@ -364,20 +364,16 @@ class SheetSync(object):
overwriting the entire playlists table"""
playlists = []
for row in rows:
# TODO redo sheet parsing for new columns
# Defaults for now:
name = ""
show_in_description = false
if len(row) != 3:
if len(row) != 5:
tags, _, playlist_id = row
tags, _, name, playlist_id, show_in_desctiption = row
tags = self.column_parsers['tags'](tags)
if not tags:
playlist_id = playlist_id.strip()
if len(playlist_id) != 34 or not playlist_id.startswith('PL'):
show_in_description = show_in_description == "[✓]"
playlists.append((playlist_id, tags, name, show_in_description))
# We want to wipe and replace all the current entries in the table.
# The easiest way to do this is a DELETE then an INSERT, all within a transaction.