"pub_time","nickname","message" "2021-11-12 07:39:08.247","Bezekric","@r10pez10 Desert Bus for Hope is this thing were stuff happens and we have number of good times and/or laugs :P" "2021-11-12 09:45:07.43","Fruan","Desert Bus comes neither too early, nor too late - Desert Bus comes all at once, and you better hold onto your hat because it isn't stopping any time soon." "2021-11-12 17:39:10.835","Nefarious_Ned","I took me far too long to figure out MBT. ManitoBa Time? Mountain Bus Time?" "2021-11-12 18:16:41.707","ThordanSsoa","What time does the bus pull out tonight?" "2021-11-12 19:58:36.04","glmdgrielson","Time is an abyss here at the bus." "2021-11-12 20:00:23.951","AdmiralMemo","I think part of the reason that Bus Warps Time is that we just get BACK into the groove we had last year and the year before, etc. and it all blends together." "2021-11-12 20:36:56.038","HauntingOfTheWicked","bus time soon" "2021-11-12 21:08:56.736","frustbox","alright, time for a nap, then bus?" "2021-11-12 22:19:37.674","RoeDent89","Let's assume we bus for 160 hours. Once that's done the time changes from 160:00 to -8600:00" "2021-11-12 22:32:03.78","CaffeinatedLemur","power has been restored in time for BUS" "2021-11-12 23:32:25.88","Telnaior","which had a function that would hijack the bus controls and generally give the driver a bad time" "2021-11-13 00:25:45.831","TheOneCalledStu","aeroDance protonParty jocatWiggle protonParty aeroDance protonParty jocatWiggle Its time to go mad on the bus again" "2021-11-13 00:33:08.33","potatao42","It's interesting that, because of DBDQ, it has actually been less time since I have last watched desert bus than usual, but it feels like *so* much longer" "2021-11-13 00:52:20.695","Shragon","Heyo Stream! almost time for BUS!" "2021-11-13 00:59:10.781","iris_of_ether","So, anyone else got their hobbies/crafts ready for Desert Bus-moderated chill times? :D" "2021-11-13 01:07:37.947","LarkSachrosis","Time to full bus: any minute now." "2021-11-13 01:08:47.267","NdroFox","The chat will outrun the bus, but given how slow the bus is that's a poor metric at the best of times" "2021-11-13 01:40:15.28","TheWarbo","well, back in Louisiana so now I get to experience....Central Time Desert Bus! Dawn Guard at a reasonable hour!" "2021-11-13 01:45:56.816","jessieimproved","I get to support a software release and kick off the bus at the same time, woohoo" "2021-11-13 01:51:28.908","tallhobbit97","time to get on the bus, I guess" "2021-11-13 01:57:13.727","RedbeardTheTechnical","Desert Bus time, baby!" "2021-11-13 01:58:08.514","Laurence72","Hello Desert Bus my friend... it's time to raise some funds again" "2021-11-13 01:59:13.851","Emu_on_the_Loose","Bus Hype! And this time I'm not eight hours early!" "2021-11-13 01:59:50.019","uncomfortablegoat77","bus time" "2021-11-13 01:59:50.21","ArtemisHuntress","bus time" "2021-11-13 02:00:07.15","kataanglover1","Bus Time !" "2021-11-13 02:00:19.992","laneplayspoorly","bus time!" "2021-11-13 02:00:27.869","RurouniGeo","BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:00:30.842","corefluxx","BUS TIME!!!!! lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrSIG lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART" "2021-11-13 02:00:33.808","uncomfortablegoat77","bus time" "2021-11-13 02:00:35.727","Doctor_Professor","BUS TIME!" "2021-11-13 02:00:39.499","ArtemisHuntress","the time of the bus is upon us" "2021-11-13 02:00:47.917","bean665","it's bus time" "2021-11-13 02:00:52.867","Lex_Peacekeeper","its bus time!" "2021-11-13 02:00:59.151","electra310","Bus time everybody!" "2021-11-13 02:01:07.263","not__invisible","BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:01:32.9","RurouniGeo","tppowerAIYIYI RANGERS ITS TIME TO BUS AIYAYI tppowerAIYIYI" "2021-11-13 02:02:00.757","dabudder","This is my first in-real-time bus veiwing" "2021-11-13 02:02:14.193","Kiarael","BUS TIME BAYBEEEEEE" "2021-11-13 02:02:26.43","mastershake29x","reminder: Desert Bus uses moonbase time, which is usually a few minutes behind Pacific time" "2021-11-13 02:02:40.29","chaostreader","Time for bus stuff!" "2021-11-13 02:03:05.888","silent_interim","Bus time bus time bus tiiime" "2021-11-13 02:03:13.701","Alexthu","Bus time nerds! All wings report in" "2021-11-13 02:03:17.752","rangerboy87","Bus Time!!!!" "2021-11-13 02:03:25.437","mjihde","Bus time!" "2021-11-13 02:03:26.08","psychorory","BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:03:29.638","WarKr0","bus? time?" "2021-11-13 02:03:35.96","HeyAustralia","BUS TIME!" "2021-11-13 02:03:45.486","CrazymattCaptain","time for bus" "2021-11-13 02:03:49.611","Confusioncube","Live Bus Time!" "2021-11-13 02:03:51.689","theo_frances","BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:03:52.254","Stellapacifica","BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:03:53.173","dtrain_67","Bus time!" "2021-11-13 02:03:58.79","NightshadeRose","BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:03:59.608","the1thatcreatetheheavens","bus time" "2021-11-13 02:04:03.168","Littlekat023","bus time!!!!" "2021-11-13 02:04:03.317","n_45","BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:04:03.879","solarbirdz","QUEUE ME THE FARK UP IT'S BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:04:10.634","PlagueFishyRN","Bus time" "2021-11-13 02:04:11.949","CosmicDuctTape","The time of the Desert Bus for Wrath has passed. Now... it is time... for HOPE!" "2021-11-13 02:04:12.104","yarrrgh","Bus time" "2021-11-13 02:04:12.889","tim19862","bus bus I'm on time for the bus for once :D" "2021-11-13 02:04:17.577","shamblingkrenshar","BUS TIME LETS GO" "2021-11-13 02:04:45.293","resplendantpundemonium","Bus Time!" "2021-11-13 02:04:51.129","ATrophonian","Time to get on the Bus..." "2021-11-13 02:04:52.141","SledgeBlitz","Bus Time HYPE" "2021-11-13 02:04:54.366","avi_miller","Bus time" "2021-11-13 02:04:58.911","NdroFox","Once more for the Bus Time!" "2021-11-13 02:05:26.54","Harthic","Time to bus!" "2021-11-13 02:05:29.613","JayBusch","BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:05:31.885","ehManiacal","BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:05:32.32","Eyes_of_the_Runekeeper","Time to Bus once more" "2021-11-13 02:05:34.055","TheNako","Bus time!" "2021-11-13 02:05:45.528","cassaclyzm","The time of the bus is nigh" "2021-11-13 02:05:46.069","ramen_bro","TIME TO GET HIT BY THE BUS LIKE THE ENDD OF MEAN GIRLS" "2021-11-13 02:05:46.485","not__invisible","IS IT BUS TIME" "2021-11-13 02:05:55.664","boopington_the_1st","bus time" "2021-11-13 02:05:56.403","BlGB0X","Bus time bb" "2021-11-13 02:06:11.064","fenrisfangforlife","It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!! Bus time!!" "2021-11-13 02:06:26.81","Kiarael","BUS TIME BAYBEEEEEE" "2021-11-13 02:06:32.708","dragonbretheren","Good Desert Bus. See y'all again this time next year!" "2021-11-13 02:06:38.573","Omega00024","Welp, that was a short Desert Bus, I guess. Same time next year, everyone?" "2021-11-13 02:07:11.408","SynthStrike","Come on, it's Bus time!" "2021-11-13 02:08:59.812","FaithlessLooting","Bus time? Pog" "2021-11-13 02:09:18.624","ramen_bro","BUS TIME BOYOS" "2021-11-13 02:09:29.326","Harthic","Bus time!" "2021-11-13 02:10:44.375","Cardiboy","TIME TO BUS" "2021-11-13 02:11:04.362","SageofShadowzF","bus time" "2021-11-13 02:11:32.027","aurousjackal","FIRST TIME GETTING TO WATCH THE BUS AND I DON'T HAVE TO WORK THIS WEEKEND LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "2021-11-13 02:13:55.582","ZeroArcana","remote bus had some WILD times" "2021-11-13 02:19:42.577","LionsDenMTG","BUS TIME ❤️" "2021-11-13 02:21:02.344","JadedCynic","You are a bus driver for a CHEAP coach company (way worse than Greyhound, etc), and the bus is old and worn out - it maxes out at 45mph, the wheel alignment is off, causing a drift to the right, and if you even stop in the hot Mojave desert too long and don't get the airflow from moving, the bus will break down (also running on the shoulder too long) and will have to wait for a tow truck to reach the bus (again, in real time) and then tow it to the nearest location (again, in real time)" "2021-11-13 02:25:09.814","Prophetx05","So happy to Bus time Bengineering" "2021-11-13 02:27:49.667","ManOCatherby","Hooray Bus time! Accidentely had my DB2020 shirt on, lets gooooo" "2021-11-13 02:52:48.187","Eramis8","It's bus time!" "2021-11-13 02:56:24.578","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-13 03:01:25.477","ShoujoAGoGo","shoujo4Yayyyy desert bus time!!!" "2021-11-13 03:03:04.33","sblue333","wow desert bus is simultaneously a product of it's time and timeless" "2021-11-13 03:14:39.251","whitebadgerwolf88","first time here for Desert Bus live and simply amazing so far!! love you guys and all that you do lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE" "2021-11-13 03:24:35.141","pinacepins","Hey Chat, Pin-Ace is a proud sponsor of Desert Bus for Hope! If you like awesome LGBT, Social Justice, and Body Positive pins, check out our giveaway on the 18th between 12:00 and 6:00 local time. Or visit https://www.pin-ace.com/discount/DESERTBUS to save 10% and donate 15% on your order!" "2021-11-13 03:36:11.193","Nightbot","An intrepid group of fans are currently creating a bunch of tiny games with the development time only as long as