mirror of https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1119 lines
45 KiB
1119 lines
45 KiB
import functools
import itertools
import json
import re
from .common import InfoExtractor, SearchInfoExtractor
from ..networking import HEADRequest
from ..networking.exceptions import HTTPError
from ..utils import (
from ..utils.traversal import traverse_obj
class SoundcloudEmbedIE(InfoExtractor):
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:w|player|p)\.soundcloud\.com/player/?.*?\burl=(?P<id>.+)'
_EMBED_REGEX = [r'<iframe[^>]+src=(["\'])(?P<url>(?:https?://)?(?:w\.)?soundcloud\.com/player.+?)\1']
_TEST = {
# from https://www.soundi.fi/uutiset/ennakkokuuntelussa-timo-kaukolammen-station-to-station-to-station-julkaisua-juhlitaan-tanaan-g-livelabissa/
'url': 'https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?visual=true&url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Fplaylists%2F922213810&show_artwork=true&maxwidth=640&maxheight=960&dnt=1&secret_token=s-ziYey',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
query = parse_qs(url)
api_url = query['url'][0]
secret_token = query.get('secret_token')
if secret_token:
api_url = update_url_query(api_url, {'secret_token': secret_token[0]})
return self.url_result(api_url)
class SoundcloudBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
_NETRC_MACHINE = 'soundcloud'
_API_V2_BASE = 'https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/'
_BASE_URL = 'https://soundcloud.com/'
_USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36'
_API_AUTH_QUERY_TEMPLATE = '?client_id=%s'
_API_AUTH_URL_PW = 'https://api-auth.soundcloud.com/web-auth/sign-in/password%s'
_API_VERIFY_AUTH_TOKEN = 'https://api-auth.soundcloud.com/connect/session%s'
_IMAGE_REPL_RE = r'-[0-9a-z]+\.(?P<ext>jpg|png)'
_TAGS_RE = re.compile(r'"([^"]+)"|([^ ]+)')
'mini': 16,
'tiny': 20,
'small': 32,
'badge': 47,
't67x67': 67,
'large': 100,
't300x300': 300,
'crop': 400,
't500x500': 500,
'original': 0,
_DEFAULT_FORMATS = ['http_aac', 'hls_aac', 'http_opus', 'hls_opus', 'http_mp3', 'hls_mp3']
def _is_requested(self):
return re.compile(r'|'.join(set(
re.escape(pattern).replace(r'\*', r'.*') if pattern != 'default'
else '|'.join(map(re.escape, self._DEFAULT_FORMATS))
for pattern in self._configuration_arg('formats', ['default'], ie_key=SoundcloudIE)
def _store_client_id(self, client_id):
self.cache.store('soundcloud', 'client_id', client_id)
def _update_client_id(self):
webpage = self._download_webpage('https://soundcloud.com/', None)
for src in reversed(re.findall(r'<script[^>]+src="([^"]+)"', webpage)):
script = self._download_webpage(src, None, fatal=False)
if script:
client_id = self._search_regex(
script, 'client id', default=None)
if client_id:
self._CLIENT_ID = client_id
raise ExtractorError('Unable to extract client id')
def _call_api(self, *args, **kwargs):
non_fatal = kwargs.get('fatal') is False
if non_fatal:
del kwargs['fatal']
query = kwargs.get('query', {}).copy()
for _ in range(2):
query['client_id'] = self._CLIENT_ID
kwargs['query'] = query
return self._download_json(*args, **kwargs)
except ExtractorError as e:
if isinstance(e.cause, HTTPError) and e.cause.status in (401, 403):
elif non_fatal:
return False
def _initialize_pre_login(self):
self._CLIENT_ID = self.cache.load('soundcloud', 'client_id') or 'a3e059563d7fd3372b49b37f00a00bcf'
def _verify_oauth_token(self, token):
if self._request_webpage(
None, note='Verifying login token...', fatal=False,
data=json.dumps({'session': {'access_token': token}}).encode()):
self._HEADERS['Authorization'] = f'OAuth {token}'
self.report_warning('Provided authorization token is invalid. Continuing as guest')
def _real_initialize(self):
if self._HEADERS:
if token := try_call(lambda: self._get_cookies(self._BASE_URL)['oauth_token'].value):
