@ -108,10 +108,11 @@ def recognize_digit(prototypes, image):
"""Takes a normalized digit image and returns (detected number, score, all_scores)
where score is between 0 and 1. Higher numbers are more certain the number is correct.
all_scores is for debugging.
If the most likely detection is NOT a number, None is returned instead.
scores = sorted([
(compare_images(prototypes[n], image), n)
for n in range(10)
(compare_images(prototype, image), int(n) if n.isdigit() else None)
for n, prototype in prototypes["odo-digits"].items()
], reverse=True)
best_score, number = scores[0]
runner_up_score, _ = scores[1]
@ -130,14 +131,20 @@ def compare_images(prototype, image):
def load_prototypes(prototypes_path):
return [
Image.open(os.path.join(prototypes_path, "{}.png".format(n)))
for n in range(10)
prototypes = {}
for kind in os.listdir(prototypes_path):
prototypes[kind] = {}
path = os.path.join(prototypes_path, kind)
for filename in os.listdir(path):
if not filename.endswith(".png"):
name = filename[:-4]
prototypes[kind][name] = Image.open(os.path.join(path, filename))
return prototypes
def read_digit(digit, prototypes_path="./odo-digit-prototypes", verbose=False):
def read_digit(digit, prototypes_path="./prototypes", verbose=False):
"""For debugging. Compares an extracted digit image to each prototype and prints scores."""
prototypes = load_prototypes(prototypes_path)
digit = Image.open(digit)
@ -165,7 +172,7 @@ def recognize_odometer(prototypes, frame):
@argh.arg("frames", nargs="+")
def read_frame(frames, prototypes_path="./odo-digit-prototypes", verbose=False, include_last=False):
def read_frame(frames, prototypes_path="./prototypes", verbose=False, include_last=False):
"""For testing. Takes any number of frame images (or segments) and prints the odometer reading."""
prototypes = load_prototypes(prototypes_path)
for filename in frames: