First functional* version.

parent 272dcded21
commit 9de8883175

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
FROM debian:latest
RUN apt update &&\
apt install -y python3 libpq-dev python3-pip curl unzip ffmpeg
COPY ../common /tmp/common
RUN pip install /tmp/common && rm -r /tmp/common
COPY buscribe /tmp/buscribe
RUN pip install /tmp/buscribe && rm -r /tmp/buscribe && \
mkdir /usr/share/buscribe && cd /usr/share/buscribe && \
curl -LO && \
unzip && rm && \
curl -LO && \
unzip && rm
ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "-m", "buscribe", "--base-dir", "/mnt"]

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import logging
import os
import argh
from buscribe.main import main
LOG_FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)8s %(name)s(%(module)s:%(lineno)d): %(message)s"
level = os.environ.get('WUBLOADER_LOG_LEVEL', 'INFO').upper()
logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=LOG_FORMAT)

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
import json
import logging
import subprocess
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from psycopg2._psycopg import cursor
from buscribe.recognizer import BuscribeRecognizer
class HitMissingSegment(Exception):
def transcribe_segments(segments: list, sample_rate: int, recognizer: BuscribeRecognizer, start_of_transcript: datetime,
db_cursor: cursor):
"""Starts transcribing from a list of segments.
Only starts committing new lines to the database after reaching start_of_transcript.
The recognizer must be initialized to sample_rate and have start time set.
Returns the end time of the last transcribed line."""
segments_end_time = segments[0].start
for segment in segments:
if segment is None:
return segments_end_time
segments_end_time += segment.duration
process = subprocess.Popen(['ffmpeg',
'-loglevel', 'quiet',
'-i', segment.path,
'-ar', str(sample_rate),
'-ac', '1', # TODO: Check for advanced downmixing
'-f', 's16le', '-'],
while True:
data =
if len(data) == 0:
if recognizer.AcceptWaveform(data):
result_json = json.loads(recognizer.Result())
logging.debug(json.dumps(result_json, indent=2))
if result_json["text"] == "":
line_start_time = recognizer.segments_start_time + timedelta(seconds=result_json["result"][0]["start"])
line_end_time = recognizer.segments_start_time + timedelta(seconds=result_json["result"][-1]["end"])
if line_start_time > start_of_transcript:
write_line(result_json, line_start_time, line_end_time, db_cursor)
return segments_end_time
def write_line(line_json: dict, line_start_time: datetime, line_end_time: datetime, db_cursor):
"""Commits line to the database"""
"INSERT INTO buscribe.public.buscribe_transcriptions("
"start_time, "
"end_time, "
"transcription_line, "
"line_speaker, "
"transcription_json) VALUES (%s, %s ,%s, %s, %s)",
line_json["spk"] if "spk" in line_json else None,
def get_end_of_transcript(db_cursor):
"""Grab the end timestamp of the current transcript.
If there is no existing transcript returns default; used for cold starts."""
db_cursor.execute("SELECT end_time FROM buscribe.public.buscribe_transcriptions ORDER BY end_time DESC LIMIT 1")
end_of_transcript_row = db_cursor.fetchone()
return end_of_transcript_row.end_time if end_of_transcript_row is not None else None
def finish_off_recognizer(recognizer: BuscribeRecognizer, db_cursor):
"""Flush the recognizer, commit the final line to the database and reset it."""
final_result_json = json.loads(recognizer.FinalResult()) # Flush the tubes
line_start_time = recognizer.segments_start_time + timedelta(seconds=final_result_json["result"][0]["start"])
line_end_time = recognizer.segments_start_time + timedelta(seconds=final_result_json["result"][-1]["end"])
write_line(final_result_json, line_start_time, line_end_time, db_cursor)

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import logging
import os
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from time import sleep
import argh
import common
from common import dateutil
from common.database import DBManager
from buscribe.buscribe import get_end_of_transcript, transcribe_segments, finish_off_recognizer
from buscribe.recognizer import BuscribeRecognizer
help='Postgres conection string for database to write transcribed lines to. Either a space-separated list of '
'key=value pairs, or a URI like: postgresql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME?KEY=VALUE .')
help='Path to STT model files. Defaults to /usr/share/buscribe/vosk-model-en-us-0.21/')
help='Path to speaker recognition model files. Defaults to /usr/share/buscribe/vosk-model-spk-0.4/')
help='Start time of the transcript. Buscript will try to start reading 2 min before this time, if available, '
'to prime the model. The transcripts for that time will not be written to the database. If not given '
'transcription will start after last already transcribed line.')
help='End of transcript. If not given continues to transcribe live.')
help='Directory from which segments will be grabbed. Default is current working directory.')
def main(database="", base_dir=".",
model="/usr/share/buscribe/vosk-model-en-us-0.21/", spk_model="/usr/share/buscribe/vosk-model-spk-0.4/",
start_time=None, end_time=None):
segments_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "desertbus", "source")
logging.debug("Grabbing database...")
db_manager = DBManager(dsn=database)
db_conn = db_manager.get_conn()
db_cursor = db_conn.cursor()
logging.debug("Got database cursor.")"Figuring out starting time...")
if start_time is not None:
start_time = dateutil.parse(start_time)
start_time = get_end_of_transcript(db_cursor)
if end_time is not None:
end_time = dateutil.parse(end_time)
# No start time argument AND no end of transcript (empty database)
if start_time is None:
logging.error("Couldn't figure out start time!")
exit(1)"Loading models...")
recognizer = BuscribeRecognizer(SAMPLE_RATE, model, spk_model)"Models loaded.")'Transcribing from {}'.format(start_time))
# Start priming the recognizer if possible
start_time -= timedelta(minutes=2)
while True:
# If end time isn't given, use current time (plus fudge) to get a "live" segment list
segments = common.get_best_segments(segments_dir,
end_time if end_time is not None else + timedelta(minutes=2))
# Remove initial None segment if it exists
if segments[0] is None:
segments = segments[1:]
if recognizer.segments_start_time is None:
recognizer.segments_start_time = segments[0].start
segments_end_time = transcribe_segments(segments, SAMPLE_RATE, recognizer, start_time, db_cursor)
if end_time is not None and segments_end_time >= end_time:
# Work's done!
finish_off_recognizer(recognizer, db_cursor)
elif - segments_end_time > timedelta(minutes=5):
# Last seen segment ended more than five minutes ago. We hit a gap that will likely stay unfilled.
# Reset and jump to the other end of the gap.
finish_off_recognizer(recognizer, db_cursor)
# End of live segment or a gap that is not old and might get filled.
# Give it a bit of time and continue.
# Note: if the gap is not filled within 30s, we jump to the next available segment.
start_time = segments_end_time