def _perform_login(self, username, password):
if username != 'oauth':
raise ExtractorError(
'Login using username and password is not currently supported. '
'Use "--username oauth --password <oauth_token>" to login using an oauth token, '
f'or else {self._login_hint(method="cookies")}', expected=True)
if self._HEADERS:
def genDevId():
def genNumBlock():
return ''.join([str(random.randrange(10)) for i in range(6)])
return '-'.join([genNumBlock() for i in range(4)])
payload = {
'client_id': self._CLIENT_ID,
'recaptcha_pubkey': 'null',
'recaptcha_response': 'null',
'credentials': {
'identifier': username,
'password': password
'signature': self.sign(username, password, self._CLIENT_ID),
'device_id': genDevId(),
'user_agent': self._USER_AGENT
response = self._call_api(
None, note='Verifying login token...', fatal=False,
if token := traverse_obj(response, ('session', 'access_token', {str})):
self._HEADERS['Authorization'] = f'OAuth {token}'
raise ExtractorError('Unable to get access token, login may have failed', expected=True)
# signature generation
def sign(self, user, pw, clid):
a = 33
i = 1
s = 440123
w = 117
u = 1800000
l = 1042
b = 37
k = 37
c = 5
n = '0763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90' # _KEY
y = '8' # _REV
r = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36' # _USER_AGENT
e = user # _USERNAME
t = clid # _CLIENT_ID
d = '-'.join([str(mInt) for mInt in [a, i, s, w, u, l, b, k]])
h = n + y + d + r + e + t + d + n
m = 8011470
for f in range(len(h)):
m = (m >> 1) + ((1 & m) << 23)
m += ord(h[f])
m &= 16777215
# c is not even needed
return f'{y}:{d}:{m:x}:{c}'
def _extract_info_dict(self, info, full_title=None, secret_token=None, extract_flat=False):
track_id = str(info['id'])
format_urls = set()
formats = []
has_drm = False
query = {'client_id': self._CLIENT_ID}
if secret_token:
query['secret_token'] = secret_token
if not extract_flat and info.get('downloadable') and info.get('has_downloads_left'):
# Do not use _call_api(); HTTP Error codes have different meanings for this request
download_data = self._download_json(
f'{self._API_V2_BASE}tracks/{track_id}/download', track_id,
'Downloading original download format info JSON', query=query, headers=self._HEADERS)
except ExtractorError as e:
if isinstance(e.cause, HTTPError) and e.cause.status == 401:
'Original download format is only available '
f'for registered users. {self._login_hint()}')
elif isinstance(e.cause, HTTPError) and e.cause.status == 403:
self.write_debug('Original download format is not available for this client')
download_data = None
if redirect_url := traverse_obj(download_data, ('redirectUri', {url_or_none})):
urlh = self._request_webpage(
HEADRequest(redirect_url), track_id, 'Checking original download format availability',
'Original download format is not available', fatal=False)
if urlh:
format_url = urlh.url
'format_id': 'download',
'ext': urlhandle_detect_ext(urlh, default='mp3'),
'filesize': int_or_none(urlh.headers.get('Content-Length')),
'url': format_url,
'quality': 10,
'format_note': 'Original',
'vcodec': 'none',
def invalid_url(url):
return not url or url in format_urls
# New API
for t in traverse_obj(info, ('media', 'transcodings', lambda _, v: url_or_none(v['url']) and v['preset'])):
if extract_flat:
format_url = t['url']
preset = t['preset']
preset_base = preset.partition('_')[0]
protocol = traverse_obj(t, ('format', 'protocol', {str})) or 'http'
if protocol.startswith(('ctr-', 'cbc-')):
has_drm = True
if protocol == 'progressive':
protocol = 'http'
if protocol != 'hls' and '/hls' in format_url:
protocol = 'hls'
if protocol == 'encrypted-hls' or '/encrypted-hls' in format_url:
protocol = 'hls-aes'
short_identifier = f'{protocol}_{preset_base}'
if preset_base == 'abr':
self.write_debug(f'Skipping broken "{short_identifier}" format')