the Bus keeps rolling! Learn more about the Desert Bus Game Jam at https://itch.io/jam/desert-bus-for-hope-2021-game-jam" "2021-11-13 03:38:31.117","Knitting_Goblin","Glad I got to catch the start of the bus, but time for bed. Have a good night shift, folks!" "2021-11-13 03:38:33.735","G_STEIN","hello i forgot tonight was the night bus time" "2021-11-13 03:43:52.417","pinacepins","Hey Chat, Pin-Ace is a proud sponsor of Desert Bus for Hope! If you like awesome LGBT, Social Justice, and Body Positive pins, check out our giveaway on the 18th between 12:00 and 6:00 local time. Or visit https://www.pin-ace.com/discount/DESERTBUS to save 10% and donate 15% on your order!" "2021-11-13 03:45:19.825","QuillWilson","YO BUS TIME!" "2021-11-13 03:57:48.527","Iperithon","Well time to buckle up for another wonderous trip on the desert bus! WOO!" "2021-11-13 04:02:10.625","pix_master","Hey guys, first time making it to Desert Bus, glad to be here! How are you doing?" "2021-11-13 04:22:52.509","fastlane250","I'm pretty sure everything Desert Bus has been archived like 50 times over" "2021-11-13 04:30:35.455","ContingentCat","@Gdbringer the bus stalls, overheats and is towed back in real time" "2021-11-13 04:38:52.533","Nefarious_Ned","peak bus in record time" "2021-11-13 04:42:55.202","RememberSHADY","I love being in the same time zone as you guys when the bus is rolling. Let's me keep track of time during this crazy week LUL" "2021-11-13 04:52:00.373","Penguin_Surfing","ive been on the same time zone as the bus for a while but now im in arizona w/out daylight savings" "2021-11-13 04:59:03.15","Eyes_of_the_Runekeeper","What is the longest period of time without crashes that Desert Bus has gone through?" "2021-11-13 05:03:40.042","Jrrmungandr","Yayyyyy it's Desert Bus time again!" "2021-11-13 05:21:20.383","iSmartMan1","Full Bus in record time" "2021-11-13 05:21:47.984","pinacepins","Hey Chat, Pin-Ace is a proud sponsor of Desert Bus for Hope! If you like awesome LGBT, Social Justice, and Body Positive pins, check out our giveaway on the 18th between 00:00 and 06:00 local time. Or visit https://www.pin-ace.com/discount/DESERTBUS to save 10% and donate 15% on your order!" "2021-11-13 05:22:05.714","TehAmelie","some data suggests it's healthy to laugh at least 300 times a day. Desert Bus saves so many people's yearly quotas" "2021-11-13 05:56:20.034","jibkat","Bus the front door, its Deertbus time?" "2021-11-13 06:16:24.031","Manshadow3","PrideTrans I love Desert Bus so much and this one is gonna be special as its my first time catching bus from the start...also my first bus since starting E back in January thank you all for being wonderful" "2021-11-13 06:21:11.487","head_cannon","This bus has been rolling for a Nice amount of time." "2021-11-13 06:30:32.824","akwirente","You know bus's gone down when the CBC preempts The National Research Council official time signal." "2021-11-13 06:47:55.321","JokerBoney","@eilsa_plays but if you want to see a bus in a desert they've done this 14 other times once a year" "2021-11-13 06:53:15.661","Boon_33","Cori has the bus running on time" "2021-11-13 07:08:01.227","Turtlezgamer","I am very excited it is bus time" "2021-11-13 07:11:53.224","JacquesSnacques","i just tuned in not too long ago but should probably go to sleep. what a profound thing desert bus is. i want to stay around the whole time but such a feat is impossible. hope y'all have a nice time :)" "2021-11-13 07:24:37.326","Fluffy776","I showed a roommate desert bus last year. Just in time for the horse joke" "2021-11-13 07:27:33.504","Dog_of_Myth","It's late here chat so time for sleep. Have fun on the bus!!" "2021-11-13 07:33:26.141","Average_Po","good night desert bussers i need to get sleep for comiccon in the morning and i wont be able to watch desert bus till like late my time" "2021-11-13 07:38:57.324","RandomTrivia","Yep, Desert Bus Time Dilation is in FULL swing" "2021-11-13 07:46:17.396","6000j","this is the first year in like 5 years of watching desert bus that my exams were before it instead of after, v excited to not have to worry about exams this time" "2021-11-13 08:09:04.835","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-13 08:31:35.467","I_Am_Clockwork","alright, bedtime approaches. Time to lurk. Later Bus friends" "2021-11-13 08:51:09.721","Spekky","we should challenge molly to marathon all of star trek as many times as possible during desert bus peachySip" "2021-11-13 09:28:21.309","RossCromarty","I an sorry. Long time fan and donater. Where is the bus?" "2021-11-13 10:08:04.66","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-13 10:41:50.715","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-13 11:04:22.947","ElementalAlchemist","SkylerRingtail: The curse of Desert Bus time" "2021-11-13 11:54:58.924","LuchaJudge","Hello Bus! Welcome to reasonable morning time for the east coast" "2021-11-13 12:04:19.795","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-13 12:49:36.651","Oscelot","okay, time for sleep for me. Is almost 5am local. Night chat, night bus." "2021-11-13 12:55:13.21","MrPhlip","@subspacenova It'll be at 6am, bus time (just over an hour)" "2021-11-13 13:12:47.867","RandomTrivia","@poipal Desert Bus Time Dilation in full effect" "2021-11-13 13:22:57.406","water_polo_man","timer at bottom is giveaway, tmer at top is desert bus time remaining" "2021-11-13 13:29:11.653","Heretic_Dungeon","this is my first year watching desert bus for hope live, every year I've just watched it as a vod in chunks on the bus after, I missed 2020 wo this is my first time live" "2021-11-13 13:48:42.986","TheUnknownVeg","Common conceptions of time fall apart when Desert Bus occurs" "2021-11-13 13:51:10.947","azninsect","ok chat, it is coming up to dawnguard and time for me to relax and go down. have an awesome desert bus everyone VoHiYo" "2021-11-13 14:01:53.843","onlyjoshingbutnotalways","the real Bus was the time we made along the way" "2021-11-13 14:17:10.439","JFoxofChaos","Gooooood morning Desert Bus. Oh! And just in time for Coffee Pong!" "2021-11-13 15:08:33.081","NdroFox","Desert Bus: More Rediculous as Time Has Gone On®" "2021-11-13 15:14:07.059","kerbalized_","bus knows we are.... shipping times for german parts to US are double what they were 2019" "2021-11-13 15:21:53.661","Furyfire","Time to load up Desert Bus, then go grab stuff to make Jambalaya :D" "2021-11-13 15:33:10.198","ShoeboxWarrior","no time for scared....bus cometh" "2021-11-13 15:33:10.404","innovativemethods","""There's no time to be scared. BUS is coming.""" "2021-11-13 15:33:28.932","abslomdaak42","""No time to be scared, the bus is coming.""" "2021-11-13 16:05:28.26","BerneseMountainDog85","First time watching some Desert Bus in nearly a decade. Glad it is still amazing!" "2021-11-13 16:36:15.946","insanecat6mtg","Been lurking while watching desert bus for a couple years now yet this is my first time catching any of Dawnguard." "2021-11-13 16:42:20.196","3PlayerPolitics","good morning bus. Nightshifts means I'm on Pacific time I guess?" "2021-11-13 17:06:17.84","samfishersam","@Dunmerofheresy the time on the bus dashboard changes with time, so it's not a loop" "2021-11-13 17:20:28.804","NdroFox","Desert Bus: Time For Business®" "2021-11-13 18:17:25.37","AdmiralMemo",".... Desert Bus does things to brain and time" "2021-11-13 18:50:01.231","ArcticAtlantic","I love how every time I have a spare second waiting on something I can just open Desert Bus on my phone : D" "2021-11-13 19:05:10.393","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> RT @MLeeLunsford> I'm awakened. If there was anything that happened on Desert Bus you think is poster worthy in the past 8 hours, now's your time to send me the clip of it from the Desert Bus for Hope youtube channel. #DB2021 || https://www.twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1459598007465250820" "2021-11-13 19:20:18.382","rebelkatx","Hiiii chat and bus! First time managing to watch this run!" "2021-11-13 19:24:31.769","ElementalAlchemist","Desert Bus time dilation is getting weird" "2021-11-13 19:26:09.338","fabledgrayble","I remember the first time I watched desert bus, it was so much fun. That was almost 5 years ago now" "2021-11-13 19:27:27.952","Bentbob","Beej is also trying to sabotage the donations so the Desert Bus will finish at a different time." "2021-11-13 19:48:18.359","VoodontWoW","Desert Bus is just being hand drawn in real time this year." "2021-11-13 20:11:01.711","Lauchmin13","rewind time on bus?" "2021-11-13 20:15:22.148","nullvoid8","stretched hams? in this bus, at this time of year!?" "2021-11-13 20:25:11.239","Duckiedale594","time for a traditional desert bus PICNIC" "2021-11-13 20:27:13.242","aleera_indomni","first time bus rider. is this normal?" "2021-11-13 20:57:58.657","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> First Alpha Flight Creative Contest Time! | For a chance to win a Desert Bus T-Shirt, send us your entry of redacted 5e D&D 'Bard Poetry' 📜 | details for this challenge can be found at https://desertbus.org/?id=23037 #DB2021 || https://www.twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1459626394825019395" "2021-11-13 21:22:03.752","docsamurai","(btw, hi, I've been saving up my steam keys for the last year and I've got about 90 to give away over the