import datetime
from functools import wraps
import json
import logging
import re
import argh
import base64
import binascii
import flask
import gevent
import gevent . backdoor
from gevent . pywsgi import WSGIServer
import prometheus_client
from psycopg2 import sql
import common
from common import database , dateutil
from common . flask_stats import request_stats , after_request
import google . oauth2 . id_token
import google . auth . transport . requests
app = flask . Flask ( ' thrimshim ' )
app . after_request ( after_request )
MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 100 # Youtube only allows 100-character titles
MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 5000 # Youtube only allows 5000-character descriptions
DESCRIPTION_PLAYLISTS_HEADER = " This video is part of the following playlists: "
def cors ( app ) :
""" WSGI middleware that sets CORS headers """
( " Access-Control-Allow-Credentials " , " false " ) ,
( " Access-Control-Allow-Headers " , " * " ) ,
( " Access-Control-Allow-Methods " , " GET,POST,HEAD " ) ,
( " Access-Control-Allow-Origin " , " * " ) ,
( " Access-Control-Max-Age " , " 86400 " ) ,
def handle ( environ , start_response ) :
def _start_response ( status , headers , exc_info = None ) :
headers + = HEADERS
return start_response ( status , headers , exc_info )
return app ( environ , _start_response )
return handle
def check_user ( request , role ) :
""" " Authenticate a token against the database to authenticate a user.
Reference : https : / / developers . google . com / identity / sign - in / web / backend - auth """
try :
userToken = request . json [ ' token ' ]
except ( KeyError , TypeError ) :
return ' User token required ' , 401
# check whether token is valid
try :
idinfo = google . oauth2 . id_token . verify_oauth2_token ( userToken , google . auth . transport . requests . Request ( ) , None )
if idinfo [ ' iss ' ] not in [ ' ' , ' ' ] :
raise ValueError ( ' Wrong issuer. ' )
except ValueError :
return ' Invalid token. Access denied. ' , 403
# check whether user is in the database
email = idinfo [ ' email ' ] . lower ( )
conn = app . db_manager . get_conn ( )
query = sql . SQL ( """
FROM roles
WHERE lower ( email ) = % ( email ) s AND { }
""" ).format(sql.Identifier(role))
results = database . query ( conn , query , email = email )
row = results . fetchone ( )
if row is None :
return ' Unknown user. Access denied. ' , 403
return email , 200
def authenticate_artist ( f ) :
""" " Authenticate an artist. """
@wraps ( f )
def artist_auth_wrapper ( * args , * * kwargs ) :
if app . no_authentication :
return f ( * args , editor = ' NOT_AUTH ' , * * kwargs )
message , code = check_user ( flask . request , ' artist ' )
if code != 200 :
return message , code
return f ( * args , artist = message , * * kwargs )
return artist_auth_wrapper
def authenticate_editor ( f ) :
""" Authenticate an editor. """
@wraps ( f )
def editor_auth_wrapper ( * args , * * kwargs ) :
if app . no_authentication :
return f ( * args , editor = ' NOT_AUTH ' , * * kwargs )
message , code = check_user ( flask . request , ' editor ' )
if code != 200 :
return message , code
return f ( * args , editor = message , * * kwargs )
return editor_auth_wrapper
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/auth-test ' , methods = [ ' POST ' ] )
def test ( editor = None ) :
return json . dumps ( editor )
# To make nginx proxying simpler, we want to allow /metrics/* to work
@app.route ( ' /metrics/<trailing> ' )
def metrics_with_trailing ( trailing ) :
""" Expose Prometheus metrics. """
return prometheus_client . generate_latest ( )
@app.route ( ' /metrics ' )
def metrics ( ) :
""" Expose Prometheus metrics. """
return prometheus_client . generate_latest ( )
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim ' )
def get_all_rows ( ) :
""" Gets all rows from the events table from the database """
conn = app . db_manager . get_conn ( )
results = database . query ( conn , """
FROM events
ORDER BY event_start
""" )
rows = [ ]
for row in results :
row = row . _asdict ( )
row [ ' id ' ] = str ( row [ ' id ' ] )
row = {
key : (
value . isoformat ( ) if isinstance ( value , datetime . datetime )
else value
) for key , value in row . items ( )
rows . append ( row )
logging . info ( ' All rows fetched ' )
return to_json ( rows )
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/defaults ' )
def get_defaults ( ) :
""" Get default info needed by thrimbletrimmer when not loading a specific row. """
return to_json ( {
" video_channel " : app . default_channel ,
" bustime_start " : app . bustime_start ,
" title_prefix " : app . title_header ,
" title_max_length " : MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - len ( app . title_header ) ,
" upload_locations " : app . upload_locations ,
} )
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/transitions ' )
def get_transitions ( ) :
""" Get info on available transitions. Returns a list of { name, description}. """