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
from vosk import Model, SpkModel, KaldiRecognizer
class BuscribeRecognizer(KaldiRecognizer):
segments_start_time = None
def __init__(self, sample_rate=48000, model_path="model_small", spk_model_path="spk_model"):
"""Loads the speech recognition model and initializes the recognizer.
Model paths are file paths to the directories that contain the models.
Returns a recognizer object.
self.model = Model(model_path)
self.spk_model = SpkModel(spk_model_path)
super(BuscribeRecognizer, self).__init__(self.model, sample_rate, self.spk_model)
def Reset(self):
super(BuscribeRecognizer, self).Reset()
self.segments_start_time = None

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name = "wubloader-buscribe",
version = "0.0.0",
packages = find_packages(),
install_requires = [

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
DROP TABLE buscribe_transcriptions;
CREATE TABLE buscribe_transcriptions
start_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
end_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
transcription_line text NOT NULL,
line_speaker float[128],
transcription_json jsonb NOT NULL

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
"""A place for common utilities between wubloader components"""
import datetime
import errno
import os
import random
from .segments import get_best_segments, rough_cut_segments, fast_cut_segments, full_cut_segments, parse_segment_path, SegmentInfo
from .stats import timed, PromLogCountsHandler, install_stacksampler
def dt_to_bustime(start, dt):
"""Convert a datetime to bus time. Bus time is seconds since the given start point."""
return (dt - start).total_seconds()
def bustime_to_dt(start, bustime):
"""Convert from bus time to a datetime"""
return start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=bustime)
def parse_bustime(bustime):
"""Convert from bus time human-readable string [-]HH:MM[:SS[.fff]]
to float seconds since bustime 00:00. Inverse of format_bustime(),
see it for detail."""
if bustime.startswith('-'):
# parse without the -, then negate it
return -parse_bustime(bustime[1:])
parts = bustime.strip().split(':')
if len(parts) == 2:
hours, mins = parts
secs = 0
elif len(parts) == 3:
hours, mins, secs = parts
raise ValueError("Invalid bustime: must be HH:MM[:SS]")
hours = int(hours)
mins = int(mins)
secs = float(secs)
return 3600 * hours + 60 * mins + secs
def format_bustime(bustime, round="millisecond"):
"""Convert bustime to a human-readable string (-)HH:MM:SS.fff, with the
ending cut off depending on the value of round:
"millisecond": (default) Round to the nearest millisecond.
"second": Round down to the current second.
"minute": Round down to the current minute.
Negative times are formatted as time-until-start, preceeded by a minus
eg. "-1:20:00" indicates the run begins in 80 minutes.
sign = ''
if bustime < 0:
sign = '-'
bustime = -bustime
total_mins, secs = divmod(bustime, 60)
hours, mins = divmod(total_mins, 60)
parts = [
if round == "minute":
elif round == "second":
elif round == "millisecond":
raise ValueError("Bad rounding value: {!r}".format(round))
return sign + ":".join(parts)
def rename(old, new):
"""Atomic rename that succeeds if the target already exists, since we're naming everything
by hash anyway, so if the filepath already exists the file itself is already there.
In this case, we delete the source file.
os.rename(old, new)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def ensure_directory(path):
"""Create directory that contains path, as well as any parent directories,
if they don't already exist."""
dir_path = os.path.dirname(path)
os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True)
def jitter(interval):
"""Apply some 'jitter' to an interval. This is a random +/- 10% change in order to
smooth out patterns and prevent everything from retrying at the same time.
return interval * (0.9 + 0.2 * random.random())
def writeall(write, value):
"""Helper for writing a complete string to a file-like object.
Pass the write function and the value to write, and it will loop if needed to ensure
all data is written.
Works for both text and binary files, as long as you pass the right value type for
the write function.
while value:
n = write(value)
if n is None:
# The write func doesn't return the amount written, assume it always writes everything
if n == 0:
# This would cause an infinite loop...blow up instead so it's clear what the problem is
raise Exception("Wrote 0 chars while calling {} with {}-char {}".format(write, len(value), type(value).__name__))
# remove the first n chars and go again if we have anything left
value = value[n:]