course of desert bus, so keep an eye out and I'll be dropping more any time I stop in)" "2021-11-13 21:24:19.985","Houseboy23","For the non core-LRR crew, did they just schedule a week vacation to make time for desert bus?" "2021-11-13 21:28:23.26","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-13 21:32:14.851","TXC2","time isn't real on the desert bus" "2021-11-13 21:33:32.479","CantWearHats","@AdmiralMemo bus time quadruply so" "2021-11-13 21:36:19.993","SpecialKolin","There is no time, there is only Bus" "2021-11-13 21:36:21.422","RandomTrivia","Desert Bus Time Dilation is real and well-documented" "2021-11-13 21:36:23.631","Arikell","Time is meaningless in bus-space" "2021-11-13 21:36:27.011","NdroFox","time is irrelevant on the bus" "2021-11-13 21:36:41.889","Cardiboy","The bus exists outside the normal realms of time and space" "2021-11-13 21:36:43.292","NdroFox","and there's going to be a year where time doesn't happen on the bus. It'll surprise us all" "2021-11-13 21:36:56.955","Doc_Ocelot","Desert bus is 100% an SCP that effects time dont lie to me" "2021-11-13 21:47:50.765","jacobearringwhen","first-time bus passenger here! how do I participate in giveaways?" "2021-11-13 22:11:47.805","AdmiralMemo","Bus time is not long enough and too long, at the same time." "2021-11-13 22:31:49.735","Roscoe_DarkHorse","night chat, bus, i've emailed poetry, its now time for sleep!" "2021-11-13 23:00:32.95","WalrusOntheCourt","Time for Cam to wrap himself up in the mundanity, silence, and irrefutable redundancy that is the game Desert Bus. I never saw someone who wanted to just play it as much as Cam does right now." "2021-11-13 23:12:07.428","SilPho","I believe that brings this auction up into the Top 10 of all-time Desert Bus live auction records. Amazing!" "2021-11-13 23:18:56.023","SenseAmidstMadness","Oh good I'm glad Kathleen finally gets some time to be herself on desert bus" "2021-11-13 23:19:21.636","patrick_stonecrusher","alright! l'm all done fistfighting entropy for one day, and now lt's time for BUS lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME" "2021-11-13 23:48:05.574","sora_mayura","so... I'm going to let the bus play on low volume while I go sleep, perfect timing" "2021-11-13 23:59:53.43","EleventhOcean","A partner and I visited Vancouver Island for the first time last month (we're in the Maritimes), and ever since she's repeatedly tried to bribe me into moving out there by saying, ""You could volunteer for Desert Bus!""" "2021-11-14 00:09:08.048","sketchy_007","I thought Kathleen was going to try to get away with no Bus driving this time LUL" "2021-11-14 00:54:52.422","ShDragon","Will the sessions always be at 4pm Bus time?" "2021-11-14 01:32:19.035","Lyinginbedmon","""We don't have enough time"" On Desert Bus?" "2021-11-14 01:56:08.925","rudybalcers","This is my first time at a dessert bus and did not realize that there would be so many people watching" "2021-11-14 01:59:39.695","StreetCornerPoet","So be it Jacob, may your time on this years Bus be briefly exciting." "2021-11-14 02:39:47.168","FluffyNevyn","watching desert bus while sitting in a hot tub. good times" "2021-11-14 02:45:47.495","GoodEatsAntix","Ah yes, Desert Bus by time lapse" "2021-11-14 02:50:26.767","Emu_on_the_Loose","This Oberth Class Bus gets better all the time..." "2021-11-14 03:19:01.118","Kivipaperisakset","holy bus! The giveaway times on the desert bus site are in my local time!" "2021-11-14 03:27:10.29","AdmiralMemo","@ElementalAlchemist Bus time blurs together" "2021-11-14 04:41:10.082","Teryn180","I mute the stream every time that piece of bus comes out" "2021-11-14 04:54:47.938","CaffeinatedLemur","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 05:49:45.334","FoxFyr","Time to have a riff stuck in my head for like 3 months after bus ends lrrHORN" "2021-11-14 05:51:44.194","malfnord","Is the bus careening in time to the fiddle or is it just me?" "2021-11-14 06:12:26.787","Suffix","Too much time around the warp core. Sheilding is way bad on the bus.," "2021-11-14 06:48:18.215","ElementalAlchemist","This is a fun Desert Bus time" "2021-11-14 06:49:30.853","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 06:59:54.852","azninsect","hi bus friends I've returned. time for bus chills" "2021-11-14 07:10:13.178","Telnaior","Desert Bus being mid-november is the best timing for this song to be a tradition" "2021-11-14 07:12:00.343","Stormgod519","Just got off work, time for some desert bus" "2021-11-14 07:27:40.815","StarShock2002","Holy bus, I just had a flashback to a very long time ago, I used to eat something similar when i was very little in the 80s and had forgotten that they exxisted" "2021-11-14 07:40:24.411","Jjcircuscosplay","hay @desertbus given the time, money, and resources. would you do a stream in an actual bus making the trip from Arizona to Navada?" "2021-11-14 08:17:38.015","Telnaior","@Funky_Abigail showing someone that video for the first time is 'taking them to the store' in Desert Bus lingo" "2021-11-14 09:46:15.157","merdragonstarlight","Okay, ya'll. I've yawned so much, I woke up pre-noon Bus-time, which is also my time, so I should sleep. Have a great night everyone, you're all incredible people!" "2021-11-14 09:53:49.546","SplendidFD","I challenged Zeta to take some self-care time, and it evolved into talking about Beej's pants, I love Desert Bus" "2021-11-14 10:10:47.474","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 10:12:57.916","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 10:55:19.719","VoicedOtter","good night chat and bus. time to sleep" "2021-11-14 11:02:36.244","hexy_lexy","@Sharkfists im so sorry, but ive missed your fiddling both times youve done it due to sleep. im hoping to catch some during Bus" "2021-11-14 11:07:25.507","beowuuf","belopa burned up it's 1.5 DBs worth of time in one desert bus" "2021-11-14 11:08:34.15","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 11:10:40.841","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 11:27:45.572","NdroFox","I did have a very abortive attempt at doing a webcomic at the time, which just proved to me I can write but I sure as bus can't draw the stuff XD" "2021-11-14 12:05:21.798","magister_mystax","The time Beej ended Zeta with like an hour long concert was one of my favourite Desert Bus things" "2021-11-14 13:52:59.815","azninsect","what about...a night time bus stop 👀" "2021-11-14 13:55:05.373","magister_mystax","Cam got a left-side night-time bus stop on Zeta" "2021-11-14 13:57:37.745","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 13:57:58.589","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 14:27:45.358","CaptainChibale","time to make a mashed potato desert bus" "2021-11-14 14:32:11.242","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 14:34:57.629","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 14:40:05.879","TXC2","Steve Dengler is a long, LONG time suporter of Desert bus" "2021-11-14 15:37:52.295","NdroFox","Desert Bus is warping time again" "2021-11-14 16:52:10.031","NdroFox","That dude Gideon always leaves his bus every time I'm in a hotel room" "2021-11-14 17:01:02.064","Chandra_the_Mind_Sculptor","desert bus is entirely stretching for time :P" "2021-11-14 17:05:48.927","dissimulate1","hello dawnguard, this is my first desert bus in MST so the time difference is not so drastic :D" "2021-11-14 17:11:24.266","Anubis169","Long time friend of the bus <3" "2021-11-14 17:32:40.805","kaib35","@KodeMage No. We just haven't reached night for a long time. Last year was not our best in terms of bus driving." "2021-11-14 17:36:38.922","Nightbot","An intrepid group of fans are currently creating a bunch of tiny games with the development time only as long as the Bus keeps rolling! Learn more about the Desert Bus Game Jam at https://itch.io/jam/desert-bus-for-hope-2021-game-jam" "2021-11-14 17:40:40.594","javi979797","Hello! First time at desert bus!" "2021-11-14 19:30:38.666","tinpantithesis","@Gizmoloid IIRC (bus time) I *think* it's from the AI Magic cards on Night Watch last night" "2021-11-14 20:06:19.999","aster_iskh","been a massive lrr fan for a long time, first live bus!!!" "2021-11-14 20:27:24.355","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 20:49:44.121","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 20:50:29.715","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-14 21:06:57.584","TXC2","bus it I got it right the first time :p" "2021-11-14 21:42:14.846","Zacamaaaa","I just wanna THANK all of the Desert Bus people for their amazing work. I usually only lurk on youtube and watch Vods, but I try to atleast Donate a few Buckaroos each time" "2021-11-14 22:07:32.607","ElementalAlchemist","The bus is forgiving enough for the amount of time it takes Cam to do this" "2021-11-14 22:29:48.494","ElementalAlchemist","GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I can pass on your request if you have a bus time" "2021-11-14 22:34:05.496","GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou","@DBVideoStrikeTeam trying to find an interstitial bit, likely between 28:09 and 28:19 bus time, when Cori noticed a comment of mine and said, ""All I know is GCU has the nerdiest problems in the world."" I just wanted a clip of that but the Twitch channel is unclippable and it isn't