items = [
( name , description ) for name , description in KNOWN_XFADE_TRANSITIONS . items ( )
] + [
( name , description ) for name , ( description , expr ) in CUSTOM_XFADE_TRANSITIONS . items ( )
return [
{ " name " : name , " description " : description }
for name , description in items
def to_json ( obj ) :
def convert ( value ) :
if isinstance ( value , datetime . datetime ) :
return value . isoformat ( )
if isinstance ( value , datetime . timedelta ) :
return value . total_seconds ( )
if isinstance ( value , memoryview ) or isinstance ( value , bytes ) :
return base64 . b64encode ( bytes ( value ) ) . decode ( )
raise TypeError ( f " Can ' t convert object of type { value . __class__ . __name__ } to JSON: { value } " )
return json . dumps ( obj , default = convert )
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/<ident> ' , methods = [ ' GET ' ] )
def get_row ( ident ) :
""" Gets the row from the database with id == ident. """
conn = app . db_manager . get_conn ( )
results = database . query ( conn , """
FROM events
WHERE id = % s
""" , ident)
row = results . fetchone ( )
if row is None :
return ' Row id = {} not found ' . format ( ident ) , 404
assert row . id == ident
response = row . _asdict ( )
is_archive = response [ " sheet_name " ] == app . archive_sheet
response [ ' id ' ] = str ( response [ ' id ' ] )
if response [ " video_channel " ] is None :
response [ " video_channel " ] = app . default_channel
# Unwrap end time (dashed, value) to just value
response [ " event_end " ] = response [ " event_end " ] [ 1 ]
title_header = " " if is_archive else app . title_header
response [ " title_prefix " ] = title_header
response [ " title_max_length " ] = MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - len ( title_header )
response [ " bustime_start " ] = app . bustime_start
if is_archive :
# move archive location to the front of the list (or add it if not present)
response [ " upload_locations " ] = [ app . archive_location ] + [
location for location in app . upload_locations if location != app . archive_location
else :
response [ " upload_locations " ] = app . upload_locations
# archive events always have allow_holes on
if is_archive :
response [ " allow_holes " ] = True
# pick default thumbnail template based on start time.
# pick default frame time as the middle of the video.
# ignore both if video has no start time yet.
# or for archive events, no thumbnail.
" zeta-right " ,
" dawnguard-right " ,
" alphaflight-right " ,
" nightwatch-right " ,
if is_archive :
response [ " thumbnail_mode " ] = " NONE "
elif response [ ' event_start ' ] is not None :
start = response [ ' event_start ' ]
if response [ ' thumbnail_template ' ] is None :
# RDPs default to the RDP template. Others use the current shift.
if response [ ' category ' ] == " RDP " :
response [ ' thumbnail_template ' ] = " rdp "
else :
pst_hour = ( start . hour - 8 ) % 24
shift = int ( pst_hour / 6 )
response [ ' thumbnail_template ' ] = DEFAULT_TEMPLATES [ shift ]
if response [ ' thumbnail_time ' ] is None :
if response [ ' event_end ' ] is not None :
# take full duration, and add half to start to get halfway
duration = response [ ' event_end ' ] - start
response [ ' thumbnail_time ' ] = start + duration / 2
else :
# no end time, just use start time as default frame
response [ ' thumbnail_time ' ] = start
# remove any added headers or footers so round-tripping is a no-op
if (
and response [ " video_title " ] is not None
and response [ " video_title " ] . startswith ( title_header )
) :
response [ " video_title " ] = response [ " video_title " ] [ len ( title_header ) : ]
description_playlist_re = re . compile ( r " \ n \ n( {} \ n(- .* \ [ \ ?list=[A-Za-z0-9_-]+ \ ] \ n)+ \ n)? {} $ " . format (
re . escape ( app . description_footer ) ,
) )
if ( not is_archive ) and response [ " video_description " ] is not None :
match = description_playlist_re . search ( response [ " video_description " ] )
if match :
response [ " video_description " ] = response [ " video_description " ] [ : match . start ( ) ]
logging . info ( ' Row {} fetched ' . format ( ident ) )
return to_json ( response )
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/<ident> ' , methods = [ ' POST ' ] )
def update_row ( ident , editor = None ) :
""" Updates row of database with id = ident with the edit columns in new_row. """
new_row = flask . request . json
override_changes = new_row . get ( ' override_changes ' , False )
state_columns = [ ' state ' , ' uploader ' , ' error ' , ' video_link ' ]
# These have to be set before a video can be set as 'EDITED'
non_null_columns = [
' upload_location ' , ' video_ranges ' , ' video_transitions ' ,
' video_channel ' , ' video_quality ' , ' video_title ' ,
' video_description ' , ' video_tags ' , ' thumbnail_mode ' , ' public '
edit_columns = non_null_columns + [
' allow_holes ' , ' uploader_whitelist ' , ' thumbnail_time ' , ' thumbnail_template ' ,