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Code shared between components that touch the database.
Note that this code requires psycopg2 and psycogreen, but the common module
as a whole does not to avoid needing to install them for components that don't need it.
from contextlib import contextmanager
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extensions
import psycopg2.extras
from psycogreen.gevent import patch_psycopg
class DBManager(object):
"""Patches psycopg2 before any connections are created. Stores connect info
for easy creation of new connections, and sets some defaults before
returning them.
It has the ability to serve as a primitive connection pool, as getting a
new conn will return existing conns it knows about first, but you
should use a real conn pool for any non-trivial use.
Returned conns are set to seralizable isolation level, autocommit, and use
NamedTupleCursor cursors."""
def __init__(self, connect_timeout=30, **connect_kwargs):
self.conns = []
self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout
self.connect_kwargs = connect_kwargs
def put_conn(self, conn):
def get_conn(self):
if self.conns:
return self.conns.pop(0)
conn = psycopg2.connect(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleCursor,
connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout, **self.connect_kwargs)
# We use serializable because it means less issues to think about,
# we don't care about the performance concerns and everything we do is easily retryable.
# This shouldn't matter in practice anyway since everything we're doing is either read-only
# searches or targetted single-row updates.
conn.isolation_level = psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE
conn.autocommit = True
return conn
def transaction(conn):
"""Helper context manager that runs the code block as a single database transaction
instead of in autocommit mode. The only difference between this and "with conn" is
that we explicitly disable then re-enable autocommit."""
old_autocommit = conn.autocommit
conn.autocommit = False
with conn:
conn.autocommit = old_autocommit
def query(conn, query, *args, **kwargs):
"""Helper that takes a conn, creates a cursor and executes query against it,
then returns the cursor.
Variables may be given as positional or keyword args (but not both), corresponding
to %s vs %(key)s placeholder forms."""
if args and kwargs:
raise TypeError("Cannot give both args and kwargs")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(query, args or kwargs or None)
return cur

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"""Wrapper code around dateutil to use it more sanely"""
# required so we are able to import dateutil despite this module also being called dateutil
from __future__ import absolute_import
import dateutil.parser
def parse(timestamp):
"""Parse given timestamp, convert to UTC, and return naive UTC datetime"""
dt = dateutil.parser.parse(timestamp)
if dt.tzinfo is not None:
dt = dt.astimezone(
return dt
def parse_utc_only(timestamp):
"""Parse given timestamp, but assume it's already in UTC and ignore other timezone info"""
return dateutil.parser.parse(timestamp, ignoretz=True)

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
Code shared between components to gather stats from flask methods.
Note that this code requires flask, but the common module as a whole does not
to avoid needing to install them for components that don't need it.
import functools
from flask import request
from flask import g as request_store
from monotonic import monotonic
import prometheus_client as prom
# Generic metrics that all http requests get logged to (see below for specific metrics per endpoint)
LATENCY_HELP = "Time taken to run the request handler and create a response"
# buckets: very long playlists / cutting can be quite slow,
# so we have a wider range of latencies than default, up to 10min.
LATENCY_BUCKETS = [.001, .005, .01, .05, .1, .5, 1, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600]
generic_latency = prom.Histogram(
'http_request_latency_all', LATENCY_HELP,
['endpoint', 'method', 'status'],
CONCURRENT_HELP = 'Number of requests currently ongoing'
generic_concurrent = prom.Gauge(
'http_request_concurrency_all', CONCURRENT_HELP,
['endpoint', 'method'],
def request_stats(fn):
"""Decorator that wraps a handler func to collect metrics.
Adds handler func args as labels, along with 'endpoint' label using func's name,
method and response status where applicable."""
# We have to jump through some hoops here, because the prometheus client lib demands
# we pre-define our label names, but we don't know the names of the handler kwargs
# until the first time the function's called. So we delay defining the metrics until
# first call.
# In addition, it doesn't let us have different sets of labels with the same name.
# So we record everything twice: Once under a generic name with only endpoint, method
# and status, and once under a name specific to the endpoint with the full set of labels.
metrics = {}
endpoint = fn.__name__
def _stats(**kwargs):
if not metrics:
# first call, set up metrics
labels_no_status = sorted(kwargs.keys()) + ['endpoint', 'method']
labels = labels_no_status + ['status']
metrics['latency'] = prom.Histogram(
'http_request_latency_{}'.format(endpoint), LATENCY_HELP,
labels, buckets=LATENCY_BUCKETS,
metrics['concurrent'] = prom.Gauge(
'http_request_concurrency_{}'.format(endpoint), CONCURRENT_HELP,
request_store.metrics = metrics
request_store.endpoint = endpoint
request_store.method = request.method
request_store.labels = {k: str(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}
generic_concurrent.labels(endpoint=endpoint, method=request.method).inc()
metrics['concurrent'].labels(endpoint=endpoint, method=request.method, **request_store.labels).inc()
request_store.start_time = monotonic()
return fn(**kwargs)
return _stats
def after_request(response):
"""Must be registered to run after requests. Finishes tracking the request
and logs most of the metrics.
We do it in this way, instead of inside the request_stats wrapper, because it lets flask
normalize the handler result into a Response object.
if 'metrics' not in request_store:
return response # untracked handler
end_time = monotonic()
metrics = request_store.metrics
endpoint = request_store.endpoint
method = request_store.method
labels = request_store.labels
start_time = request_store.start_time
generic_concurrent.labels(endpoint=endpoint, method=method).dec()
metrics['concurrent'].labels(endpoint=endpoint, method=method, **labels).dec()
status = str(response.status_code)
generic_latency.labels(endpoint=endpoint, method=method, status=status).observe(end_time - start_time)
metrics['latency'].labels(endpoint=endpoint, method=method, status=status, **labels).observe(end_time - start_time)
return response

