var DateTime = luxon.DateTime;
var Interval = luxon.Interval;
luxon.Settings.defaultZone = "utc";
var globalBusStartTime = DateTime.fromISO("1970-01-01T00:00:00");
var globalStreamName = "";
var globalStartTimeString = "";
var globalEndTimeString = "";
var globalPlayer = null;
var globalSetUpControls = false;
var globalSeekTimer = null;
Hls.DefaultConfig.maxBufferHole = 600;
const PLAYBACK_RATES = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2];
function commonPageSetup() {
if (!Hls.isSupported()) {
"Your browser doesn't support MediaSource extensions. Video playback and editing won't work."
const helpLink = document.getElementById("editor-help-link");
helpLink.addEventListener("click", toggleHelpDisplay);
const closeHelp = document.getElementById("editor-help-box-close");
closeHelp.addEventListener("click", (_event) => {
const helpBox = document.getElementById("editor-help-box");
function toggleHelpDisplay() {
const helpBox = document.getElementById("editor-help-box");
if (helpBox.classList.contains("hidden")) {
const helpLink = document.getElementById("editor-help-link");
helpBox.style.top = `${helpLink.offsetTop + helpLink.offsetHeight}px`;
} else {
function addError(errorText) {
const errorElement = document.createElement("div");
errorElement.innerText = errorText;
const dismissElement = document.createElement("a");
dismissElement.innerText = "[X]";
dismissElement.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
const errorHost = document.getElementById("errors");
const errorHost = document.getElementById("errors");
async function loadVideoPlayer(playlistURL) {
let rangedPlaylistURL = assembleVideoPlaylistURL(playlistURL);
const videoElement = document.getElementById("video");
videoElement.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", (_event) => {
globalPlayer = new Hls();
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
globalPlayer.on(Hls.Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED, () => {
const startTime = getStartTime();
const endTime = getEndTime();
if (endTime && endTime.diff(startTime).milliseconds < 0) {
"End time is before the start time. This will prevent video loading and cause other problems."
globalPlayer.on(Hls.Events.ERROR, (_event, data) => {
if (data.fatal) {
switch (data.type) {
case Hls.ErrorTypes.NETWORK_ERROR:
if (data.reason === "no level found in manifest") {
"There is no video data between the specified start and end times. Change the times so that there is video content to play."
} else {
console.log("A fatal network error occurred; retrying", data);
case Hls.ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR:
console.log("A fatal media error occurred; retrying", data);
console.log("A fatal error occurred; resetting video player", data);
"Some sort of video player error occurred. Thrimbletrimmer is resetting the video player."
} else {
console.log("A non-fatal video player error occurred; HLS.js will retry", data);
async function loadVideoPlayerFromDefaultPlaylist() {
const playlistURL = `/playlist/${globalStreamName}.m3u8`;
await loadVideoPlayer(playlistURL);
function resetVideoPlayer() {
function updateSegmentPlaylist() {
const videoElement = document.getElementById("video");
const currentPlaybackRate = videoElement.playbackRate;
// The playback rate isn't maintained when destroying and reattaching hls.js
videoElement.playbackRate = currentPlaybackRate;
function setUpVideoControls() {
// Setting this up so it's removed from the event doesn't work; loadedmetadata fires twice anyway.
// We still need to prevent double-setup, so here we are.