covered by one of the youtube videos." "2021-11-14 22:58:08.215","tenthtechpriest","time for use to stop watching desert bus and start watching this youtube video!" "2021-11-14 23:02:26.168","gnome_friend","Hi @thegarages I've been listening to your live desert bus performance several times over the past few weeks" "2021-11-15 00:14:52.968","Epicsurvivor21","i just beat desert bus a 2nd time" "2021-11-15 01:09:34.908","glmdgrielson","@DigitalSeahorse The bus veers to the side to force you to pay attention at all times." "2021-11-15 01:11:47.241","Kramburger","Oh no, Cam filled time on Desert Bus" "2021-11-15 01:13:39.899","DarkNacht","Except for that one time when he crashed the bus." "2021-11-15 01:49:23.035","xythrogar","thank you desert bus for helping me notice my pcs time is off" "2021-11-15 02:01:44.336","AdmiralMemo","Time has no meaning at the bus!" "2021-11-15 02:01:55.332","SundayComesAfterwards","Time is an illusion. Desert Bus time, doubly so" "2021-11-15 02:02:15.328","Doctor_Professor","Bus I have an interview to go to if it's dawnguard time" "2021-11-15 02:05:49.529","Violentfrog","we've gone back in time to desert bus 2019" "2021-11-15 02:10:35.597","kirbytronic","Wrong Desert Bus Graham, you're flying backward in time" "2021-11-15 02:15:33.159","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 02:15:41.865","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 02:26:44.397","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 02:27:16.408","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 02:37:31.86","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 03:13:12.633","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 03:16:15.96","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> It’s time for another creative art challenge! The King of Spades has disappeared! We all wonder what they might be up to? Submit your entry by 10pm PT to contests@desertbus.org with the subject line “King of Spades” for a chance to win a Desert Bus 2021 T-Shirt! 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FENCtSHXIAAAKpR.jpg || ⤵" "2021-11-15 03:40:34.844","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 03:42:12.311","LittleFreyr","First time seeing Desert Bus, but been a fan of LRR since I met my newest partner last year after he showed me y'all. Now me, him, and our boyfriend live together and watch LRR tons ❤️" "2021-11-15 03:42:26.628","outistynnan","does the bus have a profanity watershed? or bc its international are we being good the whole time?" "2021-11-15 03:55:50.957","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 04:17:27.601","LanceFyre99","@father_time89 Right place! Right time! We're taking a break from the bus for a concert from the Garages, who are a very cool band. Stick around!" "2021-11-15 05:12:03.635","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> 50 minutes left on this creative challenge! | @DesertBus> It’s time for another creative art challenge! The King of Spades has disappeared! We all wonder what they might be up to? Submit your entry by 10pm PT to contests@desertbus.org with the subject line “King of Spades” for a chance to win a Desert Bus 2021 T-Shirt! 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FENCtSHXIAAAKpR.jpg || ⤵" "2021-11-15 05:33:07.41","DesertBusUpdates","@DB_VST> RT @thegaragesband> the garages just rocked @DesertBus in THE GARAGES VS DESERT BUS ! it was an amazing time and you can pick up the album and the merch here! | https://thegarages.bandcamp.com/album/the-garages-vs-desert-bus-2021 | thank you so much for tuning in, we are so grateful for you all! we love you #desertbusforhope || https://www.twitter.com/DB_VST/status/1460118606583418880" "2021-11-15 05:36:46.199","boundwoodhome","Back for more bus, after watching Qwerpline for the first time in months." "2021-11-15 06:03:22.849","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 06:39:07.878","quietcat","painting this was possibly the only time anyone has ever uttered ""thank bus bartleby is smooth"" lol" "2021-11-15 07:04:13.352","MatzerKat","I really like the part where Desert Bus talks about macaroni for a looooong time" "2021-11-15 07:11:06.981","Suffix","The last time Serge opened glitter in that room, I vaccumed the spot for 15 minutes post-bus and it was Still. There." "2021-11-15 07:14:23.602","Suffix","The last time Serge opened glitter in that room, I vaccumed the spot for 15 minutes post-bus and it was Still. There. Please no glitter." "2021-11-15 07:17:05.512","Suffix","Andrew - The last time Serge opened glitter in that room, I vaccumed the spot for 15 minutes post-bus and it was Still. There. Please no glitter." "2021-11-15 07:26:59.484","SevenishMagpies","this season's that time i was reincarnated as a slime on desert bus is wild" "2021-11-15 07:32:48.692","ElementalAlchemist","Every moonbase Desert Bus leaves some permanent mark if its time. That ceiling mark, the glitter (probably still haunting the floor), ..." "2021-11-15 07:58:14.846","Anaerin","Time just flies by, unlike the bus." "2021-11-15 08:01:31.053","sugarymeep","hopefully zeta doesn't lose the bus this time" "2021-11-15 08:08:31.807","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 08:09:35.468","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 08:47:22.938","hackingducks","whelp, time for a new bus." "2021-11-15 14:01:15.621","electra310","Desert Bus For Hope Again! It's time for Desert Bus For Hope Again! And this time it's one hour til 10, so just you wait!" "2021-11-15 14:01:25.777","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> Now is the Dawn | It is time to fawn | These coffee pong warriors | With arms never sore-iors | Desert Bus. #DB2021 | http://desertbus.org 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/FEPR2n0UUAA-6HS.jpg || https://www.twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1460246218228084739" "2021-11-15 14:11:19.74","TexanHick20","@GDwarf So nobody is driving the bus right now? This is literally the first time in YEARS that I've caught something other than early Zeta shift." "2021-11-15 15:27:40.035","AlexandraLive","5th time this bus we've explained KD" "2021-11-15 17:12:02.581","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 17:30:49.291","TheWarbo","(welcome desert bus chat, where you ask one question and get the same answer 24 times :D )" "2021-11-15 17:43:56.639","mercano82","Desert Bus 2: This time it's personal." "2021-11-15 18:16:04.492","NdroFox","Jenga Time, like bus time, but even more crashy" "2021-11-15 18:30:29.607","RockPusher","Time for the emotional rollercoaster that is Desert Bus" "2021-11-15 19:28:41.446","GhostofJeffGoldblum","no that's perfect, it's simulating the bus going to the left all the time, I love it" "2021-11-15 19:58:18.964","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-15 20:05:50.67","RockPusher","Right, that was a good tech test - time for Desert Bus to start lrrBEEJ ysbrydDesertBus" "2021-11-15 20:49:37.314","TurtlesAWD","time to ride the bus" "2021-11-15 20:53:40.167","OnTheSamePaige","holy bus, I JUST saw ""Front Fell Off"" for the first time an hour ago. Get out of my head! ScaredyCat" "2021-11-15 21:57:12.692","Anubis169","Everybody, welcome to Desert Bus for Hope! This is a charity marathon raising money for toys and games for kids in hospital. These people are playing the most boring game ever made and having a great time doing it. You're joining in a Guest Q&A session :)" "2021-11-15 22:04:31.456","Antimuffin","She must have just turned 6, right? She was born around desert bus time?" "2021-11-15 22:41:11.058","frustbox","alright, chat, bus, time for me to check if my bed is still level. vicksyWave See you for Zeta! sofieSleep" "2021-11-15 23:03:04.013","Shellsh0cker","@maestrith I believe D&D is at 4 p.m. bus time" "2021-11-15 23:20:01.748","hd_dabnado","got here just in time to see a live auction hot bus" "2021-11-16 00:32:29.056","Oscelot","I'm off to deal with this headache. have a fun time, Bus" "2021-11-16 01:02:20.044","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 01:04:22.337","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 01:04:46.039","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 01:56:26.146","ShoeboxWarrior","Nightwatch always does their own bus-every time they open it it's on the loading screen" "2021-11-16 01:56:45.888","electra310","Ian crashed the bus seventy times" "2021-11-16 02:01:30.799","Sarah_Serinde","unclebadgebadge Every Desert Bus giveaway is assigned to a specific shift, a 6-hour period of time. During that shift, they pick a specific, smaller amount of time in which to give it away. Time Walk is being given away during the shift that starts at 9pm, but it's not starting right at 9pm." "2021-11-16 02:09:05.436","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 02:09:18.804","ItsRileyPM","The Bee Movie, but every time the bus crashes, Desert Bus goes longer" "2021-11-16 02:10:04.315","GMBPepper","Interdimensional Bus With Time Travel" "2021-11-16 02:10:38.518","shamonic","we will get out of this time loop and save the bus" "2021-11-16 02:41:54.767","piggy_sama","Go the bus to sleep, I love nap time" "2021-11-16 03:23:04.981","ContingentCat","Every desert bus I end up with a long list of media to consume that I don't have nearly the time for" "2021-11-16 03:59:34.547","Gekyouryuu","I'd like to say, once again, how rad it is that Andy was in Eureka. I'd seen him in LRR stuff for a long time, then saw him in Eureka and lost my bus" "2021-11-16 04:03:06.933","Despoiler98","9.99 for a time walk waht the bus" "2021-11-16 04:04:31.843","readyforperfect","time walk singlehandedly gonna extend desert bus by an hour" "2021-11-16 04:06:12.594","ReachW","Time Walk: Add an extra day to Desert Bus after this one." "2021-11-16 04:08:45.555","Rowbotte","Well also time walk means they’ll have to do Desert Bus again" "2021-11-16 04:09:46.608","TitanicBark68","This donation drive has raised enough money to buy a time walk for retail... three times pver! I love desert bus!" "2021-11-16 04:19:38.194","paxaqua","If someone casts this time walk, does this desert bus run restart? 