Serve buscribe-web out of the main nginx container, like thrimbletrimmer

This involves, as part of the nginx build process, having a build container that runs less
in order to render the css before copying it over.
Mike Lang 5 months ago
parent 2d40893825
commit 510af15418

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
FROM node:17-alpine AS less
RUN npm install less -g
ADD buscribe-web /assets
WORKDIR /assets
RUN lessc style.less > style.css
# nginx container contains config that exposes all the various services metrics
FROM nginx:latest
ADD nginx/generate-config /
COPY --from=less /assets /etc/nginx/html/buscribe
COPY thrimbletrimmer /etc/nginx/html/thrimbletrimmer
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c", "/generate-config && nginx -g \"daemon off;\""]

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# Other vars:
# THRIMBLETRIMMER: Set non-empty to also serve thrimbletrimmer on /thrimbletrimmer
# BUSCRIBE: Set non-empty to also serve buscribe on /buscribe
# SEGMENTS: Set to path to segments dir to also serve segments dir on /segments
# SSL: Set to path to file containing SSL cert and key, if any.
@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ LOCATIONS=$(
echo -e "\t\tlocation = / { return 301 /thrimbletrimmer/; }" &&
echo -e "\t\tlocation /thrimbletrimmer { }"
[ -n "$BUSCRIBE" ] &&
echo -e "\t\tlocation /buscribe { }"
[ -n "$SEGMENTS" ] &&
echo -e "\t\tlocation /segments/ { alias $SEGMENTS/; }"
