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Output a list of fastest races in a league
Database info:
matches maps to multiple races via match_races (on match_id)
matches links to racers and cawmentator:
races contains start time:
races maps to multiple runs via race_runs
race_runs contains time for each racer
race_runs.time: centiseconds
race_runs.rank: 1 for fastest time
import datetime
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
from getpass import getpass
from uuid import uuid4
import argh
import mysql.connector
4 years ago
def main(league, limit=144, max_duration=3600.0,
host='', user='necrobot-read', password='necrobot-read', database='condor_x2',
if password is None:
password = getpass("Password? ")
conn = mysql.connector.connect(
host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database,
cur = conn.cursor()
match_info.match_id as match_id,
match_races.race_number as race_number
FROM match_info
JOIN match_races ON (match_info.match_id = match_races.match_id)
JOIN races ON (match_races.race_id = races.race_id)
JOIN race_runs ON (races.race_id = race_runs.race_id)
WHERE race_runs.rank = 1
AND match_info.league_tag = %(league)s
4 years ago
AND race_runs.time < %(max_duration)s
ORDER BY race_runs.time ASC
LIMIT %(limit)s
4 years ago
""", {'limit': limit, 'league': league, 'max_duration': int(max_duration * 100)})
data = cur.fetchall()
data = [
[item.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(item, unicode) else item for item in row]
for row in data
for i, (match_id, race_number) in enumerate(data):
print i, match_id, race_number
if __name__ == '__main__':