if not self._is_requested(short_identifier):
self.write_debug(f'"{short_identifier}" is not a requested format, skipping')
# XXX: if not extract_flat, 429 error must be caught where _extract_info_dict is called
stream_url = traverse_obj(self._call_api(
format_url, track_id, f'Downloading {short_identifier} format info JSON',
query=query, headers=self._HEADERS), ('url', {url_or_none}))
if invalid_url(stream_url):
mime_type = traverse_obj(t, ('format', 'mime_type', {str}))
codec = self._search_regex(r'codecs="([^"]+)"', mime_type, 'codec', default=None)
ext = {
'mp4a': 'm4a',
'opus': 'opus',
}.get(codec[:4] if codec else None) or mimetype2ext(mime_type, default=None)
if not ext or ext == 'm3u8':
ext = preset_base
is_premium = t.get('quality') == 'hq'
abr = int_or_none(
self._search_regex(r'(\d+)k$', preset, 'abr', default=None)
or self._search_regex(r'\.(\d+)\.(?:opus|mp3)[/?]', stream_url, 'abr', default=None)
or (256 if (is_premium and 'aac' in preset) else None))
is_preview = (t.get('snipped')
or '/preview/' in format_url
or re.search(r'/(?:preview|playlist)/0/30/', stream_url))
'format_id': join_nonempty(protocol, preset, is_preview and 'preview', delim='_'),
'url': stream_url,
'ext': ext,
'acodec': codec,
'vcodec': 'none',
'abr': abr,
'protocol': 'm3u8_native' if protocol in ('hls', 'hls-aes') else 'http',
'container': 'm4a_dash' if ext == 'm4a' else None,
'quality': 5 if is_premium else 0 if (abr and abr >= 160) else -1,
'format_note': 'Premium' if is_premium else None,
'preference': -10 if is_preview else None,
if not formats:
if has_drm:
if info.get('policy') == 'BLOCK':
user = info.get('user') or {}
thumbnails = []
artwork_url = info.get('artwork_url')
thumbnail = artwork_url or user.get('avatar_url')
if url_or_none(thumbnail):
if mobj := re.search(self._IMAGE_REPL_RE, thumbnail):
for image_id, size in self._ARTWORK_MAP.items():
# Soundcloud serves JPEG regardless of URL's ext *except* for "original" thumb
ext = mobj.group('ext') if image_id == 'original' else 'jpg'
i = {
'id': image_id,
'url': re.sub(self._IMAGE_REPL_RE, f'-{image_id}.{ext}', thumbnail),
if image_id == 'tiny' and not artwork_url:
size = 18
elif image_id == 'original':
i['preference'] = 10
if size:
'width': size,
'height': size,
thumbnails = [{'url': thumbnail}]
def extract_count(key):
return int_or_none(info.get(f'{key}_count'))
return {
'id': track_id,
'uploader': user.get('username'),
'uploader_id': str_or_none(user.get('id')) or user.get('permalink'),
'uploader_url': user.get('permalink_url'),
'timestamp': unified_timestamp(info.get('created_at')),
'title': info.get('title'),
'track': info.get('title'),
'description': info.get('description'),
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
'duration': float_or_none(info.get('duration'), 1000),
'webpage_url': info.get('permalink_url'),
'license': info.get('license'),
'view_count': extract_count('playback'),
'like_count': extract_count('favoritings') or extract_count('likes'),
'comment_count': extract_count('comment'),
'repost_count': extract_count('reposts'),
'genres': traverse_obj(info, ('genre', {str}, filter, all, filter)),
'tags': traverse_obj(info, ('tag_list', {self._TAGS_RE.findall}, ..., ..., filter)),
'artists': traverse_obj(info, ('publisher_metadata', 'artist', {str}, filter, all, filter)),
'formats': formats if not extract_flat else None,
def _resolv_url(cls, url):
return cls._API_V2_BASE + 'resolve?url=' + url
class SoundcloudIE(SoundcloudBaseIE):
"""Information extractor for soundcloud.com
To access the media, the uid of the song and a stream token
must be extracted from the page source and the script must make
a request to media.soundcloud.com/crossdomain.xml. Then
the media can be grabbed by requesting from an url composed
of the stream token and uid
_VALID_URL = r'''(?x)^(?:https?://)?
