basics working

Mike Lang 1 year ago
parent e5732706d8
commit 5d5e7ffede

@ -4,7 +4,22 @@ import sys
import argh
CHAT_BOX = (1220, 100, 1910, 810)
def encode_ass(sections):
Create an ASS text file from an ordered dict of {section name: entries}.
Each entries value is a list (line type, fields).
fields is a list of fields, to be comma-seperated.
Values are NOT escaped, you should ensure you only have allowed characters
(eg. only use a comma in the final field of a Dialogue).
lines = []
for section, entries in sections.items():
lines += [
"{}: {}".format(type, ", ".join(map(str, fields)))
for type, fields in entries
return "\n".join(lines)
def encode_time(time):
hours, time = divmod(time, 3600)
@ -12,7 +27,7 @@ def encode_time(time):
return f"{int(hours)}:{int(mins):02d}:{secs:05.2f}"
def encode_dialogue(start, end, text):
return f"Dialogue: {encode_time(start)}, {encode_time(end)}, Chat, {text}"
return ("Dialogue", [encode_time(start), encode_time(end), "Chat", text])
def message_to_line(message, time_base):
time = message["time"] - time_base
@ -37,38 +52,81 @@ def message_to_line(message, time_base):
text = f"{{ \\c&H{color}& }}" + text
return time, text
def lines_to_dialogue(start, end, lines):
def lines_to_dialogue(chat_box, start, end, lines):
lines = "\\N".join([text for start, text in lines][::-1])
clip_args = ",".join(map(str, CHAT_BOX))
clip_args = ",".join(map(str, chat_box))
text = f"{{ \\clip({clip_args}) }}" + lines
return encode_dialogue(start, end, text)
def gen_dialogues(messages, time_base, message_ttl=10):
def gen_dialogues(chat_box, messages, time_base, message_ttl=10):
window = []
prev_start = None
for message in messages:
next_start, text = message_to_line(message, time_base)
while window and window[0][0] + message_ttl < next_start:
end = window[0][0] + message_ttl
yield lines_to_dialogue(prev_start, end, window)
yield lines_to_dialogue(chat_box, prev_start, end, window)
prev_start = end
window.append((next_start, text))
if prev_start is not None:
yield lines_to_dialogue(prev_start, next_start, window)
yield lines_to_dialogue(chat_box, prev_start, next_start, window)
prev_start = next_start
# flush remaining messages
while window:
end = window[0][0] + message_ttl
yield lines_to_dialogue(prev_start, end, window)
yield lines_to_dialogue(chat_box, prev_start, end, window)
prev_start = end
def main(time_base=0):
def gen_prelude(title, author, resolution, style_options):
return {
"Script Info": [
("Title", [title]),
("Original Script", [author]),
("Script Type", ["V4.00+"]),
("PlayResX", [resolution[0]]),
("PlayResY", [resolution[1]]),
"V4+ Styles": [
("Format", ["Name"] + list(style_options.keys())),
("Style", ["Chat"] + list(style_options.values())),
def comma_sep(n, type):
def parse_comma_sep(s):
parts = s.split(",")
if len(parts) != n:
raise ValueError("Wrong number of parts")
return list(map(type, parts))
@argh.arg("--pos", metavar="LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM", type=comma_sep(4, int))
@argh.arg("--resolution", metavar="WIDTH,HEIGHT", type=comma_sep(2, int))
def main(
resolution=(1920, 1080),
pos=(1220, 100, 1910, 810),
messages ="\n")
messages = [json.loads(line) for line in messages]
for dialogue in gen_dialogues(messages, time_base):
ass = gen_prelude(title, "Video Strike Team", (1920, 1080), {
"Fontsize": font_size,
"BorderStyle": 1, # outline + shadow
"Outline": outline_width,
"Shadow": shadow_width,
"Alignment": 9, # top-right
"MarginL": pos[0],
"MarginR": resolution[0] - pos[2],
"MarginV": pos[1],
ass["Events"] = [("Format", ["Start", "End", "Style", "Text"])]
ass["Events"] += list(gen_dialogues(pos, messages, time_base))
if __name__ == '__main__':