😆" "2021-11-16 04:20:51.479","KakuEpsilon","@NoxStryx Ah, thanks, this is my second year watching Desert Bus, and I think the first time I've actually logged in more than a few hours" "2021-11-16 04:26:31.488","KakuEpsilon","you know, if Time Walk ends up adding another Day to this Desert Bus, that'll be perfect. :P" "2021-11-16 05:03:31.617","googoltudoris","i'm super into cori doing a shatner AND driving the bus at the same time" "2021-11-16 05:18:44.867","Mangledpixel","Desert Bus 2019, when I was able to be there in person, was the first time I tried out the name Jen and present as anything other than male, and since then that experience allowed me to feel more comfortable coming out in the rest of my life. A few weeks ago I went to a wedding reception fully presenting as female, and I couldn't have done that without DB." "2021-11-16 05:42:07.315","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 06:40:55.389","GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou","no. every time they crash the bus it's on purpose." "2021-11-16 07:59:58.767","HundreydAundre","good time walking desert bus" "2021-11-16 08:00:43.893","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 08:01:42.87","Migelino164","Ok let's hear what fresh bus of a remix Zeta has this time!" "2021-11-16 08:03:02.558","the_lettter_s","Bus Time" "2021-11-16 08:13:59.205","quillilian","Ciroloth, to paraphrase Paul, ""They gave away a Time Walk on Desert Bus""" "2021-11-16 08:14:10.487","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 08:14:55.435","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 08:22:14.926","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 08:39:35.456","yunalasca","Ok, work time - hope the bus treats you all well tonight" "2021-11-16 09:31:40.319","tajessa","hi chat, I just learned that there are venomous sharks that live in the Thames River. this is metal as bus and I needed you to know, thank you for your time" "2021-11-16 12:23:31.546","NdroFox","Any app that's just an encapsulated website is such a waste of time (up to, and including, I bus ye not, NHS England.)" "2021-11-16 13:01:04.142","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 13:04:01.74","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 14:50:46.159","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 14:57:40.355","Taylahay","Desert Bus week, the one time a year I get behind in Hermitcraft :p" "2021-11-16 14:58:16.475","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 15:23:12.988","PharaohBender27","@sblue333 Yeah, but this time is probably WON'T single-handedly bus up international shipping" "2021-11-16 15:56:37.056","sigmamorrigan","Bus, I got so caught up in stream that I don't have time to shower before my first meeting 😭😭😭" "2021-11-16 16:26:42.396","inresponseremand","Idea for one year of desert bus, every time we get this stream they have to restart the hours bussed but keep the donations the same and start from the hours made from the donations during the down time, could be interesting" "2021-11-16 16:55:18.681","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-16 17:00:55.478","sigmamorrigan","All my love at all times to Engineering, doing the Bus's work for all of us" "2021-11-16 17:31:07.739","Polarfluff","We should just have like, a Desert Bus Fest. Between The Garages, The Long Johns, Max Loy, The Doubleclicks, Molly and other people I'm probably forgetting I think that'd be a pretty awesome time." "2021-11-16 17:31:11.809","josh___something","The johns have been in the bus the WHOLE time Kappa" "2021-11-16 18:32:17.533","Irsaan","Alright, time to go to jury duty. Hopefully it's nothing too drawn out and I don't have to miss any more Desert Bus than necessary" "2021-11-16 19:14:06.624","Stoopler","@mastershake29x i was just talking to a coworker of mine about this and was mentioning what was it, db11 when we made less than the previous year the first time and they thought they'd reached peak bus, then we blew it out of the water again lol" "2021-11-16 19:39:23.93","TehAmelie","for the first time, Desert Bus is literally set in the desert" "2021-11-16 21:52:21.988","brown_852","IT'S DESERTBUS!!! I have known about this stream for years, but this is my first time watching live. You Drive that BUS!!! MercyWing1 critroleFlame MercyWing2" "2021-11-16 21:59:47.783","DrasonSpike","that's when omega casts time walk and desert bus gets another turn" "2021-11-16 22:23:51.446","TheNerdySimulation","I was considering how to make Time work in my Desert Bus Game Jam TRPG. Think I figured it out." "2021-11-16 22:40:30.551","Merriwinter","mods asleep! Time to talk about the person driving the bus!" "2021-11-16 22:49:58.472","Easilycrazyhat","The time goes into The Bus" "2021-11-16 22:50:13.22","PbdotSA","Time is stored in the bus" "2021-11-16 22:57:40.907","Sarah_Serinde","You can find Erika's streams at https://www.twitch.tv/escherichiacole when it's not Desert Bus time escher3FOX" "2021-11-16 23:39:27.087","Gloria_Guitar","I have officaly donated to desery bus for the first time" "2021-11-16 23:47:20.94","frustbox","Alright, and with that… time for me to shut down. Night chat, night bus! vicksyWave" "2021-11-17 01:48:52.74","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-17 02:04:30.479","drkvc","Hi chat, what's the estimated time of the bus ending at this point?" "2021-11-17 02:22:00.62","Thequickgreyfox","well bus, I got a call at just the worst time and missed the night's intro and have no idea what's happening. thank goodness for vst" "2021-11-17 02:30:31.991","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-17 02:57:33.657","Disgruntled_Fungus","bus-time continuum" "2021-11-17 03:34:35.921","sheqesi","The full Desert Bus wedding would be to win Time with Jacob and have him officiate" "2021-11-17 03:35:28.451","ResplendantPundemonium","People born around the time of the first desert bus are getting close to colledge." "2021-11-17 04:01:52.791","Figgyleaf","Boy, we sure do have time to kill on the bus, don't we? XD" "2021-11-17 04:40:25.091","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-17 04:56:26.217","punchcard","Desert Bus: All Jacob all the Time" "2021-11-17 04:58:15.273","teaandcharcoal","beak bus time" "2021-11-17 06:02:09.158","TaraMorrigan","time is meaningless on the bus" "2021-11-17 06:02:38.633","adept_nekomancer","Time passes on Desert Bus... it just passes at 45 MPH." "2021-11-17 06:09:24.317","acuilador","How many times can we hit peak bus tonight?" "2021-11-17 06:22:40.637","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> It is time for a giveaway! | Donate $7.44 (or multiples thereof) until 11:30PM PT for the chance to level up your deck storage game with the Desert Bus Shift Deck Boxes! | http://desertbus.org/donate | http://desertbus.org/prize/44 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FEYAhljXIAA9X11.jpg || https://www.twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1460855829863841794" "2021-11-17 06:32:31.728","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-17 07:23:07.383","GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou","okay I think it's time for snooze for GCU. goodnight bus!" "2021-11-17 07:37:44.313","UnknownGerm","Like that time what Ben went home after someone talked some bus about dropping ics" "2021-11-17 07:50:59.272","11toaman","That giveaway was my 1st time donating to Desert Bus. feels good" "2021-11-17 08:00:46.778","ReachW","Alpha Flight has similar thoughts about coming into an empty Moonbase during Desert Bus times" "2021-11-17 08:07:43.314","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-17 11:34:58.263","PunkRockZoologist","My partner told me a story about a time that she forgot to do an assignment for school and the teacher was willing to give her more time just to hand in something rather than nothing, but her parents were so strict on her to always get everything perfect that she just didn't do it at all, prefering to do nothing rather than something imperfect. That kind of bus takes a lot of unlearning." "2021-11-17 11:41:06.38","Ham_Hamilton","dessert bus time! I'm gonna try making coffee cake today since the one you got looked so good!" "2021-11-17 11:55:25.777","SplendidFD","If we quit every time a bus broke down this stream would have ended four days ago" "2021-11-17 12:49:17.259","NdroFox","@barclogan9 the bus is all over the road at all times, it knows no laws of traffic." "2021-11-17 13:02:07.581","Avery316","been