IE_NAME = 'soundcloud'
_TESTS = [
'url': 'http://soundcloud.com/ethmusic/lostin-powers-she-so-heavy',
'md5': 'de9bac153e7427a7333b4b0c1b6a18d2',
'info_dict': {
'id': '62986583',
'ext': 'opus',
'title': 'Lostin Powers - She so Heavy (SneakPreview) Adrian Ackers Blueprint 1',
'track': 'Lostin Powers - She so Heavy (SneakPreview) Adrian Ackers Blueprint 1',
'description': 'No Downloads untill we record the finished version this weekend, i was too pumped n i had to post it , earl is prolly gonna b hella p.o\'d',
'uploader': 'E.T. ExTerrestrial Music',
'uploader_id': '1571244',
'timestamp': 1349920598,
'upload_date': '20121011',
'duration': 143.216,
'license': 'all-rights-reserved',
'view_count': int,
'like_count': int,
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'thumbnail': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000031955188-rwb18x-original.jpg',
'uploader_url': 'https://soundcloud.com/ethmusic',
'tags': 'count:14',
# geo-restricted
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/the-concept-band/goldrushed-mastered?in=the-concept-band/sets/the-royal-concept-ep',
'info_dict': {
'id': '47127627',
'ext': 'opus',
'title': 'Goldrushed',
'track': 'Goldrushed',
'description': 'From Stockholm Sweden\r\nPovel / Magnus / Filip / David\r\nwww.theroyalconcept.com',
'uploader': 'The Royal Concept',
'uploader_id': '9615865',
'timestamp': 1337635207,
'upload_date': '20120521',
'duration': 227.103,
'license': 'all-rights-reserved',
'view_count': int,
'like_count': int,
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'uploader_url': 'https://soundcloud.com/the-concept-band',
'thumbnail': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-v8bFHhXm7Au6-0-original.jpg',
'genres': ['Alternative'],
'artists': ['The Royal Concept'],
'tags': [],
# private link
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/jaimemf/youtube-dl-test-video-a-y-baw/s-8Pjrp',
'md5': 'aa0dd32bfea9b0c5ef4f02aacd080604',
'info_dict': {
'id': '123998367',
'ext': 'mp3',
'title': 'Youtube - Dl Test Video \'\' Ä↭',
'track': 'Youtube - Dl Test Video \'\' Ä↭',
'description': 'test chars: "\'/\\ä↭',
'uploader': 'jaimeMF',
'uploader_id': '69767071',
'timestamp': 1386604920,
'upload_date': '20131209',
'duration': 9.927,
'license': 'all-rights-reserved',
'view_count': int,
'like_count': int,
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'uploader_url': 'https://soundcloud.com/jaimemf',
'thumbnail': 'https://a1.sndcdn.com/images/default_avatar_large.png',
'genres': ['youtubedl'],
'tags': [],
# private link (alt format)
'url': 'https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/123998367?secret_token=s-8Pjrp',
'md5': 'aa0dd32bfea9b0c5ef4f02aacd080604',
'info_dict': {
'id': '123998367',
'ext': 'mp3',
'title': 'Youtube - Dl Test Video \'\' Ä↭',
'track': 'Youtube - Dl Test Video \'\' Ä↭',
'description': 'test chars: "\'/\\ä↭',
'uploader': 'jaimeMF',
'uploader_id': '69767071',
'timestamp': 1386604920,
'upload_date': '20131209',
'duration': 9.927,
'license': 'all-rights-reserved',
'view_count': int,
'like_count': int,
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'uploader_url': 'https://soundcloud.com/jaimemf',
'thumbnail': 'https://a1.sndcdn.com/images/default_avatar_large.png',
'genres': ['youtubedl'],
'tags': [],
# downloadable song
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/the80m/the-following',
'md5': 'ecb87d7705d5f53e6c02a63760573c75', # wav: '9ffcddb08c87d74fb5808a3c183a1d04'
'info_dict': {
'id': '343609555',
'ext': 'opus', # wav original available with auth
'title': 'The Following',
'track': 'The Following',
'description': '',
'uploader': '80M',
'uploader_id': '312384765',
'uploader_url': 'https://soundcloud.com/the80m',
'upload_date': '20170922',
'timestamp': 1506120436,
'duration': 397.228,
'thumbnail': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000243916348-ktoo7d-original.jpg',
'license': 'all-rights-reserved',
'like_count': int,
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'view_count': int,
'genres': ['Dance & EDM'],
'artists': ['80M'],
'tags': ['80M', 'EDM', 'Dance', 'Music'],
'expected_warnings': ['Original download format is only available for registered users'],
# private link, downloadable format
# tags with spaces (e.g. "Uplifting Trance", "Ori Uplift")
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/oriuplift/uponly-238-no-talking-wav/s-AyZUd',
