanitize(key, value):
if isinstance(value, str) and len(value) > 100 and key != 'thumbnail':
return f'md5:{md5(value)}'
elif isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 10:
return f'count:{len(value)}'
elif key.endswith('_count') and isinstance(value, int):
return int
return value
test_info_dict = {
key: sanitize(key, value) for key, value in got_dict.items()
if value is not None and key not in IGNORED_FIELDS and (
not any(key.startswith(f'{prefix}_') for prefix in IGNORED_PREFIXES)
or key == '_old_archive_ids')
# display_id may be generated from id
if test_info_dict.get('display_id') == test_info_dict.get('id'):
# Remove deprecated fields
for old in YoutubeDL._deprecated_multivalue_fields:
test_info_dict.pop(old, None)
# release_year may be generated from release_date
if try_call(lambda: test_info_dict['release_year'] == int(test_info_dict['release_date'][:4])):
# Check url for flat entries
if got_dict.get('_type', 'video') != 'video' and got_dict.get('url'):
test_info_dict['url'] = got_dict['url']
return test_info_dict
def expect_info_dict(self, got_dict, expected_dict):
# NB: Keep in sync with the docstring of extractor/common.py
'id', 'ext', 'direct', 'display_id', 'title', 'alt_title', 'description', 'media_type',
'uploader', 'uploader_id', 'uploader_url', 'channel', 'channel_id', 'channel_url', 'channel_is_verified',
'channel_follower_count', 'comment_count', 'view_count', 'concurrent_view_count',
'like_count', 'dislike_count', 'repost_count', 'average_rating', 'age_limit', 'duration', 'thumbnail', 'heatmap',
'chapters', 'chapter', 'chapter_number', 'chapter_id', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'section_start', 'section_end',
'categories', 'tags', 'cast', 'composers', 'artists', 'album_artists', 'creators', 'genres',
'track', 'track_number', 'track_id', 'album', 'album_type', 'disc_number',
'series', 'series_id', 'season', 'season_number', 'season_id', 'episode', 'episode_number', 'episode_id',
'timestamp', 'upload_date', 'release_timestamp', 'release_date', 'release_year', 'modified_timestamp', 'modified_date',
'playable_in_embed', 'availability', 'live_status', 'location', 'license', '_old_archive_ids',
expect_dict(self, got_dict, expected_dict)
# Check for the presence of mandatory fields
if got_dict.get('_type') not in ('playlist', 'multi_video'):
mandatory_fields = ['id', 'title']
if expected_dict.get('ext'):
mandatory_fields.extend(('url', 'ext'))
for key in mandatory_fields:
self.assertTrue(got_dict.get(key), f'Missing mandatory field {key}')
# Check for mandatory fields that are automatically set by YoutubeDL
if got_dict.get('_type', 'video') == 'video':
for key in ['webpage_url', 'extractor', 'extractor_key']:
self.assertTrue(got_dict.get(key), f'Missing field: {key}')
test_info_dict = sanitize_got_info_dict(got_dict)
# Check for invalid/misspelled field names being returned by the extractor
invalid_keys = sorted(test_info_dict.keys() - ALLOWED_KEYS_SORT_ORDER)
self.assertFalse(invalid_keys, f'Invalid fields returned by the extractor: {", ".join(invalid_keys)}')
missing_keys = sorted(
test_info_dict.keys() - expected_dict.keys(),
key=lambda x: ALLOWED_KEYS_SORT_ORDER.index(x))
if missing_keys:
def _repr(v):
if isinstance(v, str):
return "'{}'".format(v.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'").replace('\n', '\\n'))
elif isinstance(v, type):
return v.__name__
return repr(v)
info_dict_str = ''.join(
f' {_repr(k)}: {_repr(v)},\n'
for k, v in test_info_dict.items() if k not in missing_keys)
if info_dict_str:
info_dict_str += '\n'
info_dict_str += ''.join(
f' {_repr(k)}: {_repr(test_info_dict[k])},\n'
for k in missing_keys)
info_dict_str = '\n\'info_dict\': {\n' + info_dict_str + '},\n'
write_string(info_dict_str.replace('\n', '\n '), out=sys.stderr)
'Missing keys in test definition: {}'.format(', '.join(sorted(missing_keys))))
def assertRegexpMatches(self, text, regexp, msg=None):
if hasattr(self, 'assertRegexp'):
return self.assertRegexp(text, regexp, msg)
m = re.match(regexp, text)
if not m:
note = f'Regexp didn\'t match: {regexp!r} not found'
if len(text) < 1000:
note += f' in {text!r}'
if msg is None:
msg = note
msg = note + ', ' + msg
self.assertTrue(m, msg)
def assertGreaterEqual(self, got, expected, msg=None):
if not (got >= expected):
if msg is None:
msg = f'{got!r} not greater than or equal to {expected!r}'
self.assertTrue(got >= expected, msg)
def assertLessEqual(self, got, expected, msg=None):
if not (got <= expected):
if msg is None:
msg = f'{got!r} not less than or equal to {expected!r}'
self.assertTrue(got <= expected, msg)
def assertEqual(self, got, expected, msg=None):
if got != expected:
if msg is None:
msg = f'{got!r} not equal to {expected!r}'
self.assertTrue(got == expected, msg)
def expect_warnings(ydl, warnings_re):
real_warning = ydl.report_warning
def _report_warning(w, *args, **kwargs):
if not any(re.search(w_re, w) for w_re in warnings_re):
real_warning(w, *args, **kwargs)
ydl.report_warning = _report_warning
def http_server_port(httpd):
if os.name == 'java' and isinstance(httpd.socket, ssl.SSLSocket):
# In Jython SSLSocket is not a subclass of socket.socket
sock = httpd.socket.sock
sock = httpd.socket
return sock.getsockname()[1]
def verify_address_availability(address):
if find_available_port(address) is None:
pytest.skip(f'Unable to bind to source address {address} (address may not exist)')
def validate_and_send(rh, req):
return rh.send(req)