stung by wasps 4 times, 3 times it was completely unprovoked. Bus wasps" "2021-11-17 13:21:09.145","WolfnOtter","Has Zeta crashed the bus? This is the second time I'm able to catch part of their shift and it seems like the same driver name" "2021-11-17 13:29:22.101","glmdgrielson","ACTION now realizes ""dusk"" was about the bus and not the actual time." "2021-11-17 13:29:24.699","EleventhOcean","This is the first time *I've* seen night bus." "2021-11-17 13:33:06.583","hidingbox","Night time bus!!" "2021-11-17 13:43:28.662","jessblincowe","night time on the bus" "2021-11-17 13:43:55.515","nyoomgoom","something i forgot to mention about the scented candle talk: the largest size yankee candle jar thing purports to have like 150ish hour burn time. aka it could probably be finessed to burn for exactly the length of a desert bus" "2021-11-17 14:01:05.876","B4rberblacksheep","Bus care time" "2021-11-17 14:01:36.125","josh___something","this is a good time tp Catch up on some of the bus you missed" "2021-11-17 14:35:02.705","NeddySeagoon","You would think the family-friendly rating of Desert Bus would vary based on the time of the day and shift, but really it's a gradual descending slope from start to end." "2021-11-17 14:52:43.561","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-17 14:58:12.599","generic_account_name","Why do I try to drink anything during Desert Bus? That's the fifth time this run I've sent a spit-take onto the screen of my laptop!" "2021-11-17 15:54:54.239","magister_mystax","That might legit have been the most beautiful Paul's ever sung at Desert Bus. That's a high bar, but he really killed it this time" "2021-11-17 16:20:24.555","Kumakaori","okay, how about ""to bus with the layer at a time rules, just punch the chunk"" XD?;;;?" "2021-11-17 18:29:19.184","drdirtnap87","First time watcher. Glad I started during Dessert Bus. Y’all are awesome!" "2021-11-17 19:46:25.201","AevumDecessus","bus ride is ready this time serge" "2021-11-17 19:47:01.504","AevumDecessus","bus time bus time" "2021-11-17 20:12:47.29","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> It's time for another Alpha Flight, and today we have @TheVTran calling in to chat at 2PM PT 💙 | Victoria is a powerhouse in the gaming industry and we're really excited to welcome her to the bus! We hope you'll join us as well. | http://desertbus.org #DB2021 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FEa-QgPVkAAj-Di.jpg || https://www.twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1461064432092467201" "2021-11-17 20:28:49.306","glmdgrielson","@pvtpain66k 4PM Bus time." "2021-11-17 20:41:21.158","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> 🎨 Art Challenge Time 🎨 | Design a 'Monument to the Kindness War' occurring on Desert Bus this year! | Use your imagination, bring kindness to light, and send in your entries by 4:30PM PT for a chance to win a #DB2021 T-Shirt & DBloon | Find out more https://desertbus.org/?id=23646 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/FEbFISrVEAA4Qjq.jpg || ⤵" "2021-11-17 21:26:53.85","targe0","Bus Hit night time" "2021-11-17 21:43:20.163","TheMadPunter","I think this is the first time I've seen nighttime bus this entire run" "2021-11-17 22:00:22.306","ArmadilloAL","I'm just happy that Desert Bus will (likely) end at a reasonable hour for the first time in like a decade." "2021-11-17 22:02:33.577","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> Victoria Tran is on the bus!! | Join us as she conquers challenges and imparts wisdom at http://desertbus.org & http://twitch.tv/desertbus | #DB2021 | @DesertBus> It's time for another Alpha Flight, and today we have @TheVTran calling in to chat at 2PM PT 💙 | Victoria is a powerhouse in the gaming industry and we're really excited to welcome her to the bus! We hope you'll join ⤵" "2021-11-17 22:07:54.846","FirefuryAmahira","Oh wow, I think this is the first time I've seen nighttime bus this entire run!" "2021-11-17 22:43:29.753","frustbox","alright, it's that time again, time to defrag my thoughts. Good night Bus! Good night Chat!" "2021-11-17 22:44:36.889","r0cketf0x","i has to sleep now... cant wait to see where we get to by the time i wake up. night night bus people!" "2021-11-17 22:48:21.362","Sarah_Serinde","Go live in the woods. A time-honoured piece of Desert Bus advice" "2021-11-17 22:48:27.422","rogerivany","I think this is the first time I've seen the bus drive at night this year." "2021-11-17 23:41:04.769","Feriority","I've been playing Hades for the first time during this desert bus (I started before Desert Bus, but most of my late game progress was during). I really like the way it keeps its twist on things ""consistent"" with greek mythology because every major mythological figure is lying all the time anyway" "2021-11-18 01:05:55.883","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-18 02:35:08.884","Mikiao","I'd say Desert Bus users increase by like 12 billion percent around this time every year" "2021-11-18 03:49:44.829","Kiwijelly","Time to conquer Bus" "2021-11-18 03:56:47.824","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-18 04:45:36.488","hd_dabnado","time to look at some desert bus tagged tiktoks?" "2021-11-18 05:38:49.046","heckengine","weve had so many Canadian psa things this bus run, now ts time for American ones" "2021-11-18 06:06:40.474","RoseShark","Fiddle time! Bus yeah!" "2021-11-18 06:12:01.257","vanilla_missionary","I'm really going to miss Max's fiddlin' time when Desert Bus is over" "2021-11-18 06:52:34.559","Kivipaperisakset","""I did stream playing desert bus that one time...""" "2021-11-18 07:37:54.292","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-18 07:38:09.473","ContingentCat","it'll be hard to bus up the plans and get it to end in Zeta time as is tradition but I believe in us" "2021-11-18 08:00:30.461","FirefuryAmahira","Desert Bus is why I got good at time management in college. Because it always falls right around the same time ALL the final papers/projects/etc were about due. So it was either ""get everything done before Desert Bus"" or ""struggle with trying to multitask and work on it during Desert Bus""" "2021-11-18 08:07:12.445","SimGuy3k","Universal Bus Time" "2021-11-18 08:08:11.433","SomebodyNowhere","desert bus time dilatation is a thing" "2021-11-18 08:08:37.642","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-18 08:45:00.758","DainBread","I remember when I used to be able to watch a big chunk of Desert Bus... good times." "2021-11-18 08:57:51.344","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-18 10:34:07.858","Carlioo","I actually still don't know what this could actually be, but it looks like they'll be able to finish it within desert bus time!" "2021-11-18 10:40:42.855","silverstar216","@TXC2 I think this is the first time it's hit me that this year's bus is almost over" "2021-11-18 11:24:29.418","RoeDent89","Bus stop time" "2021-11-18 11:29:34.67","GaelanS","Bus time" "2021-11-18 12:19:37.935","Telnaior","I seem to take one thing from Desert Bus each year, last time it was Outer Wilds and this year it might be Memory of Lightwaves, wow" "2021-11-18 14:10:05.515","fengal3","yeah. time to bus on bethesda." "2021-11-18 14:10:05.842","DaxStrife","I always associate this music with ""Time to BUS on Bethesda.""" "2021-11-18 14:38:45.184","ArcticAtlantic","i have been left alone in the office for the first time at my new job and so i am watching Bus while i sort documents ^.^" "2021-11-18 14:51:51.322","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-18 15:58:10.724","IsaTheEngie","I swear to bus if I hear they ffxiv pitch one more time" "2021-11-18 16:27:42.628","Funky_Abigail","Good night Desert Bus. Time for me to sleep." "2021-11-18 17:51:07.575","sirpythias","First time seeing Desert Bus. Is there a VOD of any sort to see the earlier stuff?" "2021-11-18 17:55:15.3","EBugle","No time for Bus stops, gotta try and get another point." "2021-11-18 18:01:09.955","glmdgrielson","@CantWearHats ...how many times have you made that specific reference this bus?" "2021-11-18 18:19:42.438","Arakzil","Anyone know if the desert bus t-shirts will get a restock? For the first time ever I didn't buy one in time ;__;" "2021-11-18 19:49:39.608","stevestein","FYI, Desert Bus will continue until at least 11am Desert Bus Standard Time tomorrow." "2021-11-18 20:51:16.976","SimGuy3k","@biganthonyrdean if you stay on the left, you have more time to correct the bus as it drifts" "2021-11-18 21:03:48.289","SeiichiSin","Time to move desert bus to the main screen." "2021-11-18 21:13:00.453","HouseofShadow","holy bus. last time I looked, we just broke 740k during the TSR drive. how much did that end up raising?" "2021-11-18 21:43:54.547","Lionhardt544","I chuck on Desert Bus any time I need background noise, or even something to watch actively" "2021-11-18 21:45:31.215","stoicsquirrel78","Love having Desert Bus on in the background while I’m working! Hoping I’ll be able to see the bussing end tomorrow, but I might be in a meeting at that time." "2021-11-18 21:47:49.964","PharaohBender27","@F1SHOR Time flies when you're watching Desert Bus!" "2021-11-18 22:15:40.712","Carbonylcookie","Stat therm for phys chem is a ROUGH time. Though stat therm of protein folding is fun as