'md5': '2e1530d0e9986a833a67cb34fc90ece0', # wav: '64a60b16e617d41d0bef032b7f55441e'
'info_dict': {
'id': '340344461',
'ext': 'opus', # wav original available with auth
'title': 'Uplifting Only 238 [No Talking] (incl. Alex Feed Guestmix) (Aug 31, 2017) [wav]',
'track': 'Uplifting Only 238 [No Talking] (incl. Alex Feed Guestmix) (Aug 31, 2017) [wav]',
'description': 'md5:fa20ee0fca76a3d6df8c7e57f3715366',
'uploader': 'Ori Uplift Music',
'uploader_id': '12563093',
'timestamp': 1504206263,
'upload_date': '20170831',
'duration': 7449.096,
'license': 'all-rights-reserved',
'view_count': int,
'like_count': int,
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'thumbnail': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000240712245-kedn4p-original.jpg',
'uploader_url': 'https://soundcloud.com/oriuplift',
'genres': ['Trance'],
'artists': ['Ori Uplift'],
'tags': ['Orchestral', 'Emotional', 'Uplifting Trance', 'Trance', 'Ori Uplift', 'UpOnly'],
'expected_warnings': ['Original download format is only available for registered users'],
# no album art, use avatar pic for thumbnail
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/garyvee/sideways-prod-mad-real',
'md5': '59c7872bc44e5d99b7211891664760c2',
'info_dict': {
'id': '309699954',
'ext': 'mp3',
'title': 'Sideways (Prod. Mad Real)',
'track': 'Sideways (Prod. Mad Real)',
'description': 'md5:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
'uploader': 'garyvee',
'uploader_id': '2366352',
'timestamp': 1488152409,
'upload_date': '20170226',
'duration': 207.012,
'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*\.jpg',
'license': 'all-rights-reserved',
'view_count': int,
'like_count': int,
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'uploader_url': 'https://soundcloud.com/garyvee',
'artists': ['MadReal'],
'tags': [],
'params': {
'skip_download': True,
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/giovannisarani/mezzo-valzer',
'md5': '8227c3473a4264df6b02ad7e5b7527ac',
'info_dict': {
'id': '583011102',
'ext': 'opus',
'title': 'Mezzo Valzer',
'track': 'Mezzo Valzer',
'description': 'md5:f4d5f39d52e0ccc2b4f665326428901a',
'uploader': 'Giovanni Sarani',
'uploader_id': '3352531',
'timestamp': 1551394171,
'upload_date': '20190228',
'duration': 180.157,
'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*\.jpg',
'license': 'all-rights-reserved',
'view_count': int,
'like_count': int,
'comment_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'genres': ['Piano'],
'uploader_url': 'https://soundcloud.com/giovannisarani',
'tags': 'count:10',
# .png "original" artwork, 160kbps m4a HLS format
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/skorxh/audio-dealer',
'info_dict': {
'id': '2011421339',
'ext': 'm4a',
'title': 'audio dealer',
'description': '',
'uploader': '$KORCH',
'uploader_id': '150292288',
'uploader_url': 'https://soundcloud.com/skorxh',
'comment_count': int,
'view_count': int,
'like_count': int,
'repost_count': int,
'duration': 213.469,
'tags': [],
'artists': ['$KORXH'],
'track': 'audio dealer',
'timestamp': 1737143201,
'upload_date': '20250117',
'license': 'all-rights-reserved',
'thumbnail': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-original.png',
'thumbnails': [
{'id': 'mini', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-mini.jpg'},
{'id': 'tiny', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-tiny.jpg'},
{'id': 'small', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-small.jpg'},
{'id': 'badge', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-badge.jpg'},
{'id': 't67x67', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-t67x67.jpg'},
{'id': 'large', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-large.jpg'},
{'id': 't300x300', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-t300x300.jpg'},
{'id': 'crop', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-crop.jpg'},
{'id': 't500x500', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-t500x500.jpg'},
{'id': 'original', 'url': 'https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-a1wKGMYNreDLTMrT-fGjRiw-original.png'},
'params': {'skip_download': 'm3u8', 'format': 'hls_aac_160k'},