' thumbnail_image ' , ' thumbnail_crop ' , ' thumbnail_location ' ,
sheet_columns = [
' sheet_name ' , ' event_start ' , ' event_end ' ,
' category ' , ' description ' , ' notes ' , ' tags ' ,
# These columns may be modified when a video is in state 'DONE',
# and are a subset of edit_columns.
modifiable_columns = [
' video_title ' , ' video_description ' , ' video_tags ' , ' public ' ,
' thumbnail_mode ' , ' thumbnail_time ' , ' thumbnail_template ' ,
' thumbnail_image ' , ' thumbnail_crop ' , ' thumbnail_location ' ,
assert set ( modifiable_columns ) - set ( edit_columns ) == set ( )
# Check vital edit columns are in new_row
wanted = set ( non_null_columns + [ ' state ' ] + sheet_columns )
missing = wanted - set ( new_row )
if missing :
return ' Fields missing in JSON: {} ' . format ( ' , ' . join ( missing ) ) , 400
# Get rid of irrelevant columns
extras = set ( new_row ) - set ( edit_columns + state_columns + sheet_columns )
for extra in extras :
del new_row [ extra ]
# Everything that follows happens in a single transaction
with app . db_manager . get_conn ( ) as conn :
# Check a row with id = ident is in the database.
# Lock the row to prevent concurrent updates while we check the transition validity.
built_query = sql . SQL ( """
SELECT id , state , { }
FROM events
WHERE id = % s
""" ).format(sql.SQL( ' , ' ).join(
sql . Identifier ( key ) for key in sheet_columns
) )
results = database . query ( conn , built_query , ident )
old_row = results . fetchone ( ) . _asdict ( )
if old_row is None :
return ' Row {} not found ' . format ( ident ) , 404
assert old_row [ ' id ' ] == ident
is_archive = old_row [ " sheet_name " ] == app . archive_sheet
# archive events skip title and description munging
if not is_archive :
playlists = database . query ( conn , """
SELECT playlist_id , name , tags
FROM playlists
WHERE show_in_description AND tags IS NOT NULL AND playlist_id IS NOT NULL
""" )
# Filter for matching playlists for this video
playlists = [
playlist for playlist in playlists
if all (
tag . lower ( ) in [ t . lower ( ) for t in old_row [ ' tags ' ] ]
for tag in playlist . tags
# Include headers and footers
new_row [ ' video_title ' ] = app . title_header + new_row [ ' video_title ' ]
description_lines = [ ]
if playlists :
# NOTE: If you change this format, you need to also change the regex that matches this
# on the GET handler.
description_lines . append ( DESCRIPTION_PLAYLISTS_HEADER )
description_lines + = [
" - {} [ {} ] " . format ( playlist . name , playlist . playlist_id )
for playlist in playlists
description_lines . append ( ' ' ) # blank line before footer
description_lines . append ( app . description_footer )
new_row [ ' video_description ' ] + = " \n \n " + " \n " . join ( description_lines )
# Validate youtube requirements on title and description
if len ( new_row [ ' video_title ' ] ) > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH :
return ' Title must be {} characters or less, including prefix ' . format ( MAX_TITLE_LENGTH ) , 400
if len ( new_row [ ' video_description ' ] ) > MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH :
return ' Description must be {} characters or less, including footer ' . format ( MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH ) , 400
for char in [ ' < ' , ' > ' ] :
if char in new_row [ ' video_title ' ] :
return ' Title may not contain a {} character ' . format ( char ) , 400
if char in new_row [ ' video_description ' ] :
return ' Description may not contain a {} character ' . format ( char ) , 400
# Validate and convert video ranges and transitions.
num_ranges = len ( new_row [ ' video_ranges ' ] )
if num_ranges == 0 :
return ' Ranges must contain at least one range ' , 400
if len ( new_row [ ' video_transitions ' ] ) != num_ranges - 1 :
return ' There must be exactly {} transitions for {} ranges ' . format (
num_ranges - 1 , num_ranges ,
for start , end in new_row [ ' video_ranges ' ] :
if start > end :
return ' Range start must be less than end ' , 400
# We need these to be tuples not lists for psycopg2 to do the right thing,
# but since they come in as JSON they are currently lists.
new_row [ ' video_ranges ' ] = [ tuple ( range ) for range in new_row [ ' video_ranges ' ] ]
new_row [ ' video_transitions ' ] = [
None if transition is None else tuple ( transition )
for transition in new_row [ ' video_transitions ' ]
# Convert binary fields from base64 and do basic validation of contents
if new_row . get ( ' thumbnail_image ' ) is not None :
if new_row [ ' thumbnail_mode ' ] != ' CUSTOM ' :
return ' Can only upload custom image when thumbnail_mode = " CUSTOM " ' , 400
try :
new_row [ ' thumbnail_image ' ] = base64 . b64decode ( new_row [ ' thumbnail_image ' ] )
except binascii . Error :
return ' thumbnail_image must be valid base64 ' , 400
# check for PNG file header
if not new_row [ ' thumbnail_image ' ] . startswith ( b ' \x89 PNG \r \n \x1a \n ' ) :
return ' thumbnail_image must be a PNG ' , 400
if new_row [ ' state ' ] == ' MODIFIED ' :
if old_row [ ' state ' ] not in [ ' DONE ' , ' MODIFIED ' ] :
return ' Video is in state {} and cannot be modified ' . format ( old_row [ ' state ' ] ) , 403
elif old_row [ ' state ' ] not in [ ' UNEDITED ' , ' EDITED ' , ' CLAIMED ' ] :
return ' Video already published ' , 403
# check whether row has been changed in the sheet since editing has begun
changes = ' '
for column in sheet_columns :
if column == " event_end " :
# convert (dashed, value) to value
old_row [ column ] = old_row [ column ] [ 1 ]
if isinstance ( old_row [ column ] , datetime . datetime ) :
old_row [ column ] = old_row [ column ] . isoformat ( )
def normalize ( value ) :
if isinstance ( value , list ) :
return sorted ( map ( normalize , value ) )
if value is None :
return None
return value . lower ( ) . strip ( )
if normalize ( new_row [ column ] ) != normalize ( old_row [ column ] ) :
changes + = ' {} : {} => {} \n ' . format ( column , new_row [ column ] , old_row [ column ] )
if changes and not override_changes :
return ' Sheet columns have changed since editing has begun. Please review changes \n ' + changes , 409
if new_row [ ' state ' ] == ' MODIFIED ' :
missing = [ ]
# Modifying published rows is more limited, we ignore all other fields.
for column in set ( modifiable_columns ) & set ( non_null_columns ) :
if new_row . get ( column ) is None :
missing . append ( column )
if missing :
return ' Fields {} must be non-null for modified video ' . format ( ' , ' . join ( missing ) ) , 400
build_query = sql . SQL ( """
UPDATE events
SET last_modified = NOW ( ) , error = NULL , state = ' MODIFIED ' , { }
WHERE id = % ( id ) s AND state IN ( ' DONE ' , ' MODIFIED ' )
""" ).format(sql.SQL( " , " ).join(
sql . SQL ( " {} = {} " ) . format (
sql . Identifier ( column ) , database . get_column_placeholder ( column ) ,
) for column in set ( modifiable_columns ) & set ( new_row )
) )
result = database . query ( conn , build_query , id = ident , * * new_row )
if result . rowcount != 1 :
return ' Video changed state while we were updating - maybe it was reset? ' , 409
else :
# handle state columns
if new_row [ ' state ' ] == ' EDITED ' :
missing = [ ]
for column in non_null_columns :
if new_row [ column ] is None :
missing . append ( column )
if missing :
return ' Fields {} must be non-null for video to be cut ' . format ( ' , ' . join ( missing ) ) , 400
if len ( new_row . get ( ' video_title ' , ' ' ) ) < = len ( app . title_header ) and not is_archive :
return ' Video title must not be blank ' , 400
elif new_row [ ' state ' ] != ' UNEDITED ' :
return ' Invalid state {} ' . format ( new_row [ ' state ' ] ) , 400
new_row [ ' uploader ' ] = None
new_row [ ' error ' ] = None
new_row [ ' editor ' ] = editor
new_row [ ' edit_time ' ] = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
# actually update database
build_query = sql . SQL ( """
UPDATE events
SET { }
WHERE id = % ( id ) s
AND state IN ( ' UNEDITED ' , ' EDITED ' , ' CLAIMED ' ) """
) . format ( sql . SQL ( " , " ) . join (
sql . SQL ( " {} = {} " ) . format (
sql . Identifier ( column ) , database . get_column_placeholder ( column ) ,
) for column in new_row . keys ( ) if column not in sheet_columns
) )
result = database . query ( conn , build_query , id = ident , * * new_row )
if result . rowcount != 1 :
return ' Video likely already published ' , 403
_write_audit_log ( conn , ident , " update-row " , editor , old_row , new_row )
logging . info ( ' Row {} updated to state {} ' . format ( ident , new_row [ ' state ' ] ) )
return ' ' , 201
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/manual-link/<ident> ' , methods = [ ' POST ' ] )
def manual_link ( ident , editor = None ) :
""" Manually set a video_link if the state is ' UNEDITED ' or ' DONE ' and the
upload_location is ' manual ' or ' youtube-manual ' . """
link = flask . request . json [ ' link ' ]
upload_location = flask . request . json . get ( ' upload_location ' , ' manual ' )
if upload_location == ' youtube-manual ' :
YOUTUBE_URL_RE = r ' ^https?://(?:youtu \ .be/| \ ?v=)([a-zA-Z0-9_-] {11} )$ '
match = re . match ( YOUTUBE_URL_RE , link )
if not match :
return ' Link does not appear to be a or video link. Try removing any extra query params (after the video id). ' , 400
video_id , = match . groups ( )
elif upload_location == ' manual ' :
video_id = None
else :
return ' Upload location must be " manual " or " youtube-manual " ' , 400
with app . db_manager . get_conn ( ) as conn :
results = database . query ( conn , """
SELECT id , state
FROM events
WHERE id = % s
""" , ident)
old_row = results . fetchone ( )
if old_row is None :
return ' Row {} not found ' . format ( ident ) , 404
if old_row . state != ' UNEDITED ' :
return ' Invalid state {} for manual video link ' . format ( old_row . state ) , 403
now = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
# note we force thumbnail mode of manual uploads to always be NONE,
# since they might not be a video we actually control at all, or might not even be on youtube.
result = database . query ( conn , """
UPDATE events
SET state = ' DONE ' , upload_location = % s , video_link = % s , video_id = % s ,
editor = % s , edit_time = % s , upload_time = % s , thumbnail_mode = ' NONE '
WHERE id = % s AND state = ' UNEDITED '
""" , upload_location, link, video_id, editor, now, now, ident)
if result . rowcount != 1 :
return ' Video changed state while we were updating - maybe it was reset? ' , 409
_write_audit_log ( conn , ident , " manual-link " , editor , new_row = {
" state " : " DONE " ,
" upload_location " : upload_location ,
" video_link " : link ,
" video_id " : video_id ,
" editor " : editor ,
" thumbnail_mode " : None ,
} )
logging . info ( " Row {} video_link set to {} " . format ( ident , link ) )
return ' '
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/reset/<ident> ' , methods = [ ' POST ' ] )
def reset_row ( ident , editor = None ) :
""" Clear state and video_link columns and reset state to ' UNEDITED ' .
If force is ' true ' , it will do so regardless of current state .
