var googleUser = null ;
var videoInfo ;
var currentRange = 1 ;
let knownTransitions = [ ] ;
let thumbnailTemplates = { } ;
let globalPageState = 0 ;
const CHAPTER _MARKER _DELIMITER = "\n==========\n" ;
const CHAPTER _MARKER _DELIMITER _PARTIAL = "==========" ;
const PAGE _STATE = {
CLEAN : 0 ,
DIRTY : 1 ,
} ;
// References to Jcrop "stages" for the advanced thumbnail editor crop tool
let videoFrameStage ;
let templateStage ;
window . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , async ( event ) => {
commonPageSetup ( ) ;
globalLoadChatWorker . onmessage = ( event ) => {
updateChatDataFromWorkerResponse ( event . data ) ;
renderChatLog ( ) ;
} ;
window . addEventListener ( "beforeunload" , handleLeavePage ) ;
const timeUpdateForm = document . getElementById ( "stream-time-settings" ) ;
timeUpdateForm . addEventListener ( "submit" , async ( event ) => {
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( ! videoInfo ) {
addError (
"Time updates are ignored before the video metadata has been retrieved from Wubloader." ,
) ;
return ;
const newStartField = document . getElementById ( "stream-time-setting-start" ) ;
const newStart = dateTimeFromBusTime ( newStartField . value ) ;
if ( ! newStart ) {
addError ( "Failed to parse start time" ) ;
return ;
const newEndField = document . getElementById ( "stream-time-setting-end" ) ;
let newEnd = null ;
if ( newEndField . value !== "" ) {
newEnd = dateTimeFromBusTime ( newEndField . value ) ;
if ( ! newEnd ) {
addError ( "Failed to parse end time" ) ;
return ;
const oldStart = getStartTime ( ) ;
const startAdjustment = newStart . diff ( oldStart ) . as ( "seconds" ) ;
let newDuration = newEnd === null ? Infinity : newEnd . diff ( newStart ) . as ( "seconds" ) ;
// The video duration isn't precisely the video times, but can be padded by up to the
// segment length on either side.
const segmentList = getSegmentList ( ) ;
newDuration += segmentList [ 0 ] . duration ;
newDuration += segmentList [ segmentList . length - 1 ] . duration ;
// Abort for ranges that exceed new times
const rangeDefinitionsElements = document . getElementById ( "range-definitions" ) . children ;
for ( const rangeContainer of rangeDefinitionsElements ) {
const rangeStartField = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) [ 0 ] ;
const rangeEndField = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) [ 0 ] ;
const rangeStart = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( rangeStartField . value ) ;
const rangeEnd = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( rangeEndField . value ) ;
if ( rangeStart !== null && rangeStart < startAdjustment ) {
addError ( "The specified video load time excludes part of an edited clip range." ) ;
return ;
if ( rangeEnd !== null && rangeEnd + startAdjustment > newDuration ) {
addError ( "The specified video load time excludes part of an edited clip range." ) ;
return ;
const rangesData = [ ] ;
for ( const rangeContainer of rangeDefinitionsElements ) {
const rangeStartField = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) [ 0 ] ;
const rangeEndField = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) [ 0 ] ;
const rangeStartTimeString = rangeStartField . value ;
const rangeEndTimeString = rangeEndField . value ;
const rangeStartTime = dateTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( rangeStartTimeString ) ;
const rangeEndTime = dateTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( rangeEndTimeString ) ;
rangesData . push ( { start : rangeStartTime , end : rangeEndTime } ) ;
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
const currentVideoPosition = dateTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoElement . currentTime ) ;
globalStartTimeString = wubloaderTimeFromDateTime ( newStart ) ;
globalEndTimeString = wubloaderTimeFromDateTime ( newEnd ) ;
updateSegmentPlaylist ( ) ;
globalPlayer . once ( Hls . Events . LEVEL _LOADED , ( _data ) => {
const newVideoPosition = videoPlayerTimeFromDateTime ( currentVideoPosition ) ;
if ( newVideoPosition !== null ) {
videoElement . currentTime = newVideoPosition ;
let rangeErrorCount = 0 ;
for ( const [ rangeIndex , rangeData ] of rangesData . entries ( ) ) {
const rangeContainer = rangeDefinitionsElements [ rangeIndex ] ;
const rangeStartField = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) [ 0 ] ;
const rangeEndField = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( rangeData . start ) {
rangeStartField . value = videoHumanTimeFromDateTime ( rangeData . start ) ;
} else {
rangeErrorCount ++ ;
if ( rangeData . end ) {
rangeEndField . value = videoHumanTimeFromDateTime ( rangeData . end ) ;
} else {
rangeErrorCount ++ ;
if ( rangeErrorCount > 0 ) {
addError (
"Some ranges couldn't be updated for the new video time endpoints. Please verify the time range values." ,
) ;
rangeDataUpdated ( ) ;
} ) ;
const waveformImage = document . getElementById ( "waveform" ) ;
if ( newEnd === null ) {
waveformImage . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
} else {
updateWaveform ( ) ;
waveformImage . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
loadTransitions ( ) ; // Intentionally not awaiting, fire and forget
await loadVideoInfo ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "stream-time-setting-start-pad" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
const startTimeField = document . getElementById ( "stream-time-setting-start" ) ;
let startTime = startTimeField . value ;
startTime = dateTimeFromBusTime ( startTime ) ;
startTime = startTime . minus ( { minutes : 1 } ) ;
startTimeField . value = busTimeFromDateTime ( startTime ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "stream-time-setting-end-pad" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
const endTimeField = document . getElementById ( "stream-time-setting-end" ) ;
let endTime = endTimeField . value ;
endTime = dateTimeFromBusTime ( endTime ) ;
endTime = endTime . plus ( { minutes : 1 } ) ;
endTimeField . value = busTimeFromDateTime ( endTime ) ;
} ) ;
const addRangeIcon = document . getElementById ( "add-range-definition" ) ;
if ( canEditVideo ( ) ) {
addRangeIcon . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
addRangeDefinition ( ) ;
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
} ) ;
addRangeIcon . addEventListener ( "keypress" , ( event ) => {
if ( event . key === "Enter" ) {
addRangeDefinition ( ) ;
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
addRangeIcon . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
const enableChaptersElem = document . getElementById ( "enable-chapter-markers" ) ;
enableChaptersElem . addEventListener ( "change" , ( event ) => {
changeEnableChaptersHandler ( ) ;
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
} ) ;
if ( canEditVideo ( ) ) {
for ( const rangeStartSet of document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-set-start" ) ) {
rangeStartSet . addEventListener ( "click" , getRangeSetClickHandler ( "start" ) ) ;
for ( const rangeEndSet of document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-set-end" ) ) {
rangeEndSet . addEventListener ( "click" , getRangeSetClickHandler ( "end" ) ) ;
for ( const rangeStartPlay of document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-play-start" ) ) {
rangeStartPlay . addEventListener ( "click" , rangePlayFromStartHandler ) ;
for ( const rangeEndPlay of document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-play-end" ) ) {
rangeEndPlay . addEventListener ( "click" , rangePlayFromEndHandler ) ;
for ( const rangeStart of document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) ) {
rangeStart . addEventListener ( "change" , ( event ) => {
rangeDataUpdated ( ) ;
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
} ) ;
for ( const rangeEnd of document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) ) {
rangeEnd . addEventListener ( "change" , ( event ) => {
rangeDataUpdated ( ) ;
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
} ) ;
if ( canEditMetadata ( ) ) {
for ( const addChapterMarker of document . getElementsByClassName (
"add-range-definition-chapter-marker" ,
) ) {
addChapterMarker . addEventListener ( "click" , addChapterMarkerHandler ) ;
. getElementById ( "range-definition-chapter-marker-first-description" )
. addEventListener ( "input" , ( event ) => {
validateChapterDescription ( event . target ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "video-info-title" ) . addEventListener ( "input" , ( event ) => {
validateVideoTitle ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "video-info-title-abbreviated" ) . innerText =
videoInfo . title _prefix + document . getElementById ( "video-info-title" ) . value ;
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "video-info-description" ) . addEventListener ( "input" , ( event ) => {
validateVideoDescription ( ) ;
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
} ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template" )
. addEventListener ( "change" , handleFieldChange ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-mode" )
. addEventListener ( "change" , updateThumbnailInputState ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time" )
. addEventListener ( "change" , handleFieldChange ) ;
if ( canEditMetadata ( ) ) {
document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time-set" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
const field = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time" ) ;
const videoPlayer = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
const videoPlayerTime = videoPlayer . currentTime ;
field . value = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoPlayerTime ) ;
} ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time-play" )
. addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
const field = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time" ) ;
const thumbnailTime = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( field . value ) ;
if ( thumbnailTime === null ) {
addError ( "Couldn't play from thumbnail frame; failed to parse time" ) ;
return ;
const videoPlayer = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
videoPlayer . currentTime = thumbnailTime ;
} ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template-source-image-update" )
. addEventListener ( "click" , async ( _event ) => {
const videoFrameImageElement = document . getElementById (
"video-info-thumbnail-template-video-source-image" ,
) ;
const timeEntryElement = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time" ) ;
const imageTime = wubloaderTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( timeEntryElement . value ) ;
if ( imageTime === null ) {
videoFrameImageElement . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
addError ( "Couldn't preview thumbnail; couldn't parse thumbnail frame timestamp" ) ;
return ;
const videoFrameQuery = new URLSearchParams ( {
timestamp : imageTime ,
} ) ;
videoFrameImageElement . src = ` /frame/ ${ globalStreamName } /source.png? ${ videoFrameQuery } ` ;
videoFrameImageElement . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
const templateImageElement = document . getElementById (
"video-info-thumbnail-template-overlay-image" ,
) ;
const thumbnailMode = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-mode" ) . value ;
if ( thumbnailMode === "TEMPLATE" ) {
const imageTemplate = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template" ) . value ;
templateImageElement . src = ` /thrimshim/template/ ${ imageTemplate } .png ` ;
} else if ( thumbnailMode === "ONEOFF" ) {
const templateData = await uploadedImageToBase64 ( ) ;
templateImageElement . src = ` data:image/png;base64, ${ templateData } ` ;
} else {
console . log ( ` WARNING: Source images updated but thumbnailMode = ${ thumbnailMode } ` ) ;
templateImageElement . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
const aspectRatioControls = document . getElementById (
"video-info-thumbnail-aspect-ratio-controls" ,
) ;
aspectRatioControls . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
createTemplateCropWidgets ( ) ;
} ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-0" )
. addEventListener ( "input" , updateTemplateCropWidgets ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-1" )
. addEventListener ( "input" , updateTemplateCropWidgets ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-2" )
. addEventListener ( "input" , updateTemplateCropWidgets ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-3" )
. addEventListener ( "input" , updateTemplateCropWidgets ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-0" )
. addEventListener ( "input" , updateTemplateCropWidgets ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-1" )
. addEventListener ( "input" , updateTemplateCropWidgets ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-2" )
. addEventListener ( "input" , updateTemplateCropWidgets ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-3" )
. addEventListener ( "input" , updateTemplateCropWidgets ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-lock-aspect-ratio" )
