@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import datetime
import logging
import os
import subprocess
from urlparse import urlparse
import mysql.connector
@ -14,14 +15,33 @@ class NoSegments(Exception):
def cut_to_file(filename, base_dir, stream, start, end, variant='source', frame_counter=False):
logging.info("Cutting {}".format(filename))
class RaceNotFound(Exception):
class CantFindStart(Exception):
def __init__(self, racer, found):
self.racer = racer
self.found = found
def __str__(self):
if self.found > 0:
return "Found multiple ({}) possible start points for {}".format(self.found, self.racer)
return "Failed to find start point for {}".format(self.racer)
def ts(dt):
return dt.strftime("%FT%T")
def cut_to_file(logger, filename, base_dir, stream, start, end, variant='source', frame_counter=False):
logger.info("Cutting {}".format(filename))
segments = get_best_segments(
os.path.join(base_dir, stream, variant).lower(),
start, end,
if None in segments:
logging.warning("Cutting {} ({} to {}) but it contains holes".format(filename, ts(start), ts(end)))
logger.warning("Cutting {} ({} to {}) but it contains holes".format(filename, ts(start), ts(end)))
if not segments or set(segments) == {None}:
raise NoSegments("Can't cut {} ({} to {}): No segments".format(filename, ts(start), ts(end)))
filter_args = []
@ -33,7 +53,7 @@ def cut_to_file(filename, base_dir, stream, start, end, variant='source', frame_
encoding_args = ['-c:v', 'libx264', '-preset', 'ultrafast', '-crf', '0', '-f', 'mp4']
@ -42,20 +62,24 @@ def cut_to_file(filename, base_dir, stream, start, end, variant='source', frame_
def add_range(base, range):
return [base + datetime.timedelta(seconds=n) for n in range]
def review(match_id, race_number, host='condor.live', user='necrobot-read', password=None, database='condor_x2', base_dir='/srv/wubloader', output_dir='/tmp'):
def conn_from_url(url):
args = urlparse(url)
return mysql.connector.connect(
match_id = int(match_id)
race_number = int(race_number)
if password is None:
password = getpass("Password? ")
conn = mysql.connector.connect(
host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database,
def review(match_id, race_number, base_dir, db_url, start_range=(0, 5), finish_range=(-5, 10)):
logger = logging.getLogger("review").getChild("{}-{}".format(match_id, race_number))
conn = conn_from_url(db_url)
cur = conn.cursor()
@ -80,19 +104,30 @@ def review(match_id, race_number, host='condor.live', user='necrobot-read', pass
if not data:
raise Exception("No such race")
raise RaceNotFound("Could not find race number {} of match {}".format(match_id, race_number))
assert len(data) == 1, repr(data)
(racer1, racer2, start, duration), = data
end = start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=duration/100.)
output_name = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format(match_id, racer1, racer2, race_number)
output_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "reviews", output_name)
result_name = "review.{}.{}.mp4".format(*finish_range)
result_path = os.path.join(output_dir, result_name)
if os.path.exists(result_path):
logger.info("Result already exists for {}, reusing".format(result_path))
return result_path
finish_paths = []
for racer in (racer1, racer2):
start_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "start-{}.mp4".format(racer))
for racer_number, racer in enumerate((racer1, racer2)):
start_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "start-{}.mp4".format(racer_number))
cut_to_file(start_path, base_dir, racer, start, start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5))
logger.info("Cutting start for racer {} ({})".format(racer_number, racer))
start_start, start_end = add_range(start, start_range)
cut_to_file(logger, start_path, base_dir, racer, start_start, start_end)
logger.info("Running blackdetect")
args = [
'ffmpeg', '-hide_banner',
'-i', start_path,
@ -113,32 +148,33 @@ def review(match_id, race_number, host='condor.live', user='necrobot-read', pass
assert black_end.startswith('black_end:')
time_offset = float(black_end.split(':')[1])
print "Unable to detect start (expected 1 black interval, but found {}).".format(len(lines))
print "Cutting file {} for manual detection.".format(start_path)
cut_to_file(start_path, base_dir, racer, start, start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5), frame_counter=True)
time_offset = float(raw_input("What timestamp of this video do we start at? "))
found = len(lines)
logger.warning("Unable to detect start (expected 1 black interval, but found {})".format(found))
raise CantFindStart(racer, found)
time_offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_offset)
# start each racer's finish video at TIME_OFFSET later, so they are the same
# time since their actual start.
finish_start = end - datetime.timedelta(seconds=5) + time_offset
finish_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "finish-{}.mp4".format(racer))
finish_base = end + time_offset
finish_start, finish_end = add_range(finish_base, finish_range)
finish_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "finish-{}.mp4".format(racer_number))
cut_to_file(finish_path, base_dir, racer, finish_start, finish_start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5))
logger.info("Got time offset of {}, cutting finish at finish_base {}".format(time_offset, finish_base))
cut_to_file(logger, finish_path, base_dir, racer, finish_start, finish_end)
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, "result.mp4")
temp_path = "{}.tmp.mp4".format(result_path)
args = ['ffmpeg']
for path in finish_paths:
args += ['-i', path]
args += [
'-r', '60',
'-filter_complex', 'hstack',
'-y', output_path,
'-y', temp_path,
logger.info("Cutting final result")
print "Review cut to file {}".format(output_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# atomic rename so that if result_path exists at all, we know it is complete and correct
os.rename(temp_path, result_path)
logger.info("Review done")
return result_path