# AAC HQ format available (account with active subscription needed)
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/wandw/the-chainsmokers-ft-daya-dont-let-me-down-ww-remix-1',
'only_matching': True,
# Go+ (account with active subscription needed)
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/taylorswiftofficial/look-what-you-made-me-do',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = self._match_valid_url(url)
track_id = mobj.group('track_id')
query = {}
if track_id:
info_json_url = self._API_V2_BASE + 'tracks/' + track_id
full_title = track_id
token = mobj.group('secret_token')
if token:
query['secret_token'] = token
full_title = resolve_title = '{}/{}'.format(*mobj.group('uploader', 'title'))
token = mobj.group('token')
if token:
resolve_title += f'/{token}'
info_json_url = self._resolv_url(self._BASE_URL + resolve_title)
info = self._call_api(
info_json_url, full_title, 'Downloading info JSON', query=query, headers=self._HEADERS)
for retry in self.RetryManager():
return self._extract_info_dict(info, full_title, token)
except ExtractorError as e:
if not isinstance(e.cause, HTTPError) or not e.cause.status == 429:
'You have reached the API rate limit, which is ~600 requests per '
'10 minutes. Use the --extractor-retries and --retry-sleep options '
'to configure an appropriate retry count and wait time', only_once=True)
retry.error = e.cause
class SoundcloudPlaylistBaseIE(SoundcloudBaseIE):
def _extract_set(self, playlist, token=None):
playlist_id = str(playlist['id'])
tracks = playlist.get('tracks') or []
if not all(t.get('permalink_url') for t in tracks) and token:
tracks = self._call_api(
self._API_V2_BASE + 'tracks', playlist_id,
'Downloading tracks', query={
'ids': ','.join([str(t['id']) for t in tracks]),
'playlistId': playlist_id,
'playlistSecretToken': token,
}, headers=self._HEADERS)
album_info = traverse_obj(playlist, {
'album': ('title', {str}),
'album_artist': ('user', 'username', {str}),
'album_type': ('set_type', {str}, {lambda x: x or 'playlist'}),
entries = []
for track in tracks:
track_id = str_or_none(track.get('id'))
url = track.get('permalink_url')
if not url:
if not track_id:
url = self._API_V2_BASE + 'tracks/' + track_id
if token:
url += '?secret_token=' + token
url, SoundcloudIE.ie_key(), track_id, url_transparent=True, **album_info))
return self.playlist_result(
entries, playlist_id,
**traverse_obj(playlist, {
'uploader': ('user', 'username', {str}),
'uploader_id': ('user', 'id', {str_or_none}),
class SoundcloudSetIE(SoundcloudPlaylistBaseIE):
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www|m)\.)?soundcloud\.com/(?P<uploader>[\w\d-]+)/sets/(?P<slug_title>[:\w\d-]+)(?:/(?P<token>[^?/]+))?'
IE_NAME = 'soundcloud:set'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/the-concept-band/sets/the-royal-concept-ep',
'info_dict': {
'id': '2284613',
'title': 'The Royal Concept EP',
'description': 'md5:71d07087c7a449e8941a70a29e34671e',
'uploader': 'The Royal Concept',
'uploader_id': '9615865',
'album': 'The Royal Concept EP',
'album_artists': ['The Royal Concept'],
'album_type': 'ep',
'playlist_mincount': 5,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/the-concept-band/sets/the-royal-concept-ep/token',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/discover/sets/weekly::flacmatic',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/discover/sets/charts-top:all-music:de',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/discover/sets/charts-top:hiphoprap:kr',
'only_matching': True,
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = self._match_valid_url(url)
full_title = '{}/sets/{}'.format(*mobj.group('uploader', 'slug_title'))
token = mobj.group('token')
if token:
full_title += '/' + token
info = self._call_api(self._resolv_url(
self._BASE_URL + full_title), full_title, headers=self._HEADERS)
if 'errors' in info:
msgs = (str(err['error_message']) for err in info['errors'])
raise ExtractorError('unable to download video webpage: {}'.format(','.join(msgs)))
return self._extract_set(info, token)
class SoundcloudPagedPlaylistBaseIE(SoundcloudBaseIE):
def _extract_playlist(self, base_url, playlist_id, playlist_title):
return {
'_type': 'playlist',
'id': playlist_id,
'title': playlist_title,
'entries': self._entries(base_url, playlist_id),
def _entries(self, url, playlist_id):