. addEventListener ( "change" , updateTemplateCropAspectRatio ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-aspect-ratio-match-right" )
. addEventListener ( "click" , function ( ) {
// Calculate and copy the aspect ratio from the video field to the template
const videoFieldX1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-0" ) ;
const videoFieldY1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-1" ) ;
const videoFieldX2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-2" ) ;
const videoFieldY2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-3" ) ;
const videoFieldAspectRatio =
( videoFieldX2 . value - videoFieldX1 . value ) / ( videoFieldY2 . value - videoFieldY1 . value ) ;
templateStage . setOptions ( { aspectRatio : videoFieldAspectRatio } ) ;
// Re-apply the locked/unlocked status
updateTemplateCropAspectRatio ( ) ;
} ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-aspect-ratio-match-left" )
. addEventListener ( "click" , function ( ) {
// Calculate and copy the aspect ratio from the template to the video field
const templateFieldX1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-0" ) ;
const templateFieldY1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-1" ) ;
const templateFieldX2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-2" ) ;
const templateFieldY2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-3" ) ;
const templateFieldAspectRatio =
( templateFieldX2 . value - templateFieldX1 . value ) /
( templateFieldY2 . value - templateFieldY1 . value ) ;
videoFrameStage . setOptions ( { aspectRatio : templateFieldAspectRatio } ) ;
// Re-apply the locked/unlocked status
updateTemplateCropAspectRatio ( ) ;
} ) ;
. getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template-preview-generate" )
. addEventListener ( "click" , async ( _event ) => {
const imageElement = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template-preview-image" ) ;
const thumbnailMode = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-mode" ) . value ;
if ( thumbnailMode === "ONEOFF" ) {
try {
const data = await renderThumbnail ( ) ;
imageElement . src = ` data:image/png;base64, ${ data } ` ;
} catch ( e ) {
imageElement . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
addError ( ` ${ e } ` ) ;
return ;
} else {
const timeEntryElement = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time" ) ;
const imageTime = wubloaderTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( timeEntryElement . value ) ;
if ( imageTime === null ) {
imageElement . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
addError ( "Couldn't preview thumbnail; couldn't parse thumbnail frame timestamp" ) ;
return ;
const imageTemplate = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template" ) . value ;
const [ crop , loc ] = getTemplatePosition ( ) ;
const query = new URLSearchParams ( {
timestamp : imageTime ,
template : imageTemplate ,
crop : crop . join ( "," ) ,
location : loc . join ( "," ) ,
} ) ;
imageElement . src = ` /thumbnail/ ${ globalStreamName } /source.png? ${ query } ` ;
imageElement . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
const thumbnailTemplateSelection = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template" ) ;
const thumbnailTemplatesListResponse = await fetch ( "/thrimshim/templates" ) ;
if ( thumbnailTemplatesListResponse . ok ) {
const thumbnailTemplatesList = await thumbnailTemplatesListResponse . json ( ) ;
const templateNames = thumbnailTemplatesList . map ( ( t ) => t . name ) ;
templateNames . sort ( ) ;
for ( const template of thumbnailTemplatesList ) {
thumbnailTemplates [ template . name ] = template ;
for ( const templateName of templateNames ) {
const templateOption = document . createElement ( "option" ) ;
templateOption . innerText = templateName ;
templateOption . value = templateName ;
templateOption . title = thumbnailTemplates [ templateName ] . description ;
if ( templateName === videoInfo . thumbnail _template ) {
templateOption . selected = true ;
thumbnailTemplateSelection . appendChild ( templateOption ) ;
setDefaultCrop ( false ) ;
} else {
addError ( "Failed to load thumbnail templates list" ) ;
if ( videoInfo . thumbnail _crop !== null ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
document . getElementById ( ` video-info-thumbnail-crop- ${ i } ` ) . value = videoInfo . thumbnail _crop [ i ] ;
if ( videoInfo . thumbnail _location !== null ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
document . getElementById ( ` video-info-thumbnail-location- ${ i } ` ) . value =
videoInfo . thumbnail _location [ i ] ;
document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-mode" ) . value = videoInfo . thumbnail _mode ;
updateThumbnailInputState ( ) ;
// Ensure that changing values on load doesn't set keep the page dirty.
globalPageState = PAGE _STATE . CLEAN ;
document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template-default-crop" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
setDefaultCrop ( true ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "submit-button" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
submitVideo ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "save-button" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
saveVideoDraft ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "submit-changes-button" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
submitVideoChanges ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "advanced-submission" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
const advancedOptionsContainer = document . getElementById ( "advanced-submission-options" ) ;
advancedOptionsContainer . classList . toggle ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
. getElementById ( "advanced-submission-option-allow-holes" )
. addEventListener ( "change" , ( ) => {
updateDownloadLink ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "download-type-select" ) . addEventListener ( "change" , ( ) => {
updateDownloadLink ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "download-frame" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
downloadFrame ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "manual-link-update" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
const manualLinkDataContainer = document . getElementById ( "data-correction-manual-link" ) ;
manualLinkDataContainer . classList . toggle ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
. getElementById ( "data-correction-manual-link-submit" )
. addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
setManualVideoLink ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "cancel-video-upload" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
cancelVideoUpload ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "reset-entire-video" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
const forceResetConfirmationContainer = document . getElementById (
"data-correction-force-reset-confirm" ,
) ;
forceResetConfirmationContainer . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "data-correction-force-reset-yes" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
resetVideoRow ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "data-correction-force-reset-no" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
const forceResetConfirmationContainer = document . getElementById (
"data-correction-force-reset-confirm" ,
) ;
forceResetConfirmationContainer . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "google-auth-sign-out" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
googleSignOut ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
async function loadTransitions ( ) {
const response = await fetch ( "/thrimshim/transitions" ) ;
if ( ! response . ok ) {
addError (
"Failed to fetch possible transition types. This probably means the wubloader host is down." ,
) ;
return ;
knownTransitions = await response . json ( ) ;
updateTransitionTypes ( ) ;
// Update the given list of transition type <select> tags (or all of them if not given)
// to contain the full list of known transitions.
// We're careful to update description etc in place if one already exists,
// as this might happen when loading an already-edited video.
function updateTransitionTypes (
elements = document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-transition-type" ) ,
) {
for ( const select of elements ) {
// For each transition type, we look for it in the current select tag.
// If it's there, then we update it and move it to the bottom.
// Otherwise, we create a new one and append it.
// That way anything already selected stays selected but is moved into the proper place.
// This isn't particularly efficient, but it doesn't really matter.
for ( const type of knownTransitions ) {
let option ;
for ( const child of select . children ) {
if ( child . value === type . name ) {
option = child ;
break ;
if ( option === undefined ) {
option = document . createElement ( "option" ) ;
option . value = type . name ;
option . textContent = type . name ;
option . title = type . description ;
select . append ( option ) ;
async function loadVideoInfo ( ) {
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams ( window . location . search ) ;
if ( ! queryParams . has ( "id" ) ) {
addError ( "No video ID specified. Failed to load video data." ) ;
return ;
const videoID = queryParams . get ( "id" ) ;
const dataResponse = await fetch ( "/thrimshim/" + videoID ) ;
if ( ! dataResponse . ok ) {
addError (
"Failed to load video data. This probably means that the URL is out of date (video ID changed) or that everything is broken (or that the Wubloader host is down)." ,
) ;
return ;
videoInfo = await dataResponse . json ( ) ;
await initializeVideoInfo ( ) ;
async function initializeVideoInfo ( ) {
globalStreamName = videoInfo . video _channel ;
globalBusStartTime = DateTime . fromISO ( videoInfo . bustime _start ) ;
let eventStartTime = dateTimeFromWubloaderTime ( videoInfo . event _start ) ;
let eventEndTime = videoInfo . event _end ? dateTimeFromWubloaderTime ( videoInfo . event _end ) : null ;
// To account for various things (stream delay, just slightly off logging, etc.), we pad the start time by one minute
eventStartTime = eventStartTime . minus ( { minutes : 1 } ) ;
// To account for various things (stream delay, just slightly off logging, etc.), we pad the end time by one minute.
// To account for the fact that we don't record seconds, but the event could've ended any time in the recorded minute, we pad by an additional minute.
if ( eventEndTime ) {
eventEndTime = eventEndTime . plus ( { minutes : 2 } ) ;
globalStartTimeString = wubloaderTimeFromDateTime ( eventStartTime ) ;
if ( eventEndTime ) {
globalEndTimeString = wubloaderTimeFromDateTime ( eventEndTime ) ;
} else {
document . getElementById ( "waveform" ) . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
// If a video was previously edited to points outside the event range, we should expand the loaded video to include the edited range
if ( videoInfo . video _ranges && videoInfo . video _ranges . length > 0 ) {
let earliestStartTime = null ;
let latestEndTime = null ;
for ( const range of videoInfo . video _ranges ) {
let startTime = range [ 0 ] ;
let endTime = range [ 1 ] ;
if ( startTime ) {
startTime = dateTimeFromWubloaderTime ( startTime ) ;
} else {
startTime = null ;
if ( endTime ) {
endTime = dateTimeFromWubloaderTime ( endTime ) ;
} else {
endTime = null ;
if ( ! earliestStartTime || ( startTime && startTime . diff ( earliestStartTime ) . milliseconds < 0 ) ) {
earliestStartTime = startTime ;
if ( ! latestEndTime || ( endTime && endTime . diff ( latestEndTime ) . milliseconds > 0 ) ) {
latestEndTime = endTime ;
if ( earliestStartTime && earliestStartTime . diff ( eventStartTime ) . milliseconds < 0 ) {
earliestStartTime = earliestStartTime . minus ( { minutes : 1 } ) ;
globalStartTimeString = wubloaderTimeFromDateTime ( earliestStartTime ) ;
if ( latestEndTime && eventEndTime && latestEndTime . diff ( eventEndTime ) . milliseconds > 0 ) {
// If we're getting the time from a previous draft edit, we have seconds, so one minute is enough
latestEndTime = latestEndTime . plus ( { minutes : 1 } ) ;
globalEndTimeString = wubloaderTimeFromDateTime ( latestEndTime ) ;
document . getElementById ( "stream-time-setting-stream" ) . innerText = globalStreamName ;
document . getElementById ( "stream-time-setting-start" ) . value =
busTimeFromWubloaderTime ( globalStartTimeString ) ;
document . getElementById ( "stream-time-setting-end" ) . value =
busTimeFromWubloaderTime ( globalEndTimeString ) ;
updateWaveform ( ) ;
const titlePrefixElem = document . getElementById ( "video-info-title-prefix" ) ;
titlePrefixElem . innerText = videoInfo . title _prefix ;
const titleElem = document . getElementById ( "video-info-title" ) ;
if ( videoInfo . video _title ) {
titleElem . value = videoInfo . video _title ;
} else {
// If a video title hasn't been set yet, leave it blank.
// Exception: RDPs always use the standard title.
if ( videoInfo . tags . includes ( "RDP" ) ) {
titleElem . value = videoInfo . description ;
validateVideoTitle ( ) ;
document . getElementById ( "video-info-title-abbreviated" ) . innerText =
videoInfo . title _prefix + titleElem . value ;
const descriptionElem = document . getElementById ( "video-info-description" ) ;
if ( videoInfo . video _description ) {
descriptionElem . value = videoInfo . video _description ;
} else {
// If a video description hasn't been set yet, use the descripton from the row.
// Exception: RDPs start blank because the row is used for the title.
if ( ! videoInfo . tags . includes ( "RDP" ) ) {
descriptionElem . value = videoInfo . description ;
validateVideoDescription ( ) ;
const tagsElem = document . getElementById ( "video-info-tags" ) ;
if ( videoInfo . video _tags ) {
tagsElem . value = videoInfo . video _tags . join ( "," ) ;
} else {
tagsElem . value = videoInfo . tags . join ( "," ) ;
if ( videoInfo . notes ) {
const notesTextElem = document . getElementById ( "video-info-editor-notes" ) ;
notesTextElem . innerText = videoInfo . notes ;
const notesContainer = document . getElementById ( "video-info-editor-notes-container" ) ;
notesContainer . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
let modifiedAdvancedOptions = false ;
if ( videoInfo . allow _holes ) {
const allowHolesCheckbox = document . getElementById ( "advanced-submission-option-allow-holes" ) ;
allowHolesCheckbox . checked = true ;
modifiedAdvancedOptions = true ;
const unlistedCheckbox = document . getElementById ( "advanced-submission-option-unlisted" ) ;
unlistedCheckbox . checked = ! videoInfo . public ;
if ( ! videoInfo . public ) {
modifiedAdvancedOptions = true ;
const uploadLocationSelection = document . getElementById (
"advanced-submission-option-upload-location" ,
) ;
for ( locationName of videoInfo . upload _locations ) {
const option = document . createElement ( "option" ) ;
option . value = locationName ;
option . innerText = locationName ;
if ( videoInfo . upload _location === locationName ) {
option . selected = true ;
uploadLocationSelection . appendChild ( option ) ;
if ( uploadLocationSelection . options . selectedIndex > 0 ) {
modifiedAdvancedOptions = true ;
if ( videoInfo . uploader _whitelist ) {
modifiedAdvancedOptions = true ;
const uploaderAllowlistBox = document . getElementById (
"advanced-submission-option-uploader-allow" ,
) ;
uploaderAllowlistBox . value = videoInfo . uploader _whitelist . join ( "," ) ;
if ( ! canEditVideo ( ) ) {
if ( canEditMetadata ( ) ) {
const submitButton = document . getElementById ( "submit-button" ) ;
submitButton . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
const saveButton = document . getElementById ( "save-button" ) ;
saveButton . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
const submitChangesButton = document . getElementById ( "submit-changes-button" ) ;
submitChangesButton . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "add-range-definition" ) . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
const startTimes = document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) ;
const endTimes = document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) ;
for ( const timeField of startTimes ) {
timeField . disabled = true ;
for ( const timeField of endTimes ) {
timeField . disabled = true ;
for ( const editIcon of document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-set-start" ) ) {
editIcon . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
for ( const editIcon of document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-set-end" ) ) {
editIcon . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
} else {
for ( const input of document . getElementsByTagName ( "input" ) ) {
if ( ! isNonVideoInput ( input ) ) {
input . disabled = true ;
for ( const textArea of document . getElementsByTagName ( "textarea" ) ) {
if ( ! isNonVideoInput ( textArea ) ) {
textArea . disabled = true ;
for ( const button of document . getElementsByTagName ( "button" ) ) {
if ( ! isNonVideoInput ( button ) ) {
button . disabled = true ;
for ( const selectBox of document . getElementsByTagName ( "select" ) ) {
if ( ! isNonVideoInput ( selectBox ) ) {
selectBox . disabled = true ;
if ( modifiedAdvancedOptions ) {
const advancedSubmissionContainer = document . getElementById ( "advanced-submission-options" ) ;
advancedSubmissionContainer . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
await loadVideoPlayerFromDefaultPlaylist ( ) ;
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
const handleInitialSetupForDuration = ( _event ) => {
const rangeDefinitionsContainer = document . getElementById ( "range-definitions" ) ;
if ( videoInfo . video _ranges && videoInfo . video _ranges . length > 0 ) {
const chapterData = [ ] ;
const descriptionField = document . getElementById ( "video-info-description" ) ;
let description = descriptionField . value ;
if ( description . indexOf ( CHAPTER _MARKER _DELIMITER ) !== - 1 ) {
enableChapterMarkers ( true ) ;
const descriptionParts = description . split ( CHAPTER _MARKER _DELIMITER , 2 ) ;
description = descriptionParts [ 0 ] ;
const chapterLines = descriptionParts [ 1 ] . split ( "\n" ) ;
for ( const chapterLine of chapterLines ) {
const chapterLineData = chapterLine . split ( " - " ) ;
const chapterTime = unformatChapterTime ( chapterLineData . shift ( ) ) ;
const chapterDescription = chapterLineData . join ( " - " ) ;
chapterData . push ( { start : chapterTime , description : chapterDescription } ) ;
let currentChapterIndex = 0 ;
let canAddChapters = true ;
let rangeStartOffset = 0 ;
for ( let rangeIndex = 0 ; rangeIndex < videoInfo . video _ranges . length ; rangeIndex ++ ) {
if ( rangeIndex >= rangeDefinitionsContainer . children . length ) {
addRangeDefinition ( ) ;
const rangeContainer = rangeDefinitionsContainer . children [ rangeIndex ] ;
// Update transition data before converting into player time,
// as this can affect the conversion.
// Note that the Nth range is associated here with the (N-1)th transition
// and so we skip this entirely for N = 0.
if ( rangeIndex > 0 ) {
const transition = videoInfo . video _transitions [ rangeIndex - 1 ] ;
const transitionType = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-transition-type" ) [ 0 ] ;
const transitionDuration = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName (
"range-transition-duration" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
const transitionDurationSection = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName (
"range-transition-duration-section" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
if ( transition === null ) {
transitionType . value = "" ;
transitionDuration . value = "" ;
transitionDurationSection . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
} else {
const [ type , duration ] = transition ;
// Check if the option is present. If not, create it with no description.
let found = false ;
for ( const option of transitionType . children ) {
if ( option . value === type ) {
found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! found ) {
const option = document . createElement ( "option" ) ;
option . value = type ;
option . textContent = type ;
transitionType . append ( option ) ;
// Set type and duration.
