from collections import namedtuple import flask as flask from datetime import datetime from common import database from gevent.pool import Pool from psycopg2.extras import execute_values app = flask.Flask('escher') class Result: def __init__(self, transcript=None, vst=None, chat=None): self.transcript = transcript if transcript else [] self.vst = vst = chat if chat else [] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'Result(transcript={self.transcript}, vst={self.vst}, chat={})' @property def start_time(self): """Compute the start time of the whole result.""" start_times = [self.vst.start_time] if self.vst else [] if self.transcript: start_times.append(self.transcript[0].start_time) if start_times.append([0].pub_time) return min(start_times) @property def end_time(self): """Compute the start time of the whole result.""" end_times = [self.vst.end_time] if self.vst else [] if self.transcript: end_times.append(self.transcript[-1].end_time) if end_times.append([-1].pub_time) return max(end_times) @property def weight(self): return sum([cl.rank for cl in], 0) + \ 10 * sum([tl.rank for tl in self.transcript], 0) + \ 20 * (self.vst.rank if self.vst else 0) def get_transcript(db_conn, ts_query, start_time="-infinity", end_time="infinity"): query = """ --sql WITH q AS ( SELECT convert_query(%(ts_query)s) ), relevant_lines AS ( ( SELECT id FROM buscribe_transcriptions WHERE to_tsvector('english', transcription_line) @@ (SELECT * FROM q) ) UNION ( SELECT line FROM buscribe_verified_lines WHERE to_tsvector('english', verified_line) @@ (SELECT * FROM q) ) UNION ( SELECT line FROM buscribe_line_speakers WHERE to_tsvector('english', speaker_name) @@ (SELECT * FROM q) ) UNION ( SELECT line FROM buscribe_line_inferred_speakers WHERE to_tsvector('english', speaker_name) @@ (SELECT * FROM q) ) ) ( ( SELECT id, start_time, end_time, null AS verifier, names, transcription_line, ts_rank_cd( coalesce( to_tsvector('english', transcription_line), ''::tsvector ) || coalesce( to_tsvector(array_to_string(names, ' ')), ''::tsvector ), (SELECT * FROM q) ) AS rank, ts_headline( transcription_line, (SELECT * FROM q), 'StartSel='''', StopSel=' ) AS highlighted_text -- transcription_json FROM buscribe_transcriptions LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT line, ARRAY( SELECT speaker_name FROM buscribe_line_inferred_speakers AS inner_speakers WHERE inner_speakers.line = buscribe_line_inferred_speakers.line ) AS names FROM buscribe_line_inferred_speakers ) AS inferred_speakers ON id = inferred_speakers.line WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM relevant_lines ) AND start_time >= coalesce(%(start_time)s, '-infinity'::timestamp) AND end_time <= coalesce(%(end_time)s, 'infinity'::timestamp) ) UNION ( SELECT AS id, start_time, end_time, cverifier AS verifier, names, coalesce( verifications.verified_line, buscribe_transcriptions.transcription_line ) AS transcription_line, ts_rank_cd( coalesce( setweight(to_tsvector('english', verified_line), 'C'), to_tsvector( 'english', buscribe_transcriptions.transcription_line ), ''::tsvector ) || coalesce( setweight(to_tsvector(array_to_string(names, ' ')), 'C'), ''::tsvector ), (SELECT * FROM q) ) AS rank, ts_headline( coalesce( verifications.verified_line, buscribe_transcriptions.transcription_line ), (SELECT * FROM q), 'StartSel='''', StopSel=' ) AS highlighted_text -- null AS transcription_json FROM buscribe_transcriptions INNER JOIN ( SELECT *, coalesce(relevant_verified.line, relevant_speakers.line) AS cline, coalesce( relevant_verified.verifier, relevant_speakers.verifier ) AS cverifier FROM ( SELECT * FROM buscribe_verified_lines WHERE line IN ( SELECT id FROM relevant_lines ) ) AS relevant_verified FULL OUTER JOIN ( SELECT line, verifier, ARRAY( SELECT speaker_name FROM buscribe_line_speakers AS inner_speakers WHERE inner_speakers.line = buscribe_line_speakers.line AND inner_speakers.verifier = buscribe_line_speakers.verifier ) AS names FROM buscribe_line_speakers WHERE line IN ( SELECT id FROM relevant_lines ) ) AS relevant_speakers