comments, code style and better handling of empty hours

Christopher Usher
parent 003261eae4
commit 44390173ed

@ -118,25 +118,31 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
def create_coverage_map(self, quality, all_hour_holes, all_hour_partials,
pixel_length=2, hour_count=168):
"""Create a PNG show segment coverage.
If any part of a pixel does not have coverage, it is marked as not
having coverage. Likewise, if only a partial segment is available for
any part of a pixel, it is marked as partial.
pixel_length=2, hour_count=168, rows=300):
"""Create a PNG image showing segment coverage.
Each pixel repersents pixel_length seconds, with time increasing from
top to bottom along each column then right to left. By default each
pixel is 2 s and each column of the image repersents 10 min. White
pixels have no coverage, orange pixels only have coverage by partial
segments and blue pixels have coverage by full segments. If any part
of a pixel does not have coverage, it is marked as not having coverage.
Likewise, if only a partial segment is available for any part of a
pixel, it is marked as partial.
all_hour_holes -- a dict mapping hours to lists of holes
all_hour_holes -- a dict mapping hours to lists of partial segments
pixel_length -- length of a pixel in seconds
hour_count -- number of hours to create the map for"""
hour_count -- number of hours to create the map for
rows -- the height of the image"""'Creating coverage map for {}'.format(quality))
latest_hour = datetime.datetime.strptime(max(all_hour_holes.keys()), HOUR_FMT)
hours = [latest_hour - datetime.timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(hour_count - 1, -1, -1)]
pixel_starts = np.arange(0, 3600, pixel_length) # starts of the pixels in
pixel_ends = np.arange(pixel_length, 3601, pixel_length)
pixel_starts = np.arange(0, 3600, pixel_length) # start times of the pixels in an hour in seconds
pixel_ends = np.arange(pixel_length, 3601, pixel_length) # end times of the pixels in an hour in seconds
pixel_count = 3600 / pixel_length # number of pixels in an hour
coverage_mask = np.zeros(hour_count * pixel_count, dtype=np.bool_)
@ -155,30 +161,32 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
hour_coverage = hour_coverage & ((pixel_starts < hole_start) | (pixel_ends > hole_end))
for partial in all_hour_partials[hour_str]:
partial_start = np.floor((partial[0] - hour).total_seconds() / pixel_length) * pixel_length
partial_end = np.ceil((partial[1] - hour).total_seconds() / pixel_length) * pixel_length
partial_start = np.floor((partial[0] - hour).total_seconds() / pixel_length) * pixel_length # the start of the pixel containing the start of the partial segment
partial_end = np.ceil((partial[1] - hour).total_seconds() / pixel_length) * pixel_length # the end of the pixel containing the end of the partial segment
hour_partial = hour_partial | ((pixel_starts >= partial_start) & (pixel_ends <= partial_end))
coverage_mask[i * pixel_count:(i + 1) * pixel_count] = hour_coverage
partial_mask[i * pixel_count:(i + 1) * pixel_count] = hour_partial
rows = 300
# convert the flat masks into 2-D arrays
columns = coverage_mask.size / rows
coverage_mask = coverage_mask.reshape((columns, rows)).T
partial_mask = partial_mask.reshape((columns, rows)).T
# use the masks to set the actual pixel colours
colours = np.ones((rows, columns, 3))
colours[coverage_mask] = matplotlib.colors.to_rgb('tab:blue')
colours[coverage_mask & partial_mask] = matplotlib.colors.to_rgb('tab:orange')
final_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'coverage-maps', '{}_{}_coverage.png'.format(, quality))
# write the pixel array to a temporary file then atomically rename it
final_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'coverage-maps',
'{}_{}_coverage.png'.format(, quality))
temp_path = final_path.replace('_coverage', '_{}'.format(random.getrandbits(32)))
matplotlib.image.imsave(temp_path, colours)
os.rename(temp_path, final_path)'Coverage map for {} created'.format(quality))
def run(self):
"""Loop over available hours for each quality, checking segment coverage."""'Starting')
@ -204,8 +212,6 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
# but more complicated to capture more detailed metrics
hour_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir,, quality, hour)
segment_names = [name for name in os.listdir(hour_path) if not name.startswith('.')]
parsed = []
bad_segment_count = 0
@ -216,29 +222,30 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
bad_segment_count += 1
#parsed = (common.parse_segment_path(os.path.join(hour_path, name)) for name in segment_names)
if not parsed:'{}/{} is empty'.format(quality, hour))
#if not parsed:
#'{}/{} is empty'.format(quality, hour))
# continue
full_segment_count = 0
partial_segment_count = 0
full_segment_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
partial_segment_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
full_segment_duration = datetime.timedelta()
partial_segment_duration = datetime.timedelta()
full_overlaps = 0
full_overlap_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
full_overlap_duration = datetime.timedelta()
partial_overlaps = 0
partial_overlap_duration = datetime.timedelta(0)
partial_overlap_duration = datetime.timedelta()
best_segments = []
holes = []
editable_holes = []
previous = None
previous_editable = None
coverage = datetime.timedelta(0)
editable_coverage = datetime.timedelta(0)
coverage = datetime.timedelta()
editable_coverage = datetime.timedelta()
only_partials = []
# loop over all start times
# first select the best segment for a start time
# then update coverage
for start_time, segments in itertools.groupby(parsed, key=lambda segment: segment.start):
full_segments = []
partial_segments = []
@ -251,7 +258,6 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
partial_segment_count += 1
partial_segment_duration += segment.duration
if full_segments:
if len(full_segments) == 1:
best_segment = full_segments[0]
@ -276,12 +282,10 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
# now update coverage, overlaps and holes
if previous is None:
coverage += best_segment.duration
editable_coverage += best_segment.duration
previous_editable = best_segment
previous_end = previous.start + previous.duration
if segment.start < previous_end:
@ -307,75 +311,125 @@ class CoverageChecker(object):
previous = best_segment
start = best_segments[0].start
end = best_segments[-1].start + best_segments[-1].duration
hole_duration = end - start - coverage
editable_hole_duration = end - start - editable_coverage
hour_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(hour, HOUR_FMT)
hour_end = hour_start + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
# handle the case when there is a hole between the last segment of the previous hour and the first of this
if previous_hour_segments:
last_segment = previous_hour_segments[-1]
if best_segments[0].start > last_segment.start + last_segment.duration:
if best_segments:
start = best_segments[0].start
end = best_segments[-1].start + best_segments[-1].duration
hole_duration = end - start - coverage
editable_hole_duration = end - start - editable_coverage
hour_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(hour, HOUR_FMT)
hour_end = hour_start + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
# handle the case when there is a hole between the last segment of the previous hour and the first of this
if previous_hour_segments:
last_segment = previous_hour_segments[-1]
if best_segments[0].start > last_segment.start + last_segment.duration:
holes.append((hour_start, start))
hole_duration += start - hour_start
editable_holes.append((hour_start, start))
editable_hole_duration += start - hour_start
# handle the case when there is a hole between the last segment and the end of the hour if not the last hour
if hour != hours[-1] and end < hour_end:
holes.append((end, hour_end))
hole_duration += hour_end - end
editable_holes.append((end, hour_end))
editable_hole_duration += hour_end - end
# update the large number of Prometheus guages
full_segment_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
partial_segment_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
bad_segment_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
full_segment_duration_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
partial_segment_duration_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
raw_coverage_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
editable_coverage_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
raw_holes_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
editable_holes_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
full_overlap_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
partial_overlap_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
full_overlap_duration_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
partial_overlap_duration_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour
# log the same information
if best_segments:'{}/{}: Start: {} End: {} ({} s)'.format(
quality, hour, start, end,
(end - start).total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} full segments totalling {} s'.format(
quality, hour, full_segment_count,
full_segment_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} bad segments'.format(
quality, hour, bad_segment_count))'{}/{}: {} overlapping full segments totalling {} s'.format(
quality, hour, full_overlaps,
full_overlap_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} partial segments totalling {} s'.format(
quality, hour, partial_segment_count,
partial_segment_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} overlapping partial segments totalling {} s'.format(
quality, hour, partial_overlaps,
partial_overlap_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: raw coverage {} s, editable coverage {} s '.format(
quality, hour, coverage.total_seconds(),
editable_coverage.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} holes totalling {} s '.format(
quality, hour, len(holes),
hole_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} editable holes totalling {} s '.format(
quality, hour, len(editable_holes),
editable_hole_duration.total_seconds()))'Checking {}/{} complete'.format(
quality, hour))
# add holes for the start and end hours for the
# coverage map. do this after updating gauges and
# logging as these aren't likely real holes, just the
# start and end of the stream.
if previous_hour_segments is None:
holes.append((hour_start, start))
hole_duration += start - hour_start
editable_holes.append((hour_start, start))
editable_hole_duration += start - hour_start
#handle the case when there is a hole between the last segment and the end of the hour if not the last hour
if hour != hours[-1] and end < hour_end:
holes.append((end, hour_end))
hole_duration += hour_end - end
editable_holes.append((end, hour_end))
editable_hole_duration += hour_end - end
full_segment_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(full_segment_count)
partial_segment_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(partial_segment_count)
bad_segment_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(bad_segment_count)
full_segment_duration_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(full_segment_duration.total_seconds())
partial_segment_duration_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(partial_segment_duration.total_seconds())
raw_coverage_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(coverage.total_seconds())
editable_coverage_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(editable_coverage.total_seconds())
raw_holes_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(len(holes))
editable_holes_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(len(editable_holes))
full_overlap_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(full_overlaps)
partial_overlap_count_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(partial_overlaps)
full_overlap_duration_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(full_overlap_duration.total_seconds())
partial_overlap_duration_gauge.labels(, quality=quality, hour=hour).set(partial_overlap_duration.total_seconds())'{}/{}: Start: {} End: {} ({} s)'.format(quality, hour, start, end, (end - start).total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_segment_count, full_segment_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} bad segments'.format(quality, hour, bad_segment_count))'{}/{}: {} overlapping full segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, full_overlaps, full_overlap_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_segment_count, partial_segment_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} overlapping partial segments totalling {} s'.format(quality, hour, partial_overlaps, partial_overlap_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: raw coverage {} s, editable coverage {} s '.format(quality, hour, coverage.total_seconds(), editable_coverage.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(holes), hole_duration.total_seconds()))'{}/{}: {} editable holes totalling {} s '.format(quality, hour, len(editable_holes), editable_hole_duration.total_seconds()))'Checking {}/{} complete'.format(quality, hour))
# add holes for the start and end hours for the coverage map
# do this after updating gauges and logging as these aren't likely real holes, just the start and end of the stream.
if previous_hour_segments is None:
holes.append((hour_start, start))
if hour == hours[-1]:
holes.append((end, hour_end))
all_hour_holes[hour] = holes
all_hour_partials[hour] = only_partials
previous_hour_segments = best_segments
if hour == hours[-1]:
holes.append((end, hour_end))
all_hour_holes[hour] = holes
all_hour_partials[hour] = only_partials
previous_hour_segments = best_segments
else:'{}/{} is empty'.format(quality, hour))
self.create_coverage_map(quality, all_hour_holes, all_hour_partials)
@argh.arg('channels', nargs='*', help='Channels to check coverage of')
@argh.arg('--base-dir', help='Directory where segments are stored. Default is current working directory.')
@argh.arg('--qualities', help="Qualities of each channel to checked. Comma seperated if multiple. Default is 'source'.")