transitionType . value = type ;
transitionDuration . value = duration . toString ( ) ;
transitionDurationSection . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
const startWubloaderTime = videoInfo . video _ranges [ rangeIndex ] [ 0 ] ;
const endWubloaderTime = videoInfo . video _ranges [ rangeIndex ] [ 1 ] ;
const startPlayerTime = videoPlayerTimeFromWubloaderTime ( startWubloaderTime ) ;
const endPlayerTime = videoPlayerTimeFromWubloaderTime ( endWubloaderTime ) ;
if ( startWubloaderTime ) {
const startField =
rangeDefinitionsContainer . children [ rangeIndex ] . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-start" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
startField . value = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( startPlayerTime ) ;
if ( endWubloaderTime ) {
const endField =
rangeDefinitionsContainer . children [ rangeIndex ] . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-end" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
endField . value = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( endPlayerTime ) ;
const rangeDuration = endPlayerTime - startPlayerTime ;
const rangeEndVideoTime = rangeStartOffset + rangeDuration ;
if ( canAddChapters && startWubloaderTime && endWubloaderTime ) {
const chapterContainer = rangeDefinitionsContainer . children [
] . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-chapter-markers" ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( currentChapterIndex === 0 ) {
const chapterStartField = document . getElementById (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-first-start" ,
) ;
const chapterDescField = document . getElementById (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-first-description" ,
) ;
let chapterStartValue = 0 ;
let chapterDescValue = "" ;
if ( chapterData . length > 0 ) {
chapterStartValue = chapterData [ 0 ] . start ;
chapterDescValue = chapterData [ 0 ] . description ;
chapterStartField . value = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime (
chapterStartValue - rangeStartOffset + startPlayerTime ,
) ;
chapterDescField . value = chapterDescValue ;
currentChapterIndex ++ ;
while (
currentChapterIndex < chapterData . length &&
chapterData [ currentChapterIndex ] . start < rangeEndVideoTime
) {
const chapterMarker = chapterMarkerDefinitionDOM ( ) ;
const chapterStartField = chapterMarker . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-start" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
chapterStartField . value = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime (
chapterData [ currentChapterIndex ] . start - rangeStartOffset + startPlayerTime ,
) ;
const chapterDescField = chapterMarker . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-description" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
chapterDescField . value = chapterData [ currentChapterIndex ] . description ;
chapterContainer . appendChild ( chapterMarker ) ;
currentChapterIndex ++ ;
} else {
canAddChapters = false ;
rangeStartOffset = rangeEndVideoTime ;
if ( canAddChapters ) {
descriptionField . value = description ;
validateVideoDescription ( ) ;
} else {
const rangeStartField =
rangeDefinitionsContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) [ 0 ] ;
rangeStartField . value = videoHumanTimeFromWubloaderTime ( globalStartTimeString ) ;
if ( globalEndTimeString ) {
const rangeEndField =
rangeDefinitionsContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) [ 0 ] ;
rangeEndField . value = videoHumanTimeFromWubloaderTime ( globalEndTimeString ) ;
const firstChapterPlayFromStartTime = document . getElementById (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-first-play-start" ,
) ;
if ( canEditMetadata ( ) ) {
firstChapterPlayFromStartTime . addEventListener ( "click" , chapterMarkerPlayStartTimeHandler ) ;
} else {
firstChapterPlayFromStartTime . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
if ( videoInfo . thumbnail _time ) {
document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time" ) . value = videoHumanTimeFromWubloaderTime (
videoInfo . thumbnail _time ,
) ;
rangeDataUpdated ( ) ;
videoElement . removeEventListener ( "loadedmetadata" , handleInitialSetupForDuration ) ;
} ;
videoElement . addEventListener ( "loadedmetadata" , handleInitialSetupForDuration ) ;
videoElement . addEventListener ( "durationchange" , ( _event ) => {
// Every time this is updated, we need to update based on the new video duration
rangeDataUpdated ( ) ;
} ) ;
videoElement . addEventListener ( "timeupdate" , ( _event ) => {
const timePercent = ( videoElement . currentTime / videoElement . duration ) * 100 ;
document . getElementById ( "waveform-marker" ) . style . left = ` ${ timePercent } % ` ;
} ) ;
// Ensure that changes made to fields during initial load don't affect the state
globalPageState = PAGE _STATE . CLEAN ;
function updateWaveform ( ) {
let waveformURL =
"/waveform/" + globalStreamName + "/" + videoInfo . video _quality + ".png?size=1920x125&" ;
const query = startAndEndTimeQuery ( ) ;
waveformURL += query . toString ( ) ;
const waveformElem = document . getElementById ( "waveform" ) ;
waveformElem . src = waveformURL ;
function googleOnSignIn ( googleUserData ) {
googleUser = googleUserData ;
const signInElem = document . getElementById ( "google-auth-sign-in" ) ;
const signOutElem = document . getElementById ( "google-auth-sign-out" ) ;
signInElem . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
signOutElem . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
async function googleSignOut ( ) {
if ( googleUser ) {
googleUser = null ;
await gapi . auth2 . getAuthInstance ( ) . signOut ( ) ;
const signInElem = document . getElementById ( "google-auth-sign-in" ) ;
const signOutElem = document . getElementById ( "google-auth-sign-out" ) ;
signInElem . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
signOutElem . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
function updateThumbnailInputState ( event ) {
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
const newValue = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-mode" ) . value ;
const unhideIDs = [ ] ;
if ( newValue === "BARE" ) {
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-time-options" ) ;
} else if ( newValue === "TEMPLATE" ) {
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-template-options" ) ;
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-time-options" ) ;
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-position-options" ) ;
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-template-preview" ) ;
} else if ( newValue === "ONEOFF" ) {
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-time-options" ) ;
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-position-options" ) ;
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-custom-options" ) ;
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-template-preview" ) ;
} else if ( newValue === "CUSTOM" ) {
unhideIDs . push ( "video-info-thumbnail-custom-options" ) ;
for ( const optionElement of document . getElementsByClassName (
"video-info-thumbnail-mode-options" ,
) ) {
optionElement . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
for ( elemID of unhideIDs ) {
document . getElementById ( elemID ) . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
function setDefaultCrop ( updateWidgets ) {
const newTemplate = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template" ) . value ;
for ( const field of [ "crop" , "location" ] ) {
const newValue = thumbnailTemplates [ newTemplate ] [ field ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
document . getElementById ( ` video-info-thumbnail- ${ field } - ${ i } ` ) . value = newValue [ i ] ;
if ( updateWidgets ) {
updateTemplateCropWidgets ( ) ;
handleFieldChange ( ) ;
// Returns [crop, location], with either being null on error.
function getTemplatePosition ( ) {
const ret = [ ] ;
for ( const field of [ "crop" , "location" ] ) {
let values = [ null , null , null , null ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
const value = parseInt ( document . getElementById ( ` video-info-thumbnail- ${ field } - ${ i } ` ) . value ) ;
if ( isNaN ( value ) ) {
values = null ;
break ;
values [ i ] = value ;
ret . push ( values ) ;
return ret ;
function getStartTime ( ) {
if ( ! globalStartTimeString ) {
return null ;
return dateTimeFromWubloaderTime ( globalStartTimeString ) ;
function getEndTime ( ) {
if ( ! globalEndTimeString ) {
return null ;
return dateTimeFromWubloaderTime ( globalEndTimeString ) ;
function validateVideoTitle ( ) {
const videoTitleField = document . getElementById ( "video-info-title" ) ;
const videoTitle = videoTitleField . value ;
if ( videoTitle . length > videoInfo . title _max _length ) {
videoTitleField . classList . add ( "input-error" ) ;
videoTitleField . title = "Title is too long" ;
} else if ( videoTitle . indexOf ( "<" ) !== - 1 || videoTitle . indexOf ( ">" ) !== - 1 ) {
videoTitleField . classList . add ( "input-error" ) ;
videoTitleField . title = "Title contains invalid characters" ;
} else {
videoTitleField . classList . remove ( "input-error" ) ;
videoTitleField . title = "" ;
function validateVideoDescription ( ) {
const videoDescField = document . getElementById ( "video-info-description" ) ;
const videoDesc = videoDescField . value ;
if ( videoDesc . length > 5000 ) {
videoDescField . classList . add ( "input-error" ) ;
videoDescField . title = "Description is too long" ;
} else if ( videoDesc . indexOf ( "<" ) !== - 1 || videoDesc . indexOf ( ">" ) !== - 1 ) {
videoDescField . classList . add ( "input-error" ) ;
videoDescField . title = "Description contains invalid characters" ;
} else if ( videoDesc . indexOf ( CHAPTER _MARKER _DELIMITER ) !== - 1 ) {
videoDescField . classList . add ( "input-error" ) ;
videoDescField . title = "Description contains a manual chapter marker" ;
} else {
videoDescField . classList . remove ( "input-error" ) ;
videoDescField . title = "" ;
function validateChapterDescription ( chapterDescField ) {
const chapterDesc = chapterDescField . value ;
if ( chapterDesc . indexOf ( "<" ) !== - 1 || chapterDesc . indexOf ( ">" ) !== - 1 ) {
chapterDescField . classList . add ( "input-error" ) ;
chapterDescField . title = "Chapter description may not contain angle brackets (< or >)" ;
} else if ( Array . from ( chapterDesc ) . some ( ( c ) => c . charCodeAt ( 0 ) > 127 ) ) {
// any char is non-ascii
// We don't know what chars are safe outside the ascii range, so we just warn on any of them.
// We know emoji are not safe.
chapterDescField . classList . add ( "input-error" ) ;
chapterDescField . title =
"Chapter descriptions with non-ascii characters may cause issues; proceed with caution" ;
} else {
chapterDescField . classList . remove ( "input-error" ) ;
chapterDescField . title = "" ;
async function submitVideo ( ) {
return sendVideoData ( "EDITED" , false ) ;
async function saveVideoDraft ( ) {
return sendVideoData ( "UNEDITED" , false ) ;
async function submitVideoChanges ( ) {
return sendVideoData ( "MODIFIED" , false ) ;
async function sendVideoData ( newState , overrideChanges ) {
let videoDescription = document . getElementById ( "video-info-description" ) . value ;
if ( videoDescription . indexOf ( CHAPTER _MARKER _DELIMITER _PARTIAL ) !== - 1 ) {
addError (
"Couldn't submit edits: Description contains manually entered chapter marker delimiter" ,
) ;
return ;
const edited = newState === "EDITED" ;
const submissionResponseElem = document . getElementById ( "submission-response" ) ;
submissionResponseElem . classList . value = [ "submission-response-pending" ] ;
submissionResponseElem . innerText = "Submitting video..." ;
function submissionError ( message ) {
submissionResponseElem . innerText = message ;
submissionResponseElem . classList . value = [ "submission-response-error" ] ;
const rangesData = [ ] ;
const transitions = [ ] ;
let chaptersData = [ ] ;
const chaptersEnabled = document . getElementById ( "enable-chapter-markers" ) . checked ;
let rangeStartInFinalVideo = 0 ;
for ( const rangeContainer of document . getElementById ( "range-definitions" ) . children ) {
// First range container has no transition.
const transitionTypeElements = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-transition-type" ) ;
if ( transitionTypeElements . length > 0 ) {
const transitionType = transitionTypeElements [ 0 ] . value ;
const transitionDurationStr = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName (
"range-transition-duration" ,
) [ 0 ] . value ;
if ( transitionType === "" ) {
transitions . push ( null ) ;
} else {
// parseFloat() ignores trailing invalid chars, Number() returns 0 for empty string,
// but 0 is an error here anyway.
// Note that !(x > 0) is not equivalent to (x <= 0) due to NaN.
const transitionDuration = Number ( transitionDurationStr ) ;
if ( ! ( transitionDuration > 0 ) ) {
submissionError (
` Couldn't submit edits: Invalid transition duration: " ${ transitionDurationStr } " ` ,
) ;
return ;
transitions . push ( [ transitionType , transitionDuration ] ) ;
// Since we're overlapping with the previous range, this range's start time is
// actually earlier. This matters for chapter markers.