bus." "2021-11-18 22:20:12.6","Anubis169","what do you mean limited? time on desert bus is infinite" "2021-11-18 22:23:37.788","theymerLoviatar","Just got home from a massively disappointing LotR symphonic concert, time to leech joy out of the Bus" "2021-11-18 23:38:42.452","emonotony","How many times has Jacob seen one of those movies during Desert Bus?" "2021-11-18 23:53:55.427","Defacer607","@Sarah_Serinde bus it, that is frustrating, I gotta get my partner to work at that time. Thank you for letting me know!" "2021-11-19 00:05:09.533","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> 🎲 It's Time Once Again for D&D with Alpha Flight 🎲 | Today we're joined by friend of the bus, @daleEfriesen as DM! | Join the adventure @ http://desertbus.org 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FEg89p2VUAcl2cl.jpg || https://www.twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1461485388657164297" "2021-11-19 02:25:59.191","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 02:34:10.9","Pywodwagon","time to do a second desert bus annually for an animal charity" "2021-11-19 02:54:50.298","01thorin01","The schedule for tomorrow means I’ll probably miss the Final Bus Down for the first time in five years." "2021-11-19 03:09:10.914","jibkat","No time, get on the BUS" "2021-11-19 03:18:35.4","tajessa","time is an illusion, Desert Bus Time doubly so" "2021-11-19 03:18:45.212","Kramburger","There is no time, only BUS" "2021-11-19 03:18:49.208","FiliusRomanus","Time is fake, Bus is eternal" "2021-11-19 03:19:39.934","tajessa","....that means that this is my 10th desert bus lrrWOW time is weird" "2021-11-19 03:26:40.821","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> RT @SamsSkunkworks> Holy Bus! my auction just set an new all-time high record for Desert Bus! that's just.... I can't even describe! thankyou all so much | @DesertBus> Holy moly! Congratulations to dostrow_ for winning this set for a record setting $20,000!!! https://twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1461522829644599299 || https://www.twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1461536228499668995" "2021-11-19 03:48:41.371","Yelkco","I'm watching TNG for the first time. Started prior to desert bus though." "2021-11-19 03:49:43.452","TubaDevil","I happened to take the week off before I saw the start date for desert bus because we bought a house Tuesday. Definitely nice having more time to watch stream as welll" "2021-11-19 04:01:42.829","I_Am_Clockwork","Desert bus, but every time they raise more money than they ever have before the music gets faster" "2021-11-19 04:07:50.774","DBVideoStrikeTeam","Remember that time John Cena visited Desert Bus? https://youtu.be/Emmr7C42ShI" "2021-11-19 04:21:30.613","ShoeboxWarrior","you came in at a desert bus time" "2021-11-19 04:22:41.715","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 04:26:42.712","ToastyLoaff","Its also taking away time for kids and bus talk" "2021-11-19 05:12:13.707","quillilian","Time for another bus stop" "2021-11-19 05:15:13.058","t3h_f1gm3nt","think paul is the only other one on dawnguard who cares about bus stops. i know ashton TRIED for one but didnt start stopping in time" "2021-11-19 05:32:22.178","Jake_The_Pirate","Omega starting at 0600 Bus time?" "2021-11-19 05:55:03.909","KendalMac417","Is that the most reasonable time a Desert bus will have ended?" "2021-11-19 06:54:01.132","EOstby","The next time Desert Bus is in person. whenever that may be." "2021-11-19 07:23:27.976","Lyinginbedmon","It's beyond 7 AM here and I am shortly caving to the peer pressure of time and going to sleep. A nice bit of fiddling is a pleasant way to see out what may be the last spot of Desert Bus I see this year. Well done to everyone, good tidings to all here in chat, and remember GO LEFT!" "2021-11-19 07:38:48.861","Doctor_Professor","It's luckily been linked a few times in the Desert Bus channel on the discord too" "2021-11-19 07:39:14.86","m33pn8r","Thank you all(Desert Bus folks and etc.) for being here. I'm always in a hard time and DB is a highlight of my year." "2021-11-19 08:08:48.952","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 08:09:11.216","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 08:24:14.012","TheUnknownVeg","I must go to a lecture - keep the bus warm. I will return at about 3am Bus Time" "2021-11-19 08:41:09.783","josh___something","The bus time dilation" "2021-11-19 08:47:04.052","orellien2773","As a 9-5 person? I absolutely love that the time I’m not at work, I feel 100% find not giving a single solitary Bus about my work." "2021-11-19 08:52:48.513","theymerLoviatar","Hi bus, hi chat, lovely to see you one more time tuaLove tuaLove tuaLove" "2021-11-19 09:47:44.426","NeddySeagoon","The Moon's just loving that Bus and doing the biggest belly-flop of all time." "2021-11-19 09:55:45.399","NdroFox","Is fangamer going to swoop in to bus over Dawn Gu... wait, no, Omega this time too?" "2021-11-19 09:56:31.151","pimiento","omega starts at 6am bus time as a remomega shift.. then later it'll be live" "2021-11-19 10:20:21.502","I_Am_Clockwork","alright, bus gang, time for me to sleep. See you all tomorrow for the various Omegai" "2021-11-19 10:27:49.277","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 10:38:01.906","vidStrickland","Goodnight, fellow riders. By the time my shift ends tomorrow, the bus will have come to a halt, but it has been an incredible year." "2021-11-19 11:02:51.611","TheElrad","Yay, my Tshirts just arrived, just in time to still get them during regular Desert Bus" "2021-11-19 11:04:18.866","F0ll0wthr0ugh","*me reading the talk about DB3 and DB8 is early time* Meanwhile I'm happy, that I can finally catch a Desert Bus" "2021-11-19 11:05:01.767","Serpens77","@Serpens77 ""A term for $6.86. Named after Danny who raised $13,513.26 by donating $5,000 via the Make A Wish foundation and then running a donation drive where chat donated in Danny's name. Danny chose the value $6.86, which was the first time that amount was used in a donation drive in Desert Bus history."" from last year" "2021-11-19 11:29:49.186","NdroFox","Time on the bus is a suggestion at best" "2021-11-19 11:30:19.363","TXC2","Time on the bus goes in 7 directions" "2021-11-19 11:30:35.545","Spolin","time is a flat bus" "2021-11-19 11:30:38.037","Sunidesus","wait, does the bus exist in time cube land?" "2021-11-19 12:28:24.258","pimiento","@rocketjohn 6am bus time will start remote omega" "2021-11-19 13:12:54.214","TXC2","Desert bus is just a time Nexus" "2021-11-19 13:34:12.145","SmithKurosaki","@anubwelcome to bus? time has be meaning here" "2021-11-19 13:49:55.318","Simonark","We can't have ""A Start Time"" any more. It will just have always been going and never truly stop being Desert Bus. Sorta." "2021-11-19 13:49:55.7","cgwonder","one day they will realise that desert bus is just destined to end at an ungodly hour local time" "2021-11-19 13:50:09.545","azninsect","""Welcome to Desert Bus! It's midnight and it's time to Rotate the Cushions!""" "2021-11-19 14:01:21.092","NdroFox","Time, Desert Bus, Is It That Time Again?" "2021-11-19 14:20:49.547","EleventhOcean","Time to make a Desert Bus romhack that drives from Victoria to the Hague." "2021-11-19 15:57:15.171","NdroFox","Stretch all time, its the desert bus way" "2021-11-19 16:08:40.849","Therberus","Ok chat time to restart desert bus" "2021-11-19 17:02:48.346","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 17:54:43.389","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 18:04:18.09","awmcmillan","desert bus dub fight time" "2021-11-19 18:07:32.011","BoosterOfWonder","Hey, this is the first time I watch Desert Bus for Hope. How much was raised last year? :)" "2021-11-19 18:08:56.75","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:09:46.271","BoosterOfWonder","Hey, this is the first time I watch Desert Bus for Hope. How much was raised last year? :)" "2021-11-19 18:09:57.341","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:10:22.22","TPRJones","Isn't Desert Bus basically just nearly seven days of stalling for time? :)" "2021-11-19 18:11:13.351","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:12:45.682","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:14:36.301","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:15:52.745","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:17:11.184","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:17:21.331","Therberus","Ok so that's the tech test done, time for real desert bus now?" "2021-11-19 18:19:51.034","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:20:37.001","BoosterOfWonder","Hey, this is the first time I watch Desert Bus for Hope. How much was raised last year? :)" "2021-11-19 18:21:54.995","TimesChu","Desert Bus cracks a million in one year, raises more than other charity steams over it's life time, and still nobody i have literally ever met has heard of DBFH." "2021-11-19 18:23:54.193","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:27:47.451","bluewales","how many times have you finished the desert bus during the stream?" "2021-11-19 18:35:01.091","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> It's time to bust out your donor accounts for the final giveaway of Desert Bus 2021! Donate $7.77 (or multiples