Otherwise , it will only do so if we know no video has been uploaded
force = ( flask . request . args . get ( ' force ' , ' ' ) . lower ( ) == " true " )
with app . db_manager . get_conn ( ) as conn :
query = """
UPDATE events
SET state = ' UNEDITED ' , error = NULL , video_id = NULL , video_link = NULL ,
uploader = NULL , editor = NULL , edit_time = NULL , upload_time = NULL ,
last_modified = NULL
WHERE id = % s { }
""" .format(
" " if force else " AND state IN ( ' UNEDITED ' , ' EDITED ' , ' CLAIMED ' ) " ,
results = database . query ( conn , query , ident )
if results . rowcount != 1 :
return ' Row id = {} not found or not in cancellable state ' . format ( ident ) , 404
_write_audit_log ( conn , ident , " reset-row " , editor )
logging . info ( " Row {} reset to ' UNEDITED ' " . format ( ident ) )
return ' '
def _write_audit_log ( conn , ident , api_action , editor , old_row = None , new_row = None ) :
database . query ( conn , """
INSERT INTO events_edits_audit_log ( id , api_action , editor , old_data , new_data )
VALUES ( % ( id ) s , % ( api_action ) s , % ( editor ) s , % ( old_row ) s , % ( new_row ) s )
""" , id=ident, api_action=api_action, editor=editor, old_row=to_json(old_row), new_row=to_json(new_row))
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/templates ' )
def list_templates ( ) :
""" List names of thumbnail templates in the database. """
with app . db_manager . get_conn ( ) as conn :
query = """
SELECT name , description , attribution , crop , location FROM templates ORDER BY name
results = database . query ( conn , query )
logging . info ( ' List of thumbnail templates fetched ' )
return json . dumps ( [ row . _asdict ( ) for row in results . fetchall ( ) ] )
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/template/<name>.png ' )
def get_template ( name ) :
""" Get a thumbnail template in PNG form """
with app . db_manager . get_conn ( ) as conn :
query = """
SELECT image FROM templates WHERE name = % s
results = database . query ( conn , query , name )
row = results . fetchone ( )
if row is None :
return ' Template {} not found ' . format ( name ) , 404
image = row [ 0 ]
logging . info ( ' Thumbnail image of {} fetched ' . format ( name ) )
return flask . Response ( image , mimetype = ' image/png ' )
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/template-metadata/<name> ' )
def get_template_metadata ( name ) :
""" Get the metadata for a thumbnail as JSON """
with app . db_manager . get_conn ( ) as conn :
query = """
SELECT name , description , attribution , crop , location FROM templates WHERE name = % s
results = database . query ( conn , query , name )
row = results . fetchone ( )
if row is None :
return ' Template {} not found ' . format ( name ) , 404
logging . info ( ' Thumbnail metadata of {} fetched ' . format ( name ) )
return json . dumps ( row . _asdict ( ) )
def validate_template ( new_template ) :
columns = [ ' name ' , ' image ' , ' description ' , ' attribution ' , ' crop ' , ' location ' ]
#check for missing fields
missing = set ( columns ) - set ( new_template )
if missing :
return None , ' Fields missing in JSON: {} ' . format ( ' , ' . join ( missing ) ) , 400
# delete any extras
extras = set ( new_template ) - set ( columns )
for extra in extras :
del new_template [ extra ]
#convert and validate template image
try :
new_template [ ' image ' ] = base64 . b64decode ( new_template [ ' image ' ] )
except binascii . Error :
return None , ' Template image must be valid base64 ' , 400
# check for PNG file header
if not new_template [ ' thumbnail_image ' ] . startswith ( b ' \x89 PNG \r \n \x1a \n ' ) :
return None , ' Template image must be a PNG ' , 400
return columns , new_template , 200
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/add-template ' , methods = [ ' POST ' ] )
def add_template ( artist = None ) :
""" Add a template to the database """
columns , message , code = validate_template ( flask . request . json )
if code != 200 :
return message , code
new_template = message
with app . db_manager . get_conn ( ) as conn :
#check if name is already in the database
query = sql . SQL ( """
SELECT name FROM events WHERE name = % s
""" )
results = database . query ( conn , query , new_template [ ' name ' ] )
if results . fetchone ( ) is not None :