rangeStartInFinalVideo -= transitionDuration ;
const rangeStartHuman =
rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) [ 0 ] . value ;
const rangeEndHuman = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) [ 0 ] . value ;
const rangeStartPlayer = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( rangeStartHuman ) ;
const rangeEndPlayer = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( rangeEndHuman ) ;
const rangeStartSubmit = wubloaderTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( rangeStartPlayer ) ;
const rangeEndSubmit = wubloaderTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( rangeEndPlayer ) ;
if ( edited && ( ! rangeStartSubmit || ! rangeEndSubmit ) ) {
let errorMessage ;
if ( ! rangeStartSubmit && ! rangeEndSubmit ) {
errorMessage = ` The range endpoints " ${ rangeStartSubmit } " and " ${ rangeEndSubmit } " are not valid. ` ;
} else if ( ! rangeStartSubmit ) {
errorMessage = ` The range endpoint " ${ rangeStartSubmit } is not valid. ` ;
} else {
errorMessage = ` The range endpoint " ${ rangeEndSubmit } " is not valid. ` ;
submissionError ( errorMessage ) ;
return ;
if ( edited && rangeEndPlayer < rangeStartPlayer ) {
submissionError ( "One or more ranges has an end time prior to its start time." ) ;
return ;
rangesData . push ( {
start : rangeStartSubmit ,
end : rangeEndSubmit ,
} ) ;
if ( chaptersEnabled && rangeStartSubmit && rangeEndSubmit ) {
const rangeChapters = [ ] ;
for ( const chapterContainer of rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-chapter-markers" ,
) [ 0 ] . children ) {
const startField = chapterContainer . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-start" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
const descField = chapterContainer . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-description" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
const startFieldTime = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( startField . value ) ;
if ( startFieldTime === null ) {
if ( edited ) {
submissionError ( ` Unable to parse chapter start time: ${ startField . value } ` ) ;
return ;
continue ;
if ( startFieldTime < rangeStartPlayer || startFieldTime > rangeEndPlayer ) {
submissionError (
` The chapter at " ${ startField . value } " is outside its containing time range. ` ,
) ;
return ;
const chapterStartTime = rangeStartInFinalVideo + startFieldTime - rangeStartPlayer ;
const chapterData = {
start : chapterStartTime ,
videoStart : startFieldTime ,
description : descField . value ,
} ;
rangeChapters . push ( chapterData ) ;
rangeChapters . sort ( ( a , b ) => a . videoStart - b . videoStart ) ;
chaptersData = chaptersData . concat ( rangeChapters ) ;
} else {
const enableChaptersElem = document . getElementById ( "enable-chapter-markers" ) ;
if (
enableChaptersElem . checked &&
rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-chapter-marker-start" ) . length > 0
) {
submissionError ( "Chapter markers can't be saved for ranges without valid endpoints." ) ;
return ;
rangeStartInFinalVideo += rangeEndPlayer - rangeStartPlayer ;
const finalVideoDuration = rangeStartInFinalVideo ;
const videoHasHours = finalVideoDuration >= 3600 ;
const ranges = [ ] ;
for ( const range of rangesData ) {
ranges . push ( [ range . start , range . end ] ) ;
if ( chaptersData . length > 0 ) {
if ( chaptersData [ 0 ] . start !== 0 ) {
submissionError ( "The first chapter must start at the beginning of the video" ) ;
return ;
let lastChapterStart = 0 ;
for ( let chapterIndex = 1 ; chapterIndex < chaptersData . length ; chapterIndex ++ ) {
if ( edited && chaptersData [ chapterIndex ] . start - lastChapterStart < 10 ) {
submissionError ( "Chapters must be at least 10 seconds apart" ) ;
return ;
lastChapterStart = chaptersData [ chapterIndex ] . start ;
const chapterTextList = [ ] ;
for ( const chapterData of chaptersData ) {
const startTime = formatChapterTime ( chapterData . start , videoHasHours ) ;
chapterTextList . push ( ` ${ startTime } - ${ chapterData . description } ` ) ;
videoDescription = videoDescription + CHAPTER _MARKER _DELIMITER + chapterTextList . join ( "\n" ) ;
let thumbnailMode = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-mode" ) . value ;
let thumbnailTemplate = null ;
let thumbnailTime = null ;
let thumbnailImage = null ;
let thumbnailCrop = null ;
let thumbnailLocation = null ;
if ( thumbnailMode === "BARE" || thumbnailMode === "TEMPLATE" ) {
thumbnailTime = wubloaderTimeFromVideoHumanTime (
document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time" ) . value ,
) ;
if ( thumbnailTime === null ) {
submissionError ( "The thumbnail time is invalid" ) ;
return ;
if ( thumbnailMode === "TEMPLATE" ) {
thumbnailTemplate = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-template" ) . value ;
[ thumbnailCrop , thumbnailLocation ] = getTemplatePosition ( ) ;
if ( thumbnailCrop === null || thumbnailLocation === null ) {
submissionError ( "The thumbnail crop/location options are invalid" ) ;
return ;
try {
if ( thumbnailMode === "CUSTOM" ) {
thumbnailImage = await uploadedImageToBase64 ( ) ;
} else if ( thumbnailMode === "ONEOFF" ) {
thumbnailImage = await renderThumbnail ( ) ;
thumbnailMode = "CUSTOM" ;
} catch ( e ) {
submissionError ( ` ${ e } ` ) ;
return ;
const videoTitle = document . getElementById ( "video-info-title" ) . value ;
const videoTags = document . getElementById ( "video-info-tags" ) . value . split ( "," ) ;
const allowHoles = document . getElementById ( "advanced-submission-option-allow-holes" ) . checked ;
const isPublic = ! document . getElementById ( "advanced-submission-option-unlisted" ) . checked ;
const uploadLocation = document . getElementById (
"advanced-submission-option-upload-location" ,
) . value ;
const uploaderAllowlistValue = document . getElementById (
"advanced-submission-option-uploader-allow" ,
) . value ;
const uploaderAllowlist = uploaderAllowlistValue ? uploaderAllowlistValue . split ( "," ) : null ;
const editData = {
video _ranges : ranges ,
video _transitions : transitions ,
video _title : videoTitle ,
video _description : videoDescription ,
video _tags : videoTags ,
allow _holes : allowHoles ,
upload _location : uploadLocation ,
public : isPublic ,
video _channel : globalStreamName ,
video _quality : videoInfo . video _quality ,
uploader _whitelist : uploaderAllowlist ,
state : newState ,
thumbnail _mode : thumbnailMode ,
thumbnail _template : thumbnailTemplate ,
thumbnail _crop : thumbnailCrop ,
thumbnail _location : thumbnailLocation ,
thumbnail _time : thumbnailTime ,
thumbnail _image : thumbnailImage ,
// We also provide some sheet column values to verify data hasn't changed.
sheet _name : videoInfo . sheet _name ,
event _start : videoInfo . event _start ,
event _end : videoInfo . event _end ,
category : videoInfo . category ,
description : videoInfo . description ,
notes : videoInfo . notes ,
tags : videoInfo . tags ,
} ;
if ( googleUser ) {
editData . token = googleUser . getAuthResponse ( ) . id _token ;
if ( overrideChanges ) {
editData . override _changes = true ;
globalPageState = PAGE _STATE . SUBMITTING ;
const submitResponse = await fetch ( ` /thrimshim/ ${ videoInfo . id } ` , {
method : "POST" ,
headers : {
Accept : "application/json" ,
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
body : JSON . stringify ( editData ) ,
} ) ;
if ( submitResponse . ok ) {
globalPageState = PAGE _STATE . CLEAN ;
submissionResponseElem . classList . value = [ "submission-response-success" ] ;
if ( newState === "EDITED" ) {
submissionResponseElem . innerText = "Submitted edit" ;
const submissionTimesListContainer = document . createElement ( "ul" ) ;
for ( const range of rangesData ) {
const submissionTimeResponse = document . createElement ( "li" ) ;
const rangeStartWubloader = range . start ;
const rangeStartVideoHuman = videoHumanTimeFromWubloaderTime ( rangeStartWubloader ) ;
const rangeEndWubloader = range . end ;
const rangeEndVideoHuman = videoHumanTimeFromWubloaderTime ( rangeEndWubloader ) ;
submissionTimeResponse . innerText = ` from ${ rangeStartVideoHuman } ( ${ rangeStartWubloader } ) to ${ rangeEndVideoHuman } ( ${ rangeEndWubloader } ) ` ;
submissionTimesListContainer . appendChild ( submissionTimeResponse ) ;
submissionResponseElem . appendChild ( submissionTimesListContainer ) ;
} else if ( newState === "UNEDITED" ) {
submissionResponseElem . innerText = "Saved draft" ;
} else if ( newState === "MODIFIED" ) {
submissionResponseElem . innerText = "Submitted changes" ;
} else {
// should never happen but shrug
submissionResponseElem . innerText = ` Submitted state ${ newState } ` ;
} else {
globalPageState = PAGE _STATE . DIRTY ;
submissionResponseElem . classList . value = [ "submission-response-error" ] ;
if ( submitResponse . status === 409 ) {
globalPageState = PAGE _STATE . CONFIRMING ;
const serverErrorNode = document . createTextNode ( await submitResponse . text ( ) ) ;
const submitButton = document . createElement ( "button" ) ;
if ( newState === "UNEDITED" ) {
submitButton . innerText = "Save Draft Anyway" ;
} else if ( newState === "MODIFIED" ) {
submitButton . innerText = "Submit Changes Anyway" ;
} else {
submitButton . innerText = "Submit Anyway" ;
submitButton . addEventListener ( "click" , ( _event ) => {
sendVideoData ( newState , true ) ;
} ) ;
submissionResponseElem . innerHTML = "" ;
submissionResponseElem . appendChild ( serverErrorNode ) ;
submissionResponseElem . appendChild ( submitButton ) ;
} else if ( submitResponse . status === 401 ) {
submissionResponseElem . innerText = "Unauthorized. Did you remember to sign in?" ;
} else {
submissionResponseElem . innerText = ` ${
submitResponse . statusText
} : $ { await submitResponse . text ( ) } ` ;
function formatChapterTime ( playerTime , hasHours ) {
let hours = Math . trunc ( playerTime / 3600 ) ;
let minutes = Math . trunc ( ( playerTime / 60 ) % 60 ) ;
let seconds = Math . trunc ( playerTime % 60 ) ;
while ( minutes . toString ( ) . length < 2 ) {
minutes = ` 0 ${ minutes } ` ;
while ( seconds . toString ( ) . length < 2 ) {
seconds = ` 0 ${ seconds } ` ;
if ( hasHours ) {
return ` ${ hours } : ${ minutes } : ${ seconds } ` ;
return ` ${ minutes } : ${ seconds } ` ;
function unformatChapterTime ( chapterTime ) {
const timeParts = chapterTime . split ( ":" ) ;
while ( timeParts . length < 3 ) {
timeParts . unshift ( 0 ) ;
const hours = + timeParts [ 0 ] ;
const minutes = + timeParts [ 1 ] ;
const seconds = + timeParts [ 2 ] ;
return hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds ;
function handleFieldChange ( _event ) {
globalPageState = PAGE _STATE . DIRTY ;
function handleLeavePage ( event ) {
if ( globalPageState === PAGE _STATE . CLEAN ) {
return ;
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
switch ( globalPageState ) {
event . returnValue =
"There are unsaved edits. Are you sure you want to exit? You will lose your edits." ;
break ;
event . returnValue =
"The video is stsill being submitted. Are you sure you want to exit? You may lose your edits." ;
break ;
event . returnValue =
"There's a confirmation for video submission. Are you sure you want to exit? You will lose your edits." ;
break ;
return event . returnValue ;
function generateDownloadURL ( timeRanges , transitions , downloadType , allowHoles , quality ) {
const query = new URLSearchParams ( {
type : downloadType ,
allow _holes : allowHoles ,
} ) ;
for ( const range of timeRanges ) {
let timeRangeString = "" ;
if ( range . hasOwnProperty ( "start" ) ) {
timeRangeString += range . start ;
timeRangeString += "," ;
if ( range . hasOwnProperty ( "end" ) ) {
timeRangeString += range . end ;
query . append ( "range" , timeRangeString ) ;
for ( const transition of transitions ) {
query . append ( "transition" , transition ) ;
const downloadURL = ` /cut/ ${ globalStreamName } / ${ quality } .ts? ${ query . toString ( ) } ` ;
return downloadURL ;
// Reads file data from the custom thumbnail upload input, and returns base64 string.