if (globalSetUpControls) {
globalSetUpControls = true;
const videoElement = document.getElementById("video");
const playPauseButton = document.getElementById("video-controls-play-pause");
if (videoElement.paused) {
playPauseButton.src = "images/video-controls/play.png";
} else {
playPauseButton.src = "images/video-controls/pause.png";
const togglePlayState = (_event) => {
if (videoElement.paused) {
} else {
playPauseButton.addEventListener("click", togglePlayState);
videoElement.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
if (!videoElement.controls) {
videoElement.addEventListener("play", (_event) => {
playPauseButton.src = "images/video-controls/pause.png";
videoElement.addEventListener("pause", (_event) => {
playPauseButton.src = "images/video-controls/play.png";
const currentTime = document.getElementById("video-controls-current-time");
currentTime.innerText = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime(videoElement.currentTime);
videoElement.addEventListener("timeupdate", (_event) => {
currentTime.innerText = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime(videoElement.currentTime);
const duration = document.getElementById("video-controls-duration");
duration.innerText = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime(videoElement.duration);
videoElement.addEventListener("durationchange", (_event) => {
duration.innerText = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime(videoElement.duration);
const volumeMuted = document.getElementById("video-controls-volume-mute");
if (videoElement.muted) {
volumeMuted.src = "images/video-controls/volume-mute.png";
} else {
volumeMuted.src = "images/video-controls/volume.png";
const volumeLevel = document.getElementById("video-controls-volume-level");
const defaultVolume = +(localStorage.getItem("volume") ?? 0.5);
if (isNaN(defaultVolume)) {
defaultVolume = 0.5;
} else if (defaultVolume < 0) {
defaultVolume = 0;
} else if (defaultVolume > 1) {
defaultVolume = 1;
videoElement.volume = defaultVolume;
volumeLevel.value = videoElement.volume;
volumeMuted.addEventListener("click", (_event) => {
videoElement.muted = !videoElement.muted;
volumeLevel.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
videoElement.volume = event.offsetX / event.target.offsetWidth;
videoElement.muted = false;
videoElement.addEventListener("volumechange", (_event) => {
if (videoElement.muted) {
volumeMuted.src = "images/video-controls/volume-mute.png";
} else {
volumeMuted.src = "images/video-controls/volume.png";
volumeLevel.value = videoElement.volume;
localStorage.setItem("volume", videoElement.volume);
const playbackSpeed = document.getElementById("video-controls-playback-speed");
for (const speed of PLAYBACK_RATES) {
const speedOption = document.createElement("option");
speedOption.value = speed;
speedOption.innerText = `${speed}x`;
if (speed === 1) {
speedOption.selected = true;
playbackSpeed.addEventListener("change", (_event) => {
const speed = +playbackSpeed.value;
videoElement.playbackRate = speed;
const quality = document.getElementById("video-controls-quality");
const defaultQuality = localStorage.getItem("quality");
for (const [qualityIndex, qualityLevel] of globalPlayer.levels.entries()) {
const qualityOption = document.createElement("option");
qualityOption.value = qualityIndex;
qualityOption.innerText = qualityLevel.name;
if (qualityLevel.name === defaultQuality) {
qualityOption.selected = true;
localStorage.setItem("quality", quality.options[quality.options.selectedIndex].innerText);
quality.addEventListener("change", (_event) => {
globalPlayer.currentLevel = +quality.value;
const fullscreen = document.getElementById("video-controls-fullscreen");
fullscreen.addEventListener("click", (_event) => {
if (document.fullscreenElement) {
} else {
videoElement.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", (_event) => {
if (document.fullscreenElement) {
videoElement.controls = true;
} else {
videoElement.controls = false;
const playbackPosition = document.getElementById("video-controls-playback-position");
playbackPosition.max = videoElement.duration;
playbackPosition.value = videoElement.currentTime;
videoElement.addEventListener("durationchange", (_event) => {
playbackPosition.max = videoElement.duration;
videoElement.addEventListener("timeupdate", (_event) => {
playbackPosition.value = videoElement.currentTime;
playbackPosition.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
const newPosition = (event.offsetX / event.target.offsetWidth) * videoElement.duration;
videoElement.currentTime = newPosition;
playbackPosition.value = newPosition;
/* Sometimes a mysterious issue occurs loading segments of the video when seeking.
* When this happens, twiddling the qualities tends to fix it. Here, we attempt to
* detect this situation and fix it automatically.
videoElement.addEventListener("seeking", (_event) => {
// If we don't get a "seeked" event soon after the "seeking" event, we assume there's
// a loading error.