ON relevant_verified.line = relevant_speakers.line AND relevant_speakers.verifier = relevant_verified.verifier ) AS verifications ON id = verifications.cline WHERE start_time >= coalesce(%(start_time)s, '-infinity'::timestamp) AND end_time <= coalesce(%(end_time)s, 'infinity'::timestamp) ) ) ORDER BY --rank DESC, start_time; """ db_results = database.query(db_conn, query, start_time=start_time if start_time is not None else '-infinity', end_time=end_time if end_time is not None else 'infinity', ts_query=ts_query) # Number of messages n_m = db_results.rowcount # Get duration for message frequency calculation bus_duration = database.query(db_conn, """ --sql SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM max(end_time) - min(start_time)) AS bus_duration FROM buscribe_transcriptions; """ ).fetchone().bus_duration # Priors saying that an interesting event (p < 0.01) is when three messages per minute are posted, giving the # equivalent average 13 messages per minute a_p = 13.0 b_p = 60.0 # 0.02th quantile difference (cf. chat) p = 0.02 l = b_p + bus_duration a = a_p + n_m # Lomax distribution is posterior predictive for exponential message_duration_diff = l * ((1 - p)**-(1/a) - 1) current_result = Result() results = [] # print(message_duration_diff) for transcript_line in db_results: # Current result set is new if not current_result.transcript: current_result.transcript.append(transcript_line) # New message is within window elif (transcript_line.start_time - current_result.transcript[-1].end_time).total_seconds() <= message_duration_diff: # print((transcript_line.start_time - # current_result.transcript[-1].end_time).total_seconds()) current_result.transcript.append(transcript_line) # New message is outside window else: # Always save the run (cf. chat; we save all lines) results.append(current_result) # Start new run current_result = Result(transcript=[transcript_line]) results.append(current_result) return results def get_vst(db_conn, ts_query, start_time="-infinity", end_time="infinity"): query = """ --sql SELECT video_ranges[1].start AS start_time, video_ranges[1].end AS end_time, video_title AS title, video_id AS id, ts_rank_cd( setweight( to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, video_title), 'C'), websearch_to_tsquery(%(ts_query)s) ) AS rank FROM events WHERE video_ranges[1].start >= %(start_time)s AND video_ranges[1].end <= %(end_time)s AND array_length(video_ranges, 1) = 1 AND -- Only handling single-cut videos for now to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, video_title) @@ websearch_to_tsquery(%(ts_query)s) ORDER BY --rank DESC, start_time LIMIT 100; -- Hard limit on result number """ results = database.query(db_conn, query, start_time=start_time if start_time is not None else '-infinity', end_time=end_time if end_time is not None else 'infinity', ts_query=ts_query) return [Result(vst=result) for result in results] def get_chat(db_conn, ts_query, start_time="-infinity", end_time="infinity"): query = """ --sql SELECT * FROM ( SELECT pub_time, content->'tags'->>'display-name' AS name, content->'params'->>1 AS content, ts_rank_cd( setweight( to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, content->'params'->>1), 'A'), websearch_to_tsquery(%(ts_query)s) ) AS rank FROM chat WHERE pub_time >= %(start_time)s AND pub_time <= %(end_time)s AND to_tsvector('english'::regconfig, content->'params'->>1) @@ websearch_to_tsquery(%(ts_query)s) --ORDER BY -- rank DESC --LIMIT 100 -- Hard limit on result number ) AS chat ORDER BY pub_time; -- Re-sort by time for merging """ db_results = database.query(db_conn, query, start_time=start_time if start_time is not None else '-infinity', end_time=end_time if end_time is not None else 'infinity', ts_query=ts_query) # Number of messages n_m = db_results.rowcount # Get duration for message frequency calculation bus_duration = database.query(db_conn, """ --sql SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM max(pub_time) - min(pub_time)) AS bus_duration FROM chat; """ ).fetchone().bus_duration # Priors saying that an interesting event (p < 0.01) is when three messages per minute are posted, giving the # equivalent average 13 messages per minute a_p = 13.0 b_p = 60.0 # 0.01th quantile difference p = 0.01 l = b_p + bus_duration a = a_p + n_m # Lomax distribution is posterior predictive for exponential message_duration_diff = l * ((1 - p)**-(1/a) - 1) current_result = Result() results = [] for chat_line in db_results: # Current result set is new if not # New message is within window elif (chat_line.pub_time -[-1].pub_time).total_seconds() <= message_duration_diff: # New message is outside window else: # Current run has more than one message: save it if len( > 1: results.append(current_result) # Start new run current_result = Result(chat=[chat_line]) if len( > 1: results.append(current_result) return results def load_results_data(db_conn, results): """ Replace chat and transcript with all entries in result's timeframe. """ # ggroup = Pool(size=30) # results = result: load_result_data(db_manager, result), results) result_timespans = [(i, result.start_time, result.end_time) for (i, result) in enumerate(results)] # Clear lists so we can later insert new lines for result in results: = [] result.transcript = [] cur = db_conn.cursor() execute_values(cur, """ --sql WITH timespans (id, start_time, end_time) AS (VALUES %s) SELECT, pub_time, content->'tags'->>'display-name' AS name, content->'params'->>1 AS content FROM timespans JOIN chat ON (pub_time BETWEEN start_time AND end_time); """, result_timespans ) for chat_line in cur: results[].chat.append(chat_line) execute_values(cur, """ --sql WITH timespans (id, start_time, end_time) AS (VALUES %s) SELECT, buscribe_transcriptions.start_time, buscribe_transcriptions.end_time, names, buscribe_transcriptions.transcription_line FROM timespans JOIN buscribe_transcriptions ON ( buscribe_transcriptions.start_time >= timespans.start_time AND buscribe_transcriptions.start_time <= timespans.end_time AND buscribe_transcriptions.end_time >= timespans.start_time AND buscribe_transcriptions.end_time <= timespans.end_time ) LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT line, ARRAY( SELECT speaker_name FROM buscribe_line_inferred_speakers AS inner_speakers WHERE inner_speakers.line = buscribe_line_inferred_speakers.line ) AS names FROM buscribe_line_inferred_speakers ) AS inferred_speakers ON = inferred_speakers.line; """, result_timespans ) for transcript_line in cur: results[].transcript.append(transcript_line) return results def merge_results(transcript: list[Result], vst: list[Result], chat: list[Result], limit: int, offset = 0): """ Merge different types of results in order of importance. First, merge anything that overlaps with a VST clip into the clip's result. Second, merge any chat the overlaps with transcripts into the transcript. Finally, append remaining chats. """ transcript_i = 0 chat_i = 0 # Merge transcript and chat into vst for vst_result in vst: while transcript_i < len(transcript) and transcript[transcript_i].start_time < vst_result.end_time: if overlap(vst_result, transcript[transcript_i]): vst_result.transcript.extend( transcript.pop(transcript_i).transcript) else: transcript_i += 1 while chat_i < len(chat) and chat[chat_i].start_time < vst_result.end_time: if overlap(vst_result, chat[chat_i]): else: chat_i += 1 chat_i = 0 # Merge chat into transcript for transcript_result in transcript: while chat_i < len(chat) and chat[chat_i].start_time < transcript_result.end_time: if overlap(transcript_result, chat[chat_i]): else: chat_i += 1 merged = transcript + vst + chat merged.sort(key=lambda result: result.start_time) merged.sort(key=lambda result: result.weight, reverse=True) return merged[offset:min((offset + limit), len(merged))] def overlap(result_a, result_b): """ A |---------| B |---| or A |-----| B |---| or A |---| B |---| """ return result_b.start_time >= result_a.start_time and result_b.start_time <= result_a.end_time or \ result_b.end_time >= result_a.start_time and result_b.end_time <= result_a.end_time