return ' Template with name {} already exists ' . format ( new_template [ ' name ' ] ) , 400
query = sql . SQL ( """
INSERT INTO templates ( { } )
VALUES ( { } )
""" ).format(
sql . SQL ( " , " ) . join ( sql . Identifier ( column ) for column in columns ) ,
sql . SQL ( " , " ) . join ( database . get_column_placeholder ( column ) for column in columns ) ,
database . query ( conn , query , * * new_template )
logging . info ( ' Thumbnail template {} added ' . format ( new_template [ ' name ' ] ) )
return ' ' , 201
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/update-template/<name> ' , methods = [ ' POST ' ] )
def update_template ( name , artist = None ) :
""" Update a template in the database """
columns , message , code = validate_template ( flask . request . json )
if code != 200 :
return message , code
new_template = message
with app . db_manage . get_conn ( ) as conn :
#check if template is in database
query = sql . SQL ( """
SELECT name FROM events WHERE name = % s
""" )
results = database . query ( conn , query , name )
if results . fetchone ( ) is None :
return ' Template with name {} does not exist ' . format ( name ) , 400
# check if new name is in database
query = sql . SQL ( """
SELECT name FROM events WHERE name = % s
""" )
results = database . query ( conn , query , new_template [ ' name ' ] )
if results . fetchone ( ) is not None :
return ' Template with name {} already exists ' . format ( new_template [ ' name ' ] ) , 400
query = sql . SQL ( """
UPDATE templates
SET { }
WHERE name = % ( old_name ) s
""" ).format(sql.SQL( " , " ).join(
sql . SQL ( " {} = {} " ) . format (
sql . Identifier ( column ) , database . get_column_placeholder ( column ) ,
) for column in columns ) )
database . query ( conn , query , old_name = name , * * new_template )
if name == new_template [ ' name ' ] :
logging . info ( ' Thumbnail template {} updated ' . format ( name ) )
else :
logging . info ( ' Thumbnail template {} renamed to {} and updated ' . format ( name , new_template [ ' name ' ] ) )
return ' ' , 200
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/event-thumbnail/<ident>.png ' )
def get_thumbnail ( ident ) :
" Get the thumbnail for an event in PNG form "
with app . db_manager . get_conn ( ) as conn :
query = """
SELECT thumbnail_mode , thumbnail_image FROM events WHERE id = % s
results = database . query ( conn , query , ident )
row = results . fetchone ( )
if row is None :
return ' Event {} not found ' . format ( ident ) , 404
event = row . _asdict ( )
if event [ ' thumbnail_mode ' ] != ' NONE ' and event [ ' thumbnail_image ' ] :
logging . info ( ' Thumbnail for event {} fetched ' . format ( ident ) )
return flask . Response ( event [ ' thumbnail_image ' ] , mimetype = ' image/png ' )
else :
return ' ' , 404
@app.route ( ' /thrimshim/bus/<channel> ' )
def get_odometer ( channel ) :
""" Not directly thrimbletrimmer related but easiest to put here as we have DB access.
Checks DB for the most recent odometer reading as of ` time ` param ( default now ) .
However , won ' t consider readings older than `range` param (default 1 minute)
You can also pass ` extrapolate ` = ` true ` to try to extrapolate the reading at your requested time
based on the last known time . Note it will still only look within ` range ` for the last known time .
If it can ' t find a reading, returns 0.
time = flask . request . args . get ( " time " )
if time is None :
time = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
else :
time = dateutil . parse ( time )
range = int ( flask . request . args . get ( " range " , " 60 " ) )
range = datetime . timedelta ( seconds = range )
extrapolate = ( flask . request . args . get ( " extrapolate " ) == " true " )
conn = app . db_manager . get_conn ( )
start = time - range
end = time
# Get newest non-errored row within time range
# Exclude obviously wrong values, in particular 7000 which 1000 is mistaken for.
results = database . query ( conn , """
SELECT timestamp , odometer
FROM bus_data
AND odometer > = 109
AND odometer < 7000
AND channel = % ( channel ) s
AND timestamp > % ( start ) s
AND timestamp < = % ( end ) s
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
""" , channel=channel, start=start, end=end)
result = results . fetchone ( )
if result is None :
odometer = None
elif extrapolate :