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import time
import logging
import gevent
from .requests import InstrumentedSession
# Wraps all requests in some metric collection
requests = InstrumentedSession()
class GoogleAPIClient(object):
"""Manages access to google apis and maintains an active access token.
Make calls using client.request(), which is a wrapper for requests.request().
# Refresh token 10min before it expires (it normally lasts an hour)
def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, refresh_token):
self.client_id = client_id
self.client_secret = client_secret
self.refresh_token = refresh_token
self._first_get_access_token = gevent.spawn(self.get_access_token)
def access_token(self):
"""Blocks if access token unavailable yet"""
return self._access_token
def get_access_token(self):
"""Authenticates against google's API and retrieves a token we will use in
subsequent requests.
This function gets called automatically when needed, there should be no need to call it
while True:
start_time = time.time()
resp ='', data={
'client_id': self.client_id,
'client_secret': self.client_secret,
'refresh_token': self.refresh_token,
'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
}, metric_name='get_access_token')
data = resp.json()
self._access_token = data['access_token']
expires_in = (start_time + data['expires_in']) - time.time()
self.logger.warning("Access token expires in {}s, less than normal leeway time of {}s".format(
gevent.spawn_later(expires_in - self.ACCESS_TOKEN_REFRESH_TIME_BEFORE_EXPIRY, self.get_access_token)
except Exception:
logging.exception("Failed to fetch access token, retrying")
def request(self, method, url, headers={}, **kwargs):
# merge in auth header
headers = dict(headers, Authorization='Bearer {}'.format(self.access_token))
return requests.request(method, url, headers=headers, **kwargs)

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"""Code for instrumenting requests calls. Requires requests, obviously."""
import urllib.parse
import requests.sessions
import prometheus_client as prom
from monotonic import monotonic
request_latency = prom.Histogram(
'Time taken to make an outgoing HTTP request. '
'Status = "error" is used if an error occurs. Measured as time from first byte sent to '
'headers finished being parsed, ie. does not include reading a streaming response.',
['name', 'method', 'domain', 'status'],
response_size = prom.Histogram(
"The content length of (non-streaming) responses to outgoing HTTP requests.",
['name', 'method', 'domain', 'status'],
request_concurrency = prom.Gauge(
"The number of outgoing HTTP requests currently ongoing",
['name', 'method', 'domain'],
class InstrumentedSession(requests.sessions.Session):
"""A requests Session that automatically records metrics on requests made.
Users may optionally pass a 'metric_name' kwarg that will be included as the 'name' label.
def request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
_, domain, _, _, _ = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
name = kwargs.pop('metric_name', '')
start = monotonic() # we only use our own measured latency if an error occurs
with request_concurrency.labels(name, method, domain).track_inprogress():
response = super().request(method, url, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
latency = monotonic() - start
request_latency.labels(name, method, domain, "error").observe(latency)
request_latency.labels(name, method, domain, response.status_code).observe(response.elapsed.total_seconds())
content_length = int(response.headers['content-length'])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
pass # either not present or not valid
response_size.labels(name, method, domain, response.status_code).observe(content_length)
return response

@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
"""A place for common utilities between wubloader components"""
import base64
import datetime
import errno
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import closing
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
import gevent
from gevent import subprocess
from .stats import timed
def unpadded_b64_decode(s):
"""Decode base64-encoded string that has had its padding removed.
Note it takes a unicode and returns a bytes."""
# right-pad with '=' to multiple of 4
s = s + '=' * (- len(s) % 4)
return base64.b64decode(s.encode(), b"-_")
class SegmentInfo(
namedtuple('SegmentInfoBase', [
'path', 'channel', 'quality', 'start', 'duration', 'type', 'hash'
"""Info parsed from a segment path, including original path.
Note that start time is a datetime and duration is a timedelta, and hash is a decoded binary string."""
def end(self):
return self.start + self.duration
def is_partial(self):
"""Note that suspect is considered partial"""
return self.type != "full"
def parse_segment_timestamp(hour_str, min_str):
"""This is faster than strptime, which dominates our segment processing time.
It takes strictly formatted hour = "%Y-%m-%dT%H" and time = "%M:%S.%f"."""
year = int(hour_str[0:4])
month = int(hour_str[5:7])
day = int(hour_str[8:10])
hour = int(hour_str[11:13])
min = int(min_str[0:2])
sec = int(min_str[3:5])
microsec_str = min_str[6:]
microsec_str += '0' * (6 - len(microsec_str)) # right-pad zeros to 6 digits, eg. "123" -> "123000"
microsec = int(microsec_str)
return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, microsec)
def parse_segment_path(path):
"""Parse segment path, returning a SegmentInfo. If path is only the trailing part,
eg. just a filename, it will leave unknown fields as None."""
parts = path.split('/')
# left-pad parts with None up to 4 parts
parts = [None] * (4 - len(parts)) + parts
# pull info out of path parts
channel, quality, hour, filename = parts[-4:]
# split filename, which should be TIME-DURATION-TYPE-HASH.ts
if not filename.endswith('.ts'):
raise ValueError("Does not end in .ts")
filename = filename[:-len('.ts')] # chop off .ts
parts = filename.split('-', 3)
if len(parts) != 4:
raise ValueError("Not enough dashes in filename")
time, duration, type, hash = parts
if type not in ('full', 'suspect', 'partial', 'temp'):
raise ValueError("Unknown type {!r}".format(type))
hash = None if type == 'temp' else unpadded_b64_decode(hash)
start = None if hour is None else parse_segment_timestamp(hour, time)
return SegmentInfo(
path = path,
channel = channel,
quality = quality,
start = start,
duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(duration)),
type = type,
hash = hash,
except ValueError as e:
# wrap error but preserve original traceback
raise ValueError("Bad path {!r}: {}".format(path, e)).with_traceback(e.__traceback__)
class ContainsHoles(Exception):
"""Raised by get_best_segments() when a hole is found and allow_holes is False"""
hours_path=lambda ret, hours_path, *args, **kwargs: hours_path,
has_holes=lambda ret, *args, **kwargs: None in ret,
normalize=lambda ret, *args, **kwargs: len([x for x in ret if x is not None]),
def get_best_segments(hours_path, start, end, allow_holes=True):
"""Return a list of the best sequence of non-overlapping segments
we have for a given time range. Hours path should be the directory containing hour directories.
Time args start and end should be given as datetime objects.
The first segment may start before the time range, and the last may end after it.
The returned list contains items that are either:
SegmentInfo: a segment
None: represents a discontinuity between the previous segment and the next one.
ie. as long as two segments appear next to each other, we guarentee there is no gap between
them, the second one starts right as the first one finishes.
Similarly, unless the first item is None, the first segment starts <= the start of the time
range, and unless the last item is None, the last segment ends >= the end of the time range.
Suppose you ask for a time range from 10 to 60. We have 10-second segments covering
the following times:
5 to 15
15 to 25
30 to 40
40 to 50
Then the output would look like:
segment from 5 to 15
segment from 15 to 25
None, as the previous segment ends 5sec before the next one begins
segment from 30 to 40
segment from 40 to 50
None, as the previous segment ends 10sec before the requested end time of 60.
Note that any is_partial=True segment will be followed by a None, since we can't guarentee
it joins on to the next segment fully intact.
If allow_holes is False, then we fail fast at the first discontinuity found
and raise ContainsHoles. If ContainsHoles is not raised, the output is guarenteed to not contain
any None items.
# Note: The exact equality checks in this function are not vulnerable to floating point error,
# but only because all input dates and durations are only precise to the millisecond, and
# python's datetime types represent these as integer microseconds internally. So the parsing
# to these types is exact, and all operations on them are exact, so all operations are exact.
result = []
for hour in hour_paths_for_range(hours_path, start, end):
# Especially when processing multiple hours, this routine can take a signifigant amount
# of time with no blocking. To ensure other stuff is still completed in a timely fashion,
# we yield to let other things run.
# best_segments_by_start will give us the best available segment for each unique start time
for segment in best_segments_by_start(hour):
# special case: first segment
if not result:
# first segment is allowed to be before start as long as it includes it
if segment.start <= start < segment.end:
# segment covers start
elif start < segment.start < end:
# segment is after start (but before end), so there was no segment that covers start
# so we begin with a None
if not allow_holes:
raise ContainsHoles
# segment is before start, and doesn't cover start, or starts after end.
# ignore and go to next.
# normal case: check against previous segment end time
prev_end = result[-1].end
if segment.start < prev_end:
# Overlap! This shouldn't happen, though it might be possible due to weirdness
# if the stream drops then starts again quickly. We simply ignore the overlapping
# segment and let the algorithm continue.
logging.warning("Overlapping segments: {} overlaps end of {}".format(segment, result[-1]))
if result[-1].is_partial or prev_end < segment.start:
# there's a gap between prev end and this start, so add a None
if not allow_holes:
raise ContainsHoles
# check if we've reached the end
if end <= segment.end:
# this is a weird little construct that says "if we broke from the inner loop,
# then also break from the outer one. otherwise continue."
# check if we need a trailing None because last segment is partial or doesn't reach end,
# or we found nothing at all
if not result or result[-1].is_partial or result[-1].end < end:
if not allow_holes:
raise ContainsHoles
return result
def hour_paths_for_range(hours_path, start, end):
"""Generate a list of hour paths to check when looking for segments between start and end."""
# truncate start and end to the hour
def truncate(dt):
return dt.replace(microsecond=0, second=0, minute=0)
current = truncate(start)
end = truncate(end)
# Begin in the hour prior to start, as there may be a segment that starts in that hour
# but contains the start time, eg. if the start time is 01:00:01 and there's a segment
# at 00:59:59 which goes for 3 seconds.
# Checking the entire hour when in most cases it won't be needed is wasteful, but it's also
# pretty quick and the complexity of only checking this case when needed just isn't worth it.
current -= datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
while current <= end:
yield os.path.join(hours_path, current.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H"))
current += datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
def best_segments_by_start(hour):
"""Within a given hour path, yield the "best" segment per unique segment start time.
Best is defined as type=full, or failing that type=suspect, or failing that the longest type=partial.
Note this means this function may perform os.stat()s.
segment_paths = os.listdir(hour)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
# path does not exist, treat it as having no files
# raise a warning for any files that don't parse as segments and ignore them
parsed = []
for name in segment_paths:
parsed.append(parse_segment_path(os.path.join(hour, name)))
except ValueError:
logging.warning("Failed to parse segment {!r}".format(os.path.join(hour, name)), exc_info=True)
for start_time, segments in itertools.groupby(parsed, key=lambda segment: segment.start):
# ignore temp segments as they might go away by the time we want to use them
segments = [segment for segment in segments if segment.type != "temp"]
if not segments:
# all segments were temp, move on
full_segments = [segment for segment in segments if not segment.is_partial]
if full_segments:
if len(full_segments) != 1:"Multiple versions of full segment at start_time {}: {}".format(
start_time, ", ".join(map(str, segments))
# We've observed some cases where the same segment (with the same hash) will be reported
# with different durations (generally at stream end). Prefer the longer duration (followed by longest size),
# as this will ensure that if hashes are different we get the most data, and if they
# are the same it should keep holes to a minimum.
# If same duration and size, we have to pick one, so pick highest-sorting hash just so we're consistent.
sizes = {segment: os.stat(segment.path).st_size for segment in segments}
full_segments = [max(full_segments, key=lambda segment: (segment.duration, sizes[segment], segment.hash))]
yield full_segments[0]
# no full segments, fall back to measuring partials. Prefer suspect over partial.
yield max(segments, key=lambda segment: (
1 if segment.type == 'suspect' else 0,
def streams_info(segment):
"""Return ffprobe's info on streams as a list of dicts"""
output = subprocess.check_output([
'-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'fatal', # suppress noisy output
'-of', 'json', '-show_streams', # get streams info as json
# output here is a bytes, but json.loads will accept it
return json.loads(output)['streams']
def ffmpeg_cut_segment(segment, cut_start=None, cut_end=None):
"""Return a Popen object which is ffmpeg cutting the given single segment.
This is used when doing a fast cut.
args = [
'-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', # suppress noisy output
'-i', segment.path,
# output from ffprobe is generally already sorted but let's be paranoid,
# because the order of map args matters.
for stream in sorted(streams_info(segment), key=lambda stream: stream['index']):
# map the same stream in the same position from input to output
args += ['-map', '0:{}'.format(stream['index'])]
if stream['codec_type'] in ('video', 'audio'):
# for non-metadata streams, make sure we use the same codec (metadata streams
# are a bit weirder, and ffmpeg will do the right thing anyway)
args += ['-codec:{}'.format(stream['index']), stream['codec_name']]
# now add trim args
if cut_start:
args += ['-ss', str(cut_start)]
if cut_end:
args += ['-to', str(cut_end)]
# output to stdout as MPEG-TS
args += ['-f', 'mpegts', '-']
# run it"Running segment cut with args: {}".format(" ".join(args)))
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def ffmpeg_cut_stdin(output_file, cut_start, duration, encode_args):
"""Return a Popen object which is ffmpeg cutting from stdin.
This is used when doing a full cut.
If output_file is not subprocess.PIPE,
uses explicit output file object instead of using a pipe,
because some video formats require a seekable file.
args = [
'-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', # suppress noisy output
'-i', '-',
'-ss', cut_start,
'-t', duration,
] + list(encode_args)
if output_file is subprocess.PIPE:
args.append('-') # output to stdout
args += [
# We want ffmpeg to write to our tempfile, which is its stdout.
# However, it assumes that '-' means the output is not seekable.
# We trick it into understanding that its stdout is seekable by
# telling it to write to the fd via its /proc/self filename.
# But of course, that file "already exists", so we need to give it
# permission to "overwrite" it.
args = map(str, args)"Running full cut with args: {}".format(" ".join(args)))
return subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=output_file)
def read_chunks(fileobj, chunk_size=16*1024):
"""Read fileobj until EOF, yielding chunk_size sized chunks of data."""
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
yield chunk
@timed('cut', cut_type='rough', normalize=lambda _, segments, start, end: (end - start).total_seconds())
def rough_cut_segments(segments, start, end):
"""Yields chunks of a MPEGTS video file covering at least the timestamp range,
likely with a few extra seconds on either side.
This method works by simply concatenating all the segments, without any re-encoding.
for segment in segments:
with open(segment.path, 'rb') as f:
for chunk in read_chunks(f):
yield chunk
@timed('cut', cut_type='fast', normalize=lambda _, segments, start, end: (end - start).total_seconds())
def fast_cut_segments(segments, start, end):
"""Yields chunks of a MPEGTS video file covering the exact timestamp range.
segments should be a list of segments as returned by get_best_segments().
This method works by only cutting the first and last segments, and concatenating the rest.
This only works if the same codec settings etc are used across all segments.
This should almost always be true but may cause weird results if not.
# how far into the first segment to begin (if no hole at start)
cut_start = None
if segments[0] is not None:
cut_start = (start - segments[0].start).total_seconds()
if cut_start < 0:
raise ValueError("First segment doesn't begin until after cut start, but no leading hole indicated")
# how far into the final segment to end (if no hole at end)
cut_end = None
if segments[-1] is not None:
cut_end = (end - segments[-1].start).total_seconds()
if cut_end < 0:
raise ValueError("Last segment ends before cut end, but no trailing hole indicated")
# Set first and last only if they actually need cutting.
# Note this handles both the cut_start = None (no first segment to cut)
# and cut_start = 0 (first segment already starts on time) cases.
first = segments[0] if cut_start else None
last = segments[-1] if cut_end else None
for segment in segments:
if segment is None:
logging.debug("Skipping discontinuity while cutting")
# TODO: If we want to be safe against the possibility of codecs changing,
# we should check the streams_info() after each discontinuity.
# note first and last might be the same segment.
# note a segment will only match if cutting actually needs to be done
# (ie. cut_start or cut_end is not 0)
if segment in (first, last):
proc = None
proc = ffmpeg_cut_segment(
cut_start if segment == first else None,
cut_end if segment == last else None,
with closing(proc.stdout):
for chunk in read_chunks(proc.stdout):
yield chunk
except Exception as ex:
# try to clean up proc, ignoring errors
if proc is not None:
except OSError:
raise ex
# check if ffmpeg had errors
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise Exception(
"Error while streaming cut: ffmpeg exited {}".format(proc.returncode)
# no cutting needed, just serve the file
with open(segment.path, 'rb') as f:
for chunk in read_chunks(f):
yield chunk
def feed_input(segments, pipe):
"""Write each segment's data into the given pipe in order.
This is used to provide input to ffmpeg in a full cut."""
for segment in segments:
with open(segment.path, 'rb') as f:
shutil.copyfileobj(f, pipe)
except OSError as e:
# ignore EPIPE, as this just means the end cut meant we didn't need all it
if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
cut_type=lambda _, segments, start, end, encode_args, stream=False: ("full-streamed" if stream else "full-buffered"),
normalize=lambda _, segments, start, end, *a, **k: (end - start).total_seconds(),
def full_cut_segments(segments, start, end, encode_args, stream=False):
"""If stream=true, assume encode_args gives a streamable format,
and begin returning output immediately instead of waiting for ffmpeg to finish
and buffering to disk."""
# Remove holes
segments = [segment for segment in segments if segment is not None]
# how far into the first segment to begin
cut_start = max(0, (start - segments[0].start).total_seconds())
# duration
duration = (end - start).total_seconds()
ffmpeg = None
input_feeder = None
if stream:
# When streaming, we can just use a pipe
tempfile = subprocess.PIPE
# Some ffmpeg output formats require a seekable file.
# For the same reason, it's not safe to begin uploading until ffmpeg
# has finished. We create a temporary file for this.
tempfile = TemporaryFile()
ffmpeg = ffmpeg_cut_stdin(tempfile, cut_start, duration, encode_args)
input_feeder = gevent.spawn(feed_input, segments, ffmpeg.stdin)
# When streaming, we can return data as it is available
if stream:
for chunk in read_chunks(ffmpeg.stdout):
yield chunk
# check if any errors occurred in input writing, or if ffmpeg exited non-success.
if ffmpeg.wait() != 0:
raise Exception("Error while streaming cut: ffmpeg exited {}".format(ffmpeg.returncode))
input_feeder.get() # re-raise any errors from feed_input()
# When not streaming, we can only return the data once ffmpeg has exited
if not stream:
for chunk in read_chunks(tempfile):
yield chunk
# if something goes wrong, try to clean up ignoring errors
if input_feeder is not None:
if ffmpeg is not None and ffmpeg.poll() is None:
for action in (ffmpeg.kill, ffmpeg.stdin.close, ffmpeg.stdout.close):
except (OSError, IOError):

