Respect the URL parameters when loading the restreamer

ElementalAlchemist 4 months ago
parent d43cf21e42
commit 3883b3e06f

@ -4,4 +4,34 @@ export class StreamVideoInfo {
streamName: string;
streamStartTime: DateTime;
streamEndTime: DateTime | null;
public static defaultFromURL(): StreamVideoInfo | null {
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const urlParams = url.searchParams;
const stream = urlParams.get("stream");
const start = urlParams.get("start");
const end = urlParams.get("end");
if (stream === null) {
return null;
if (start === null) {
return null;
const startTime = DateTime.fromISO(start, { zone: "utc" });
if (!startTime.isValid) {
return null;
let endTime: DateTime | null = null;
if (end !== null) {
endTime = DateTime.fromISO(end, { zone: "utc" });
if (!endTime.isValid) {
return null;
return {
streamName: stream,
streamStartTime: startTime,
streamEndTime: endTime,

@ -27,13 +27,20 @@ export const VIDEO_FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 30;
export const PLAYBACK_RATES = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 4, 8];
export interface StreamTimeSettingsProps {
/** Getter for the signal to get the time when the run starts. */
busStartTime: Accessor<DateTime>;
/** Getter for the StreamVideoInfo signal. Used to set field values and, if applicable, apply defaults. */
streamVideoInfo: Accessor<StreamVideoInfo>;
/** Setter for the StreamVideoInfo signal. */
setStreamVideoInfo: Setter<StreamVideoInfo>;
/// If true, shows a link to the same page with the specified stream and time range. For the link to work, the host
/// page must support defaulting the link data into the StreamVideoInfo.
* If true, shows a link to the same page with the specified stream and time range. For the link to work, the host
* page must support defaulting the link data into the StreamVideoInfo.
showTimeRangeLink: boolean;
/** Getter for the signal containing the list of errors to display. */
errorList: Accessor<string[]>;
/** Setter for the signal containing the list of errors to display. */
setErrorList: Setter<string[]>;

@ -91,11 +91,15 @@ const RestreamerWithDefaults: Component<RestreamerDefaultProps> = (props) => {
return <></>;
const [busStartTime, setBusStartTime] = createSignal<DateTime>(busStartTimeDefault);
const [streamVideoInfo, setStreamVideoInfo] = createSignal<StreamVideoInfo>({
streamName: props.defaults.video_channel,
streamStartTime: DateTime.utc().minus({ minutes: 10 }),
streamEndTime: null,
let defaultStreamInfo = StreamVideoInfo.defaultFromURL();
if (defaultStreamInfo === null) {
defaultStreamInfo = {
streamName: props.defaults.video_channel,
streamStartTime: DateTime.utc().minus({ minutes: 10 }),
streamEndTime: null,
const [streamVideoInfo, setStreamVideoInfo] = createSignal<StreamVideoInfo>(defaultStreamInfo);
const [playerTime, setPlayerTime] = createSignal<number>(0);
const [mediaPlayer, setMediaPlayer] = createSignal<MediaPlayerElement>();
const [videoFragments, setVideoFragments] = createSignal<Fragment[]>([]);
