No longer resize frames to template size before cropping

This was originally done to ensure the crop settings worked no matter what the source resolution was,
but in practice the source resolution is stable (1080p) and the double-resize loses a lot of quality
if you actually want to scale *up* the cropped image.
Mike Lang 5 months ago
parent 952d760f8d
commit 39c7215910

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ location within the template image.
crop = (50, 100, 1870, 980)
location = (320, 180, 1600, 900)
would crop the input frame from (50, 100) to (1870, 980), resize it to 720x1280, and place it at (320, 180).
If the original frame and the template differ in size, the frame is first resized to the template.
This allows you to work with a consistent coordinate system regardless of the input frame size.
# PIL can't load an image from a byte string directly, we have to pretend to be a file
@ -52,14 +49,9 @@ location within the template image.
# Create a new blank image of the same size as the template
result ='RGBA', template.size)
# If the frame is not the same size, scale it so it is.
# Insert the frame at the desired location, cropping and scaling.
# For choice of rescaling filter, pick LANCZOS (aka. ANTIALIAS) as it is highest quality
# and we don't really care about performance.
if frame.size != template.size:
frame = frame.resize(template.size, Image.LANCZOS)
# Insert the frame at the desired location, cropping and scaling.
# Technically we might end up resizing twice here which is bad for quality,
# but the case of frame size != template size should be rare enough that it doesn't matter.
frame = frame.crop(crop).resize(location_size, Image.LANCZOS)
result.paste(frame, location)
# Place the template "on top", letting the frame be seen only where the template's alpha
@ -73,6 +65,7 @@ location within the template image.
def cli(template, frame, crop, location):
with open(template, "rb") as f:
template =