// Throws on error.
async function uploadedImageToBase64 ( ) {
const fileInput = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-custom" ) ;
if ( fileInput . files . length === 0 ) {
throw new Error ( "A file was not provided for the thumbnail" ) ;
const fileHandle = fileInput . files [ 0 ] ;
const fileReader = new FileReader ( ) ;
let loadPromiseResolve ;
const loadPromise = new Promise ( ( resolve , _reject ) => {
loadPromiseResolve = resolve ;
} ) ;
fileReader . addEventListener ( "loadend" , ( event ) => {
loadPromiseResolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
fileReader . readAsDataURL ( fileHandle ) ;
await loadPromise ;
const fileLoadData = fileReader . result ;
if ( fileLoadData . error ) {
throw new Error (
` An error ( ${ fileLoadData . error . name } ) occurred loading the thumbnail: ${ fileLoadData . error . message } ` ,
) ;
if ( fileLoadData . substring ( 0 , 22 ) !== "data:image/png;base64," ) {
throw new Error ( "An error occurred converting the uploaded image to base64." ) ;
return fileLoadData . substring ( 22 ) ;
// Submits a thumbnail to restreamer to be rendered, and returns the result as base64.
// Throws on error.
async function renderThumbnail ( ) {
const thumbnailTime = wubloaderTimeFromVideoHumanTime (
document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-time" ) . value ,
) ;
if ( thumbnailTime === null ) {
throw new Error ( "The thumbnail time is invalid" ) ;
const [ thumbnailCrop , thumbnailLocation ] = getTemplatePosition ( ) ;
if ( thumbnailCrop === null || thumbnailLocation === null ) {
throw new Error ( "The thumbnail crop/location options are invalid" ) ;
const query = new URLSearchParams ( {
timestamp : thumbnailTime ,
crop : thumbnailCrop . join ( "," ) ,
location : thumbnailLocation . join ( "," ) ,
} ) ;
const templateData = await uploadedImageToBase64 ( ) ;
// Client-side javascript makes it shockingly hard to correctly decode base64.
// See
// The "cleanest" solution is to "fetch" the data URL containing base64 data.
const datares = await fetch ( ` data:application/octet-stream;base64, ${ templateData } ` ) ;
const body = new Uint8Array ( await datares . arrayBuffer ( ) ) ;
const res = await fetch ( ` /thumbnail/ ${ globalStreamName } /source.png? ${ query } ` , {
method : "POST" ,
body ,
} ) ;
if ( ! res . ok ) {
throw new Error ( ` Rendering thumbnail failed with ${ res . status } ${ res . statusText } ` ) ;
// Converting the result into base64 is similarly painful.
const blob = await res . blob ( ) ;
const data = await new Promise ( ( resolve ) => {
const reader = new FileReader ( ) ;
reader . onload = ( ) => resolve ( reader . result ) ;
reader . readAsDataURL ( blob ) ;
} ) ;
if ( data . substring ( 0 , 22 ) !== "data:image/png;base64," ) {
throw new Error ( "An error occurred converting the uploaded image to base64." ) ;
return data . substring ( 22 ) ;
function updateDownloadLink ( ) {
const downloadType = document . getElementById ( "download-type-select" ) . value ;
const allowHoles = document . getElementById ( "advanced-submission-option-allow-holes" ) . checked ;
const timeRanges = [ ] ;
const transitions = [ ] ;
for ( const rangeContainer of document . getElementById ( "range-definitions" ) . children ) {
// First range container has no transition.
const transitionTypeElements = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-transition-type" ) ;
if ( transitionTypeElements . length > 0 ) {
const transitionType = transitionTypeElements [ 0 ] . value ;
const transitionDurationStr = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName (
"range-transition-duration" ,
) [ 0 ] . value ;
if ( transitionType === "" ) {
transitions . push ( "" ) ;
} else {
let transitionDuration = Number ( transitionDurationStr ) ;
// We don't have a sensible way to error out here, so default invalid durations to 1s
if ( ! ( transitionDuration > 0 ) ) {
transitionDuration = 1 ;
transitions . push ( ` ${ transitionType } , ${ transitionDuration } ` ) ;
const startField = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) [ 0 ] ;
const endField = rangeContainer . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) [ 0 ] ;
const timeRangeData = { } ;
const startTime = wubloaderTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( startField . value ) ;
if ( startTime ) {
timeRangeData . start = startTime ;
const endTime = wubloaderTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( endField . value ) ;
if ( endTime ) {
timeRangeData . end = endTime ;
timeRanges . push ( timeRangeData ) ;
const downloadURL = generateDownloadURL (
timeRanges ,
transitions ,
downloadType ,
allowHoles ,
videoInfo . video _quality ,
) ;
document . getElementById ( "download-link" ) . href = downloadURL ;
async function setManualVideoLink ( ) {
let uploadLocation ;
if ( document . getElementById ( "data-correction-manual-link-youtube" ) . checked ) {
uploadLocation = "youtube-manual" ;
} else {
uploadLocation = "manual" ;
const link = document . getElementById ( "data-correction-manual-link-entry" ) . value ;
const request = {
link : link ,
upload _location : uploadLocation ,
} ;
if ( googleUser ) {
request . token = googleUser . getAuthResponse ( ) . id _token ;
const responseElem = document . getElementById ( "data-correction-manual-link-response" ) ;
responseElem . innerText = "Submitting link..." ;
const response = await fetch ( ` /thrimshim/manual-link/ ${ videoInfo . id } ` , {
method : "POST" ,
headers : {
Accept : "application/json" ,
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
body : JSON . stringify ( request ) ,
} ) ;
if ( response . ok ) {
responseElem . innerText = ` Manual link set to ${ link } ` ;
} else {
responseElem . innerText = ` ${ response . statusText } : ${ await response . text ( ) } ` ;
async function cancelVideoUpload ( ) {
const request = { } ;
if ( googleUser ) {
request . token = googleUser . getAuthResponse ( ) . id _token ;
const responseElem = document . getElementById ( "data-correction-cancel-response" ) ;
responseElem . innerText = "Submitting cancel request..." ;
const response = await fetch ( ` /thrimshim/reset/ ${ videoInfo . id } ?force=false ` , {
method : "POST" ,
headers : {
Accept : "application/json" ,
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
body : JSON . stringify ( request ) ,
} ) ;
if ( response . ok ) {
responseElem . innerText = "Row has been cancelled." ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
responseElem . innerText = "" ;
} , 2000 ) ;
} else {
responseElem . innerText = ` ${ response . statusText } : ${ await response . text ( ) } ` ;
async function resetVideoRow ( ) {
const request = { } ;
if ( googleUser ) {
request . token = googleUser . getAuthResponse ( ) . id _token ;
const responseElem = document . getElementById ( "data-correction-cancel-response" ) ;
responseElem . innerText = "Submitting reset request..." ;
const response = await fetch ( ` /thrimshim/reset/ ${ videoInfo . id } ?force=true ` , {
method : "POST" ,
headers : {
Accept : "application/json" ,
"Content-Type" : "application/json" ,
} ,
body : JSON . stringify ( request ) ,
} ) ;
if ( response . ok ) {
responseElem . innerText = "Row has been reset." ;
const forceResetConfirmationContainer = document . getElementById (
"data-correction-force-reset-confirm" ,
) ;
forceResetConfirmationContainer . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
responseElem . innerText = "" ;
} , 2000 ) ;
} else {
responseElem . innerText = ` ${ response . statusText } : ${ await response . text ( ) } ` ;
function addRangeDefinition ( ) {
const newRangeDOM = rangeDefinitionDOM ( ) ;
const rangeContainer = document . getElementById ( "range-definitions" ) ;
rangeContainer . appendChild ( newRangeDOM ) ;
function makeElement ( tag , classes = [ ] , values = { } ) {
const element = document . createElement ( tag ) ;
for ( const cls of classes ) {
element . classList . add ( cls ) ;
for ( const [ key , value ] of Object . entries ( values ) ) {
element [ key ] = value ;
return element ;
function rangeDefinitionDOM ( ) {
// Shortcut builder for image-based buttons
const button = ( cls , src , alt ) =>
makeElement ( "img" , [ cls , "click" ] , {
src ,
alt ,
title : alt ,
} ) ;
const rangeContainer = makeElement ( "div" , [ "range-definition-removable" ] ) ;
const transitionContainer = makeElement ( "div" , [ "range-transition" ] ) ;
const transitionType = makeElement ( "select" , [ "range-transition-type" ] ) ;
// Always add the special-case hard cut option first.
transitionType . append (
makeElement ( "option" , [ ] , {
value : "" ,
textContent : "cut" ,
title : "A hard cut with no transition. Duration is ignored." ,
} ) ,
) ;
updateTransitionTypes ( [ transitionType ] ) ;
// Duration always starts hidden because type always starts as cut.
const transitionDurationSection = makeElement ( "div" , [
"range-transition-duration-section" ,
"hidden" ,
] ) ;
// Add/remove hidden when type changes
transitionType . addEventListener ( "change" , ( event ) => {
if ( transitionType . value === "" ) {
transitionDurationSection . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
} else {
transitionDurationSection . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
updateDownloadLink ( ) ;
handleFieldChange ( ) ;
} ) ;
const transitionDuration = makeElement ( "input" , [ "range-transition-duration" ] , {
type : "text" ,
value : "1" ,
} ) ;
transitionDuration . addEventListener ( "change" , ( event ) => {
updateDownloadLink ( ) ;
handleFieldChange ( ) ;
} ) ;
transitionDurationSection . append ( " over " , transitionDuration , " seconds" ) ;
transitionContainer . append ( "Transition: " , transitionType , transitionDurationSection ) ;
const rangeTimesContainer = makeElement ( "div" , [ "range-definition-times" ] ) ;
const rangeStart = makeElement ( "input" , [ "range-definition-start" ] , { type : "text" } ) ;
const rangeStartSet = button (
"range-definition-set-start" ,
"images/pencil.png" ,
"Set range start point to the current video time" ,
) ;
const rangeStartPlay = button (
"range-definition-play-start" ,
"images/play_to.png" ,
"Play from start point" ,
) ;
const rangeTimeGap = makeElement ( "div" , [ "range-definition-between-time-gap" ] ) ;
const rangeEnd = makeElement ( "input" , [ "range-definition-end" ] , { type : "text" } ) ;
const rangeEndSet = button (
"range-definition-set-end" ,
"images/pencil.png" ,
"Set range end point to the current video time" ,
) ;
const rangeEndPlay = button (
"range-definition-play-end" ,
"images/play_to.png" ,
"Play from end point" ,
) ;
const removeRange = button ( "range-definition-remove" , "images/minus.png" , "Remove range" ) ;
if ( canEditVideo ( ) ) {
rangeStartSet . addEventListener ( "click" , getRangeSetClickHandler ( "start" ) ) ;
rangeEndSet . addEventListener ( "click" , getRangeSetClickHandler ( "end" ) ) ;
} else {
rangeStartSet . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
rangeEndSet . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
rangeStart . disabled = true ;
rangeEnd . disabled = true ;
rangeStartPlay . addEventListener ( "click" , rangePlayFromStartHandler ) ;
rangeEndPlay . addEventListener ( "click" , rangePlayFromEndHandler ) ;
if ( canEditVideo ( ) ) {
removeRange . addEventListener ( "click" , ( event ) => {
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
let rangeContainer = event . currentTarget ;
while ( rangeContainer && ! rangeContainer . classList . contains ( "range-definition-removable" ) ) {
rangeContainer = rangeContainer . parentElement ;
if ( rangeContainer ) {
const rangeParent = rangeContainer . parentNode ;
for ( let rangeNum = 0 ; rangeNum < rangeParent . children . length ; rangeNum ++ ) {
if ( rangeContainer === rangeParent . children [ rangeNum ] ) {
if ( rangeNum + 1 <= currentRange ) {
// currentRange is 1-indexed to index into DOM with querySelector
currentRange -- ;
break ;
rangeParent . removeChild ( rangeContainer ) ;
updateCurrentRangeIndicator ( ) ;
rangeDataUpdated ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
removeRange . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
const currentRangeMarkerAlt = "Range affected by keyboard shortcuts" ;
const currentRangeMarker = makeElement ( "img" , [ "range-definition-current" , "hidden" ] , {
src : "images/arrow.png" ,
alt : currentRangeMarkerAlt ,
title : currentRangeMarkerAlt ,
} ) ;
rangeTimesContainer . append (
rangeStart ,
rangeStartSet ,
rangeStartPlay ,
rangeTimeGap ,
rangeEnd ,
rangeEndSet ,
rangeEndPlay ,
removeRange ,
currentRangeMarker ,
) ;
const rangeChaptersContainer = makeElement ( "div" , [ "range-definition-chapter-markers" ] ) ;
const enableChaptersElem = document . getElementById ( "enable-chapter-markers" ) ;
const chaptersEnabled = enableChaptersElem . checked ;
if ( ! chaptersEnabled ) {
rangeChaptersContainer . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
const rangeAddChapterElem = button (
"add-range-definition-chapter-marker" ,
"images/plus.png" ,
"Add chapter marker" ,
) ;
if ( ! chaptersEnabled ) {
rangeAddChapterElem . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
if ( canEditMetadata ( ) ) {
rangeAddChapterElem . addEventListener ( "click" , addChapterMarkerHandler ) ;
} else {
rangeAddChapterElem . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
rangeContainer . append (
transitionContainer ,
rangeTimesContainer ,
rangeChaptersContainer ,
rangeAddChapterElem ,
) ;
return rangeContainer ;
function getRangeSetClickHandler ( startOrEnd ) {
return ( event ) => {
if ( ! canEditVideo ( ) ) {
return ;
const setButton = event . currentTarget ;
const setField = setButton . parentElement . getElementsByClassName (
` range-definition- ${ startOrEnd } ` ,
) [ 0 ] ;
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
const videoPlayerTime = videoElement . currentTime ;
setField . value = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoPlayerTime ) ;
rangeDataUpdated ( ) ;
} ;
function moveToNextRange ( ) {
currentRange ++ ;
if (
canEditVideo ( ) &&
currentRange > document . getElementById ( "range-definitions" ) . children . length
) {
addRangeDefinition ( ) ;
updateCurrentRangeIndicator ( ) ;
function moveToPreviousRange ( ) {
if ( currentRange <= 1 ) {
return ;
currentRange -- ;
updateCurrentRangeIndicator ( ) ;
function updateCurrentRangeIndicator ( ) {
for ( let arrowElem of document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-current" ) ) {
arrowElem . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
. querySelector ( ` #range-definitions > div:nth-child( ${ currentRange } ) .range-definition-current ` )
. classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
function rangePlayFromStartHandler ( event ) {
const playButton = event . currentTarget ;
const startField = playButton . parentElement . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) [ 0 ] ;
const startTime = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( startField . value ) ;
if ( startTime === null ) {
addError ( "Couldn't play from range start: failed to parse time" ) ;
return ;
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
videoElement . currentTime = startTime ;
function rangePlayFromEndHandler ( event ) {
const playButton = event . currentTarget ;
const endField = playButton . parentElement . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) [ 0 ] ;
const endTime = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( endField . value ) ;
if ( endTime === null ) {
addError ( "Couldn't play from range end; failed to parse time" ) ;
return ;
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
videoElement . currentTime = endTime ;
function chapterMarkerDefinitionDOM ( ) {
const startFieldContainer = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
startFieldContainer . classList . add ( "range-definition-chapter-marker-start-field" ) ;
const startField = document . createElement ( "input" ) ;
startField . type = "text" ;
startField . classList . add ( "range-definition-chapter-marker-start" ) ;
startField . placeholder = "Start time" ;
const setStartTime = document . createElement ( "img" ) ;
setStartTime . src = "images/pencil.png" ;
setStartTime . alt = "Set chapter start time" ;
setStartTime . title = setStartTime . alt ;
setStartTime . classList . add ( "range-definition-chapter-marker-set-start" ) ;
setStartTime . classList . add ( "click" ) ;
setStartTime . addEventListener ( "click" , ( event ) => {
const chapterContainer = event . currentTarget . parentElement ;
const startTimeField = chapterContainer . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-start" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
startTimeField . value = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoElement . currentTime ) ;
} ) ;
const playFromStartTime = document . createElement ( "img" ) ;
playFromStartTime . src = "images/play_to.png" ;
playFromStartTime . alt = "Play from chapter start time" ;
playFromStartTime . title = playFromStartTime . alt ;
playFromStartTime . classList . add ( "range-definition-chapter-marker-play-start" ) ;
playFromStartTime . classList . add ( "click" ) ;
if ( canEditMetadata ( ) ) {
playFromStartTime . addEventListener ( "click" , chapterMarkerPlayStartTimeHandler ) ;
} else {
playFromStartTime . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
startFieldContainer . appendChild ( startField ) ;
startFieldContainer . appendChild ( setStartTime ) ;
startFieldContainer . appendChild ( playFromStartTime ) ;
const descriptionField = document . createElement ( "input" ) ;
descriptionField . type = "text" ;
descriptionField . classList . add ( "range-definition-chapter-marker-description" ) ;
descriptionField . placeholder = "Description" ;
descriptionField . addEventListener ( "input" , ( event ) => {
validateChapterDescription ( descriptionField ) ;
} ) ;
const removeButton = document . createElement ( "img" ) ;
removeButton . src = "images/minus.png" ;
removeButton . alt = "Remove this chapter" ;
removeButton . title = removeButton . alt ;
removeButton . classList . add ( "range-definition-chapter-marker-remove" ) ;
removeButton . classList . add ( "click" ) ;
if ( canEditMetadata ( ) ) {
removeButton . addEventListener ( "click" , ( event ) => {
const thisDefinition = event . currentTarget . parentElement ;
thisDefinition . parentNode . removeChild ( thisDefinition ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
removeButton . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
const chapterContainer = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
chapterContainer . appendChild ( startFieldContainer ) ;
chapterContainer . appendChild ( descriptionField ) ;
chapterContainer . appendChild ( removeButton ) ;
return chapterContainer ;
function addChapterMarkerHandler ( event ) {
if ( canEditMetadata ( ) ) {
const newChapterMarker = chapterMarkerDefinitionDOM ( ) ;
event . currentTarget . previousElementSibling . appendChild ( newChapterMarker ) ;
handleFieldChange ( event ) ;
function chapterMarkerPlayStartTimeHandler ( event ) {
const chapterContainer = event . currentTarget . parentElement ;
const startTimeField = chapterContainer . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-start" ,
) [ 0 ] ;
const newVideoTime = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( startTimeField . value ) ;
if ( newVideoTime !== null ) {
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
videoElement . currentTime = newVideoTime ;
async function rangeDataUpdated ( ) {
const clipBar = document . getElementById ( "clip-bar" ) ;
clipBar . innerHTML = "" ;
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
const videoDuration = videoElement . duration ;
for ( let rangeDefinition of document . getElementById ( "range-definitions" ) . children ) {
const rangeStartField = rangeDefinition . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) [ 0 ] ;
const rangeEndField = rangeDefinition . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-end" ) [ 0 ] ;
const rangeStart = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( rangeStartField . value ) ;
const rangeEnd = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( rangeEndField . value ) ;
if ( rangeStart !== null && rangeEnd !== null ) {
const rangeStartPercentage = ( rangeStart / videoDuration ) * 100 ;
const rangeEndPercentage = ( rangeEnd / videoDuration ) * 100 ;
const widthPercentage = rangeEndPercentage - rangeStartPercentage ;
const marker = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
marker . style . width = ` ${ widthPercentage } % ` ;
marker . style . left = ` ${ rangeStartPercentage } % ` ;
clipBar . appendChild ( marker ) ;
const firstRangeStartField = document . getElementsByClassName ( "range-definition-start" ) [ 0 ] ; // There should always be a first one
const firstChapterStartField = document . getElementById (
"range-definition-chapter-marker-first-start" ,
) ;
firstChapterStartField . value = firstRangeStartField . value ;
updateDownloadLink ( ) ;
function setCurrentRangeStartToVideoTime ( ) {
if ( ! canEditVideo ( ) ) {
return ;
const rangeStartField = document . querySelector (
` #range-definitions > div:nth-child( ${ currentRange } ) .range-definition-start ` ,
) ;
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
rangeStartField . value = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoElement . currentTime ) ;
rangeDataUpdated ( ) ;
function setCurrentRangeEndToVideoTime ( ) {
if ( ! canEditVideo ( ) ) {
return ;
const rangeEndField = document . querySelector (
` #range-definitions > div:nth-child( ${ currentRange } ) .range-definition-end ` ,
) ;
const videoElement = document . getElementById ( "video" ) ;
rangeEndField . value = videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoElement . currentTime ) ;
rangeDataUpdated ( ) ;
function enableChapterMarkers ( enable ) {
document . getElementById ( "enable-chapter-markers" ) . checked = enable ;
changeEnableChaptersHandler ( ) ;
function changeEnableChaptersHandler ( ) {
const chaptersEnabled = document . getElementById ( "enable-chapter-markers" ) . checked ;
for ( const chapterMarkerContainer of document . getElementsByClassName (
"range-definition-chapter-markers" ,
) ) {
if ( chaptersEnabled ) {
chapterMarkerContainer . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
} else {
chapterMarkerContainer . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
for ( const addChapterMarkerElem of document . getElementsByClassName (
"add-range-definition-chapter-marker" ,
) ) {
if ( chaptersEnabled ) {
addChapterMarkerElem . classList . remove ( "hidden" ) ;
} else {
addChapterMarkerElem . classList . add ( "hidden" ) ;
function renderChatLog ( ) {
const chatReplayParent = document . getElementById ( "chat-replay" ) ;
chatReplayParent . innerHTML = "" ;
for ( const chatMessage of globalChatData ) {
if ( chatMessage . message . command === "PRIVMSG" ) {
const chatDOM = renderChatMessage ( chatMessage ) ;
if ( chatDOM ) {
chatReplayParent . appendChild ( chatDOM ) ;
} else if ( chatMessage . message . command === "CLEARMSG" ) {
const removedMessageID = chatMessage . message . tags [ "target-msg-id" ] ;
const removedMessageElem = document . getElementById ( ` chat-replay-message- ${ removedMessageID } ` ) ;
if ( removedMessageElem ) {
removedMessageElem . classList . add ( "chat-replay-message-cleared" ) ;
} else if ( chatMessage . message . command === "CLEARCHAT" ) {
if ( chatMessage . message . params . length > 1 ) {
const removedSender = chatMessage . message . params [ 1 ] ;
for ( const childNode of document . getElementById ( "chat-replay" ) . children ) {
if ( childNode . dataset . sender === removedSender ) {
childNode . classList . add ( "chat-replay-message-cleared" ) ;
} else {
// Without a target parameter, the CLEARCHAT clears all messages in the entire chat.