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
import atexit
import functools
import logging
import os
import signal
import gevent.lock
from monotonic import monotonic
import prometheus_client as prom
# need to keep global track of what metrics we've registered
# because we're not allowed to re-register
metrics = {}
def timed(name=None,
buckets=[10.**x for x in range(-9, 5)], normalized_buckets=None,
"""Decorator that instruments wrapped function to record real, user and system time
as a prometheus histogram.
Metrics are recorded as NAME_latency, NAME_cputime{type=user} and NAME_cputime{type=system}
respectively. User and system time are process-wide (which means they'll be largely meaningless
if you're using gevent and the wrapped function blocks) and do not include subprocesses.
NAME defaults to the wrapped function's name.
NAME must be unique OR have the exact same labels as other timed() calls with that name.
Any labels passed in are included. Given label values may be callable, in which case
they are passed the input and result from the wrapped function and should return a label value.
Otherwise the given label value is used directly. All label values are automatically str()'d.
In addition, the "error" label is automatically included, and set to "" if no exception
occurs, or the name of the exception type if one does.
The normalize argument, if given, causes the creation of a second set of metrics
NAME_normalized_latency, etc. The normalize argument should be a callable which
takes the input and result of the wrapped function and returns a normalization factor.
All normalized metrics divide the observed times by this factor.
The intent is to allow a function which is expected to take longer given a larger input
to be timed on a per-input basis.
As a special case, when normalize returns 0 or None, normalized metrics are not updated.
The buckets kwarg is as per prometheus_client.Histogram. The default is a conservative
but sparse range covering nanoseconds to hours.
The normalized_buckets kwarg applies to the normalized metrics, and defaults to the same
as buckets.
All callables that take inputs and result take them as follows: The first arg is the result,
followed by *args and **kwargs as per the function's inputs.
If the wrapped function errored, result is None.
To simplify error handling in these functions, any errors are taken to mean None,
and None is interpreted as '' for label values.
Contrived Example:
# constant label
foo="my example label",
# label dependent on input
all=lambda results, predicate, list, find_all=False: find_all,
# label dependent on output
found=lambda results, *a, **k: len(found) > 0,
# normalized on input
normalize=lambda results, predicate, list, **k: len(list),
def scanner(predicate, list, find_all=False):
results = []
for item in list:
if predicate(item):
if not find_all:
return results
if normalized_buckets is None:
normalized_buckets = buckets
# convert constant (non-callable) values into callables for consistency
labels = {
# need to create then call a function to properly bind v as otherwise it will
# always return the final label value.
k: v if callable(v) else (lambda v: (lambda *a, **k: v))(v)
for k, v in labels.items()
def _timed(fn):
# can't safely assign to name inside closure, we use a new _name variable instead
_name = fn.__name__ if name is None else name
if _name in metrics:
latency, cputime = metrics[_name]
latency = prom.Histogram(
"Wall clock time taken to execute {}".format(_name),
list(labels.keys()) + ['error'],
cputime = prom.Histogram(
"Process-wide consumed CPU time during execution of {}".format(_name),
list(labels.keys()) + ['error', 'type'],
metrics[_name] = latency, cputime
if normalize:
normname = '{} normalized'.format(_name)
if normname in metrics:
normal_latency, normal_cputime = metrics[normname]
normal_latency = prom.Histogram(
"Wall clock time taken to execute {} per unit of work".format(_name),
list(labels.keys()) + ['error'],
normal_cputime = prom.Histogram(
"Process-wide consumed CPU time during execution of {} per unit of work".format(_name),
list(labels.keys()) + ['error', 'type'],
metrics[normname] = normal_latency, normal_cputime
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start_monotonic = monotonic()
start_user, start_sys, _, _, _ = os.times()
ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
ret = None
error = e
error = None
end_monotonic = monotonic()
end_user, end_sys, _, _, _ = os.times()
wall_time = end_monotonic - start_monotonic
user_time = end_user - start_user
sys_time = end_sys - start_sys
label_values = {}
for k, v in labels.items():
value = v(ret, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
value = None
label_values[k] = '' if value is None else str(value)
label_values.update(error='' if error is None else type(error).__name__)
cputime.labels(type='user', **label_values).observe(user_time)
cputime.labels(type='system', **label_values).observe(sys_time)
if normalize:
factor = normalize(ret, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
factor = None
if factor is not None and factor > 0:
normal_latency.labels(**label_values).observe(wall_time / factor)
normal_cputime.labels(type='user', **label_values).observe(user_time / factor)
normal_cputime.labels(type='system', **label_values).observe(sys_time / factor)
if error is None:
return ret
raise error from None # re-raise error with original traceback
return wrapper
return _timed
log_count = prom.Counter("log_count", "Count of messages logged", ["level", "module", "function"])
class PromLogCountsHandler(logging.Handler):
"""A logging handler that records a count of logs by level, module and function."""
def emit(self, record):
log_count.labels(record.levelname, record.module, record.funcName).inc()
def install(cls):
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
def install_stacksampler(interval=0.005):
"""Samples the stack every INTERVAL seconds of user time.
We could use user+sys time but that leads to interrupting syscalls,
which may affect performance, and we care mostly about user time anyway.
if os.environ.get('WUBLOADER_ENABLE_STACKSAMPLER', '').lower() != 'true':
return"Installing stacksampler")
# Note we only start each next timer once the previous timer signal has been processed.
# There are two reasons for this:
# 1. Avoid handling a signal while already handling a signal, however unlikely,
# as this could lead to a deadlock due to locking inside prometheus_client.
# 2. Avoid biasing the results by effectively not including the time taken to do the actual
# stack sampling.
flamegraph = prom.Counter(
"Approx time consumed by each unique stack trace seen by sampling the stack",
# HACK: It's possible to deadlock if we handle a signal during a prometheus collect
# operation that locks our flamegraph metric. We then try to take the lock when recording the
# metric, but can't.
# As a hacky work around, we replace the lock with a dummy lock that doesn't actually lock anything.
# This is reasonably safe. We know that only one copy of sample() will ever run at once,
# and nothing else but sample() and collect() will touch the metric, leaving two possibilities:
# 1. Multiple collects happen at once: Safe. They only do read operations.
# 2. A sample during a collect: Safe. The collect only does a copy inside the locked part,
# so it just means it'll either get a copy with the new label set, or without it.
# This presumes the implementation doesn't change to make that different, however.
flamegraph._lock = gevent.lock.DummySemaphore()
# There is also a lock we need to bypass on the actual counter values themselves.
# Since they get created dynamically, this means we need to replace the lock function
# that is used to create them.
# This unfortunately means we go without locking for all metrics, not just this one,
# however this is safe because we are using gevent, not threading. The lock is only
# used to make incrementing/decrementing the counter thread-safe, which is not a concern
# under gevent since there are no switch points under the lock.
import prometheus_client.values
prometheus_client.values.Lock = gevent.lock.DummySemaphore
def sample(signum, frame):
stack = []
while frame is not None:
frame = frame.f_back
# format each frame as FUNCTION(MODULE)
stack = ";".join(
"{}({})".format(frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_globals.get('__name__'))
for frame in stack[::-1]
# increase counter by interval, so final units are in seconds
# schedule the next signal
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_VIRTUAL, interval)
def cancel():
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_VIRTUAL, 0)
signal.signal(signal.SIGVTALRM, sample)
# deliver the first signal in INTERVAL seconds
signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_VIRTUAL, interval)

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name = "wubloader-common",
version = "0.0.0",
packages = find_packages(),
install_requires = [