wip: archive cut

Mike Lang 1 year ago
parent 3ea0532838
commit 5e7904dab3

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import shutil
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import closing
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
from uuid import uuid4
import gevent
from gevent import subprocess
@ -590,7 +591,7 @@ def feed_input(segments, pipe):
cut_type=lambda _, segments, start, end, encode_args, stream=False: ("full-streamed" if stream else "full-buffered"),
normalize=lambda _, segments, start, end, *a, **k: (end - start).total_seconds(),
@ -649,6 +650,64 @@ def full_cut_segments(segments, start, end, encode_args, stream=False):
@timed('cut', cut_type='archive', normalize=lambda ret, sr, ranges: range_total(ranges))
def archive_cut_segments(segment_ranges, ranges, tempdir):
Archive cuts are special in a few ways.
Like a rough cut, they do not take explicit start/end times but instead
use the entire segment range.
Like a full cut, they are passed entirely through ffmpeg.
They explicitly use ffmpeg arguments to copy the video without re-encoding,
but are placed into an MKV container.
They are split at each discontinuity into seperate videos.
Finally, because the files are expected to be very large and non-streamable,
instead of streaming the data back to the caller, we return a list of temporary filenames
which the caller should then do something with (probably either read then delete, or rename).
# don't re-encode anything, just put it into an MKV container
encode_args = ["-c", "copy", "-f", "mkv"]
# We treat multiple segment ranges as having an explicit discontinuity between them.
# So we apply split_contiguous() to each range, then flatten.
contiguous_ranges = []
for segments in segment_ranges:
contiguous_ranges += list(split_contiguous(segments))
for segments in contiguous_ranges:
ffmpeg = None
input_feeder = None
tempfile_name = os.path.join(tempdir, "archive-temp-{}.mkv".format(uuid4()))
tempfile = open(tempfile_name, "wb")
ffmpeg = ffmpeg_cut_stdin(tempfile, None, None, encode_args)
input_feeder = gevent.spawn(feed_input, segments, ffmpeg.stdin)
# since we've now handed off the tempfile fd to ffmpeg, close ours
# check if any errors occurred in input writing, or if ffmpeg exited non-success.
if ffmpeg.wait() != 0:
raise Exception("Error while streaming cut: ffmpeg exited {}".format(ffmpeg.returncode))
input_feeder.get() # re-raise any errors from feed_input()
# if something goes wrong, try to clean up ignoring errors
if input_feeder is not None:
if ffmpeg is not None and ffmpeg.poll() is None:
for action in (ffmpeg.kill, ffmpeg.stdin.close, ffmpeg.stdout.close):
except (OSError, IOError):
except (OSError, IOError):
# Success, inform caller of tempfile. It's now their responsibility to delete.
yield tempfile
def render_segments_waveform(segments, size=(1024, 128), scale='sqrt', color='#000000'):

@ -396,23 +396,23 @@ class Cutter(object):
nonlocal upload_finished
if upload_backend.encoding_settings in ("fast", "smart"):
self.logger.debug("No encoding settings, using fast cut")
if upload_backend.encoding_settings in ("fast", "smart", "archive"):
self.logger.debug(f"Using {upload_backend.encoding_settings} cut")
if any(transition is not None for transition in job.video_transitions):
raise ValueError("Fast cuts do not support complex transitions")
cut_fn = {
"fast": fast_cut_segments,
"smart": smart_cut_segments,
# Note archive cuts return a list of filenames instead of data chunks.
# We assume the upload location expects this.
# We use segments_path as a tempdir path under the assumption that:
# a) it has plenty of space
# b) for a Local upload location, it will be on the same filesystem as the
# final desired path.
"archive": lambda sr, vr: archive_cut_segments(sr, vr, self.segments_path),
cut = cut_fn(job.segment_ranges, job.video_ranges)
elif upload_backend.encoding_settings in ("rough", "split"):
# A rough cut copies the segments byte-for-byte with no processing.
# A split cut is a rough cut where the video is split into contiguous ranges
# seperated by discontinuities. We communicate these discontinuities to the uploader
# by inserting a None into the stream of chunks. It is expected a split-cut-capable upload
# location will detect these Nones and do some special behaviour (eg. making a seperate video).
self.logger.debug("Using encoding settings for {} cut: {}".format(
"streamable" if upload_backend.encoding_streamable else "non-streamable",
