import logging
import json
import signal
import argh
import gevent
import gevent.backdoor
import gevent.event
import prometheus_client as prom
import common
from common.database import DBManager, query
from common.googleapis import GoogleAPIClient
class PlaylistManager(object):
def __init__(self, dbmanager, api_client, upload_locations, playlist_tags):
self.dbmanager = dbmanager
self.api = YoutubeAPI(api_client)
self.upload_locations = upload_locations
self.playlist_tags = playlist_tags
def reset(self, playlist=None):
"""Called to clear saved state and force a refresh after errors.
Either reset a specific playlist, or all if no arg given.
if playlist is None:
# playlist_state represents our mirrored view of the list of items in each playlist.
# If a playlist is not present, it means we need to refresh our view of it.
# {playlist_id: [video_id]}
self.playlist_state = {}
self.playlist_state.pop(playlist, None)
def run_once(self):
"""Do one check of all videos and playlists.
At a high level:
Fetch all eligible videos from the database
Group them into playlists depending on their tags
For each playlist, concurrently:
Compare this generated playlist to our local copy of the real thing
If they match, do nothing (don't even bother checking the real thing)
Check real thing for total length. If it matches, assume we're good. Otherwise refresh.
For each video to add:
Determine correct point in sort order
Add to playlist
Update local mirror with the action we just performed
logging.info("Checking for new videos")
videos = self.get_videos()
logging.debug("Found {} eligible videos".format(len(videos)))
# start all workers
workers = {}
for playlist, tags in self.playlist_tags.items():
workers[playlist] = gevent.spawn(self.update_playlist, playlist, tags, videos)
# check each one for success, reset on failure
for playlist, worker in workers.items():
except Exception:
logging.exception("Failed to update playlist {}".format(playlist))
def get_videos(self):
# Most of the time by getting then re-putting the conn, we'll just use the same
# one every time. But if there's an error we won't re-put it so we'll get a new one
# the next time.
conn = self.dbmanager.get_conn()
videos = query(conn, """
SELECT video_id, tags, COALESCE(video_start, event_start) AS start_time
FROM events
WHERE state = 'DONE' AND upload_location = ANY (%s)
""", self.upload_locations)
return {video.video_id: video for video in videos}
def update_playlist(self, playlist, tags, videos):
# Filter the video list for videos with matching tags
matching = [
video for video in videos.values()
if all(tag in [t.lower() for t in video.tags] for tag in tags)
logging.debug("Found {} matching videos for playlist {}".format(len(matching), playlist))
# If we have nothing to add, short circuit without doing any API calls to save quota.
if not set([v.video_id for v in matching]) - set(self.playlist_state.get(playlist, [])):
logging.debug("All videos already in playlist, nothing to do")
# Refresh our playlist state, if nessecary.
# Get an updated list of new videos
new_videos = [
video for video in matching
if video.video_id not in self.playlist_state[playlist]
# It shouldn't matter, but just for clarity let's sort them by event order
new_videos.sort(key=lambda v: v.start_time)
# Insert each new video one at a time
logging.debug("Inserting new videos for playlist {}: {}".format(playlist, new_videos))
for video in new_videos:
index = self.find_insert_index(videos, self.playlist_state[playlist], video)
self.insert_into_playlist(playlist, video.video_id, index)
def refresh_playlist(self, playlist):
"""Check playlist mirror is in a good state, and fetch it if it isn't.
We try to do this with only one page of list output, to save on quota.
If the total length does not match (or we don't have a copy at all),
then we do a full refresh.
logging.debug("Fetching first page of playlist {}".format(playlist))
query = self.api.list_playlist(playlist)
# See if we can avoid further page fetches.
if playlist not in self.playlist_state:
logging.info("Fetching playlist {} because we don't currently have it".format(playlist))
elif query.is_complete:
logging.debug("First page of {} was entire playlist".format(playlist))
elif len(self.playlist_state[playlist]) == query.total_size:
logging.debug("Skipping fetching of remainder of playlist {}, size matches".format(playlist))
logging.warning("Playlist {} has size mismatch ({} saved vs {} actual), refetching".format(
playlist, len(self.playlist_state[playlist]), query.total_size,
# Fetch remaining pages, if any
# Update saved copy with video ids
self.playlist_state[playlist] = [
item['snippet']['resourceId'].get('videoId') # api implies it's possible that non-videos are added
for item in query.items
def find_insert_index(self, videos, playlist, new_video):
"""Find the index at which to insert new_video into playlist such that
playlist remains sorted (it is assumed to already be sorted).
videos should be a mapping from video ids to video info.