thereof) within the next 85 minutes for your chance to win A LIFE-SIZE BUSSIN' BUSTER SWORD!!! https://desertbus.org/donate 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FEk7NhPUYAgoflN.jpg || https://www.twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1461764835251605507" "2021-11-19 18:37:37.125","sigmamorrigan","bus, every time I look away the total jumps another TEN THOUSAND" "2021-11-19 18:43:05.958","greatgreedyguts","Time Walk can bus it, Buster Sword is new best friend" "2021-11-19 18:43:13.293","Jradcliffe719","our limit break of ""time to kill desert bus""" "2021-11-19 18:49:13.715","NanoWowl","Desert Bus Donors are Small Time... and that's good lrrHEART" "2021-11-19 18:51:01.834","ANeMzero","Having watched the Playframe Overcooked series: Carrie is very good at driving a bus around for a long time going absolutely nowhere :P" "2021-11-19 19:17:08.103","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> 45 minutes left!! | @DesertBus> It's time to bust out your donor accounts for the final giveaway of Desert Bus 2021! Donate $7.77 (or multiples thereof) within the next 85 minutes for your chance to win A LIFE-SIZE BUSSIN' BUSTER SWORD!!! https://desertbus.org/donate 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FEk7NhPUYAgoflN.jpg || https://www.twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1461775229529825282" "2021-11-19 19:19:33.861","Being_Unreal","more time. bus forever" "2021-11-19 19:23:03.788","josh___something","Oh no, Bus time Dilation has managed to reach this fast D:" "2021-11-19 19:23:05.156","RandomTrivia","Omega has its own Time Dilation, separate and concurrent with Desert Bus Time Dilation" "2021-11-19 19:45:42.779","DesertBusUpdates","@DesertBus> 15 minutes left on the Buster Sword giveaway!!! https://twitter.com/DesertBus/status/1461764835251605507 📷 https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/FElLZ1YVQAILTs_.jpg | @DesertBus> It's time to bust out your donor accounts for the final giveaway of Desert Bus 2021! Donate $7.77 (or multiples thereof) within the next 85 minutes for your chance to win A LIFE-SIZE BUSSIN' BUSTER ⤵" "2021-11-19 19:55:09.047","JoshManVGH","Made it in time for the give away for the Desert Bus-ter Sword!" "2021-11-19 20:05:32.013","ElihuAran","Yeah, after this, if you had anything earmarked for Desert Bus, now's the time to just dump it on the bus! (Donate responsibly please, though)" "2021-11-19 20:11:06.244","nyoomgoom","just collect all the dust, store the dna away in long term to bring back the bus in time of need 100,000 years from now" "2021-11-19 21:00:56.898","Tarnagona","Being blind wouldn't be too bad. Being blind in an unfamiliar space would be really tricky (and I don't imagine anyone spent enough time in Studio C Desert Bus setup to be familiar with it blind)" "2021-11-19 21:08:53.57","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 21:17:11.798","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 21:26:09.624","Sarah_Serinde","That is *50 times* they made during the first Desert Bus. That year their goal was $5k and they raised $23,805." "2021-11-19 21:33:34.641","Psycliq","Honestly I got the yoshi blanket that sweet lanyard so I'm super happy. First time actually getting any prizes from Desert Bus in all these years." "2021-11-19 21:39:33.061","beowuuf","@TexanHick20 bus pulls to the right, so gives more time to react" "2021-11-19 21:39:46.223","Oscelot","Bus yeah comfy time" "2021-11-19 22:04:10.65","Rustpile","Time to leave for FNM! Bye Desert bus!!!! Everyone have a great *insert time of day* and final couple of hours!!!" "2021-11-19 22:07:21.652","damn_i_am_pretty","Due to Cancerization, Desert Bus over time has been evolving into the ideal body type, that of the CRAB" "2021-11-19 22:09:08.095","kerniusmaximus","Desert bus has messed up my mental space so much I though that the ""Time for crab"" bit was from one of those canadian videos that they were showing Jacob" "2021-11-19 22:27:33.272","ExachixKitsune","Morning! Time to wake up and start desert bus" "2021-11-19 22:43:08.12","Mewyabby","@Mewyabby Got a shirt from The Garages concert and a few entries into the Time Walk this year... hoping this bus ends tonight." "2021-11-19 22:55:19.636","silvertabbycat","If we manage to get one more hour, then Desert Bus will finish at the same time I get off work! (if not then I have an hour to actually focus on work things)" "2021-11-19 23:13:10.817","mrbadxampl420","woo, the bus is still going! I had thought last night was the last time I'd get to watch this year" "2021-11-19 23:25:59.049","Halimain","I get headaches when I'm on a bus for a long time too." "2021-11-19 23:30:48.725","frustbox","So glad we have some in person bus time again ongLight" "2021-11-19 23:40:16.211","Saphling","I'm so glad the bus trip lasted until I got home. perfect timing" "2021-11-19 23:54:29.958","Nightbot","Get all your Desert Bus goodies! Check out https://store.desertbus.org for the Poster, Pins, Playmats, and more! Including, for the first time this year, the official DBloon! If anything is sold out, enter your e-mail, and if there is sufficient demand, they may be restocked." "2021-11-19 23:58:10.517","CaptainChibale","this is my second desert bus and the second time y'all kept me company through something terrible. Y'all are amazing <3" "2021-11-19 23:59:09.745","lostluckDev","Now time for a sniper who wants a full week of Desert Bus for Hope to swoop in with a 50k donation." "2021-11-20 00:00:49.916","Ahlkazar","Bus Down time!" "2021-11-20 00:02:43.943","codl_","that's a lot of time to spend on a bus" "2021-11-20 00:03:36.599","ShDragon","Desert Bus will be ending exactly as my Pathfinder game starts. Perfect timing!" "2021-11-20 00:53:39.874","TimesChu","@Blunderbrah Same bus time, same bus channel." "2021-11-20 00:57:29.943","Emu_on_the_Loose","Desert Bus has been here for me during some VERY hard times in my life, and good times too. <3 you all." "2021-11-20 00:58:02.893","insanecat6mtg","Oh good. Got my stream back up in time to catch the final bus down." "2021-11-20 01:00:42.434","BearVersusShark","Extra Bus time!" "2021-11-20 01:03:20.045","SievertSchreibr","Holy bus! I’ll be able to watch the Final Bus Dowm for the first time!" "2021-11-20 01:05:07.632","HundreydAundre","You may have a time walk or buster sword, but remember: This Desert Bus once had BOTH" "2021-11-20 01:05:16.952","cgwonder","time to crash the bus!!" "2021-11-20 01:05:27.947","mercano82","Time to light this bus (and the CPU) on fire." "2021-11-20 01:05:35.998","ShoeboxWarrior","it's time for the bus down <3" "2021-11-20 01:05:39.743","Saintnex","Time for the bus down!" "2021-11-20 01:05:44.369","ElementalAlchemist","Desert Bus is a special time of year for me, and I'm always happy to see the generosity and just experience this ridiculous event. I'd like to extend my own thanks to the crew, other volunteers, donors, chat, and everyone for being amazing and making this such a wonderful and special year for me. Thank you, and until next year, Ajony!" "2021-11-20 01:05:52.729","HedWund","Time to Bus Down! hytassL" "2021-11-20 01:06:58.966","NdroFox","The bus, it is time" "2021-11-20 01:07:03.267","ValtheDrake","I don't want it to be time, but it is time, I love you Bus, I love you Chat lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE" "2021-11-20 01:07:48.513","head_cannon","Time to crash this bus." "2021-11-20 01:08:21.563","thebuzzstreams","Bus Crash Time!" "2021-11-20 01:09:48.786","glmdgrielson","Thank you all for this Bus! See you all next time! It's been a blast!" "2021-11-20 01:13:18.3","ElementalAlchemist","Crash that bus! And ajony until next time!" "2021-11-20 01:17:29.473","MooseBlaster","My new (post-Desert Bus) promise - spend more time in the lrr discord." "2021-11-20 01:19:44.906","alste26","bye bye desert bus i shall miss you until next year. now time for rest and catching up on everything else i missed this week. bye everyone love you all ♥" "2021-11-20 01:20:11.715","t3h_f1gm3nt","goodbye desert bus! its been a bus of a week. always remember, in these trying times, there is still good in the world. we are proof of that. until next year lrrHEART" "2021-11-20 01:21:11.044","I_Am_Clockwork","welp, time for me to comb through the youtube vods for bits I missed. Thansk again all, and see you on the bus next year!" "2021-11-20 01:24:21.406","SymphonicLolita","one last time, if anyone wants to join the Desert Bus Community IRC you can come hang out <3 https://irc.dbcommunity.org/" "2021-11-20 01:25:44.211","mercano82","The Wheel of Time turns, and ages pass. In one age, called the Bus Age by some, a coach departs Tuscon. It is not the beginning, but it is A beginning." "2021-11-20 01:28:17.684","RandomTrivia","I find myself, as ever, reluctant to close the window. I know that the party is over, people are gradually trickling out and it's time for bed. Having to put something wonderful away for a year is always a shame. But the Bus will return, in time." "2021-11-20 02:04:39.747","the_schauff","Speaking very loosely connected to sleep, I am so glad the bus moved the start time. Probably 1st time I could enjoy to the end since DBX" "2021-11-20 02:46:00.716","despoticus","i dont want to leave, its my favorite time of year. love the bus and the people here."