# Current extrapolate strategy is very simple: presume we're going at full speed (45mph).
SPEED = 45. / 3600 # in miles per second
delta_t = ( time - result . timestamp ) . total_seconds ( )
delta_odo = delta_t * SPEED
odometer = result . odometer + delta_odo
else :
odometer = result . odometer
results = database . query ( conn , """
SELECT timestamp , clock , timeofday
FROM bus_data
AND timeofday IS NOT NULL
AND channel = % ( channel ) s
AND timestamp > % ( start ) s
AND timestamp < = % ( end ) s
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
""" , channel=channel, start=start, end=end)
result = results . fetchone ( )
if result is None :
clock24h = None
timeofday = None
clock_face = None
else :
clock12h = result . clock
timeofday = result . timeofday
clock24h = clock12h
if time_is_pm ( conn , result . timestamp , clock12h , timeofday ) :
clock24h + = 720
if extrapolate :
delta_t = ( time - result . timestamp ) . total_seconds ( )
clock12h + = delta_t
clock24h + = delta_t
clock12h % = 720
clock24h % = 1440
clock_face = " {} : {:02d} " . format ( clock12h / / 60 , int ( clock12h % 60 ) )
return {
" odometer " : odometer ,
" clock_minutes " : clock24h ,
" clock " : clock_face ,
" timeofday " : timeofday ,
def time_is_pm ( conn , timestamp , clock , timeofday ) :
if timeofday == " day " :
# before 7:30 is pm
return clock < 7 * 60 + 30
if timeofday == " dusk " :
return True
if timeofday == " night " :
# after 8:00 is pm
return clock > = 8 * 60
# dawn
# before 6:40 is pm
if clock < 6 * 60 + 40 :
return True
# after 7:00 is am
if clock > = 7 * 60 :
return False
# 6:40 to 7:00 is ambiguous, let's look backwards from our timestamp to see how long ago night was
results = database . query ( conn , """
SELECT timestamp
FROM bus_data
WHERE timeofday = ' night '
AND timestamp < % s
""" , timestamp)
result = results . fetchone ( )
if result is None :
# Can't determine night time, assume it as a long time ago
return True
since_night = timestamp - result . timestamp
# Pick PM if night was more than 4h ago.
return since_night . total_seconds ( ) > 4 * 60 * 60
@argh.arg ( ' --host ' , help = ' Address or socket server will listen to. Default is (everything on the local machine). ' )
@argh.arg ( ' --port ' , help = ' Port server will listen on. Default is 8004. ' )
@argh.arg ( ' connection-string ' , help = ' Postgres connection string, which is either a space-separated list of key=value pairs, or a URI like: postgresql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/DBNAME?KEY=VALUE ' )
@argh.arg ( ' default-channel ' , help = ' The default video_channel sent to the editor and assumed if not given on write ' )
@argh.arg ( ' bustime-start ' , help = ' The start time in UTC for the event, for UTC-Bustime conversion ' )
@argh.arg ( ' --backdoor-port ' , help = ' Port for gevent.backdoor access. By default disabled. ' )
@argh.arg ( ' --no-authentication ' , help = ' Bypass authentication (act as though all calls are authenticated) ' )
@argh.arg ( ' --title-header ' , help = ' A header to prefix all titles with, seperated from the submitted title by " - " ' )
@argh.arg ( ' --description-footer ' , help = ' A footer to suffix all descriptions with, seperated from the submitted description by a blank line. ' )
@argh.arg ( ' --upload-locations ' , help = ' A comma-seperated list of valid upload locations, to pass to thrimbletrimmer. The first is the default. Note this is NOT validated on write. ' )
@argh.arg ( ' --archive-sheet ' , help = " \n " . join ( [
' Events with this value for the sheet_name field are treated as " archive " events with different behaviour. In particular: ' ,
' - The value of --archive-location is prepended to the upload locations, making it the default location. ' ,
' - Title and description modifications (eg. --title-header) are not applied. ' ,
' - allow_holes is enabled by default. ' ,
' - Thumbnail mode defaults to NONE. ' ,
] ) )
@argh.arg ( ' --archive-location ' , help = " Default upload location for archive sheet events, see --archive-sheet " )
def main (
connection_string , default_channel , bustime_start , host = ' ' , port = 8004 , backdoor_port = 0 ,
no_authentication = False , title_header = None , description_footer = None , upload_locations = ' ' ,
archive_sheet = None , archive_location = None ,
) :
server = WSGIServer ( ( host , port ) , cors ( app ) )
app . no_authentication = no_authentication
app . default_channel = default_channel
app . bustime_start = bustime_start
app . title_header = " " if title_header is None else " {} - " . format ( title_header )
app . description_footer = " " if description_footer is None else description_footer
app . upload_locations = upload_locations . split ( ' , ' ) if upload_locations else [ ]
app . db_manager = database . DBManager ( dsn = connection_string )
if archive_sheet is not None and archive_location is None :
raise ValueError ( " Setting --archive-sheet also requires setting --archive-location " )
app . archive_sheet = archive_sheet
app . archive_location = archive_location
common . PromLogCountsHandler . install ( )
common . install_stacksampler ( )
if backdoor_port :
gevent . backdoor . BackdoorServer ( ( ' ' , backdoor_port ) , locals = locals ( ) ) . start ( )
if app . no_authentication :
logging . warning ( ' Not authenticating POST requests ' )
common . serve_with_graceful_shutdown ( server )