// To handle this, we set up a timed handler to pick this up.
if (globalSeekTimer !== null) {
globalSeekTimer = null;
globalSeekTimer = setTimeout(() => {
const currentLevel = globalPlayer.currentLevel;
globalPlayer.currentLevel = -1;
globalPlayer.currentLevel = currentLevel;
}, 500);
videoElement.addEventListener("seeked", (_event) => {
// Since we got the seek, cancel the timed twiddling of qualities
if (globalSeekTimer !== null) {
globalSeekTimer = null;
function dateTimeMathObjectFromBusTime(busTime) {
// We need to handle inputs like "-0:10:15" in a way that consistently makes the time negative.
// Since we can't assign the negative sign to any particular part, we'll check for the whole thing here.
let direction = 1;
if (busTime.startsWith("-")) {
busTime = busTime.slice(1);
direction = -1;
const parts = busTime.split(":", 3);
const hours = parseInt(parts[0]) * direction;
const minutes = (parts[1] || 0) * direction;
const seconds = (parts[2] || 0) * direction;
return { hours: hours, minutes: minutes, seconds: seconds };
function dateTimeFromBusTime(busTime) {
return globalBusStartTime.plus(dateTimeMathObjectFromBusTime(busTime));
function busTimeFromDateTime(dateTime) {
const diff = dateTime.diff(globalBusStartTime);
return formatIntervalForDisplay(diff);
function formatIntervalForDisplay(interval) {
if (interval.milliseconds < 0) {
const negativeInterval = interval.negate();
return `-${negativeInterval.toFormat("hh:mm:ss.SSS")}`;
return interval.toFormat("hh:mm:ss.SSS");
function dateTimeFromWubloaderTime(wubloaderTime) {
return DateTime.fromISO(wubloaderTime);
function wubloaderTimeFromDateTime(dateTime) {
if (!dateTime) {
return null;
// Not using ISO here because Luxon doesn't give us a quick way to print an ISO8601 string with no offset.
return dateTime.toFormat("yyyy-LL-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS");
function busTimeFromWubloaderTime(wubloaderTime) {
if (wubloaderTime === "") {
return "";
const dt = dateTimeFromWubloaderTime(wubloaderTime);
return busTimeFromDateTime(dt);
function assembleVideoPlaylistURL(basePlaylistURL) {
let playlistURL = basePlaylistURL;
const queryStringParts = startAndEndTimeQueryStringParts();
if (queryStringParts) {
playlistURL += "?" + queryStringParts.join("&");
return playlistURL;
function startAndEndTimeQueryStringParts() {
const startTime = getStartTime();
const endTime = getEndTime();
let queryStringParts = [];
if (startTime) {
if (endTime) {
return queryStringParts;
function videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime(videoPlayerTime) {
const hours = Math.floor(videoPlayerTime / 3600);
let minutes = Math.floor((videoPlayerTime % 3600) / 60);
let seconds = Math.floor(videoPlayerTime % 60);
let milliseconds = Math.floor((videoPlayerTime * 1000) % 1000);
while (minutes.toString().length < 2) {
minutes = `0${minutes}`;
while (seconds.toString().length < 2) {
seconds = `0${seconds}`;
while (milliseconds.toString().length < 3) {
milliseconds = `0${milliseconds}`;
if (hours > 0) {
return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}.${milliseconds}`;
return `${minutes}:${seconds}.${milliseconds}`;
function videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime(videoHumanTime) {
let timeParts = videoHumanTime.split(":", 3);
let hours;
let minutes;
let seconds;
if (timeParts.length < 2) {
hours = 0;
minutes = 0;
seconds = +timeParts[0];
} else if (timeParts.length < 3) {
hours = 0;
minutes = parseInt(timeParts[0]);
seconds = +timeParts[1];
} else {
hours = parseInt(timeParts[0]);
minutes = parseInt(timeParts[1]);
seconds = +timeParts[2];
if (isNaN(hours) || isNaN(minutes) || isNaN(seconds)) {
return null;
return hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds;