Document remaining transitions, deprecate fadefast and fadeslow.

It turns out that `fadefast` and `fadeslow` both take about twice as long as `fade` to do a job so similar there's no good reason to keep either in our accepted transitions list, especially when the former is so misleadingly named. (Amusingly, in my testing, `fadefast` was actually the slower of the two.)
Thomas Chick 5 months ago committed by Mike Lang
parent 20ad8d3ec9
commit 0dfffc19c2

@ -56,38 +56,37 @@ KNOWN_XFADE_TRANSITIONS = {
"horzopen": "Wipe from center to top and bottom, with a cross-fading line.",
"horzclose": "Wipe from top and bottom to center, with a cross-fading line.",
"dissolve": "Similar to a fade, but each pixel changes instantly, more pixels change over time.",
"pixelize": "Pixelates the image, switches to new video, then unpixelates.",
# TODO the rest later
"diagtl": "",
"diagtr": "",
"diagbl": "",
"diagbr": "",
"hlslice": "",
"hrslice": "",
"vuslice": "",
"vdslice": "",
"hblur": "",
"wipetl": "",
"wipetr": "",
"wipebl": "",
"wipebr": "",
"squeezeh": "",
"squeezev": "",
"zoomin": "",
"hlwind": "",
"hrwind": "",
"vuwind": "",
"vdwind": "",
"coverleft": "",
"coverright": "",
"coverup": "",
"coverdown": "",
"revealleft": "",
"revealright": "",
"revealup": "",
"revealdown": "",
"fadefast": "???",
"fadeslow": "???",
"pixelize": "Pixelates the image, crossfades to the new video, then unpixelates.",
"diagtl": "Similar to circleopen, but from the bottom-right corner.",
"diagtr": "Similar to circleopen, but from the bottom-left corner.",
"diagbl": "Similar to circleopen, but from the top-right corner.",
"diagbr": "Similar to circleopen, but from the top-left corner.",
"hlslice": "Splits the video into several columns, and performs a wiperight on each, with staggered starts from right to left.",
"hrslice": "Splits the video into several columns, and performs a wipeleft on each, with staggered starts from left to right.",
"vuslice": "Splits the video into several rows, and performs a wipebottom on each, with staggered starts from bottom to top.",
"vdslice": "Splits the video into several rows, and performs a wipetop on each, with staggered starts from top to bottom.",
"hblur": "Smears the old video to the left, then crossfades into and unsmears the new video.",
"wipetl": "Combines wipeleft and wipeup, creating a receding rectangle to the top-left corner.",
"wipetr": "Combines wiperight and wipeup, creating a receding rectangle to the top-right corner.",
"wipebl": "Combines wipeleft and wipedown, creating a receding rectangle to the bottom-left corner.",
"wipebr": "Combines wiperight and wipedown, creating a receding rectangle to the bottom-right corner.",
"squeezeh": "Squashes the old video from the left and right until it disappears, revealing the new video.",
"squeezev": "Squashes the old video from the top and bottom until it disappears, revealing the new video.",
"zoomin": "The old video zooms towards the 'camera', preserving pixels, then crossfades to the new video.",
"hlwind": "Like wipeleft, but the edge is incredibly jagged, evoking speed lines.",
"hrwind": "Like wiperight, but the edge is incredibly jagged, evoking speed lines.",
"vuwind": "Like wipeup, but the edge is incredibly jagged, evoking speed lines.",
"vdwind": "Like wipedown, but the edge is incredibly jagged, evoking speed lines.",
"coverleft": "The new video slides in from the right, covering the old video.",
"coverright": "The new video slides in from the left, covering the old video.",
"coverup": "The new video slides in from the bottom, covering the old video.",
"coverdown": "The new video slides in from the top, covering the old video.",
"revealleft": "The old video slides out to the left, revealing the new video.",
"revealright": "The old video slides out to the right, revealing the new video.",
"revealup": "The old video slides out to the top, revealing the new video.",
"revealdown": "The old video slides out to the bottom, revealing the new video.",
# "fadefast": "is slightly slower than fadeslow...",
# "fadeslow": "...which takes about twice the time normal fade does for no discernible benefit",
# These are custom transitions implemented using xfade's custom transition support.
