pubbot: Add more detail to logging

Wrap raw pubnub messages in a metadata object containing:
- time
- our hostname
- our pid
- any inferred information

Plus make a message-less log write on startup so we know where there might be gaps.

Also do more error handling so that we don't completely lose messages on error.
Mike Lang 5 months ago committed by Mike Lang
parent 9b19c12a53
commit 3fb6676fbe

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import json
import logging
import os
import socket
import time
from .config import get_config
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ def get_giveaway():
return g
def main(conf_file, message_log_file):
def main(conf_file, message_log_file, name=socket.gethostname()):
@ -59,47 +61,84 @@ def main(conf_file, message_log_file):
config = get_config(conf_file)
client = Client(config["zulip_url"], config["zulip_email"], config["zulip_api_key"])
message_log = open(message_log_file, "a")
def write_log(log):
message_log.write(json.dumps(log) + '\n')
"type": "startup",
"host": name,
"pid": os.getpid(),
"time": time.time(),
prizes = {}
total = None
for msg in stream():
message_log.write(json.dumps(msg) + '\n')
if msg["c"] == "db_total":
increase = None if total is None else msg["d"] - total
increase_str = "" if increase is None else " (+${:.2f})".format(msg["d"] - total)
giveaway = get_giveaway()
entries_str = ""
if increase is not None and giveaway is not None:
amount = giveaway["amount"]
if (increase + 0.005) % amount < 0.01:
entries = int((increase + 0.005) / amount)
entries_str = " ({} entries of ${:.2f})".format(entries, amount)"New donation total: {}{}{}".format(msg["d"], increase_str, entries_str))
client.send_to_stream("bot-spam", "Donation Firehose", "Donation total is now ${:.2f}{}{}".format(msg["d"], increase_str, entries_str))
if increase is not None and increase >= 500:
client.send_to_stream("bot-spam", "Notable Donations", "Large donation of ${:.2f} (total ${:.2f}){}".format(increase, msg['d'], entries_str))
total = msg["d"]
elif msg["c"] == "db_vue" and msg["d"].get("channel").startswith("prize:"):
d = msg["d"]
prize_id = msg["d"]["channel"].split(":")[1]
data = d["data"]"Prize update for {prize_id}: {data}")
if prize_id not in prizes:
prizes[prize_id] = get_prize(prize_id)
if "bidder" in data and "bid" in data:
client.send_to_stream("bot-spam", "Bids", "At <time:{time}>, {bidder} bid ${bid:.2f} for [{title}]({prize_id})".format(
time = float(msg["p"]["t"]) / 10000000,
bidder = data["bidder"],
bid = data["bid"],
title = prizes[prize_id]["title"],
prize_id = prize_id,
logging.warning("Unknown message: {}".format(msg))
log = {
"type": "unknown",
"host": name,
"pid": os.getpid(),
"time": time.time(),
"message": msg,
message_time = float(msg["p"]["t"]) / 10000000
except (KeyError, ValueError):
message_time = None
log["message_time"] = message_time
if msg["c"] == "db_total":
log["type"] == "total"
increase = None if total is None else msg["d"] - total
log["increase"] = increase
increase_str = "" if increase is None else " (+${:.2f})".format(msg["d"] - total)
giveaway = get_giveaway()
entries_str = ""
if increase is not None and giveaway is not None:
amount = giveaway["amount"]
if (increase + 0.005) % amount < 0.01:
entries = int((increase + 0.005) / amount)
log["giveaway_amount"] = amount
log["giveaway_entries"] = entries
entries_str = " ({} entries of ${:.2f})".format(entries, amount)"New donation total: {}{}{}".format(msg["d"], increase_str, entries_str))
client.send_to_stream("bot-spam", "Donation Firehose", "Donation total is now ${:.2f}{}{}".format(msg["d"], increase_str, entries_str))
if increase is not None and increase >= 500:
client.send_to_stream("bot-spam", "Notable Donations", "Large donation of ${:.2f} (total ${:.2f}){}".format(increase, msg['d'], entries_str))
total = msg["d"]
elif msg["c"] == "db_vue" and msg["d"].get("channel").startswith("prize:"):
log["type"] = "prize"
d = msg["d"]
prize_id = msg["d"]["channel"].split(":")[1]
data = d["data"]"Prize update for {prize_id}: {data}")
if prize_id not in prizes:
prizes[prize_id] = get_prize(prize_id)
log["prize_id"] = prize_id
if "bidder" in data and "bid" in data:
log["bidder"] = data["bidder"]
log["bid"] = data["bid"]
client.send_to_stream("bot-spam", "Bids", "At <time:{time}>, {bidder} bid ${bid:.2f} for [{title}]({prize_id})".format(
time = message_time,
bidder = data["bidder"],
bid = data["bid"],
title = prizes[prize_id]["title"],
prize_id = prize_id,
logging.warning("Unknown message: {}".format(msg))
except Exception:
logging.exception(f"Failed to handle message {msg}")
log["type"] = "error"
if __name__ == '__main__':