# Per the SoundCloud documentation, the maximum limit for a linked partitioning query is 200.
# https://developers.soundcloud.com/blog/offset-pagination-deprecated
query = {
'limit': 200,
'linked_partitioning': '1',
'offset': 0,
for i in itertools.count():
for retry in self.RetryManager():
response = self._call_api(
url, playlist_id, query=query, headers=self._HEADERS,
note=f'Downloading track page {i + 1}')
except ExtractorError as e:
# Downloading page may result in intermittent 502 HTTP error
# See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/872
if not isinstance(e.cause, HTTPError) or e.cause.status != 502:
retry.error = e
def resolve_entry(*candidates):
for cand in candidates:
if not isinstance(cand, dict):
permalink_url = url_or_none(cand.get('permalink_url'))
if permalink_url:
return self.url_result(
SoundcloudIE.ie_key() if SoundcloudIE.suitable(permalink_url) else None,
str_or_none(cand.get('id')), cand.get('title'))
for e in response['collection'] or []:
yield resolve_entry(e, e.get('track'), e.get('playlist'))
url = response.get('next_href')
if not url:
query.pop('offset', None)
class SoundcloudUserIE(SoundcloudPagedPlaylistBaseIE):
_VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
IE_NAME = 'soundcloud:user'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/soft-cell-official',
'info_dict': {
'id': '207965082',
'title': 'Soft Cell (All)',
'playlist_mincount': 28,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/soft-cell-official/tracks',
'info_dict': {
'id': '207965082',
'title': 'Soft Cell (Tracks)',
'playlist_mincount': 27,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/soft-cell-official/albums',
'info_dict': {
'id': '207965082',
'title': 'Soft Cell (Albums)',
'playlist_mincount': 1,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/jcv246/sets',
'info_dict': {
'id': '12982173',
'title': 'Jordi / cv (Sets)',
'playlist_mincount': 2,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/jcv246/reposts',
'info_dict': {
'id': '12982173',
'title': 'Jordi / cv (Reposts)',
'playlist_mincount': 6,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/clalberg/likes',
'info_dict': {
'id': '11817582',
'title': 'clalberg (Likes)',
'playlist_mincount': 5,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/grynpyret/spotlight',
'info_dict': {
'id': '7098329',
'title': 'Grynpyret (Spotlight)',
'playlist_mincount': 1,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/one-thousand-and-one/comments',
'info_dict': {
'id': '992430331',
'title': '7x11x13-testing (Comments)',
'playlist_mincount': 1,
'all': 'stream/users/%s',
'tracks': 'users/%s/tracks',
'albums': 'users/%s/albums',
'sets': 'users/%s/playlists',
'reposts': 'stream/users/%s/reposts',
'likes': 'users/%s/likes',
'spotlight': 'users/%s/spotlight',
'comments': 'users/%s/comments',
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = self._match_valid_url(url)
uploader = mobj.group('user')
user = self._call_api(
self._resolv_url(self._BASE_URL + uploader),
uploader, 'Downloading user info', headers=self._HEADERS)
resource = mobj.group('rsrc') or 'all'
return self._extract_playlist(
self._API_V2_BASE + self._BASE_URL_MAP[resource] % user['id'],
'{} ({})'.format(user['username'], resource.capitalize()))
class SoundcloudUserPermalinkIE(SoundcloudPagedPlaylistBaseIE):
_VALID_URL = r'https?://api\.soundcloud\.com/users/(?P<id>\d+)'
IE_NAME = 'soundcloud:user:permalink'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://api.soundcloud.com/users/30909869',
'info_dict': {
'id': '30909869',
'title': 'neilcic',
'playlist_mincount': 22,
def _real_extract(self, url):
user_id = self._match_id(url)
user = self._call_api(
self._resolv_url(url), user_id, 'Downloading user info', headers=self._HEADERS)
return self._extract_playlist(
f'{self._API_V2_BASE}users/{user["id"]}/tracks', str(user['id']), user.get('username'))
class SoundcloudTrackStationIE(SoundcloudPagedPlaylistBaseIE):
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www|m)\.)?soundcloud\.com/stations/track/[^/]+/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)'
IE_NAME = 'soundcloud:trackstation'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/stations/track/officialsundial/your-text',
'info_dict': {
'id': '286017854',
'title': 'Track station: your text',
'playlist_mincount': 47,
def _real_extract(self, url):
track_name = self._match_id(url)
track = self._call_api(self._resolv_url(url), track_name, headers=self._HEADERS)
track_id = self._search_regex(
r'soundcloud:track-stations:(\d+)', track['id'], 'track id')
return self._extract_playlist(
self._API_V2_BASE + 'stations/{}/tracks'.format(track['id']),
track_id, 'Track station: {}'.format(track['title']))
class SoundcloudRelatedIE(SoundcloudPagedPlaylistBaseIE):
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:(?:www|m)\.)?soundcloud\.com/(?P<slug>[\w\d-]+/[\w\d-]+)/(?P<relation>albums|sets|recommended)'
IE_NAME = 'soundcloud:related'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/wajang/sexapil-pingers-5/recommended',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1084577272',
'title': 'Sexapil - Pingers 5 (Recommended)',
'playlist_mincount': 50,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/wajang/sexapil-pingers-5/albums',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1084577272',
'title': 'Sexapil - Pingers 5 (Albums)',
'playlist_mincount': 1,
}, {
'url': 'https://soundcloud.com/wajang/sexapil-pingers-5/sets',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1084577272',
'title': 'Sexapil - Pingers 5 (Sets)',
'playlist_mincount': 4,
'albums': 'tracks/%s/albums',
'sets': 'tracks/%s/playlists_without_albums',
'recommended': 'tracks/%s/related',
def _real_extract(self, url):
slug, relation = self._match_valid_url(url).group('slug', 'relation')
track = self._call_api(
self._resolv_url(self._BASE_URL + slug),
slug, 'Downloading track info', headers=self._HEADERS)
if track.get('errors'):
raise ExtractorError(f'{self.IE_NAME} said: %s' % ','.join(
str(err['error_message']) for err in track['errors']), expected=True)
return self._extract_playlist(
self._API_V2_BASE + self._BASE_URL_MAP[relation] % track['id'], str(track['id']),
'{} ({})'.format(track.get('title') or slug, relation.capitalize()))
class SoundcloudPlaylistIE(SoundcloudPlaylistBaseIE):
_VALID_URL = r'https?://api(?:-v2)?\.soundcloud\.com/playlists/(?P<id>[0-9]+)(?:/?\?secret_token=(?P<token>[^&]+?))?$'
IE_NAME = 'soundcloud:playlist'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/4110309',
'info_dict': {
'id': '4110309',
'title': 'TILT Brass - Bowery Poetry Club, August \'03 [Non-Site SCR 02]',
'description': 're:.*?TILT Brass - Bowery Poetry Club',
'uploader': 'Non-Site Records',
'uploader_id': '33660914',
'album_artists': ['Non-Site Records'],
'album_type': 'playlist',
'album': 'TILT Brass - Bowery Poetry Club, August \'03 [Non-Site SCR 02]',
'playlist_count': 6,
def _real_extract(self, url):
mobj = self._match_valid_url(url)
playlist_id = mobj.group('id')
query = {}
token = mobj.group('token')
if token:
query['secret_token'] = token
data = self._call_api(
self._API_V2_BASE + 'playlists/' + playlist_id,
playlist_id, 'Downloading playlist', query=query, headers=self._HEADERS)
return self._extract_set(data, token)
class SoundcloudSearchIE(SoundcloudBaseIE, SearchInfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'soundcloud:search'
IE_DESC = 'Soundcloud search'
_SEARCH_KEY = 'scsearch'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'scsearch15:post-avant jazzcore',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'post-avant jazzcore',
'title': 'post-avant jazzcore',
'playlist_count': 15,
def _get_collection(self, endpoint, collection_id, **query):
limit = min(
query.get('limit', self._DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_PAGE),
'limit': limit,
'linked_partitioning': 1,
'offset': 0,
next_url = update_url_query(self._API_V2_BASE + endpoint, query)
for i in itertools.count(1):
response = self._call_api(
next_url, collection_id, f'Downloading page {i}',
'Unable to download API page', headers=self._HEADERS)
for item in response.get('collection') or []:
if item:
yield self.url_result(
item['uri'], SoundcloudIE.ie_key(), **self._extract_info_dict(item, extract_flat=True))
next_url = response.get('next_href')
if not next_url:
def _get_n_results(self, query, n):
return self.playlist_result(itertools.islice(
self._get_collection('search/tracks', query, limit=n, q=query),
0, None if n == float('inf') else n), query, query)