for ( const childNode of document . getElementById ( "chat-replay" ) . children ) {
childNode . classList . add ( "chat-replay-message-cleared" ) ;
} else if ( chatMessage . message . command === "USERNOTICE" ) {
const chatDOMList = renderSystemMessages ( chatMessage ) ;
for ( const chatDOM of chatDOMList ) {
chatReplayParent . appendChild ( chatDOM ) ;
function videoPlayerTimeFromWubloaderTime ( wubloaderTime ) {
const wubloaderDateTime = dateTimeFromWubloaderTime ( wubloaderTime ) ;
const segmentList = getSegmentList ( ) ;
for ( let segmentIndex = 0 ; segmentIndex < segmentList . length - 1 ; segmentIndex ++ ) {
const thisSegment = segmentList [ segmentIndex ] ;
const nextSegment = segmentList [ segmentIndex + 1 ] ;
const segmentStartTime = DateTime . fromISO ( thisSegment . rawProgramDateTime ) ;
const nextSegmentStartTime = DateTime . fromISO ( nextSegment . rawProgramDateTime ) ;
if ( segmentStartTime <= wubloaderDateTime && nextSegmentStartTime > wubloaderDateTime ) {
let offset = wubloaderDateTime . diff ( segmentStartTime ) . as ( "seconds" ) ;
// If there's a hole in the video and this wubloader time is in the hole, this will end up
// at a random point. We can fix that by capping the offset at the segment duration.
if ( offset > thisSegment . duration ) {
offset = thisSegment . duration ;
return thisSegment . start + offset ;
const lastSegment = segmentList [ segmentList . length - 1 ] ;
const lastSegmentStartTime = DateTime . fromISO ( lastSegment . rawProgramDateTime ) ;
const lastSegmentEndTime = lastSegmentStartTime . plus ( { seconds : lastSegment . duration } ) ;
if ( lastSegmentStartTime <= wubloaderDateTime && wubloaderDateTime <= lastSegmentEndTime ) {
return lastSegment . start + wubloaderDateTime . diff ( lastSegmentStartTime ) . as ( "seconds" ) ;
return null ;
function dateTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( videoHumanTime ) {
const videoPlayerTime = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( videoHumanTime ) ;
if ( videoPlayerTime === null ) {
return null ;
return dateTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoPlayerTime ) ;
function wubloaderTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoPlayerTime ) {
const dt = dateTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoPlayerTime ) ;
return wubloaderTimeFromDateTime ( dt ) ;
function videoHumanTimeFromWubloaderTime ( wubloaderTime ) {
const videoPlayerTime = videoPlayerTimeFromWubloaderTime ( wubloaderTime ) ;
return videoHumanTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoPlayerTime ) ;
function wubloaderTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( videoHumanTime ) {
const videoPlayerTime = videoPlayerTimeFromVideoHumanTime ( videoHumanTime ) ;
if ( videoPlayerTime === null ) {
return null ;
return wubloaderTimeFromVideoPlayerTime ( videoPlayerTime ) ;
function canEditVideo ( ) {
return (
videoInfo . state === "UNEDITED" || videoInfo . state === "EDITED" || videoInfo . state === "CLAIMED"
) ;
function canEditMetadata ( ) {
return canEditVideo ( ) || videoInfo . state === "DONE" || videoInfo . state === "MODIFIED" ;
function isNonVideoInput ( element ) {
return element . id . startsWith ( "data-correction-force-reset" ) ;
/ * *
* Helper function to create the Jcrop widgets the first time the user chooses
* to load the advanced template cropping tool images in a given session .
* /
function createTemplateCropWidgets ( ) {
if ( videoFrameStage == null ) {
videoFrameStage = Jcrop . attach ( "video-info-thumbnail-template-video-source-image" ) ;
videoFrameStage . listen ( "crop.update" , function ( widget , e ) {
const pos = widget . pos ;
const fieldX1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-0" ) ;
const fieldY1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-1" ) ;
const fieldX2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-2" ) ;
const fieldY2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-3" ) ;
// 640x320 -> 1920x1080
fieldX1 . value = Math . round ( pos . x * 3 ) ;
fieldY1 . value = Math . round ( pos . y * 3 ) ;
fieldX2 . value = Math . round ( ( pos . x + pos . w ) * 3 ) ;
fieldY2 . value = Math . round ( ( pos . y + pos . h ) * 3 ) ;
} ) ;
videoFrameStage . listen ( "crop.change" , function ( widget , e ) {
// This only fires when the user is finished dragging, not every time the size
// of the cropped area updates. This avoids the template area updating every
// instant due to minute changes in the aspect ratio, which causes it to shrink
// while resizing.
updateTemplateCropAspectRatio ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( templateStage == null ) {
templateStage = Jcrop . attach ( "video-info-thumbnail-template-overlay-image" ) ;
templateStage . listen ( "crop.update" , function ( widget , e ) {
const pos = widget . pos ;
const fieldX1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-0" ) ;
const fieldY1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-1" ) ;
const fieldX2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-2" ) ;
const fieldY2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-3" ) ;
// 640x320 -> 1280x720
fieldX1 . value = Math . round ( pos . x * 2 ) ;
fieldY1 . value = Math . round ( pos . y * 2 ) ;
fieldX2 . value = Math . round ( ( pos . x + pos . w ) * 2 ) ;
fieldY2 . value = Math . round ( ( pos . y + pos . h ) * 2 ) ;
} ) ;
updateTemplateCropWidgets ( ) ;
updateTemplateCropAspectRatio ( ) ;
/ * *
* Helper function to update the Jcrop widgets ( creating them if needed ) based
* on the current values in the advanced template cropping text input fields .
* /
function updateTemplateCropWidgets ( ) {
const videoFieldX1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-0" ) ;
const videoFieldY1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-1" ) ;
const videoFieldX2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-2" ) ;
const videoFieldY2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-3" ) ;
// Video frame: 640x360 -> 1920x1080
const videoFrameRect = Jcrop . Rect . create (
videoFieldX1 . value / 3 ,
videoFieldY1 . value / 3 ,
( videoFieldX2 . value - videoFieldX1 . value ) / 3 ,
( videoFieldY2 . value - videoFieldY1 . value ) / 3 ,
) ;
if ( videoFrameStage . active == null ) {
videoFrameStage . newWidget ( videoFrameRect ) ;
} else {
videoFrameStage . active . pos = videoFrameRect ;
videoFrameStage . active . render ( ) ;
const templateFieldX1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-0" ) ;
const templateFieldY1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-1" ) ;
const templateFieldX2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-2" ) ;
const templateFieldY2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-location-3" ) ;
// Template: 640x360 -> 1280x720
const templateRect = Jcrop . Rect . create (
templateFieldX1 . value / 2 ,
templateFieldY1 . value / 2 ,
( templateFieldX2 . value - templateFieldX1 . value ) / 2 ,
( templateFieldY2 . value - templateFieldY1 . value ) / 2 ,
) ;
if ( templateStage . active == null ) {
templateStage . newWidget ( templateRect ) ;
} else {
templateStage . active . pos = templateRect ;
templateStage . active . render ( ) ;
updateTemplateCropAspectRatio ( ) ;
function updateTemplateCropAspectRatio ( ) {
const aspectRatioCheckbox = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-lock-aspect-ratio" ) ;
if ( aspectRatioCheckbox . checked ) {
const videoFieldX1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-0" ) ;
const videoFieldY1 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-1" ) ;
const videoFieldX2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-2" ) ;
const videoFieldY2 = document . getElementById ( "video-info-thumbnail-crop-3" ) ;
const videoFieldAspectRatio =
( videoFieldX2 . value - videoFieldX1 . value ) / ( videoFieldY2 . value - videoFieldY1 . value ) ;
videoFrameStage . setOptions ( { aspectRatio : videoFieldAspectRatio } ) ;
templateStage . setOptions ( { aspectRatio : videoFieldAspectRatio } ) ;
} else {
videoFrameStage . setOptions ( { aspectRatio : null } ) ;
templateStage . setOptions ( { aspectRatio : null } ) ;