# To try to behave as best we can in the presence of mis-sorted playlists,
# we walk through the list linearly. We insert immediately before the first
# item that should be after us in sort order.
# Note that we treat unknown items (videos we don't know) as being before us
# in sort order, so that we always insert after them.
for n, video_id in enumerate(playlist):
if video_id not in videos:
# ignore unknowns
video = videos[video_id]
# if this video is after new video, return this index
if new_video.start_time < video.start_time:
return n
# if we reach here, it means everything on the list was before the new video
# therefore insert at end
return len(playlist)
def insert_into_playlist(self, playlist, video_id, index):
"""Insert video into given playlist at given index.
Makes the API call then also updates our mirrored copy.
logging.info("Inserting {} at index {} of {}".format(video_id, index, playlist))
self.api.insert_into_playlist(playlist, video_id, index)
# Update our copy
self.playlist_state.setdefault(playlist, []).insert(index, video_id)
class YoutubeAPI(object):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
def insert_into_playlist(self, playlist, video_id, index):
json = {
"snippet": {
"playlistId": playlist,
"resourceId": {
"kind": "youtube#video",
"videoId": video_id,
"position": index,
resp = self.client.request("POST", "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems",
params={"part": "snippet"},
if not resp.ok:
raise Exception("Failed to insert {video_id} at index {index} of {playlist} with {resp.status_code}: {resp.content}".format(
playlist=playlist, video_id=video_id, index=index, resp=resp,
def list_playlist(self, playlist):
"""Fetches the first page of playlist contents and returns a ListQuery object.
You can use this object to look up info and optionally retrieve the whole playlist."""
data = self._list_playlist(playlist)
return ListQuery(self, playlist, data)
def _list_playlist(self, playlist, page_token=None):
"""Internal method that actually does the list query.
Returns the full response json."""
params = {
"part": "snippet",
"playlistId": playlist,
"maxResults": 50,
if page_token is not None:
params['pageToken'] = page_token
resp = self.client.request("GET", "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems",
if not resp.ok:
raise Exception("Failed to list {playlist} (page_token={!r}) with {resp.status_code}: {resp.content}".format(
playlist=playlist, page_token=page_token, resp=resp,
return resp.json()
class ListQuery(object):
"""Represents a partially-fetched list query for all playlist items.
To save on quota, we avoid fetching the entire playlist until asked."""
def __init__(self, api, playlist_id, data):
self.api = api
self.playlist_id = playlist_id
self.total_size = data['pageInfo']['totalResults']
self.is_complete = self.total_size <= data['pageInfo']['resultsPerPage']
self.items = data['items']
self.page_token = data.get('nextPageToken')
def fetch_all(self):
if self.is_complete:
page_token = self.page_token
while len(self.items) < self.total_size:
assert page_token is not None, "More items to fetch but no page token"
data = self.api._list_playlist(self.playlist_id, page_token)
self.items += data['items']
page_token = data.get('nextPageToken')
# I'm just being paranoid here about an infinite loop blowing our quota,
# let's assert we always are making forward progress
assert data['items'], "Got no extra items from new page"
self.is_complete = True
def parse_playlist_arg(arg):
playlist, tags = arg.split('=', 1)
tags = tags.split(",") if tags else []
tags = [tag.lower() for tag in tags]
return playlist, tags
@argh.arg("playlists", nargs="*", metavar="PLAYLIST={TAG,}", type=parse_playlist_arg, help=
"Each playlist arg specifies a youtube playlist ID, along with any number of tags. "
"Events will be added to the playlist if that event has all the tags. For example, "
"some_playlist_id=Day 1,Technical would populate that playlist with all Technical events "
"from Day 1. Note that having no tags (ie. 'id=') is allowed and all events will be added to it. "
"Note playlist ids must be unique (can't specify the same one twice)."
def main(
dbconnect should be a postgres connection string
creds_file should contain youtube api creds
upload_location_allowlist is a comma-seperated list of database upload locations to
consider as eligible to being added to playlists. For these locations, the database video id
must be a youtube video id.
interval is how often to check for new videos, default every 10min.
if backdoor_port:
gevent.backdoor.BackdoorServer(('', backdoor_port), locals=locals()).start()
upload_locations = upload_location_allowlist.split(",") if upload_location_allowlist else []
playlists = dict(playlists)
stop = gevent.event.Event()
gevent.signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set) # shut down on sigterm
logging.info("Starting up")
with open(creds_file) as f:
creds = json.load(f)
client = GoogleAPIClient(creds['client_id'], creds['client_secret'], creds['refresh_token'])
dbmanager = DBManager(dsn=dbconnect)
manager = PlaylistManager(dbmanager, client, upload_locations, playlists)
while not stop.is_set():
except Exception:
logging.exception("Failed to run playlist manager")
stop.wait(interval) # wait for interval, or until stopping