Switching thrimshim over to store thumbnail templates in the database

Christopher Usher 5 months ago committed by Mike Lang
parent 33f75efc19
commit 70c8afe779

@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ CREATE TABLE events (
OR thumbnail_mode = 'NONE'
OR thumbnail_last_written IS NOT NULL
thumbnail_crop INTEGER[], -- left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinates to crop the selected frame
thumbnail_location INTEGER[], -- left, top, right, bottom pixel coordinates to position the cropped frame
state event_state NOT NULL DEFAULT 'UNEDITED',
uploader TEXT CHECK (state IN ('UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'DONE') OR uploader IS NOT NULL),
@ -173,3 +175,16 @@ CREATE TABLE bus_data (
timeofday TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (channel, timestamp, segment)
-- This table stores video thumbnail templates and their associated metadata
-- attribution: any attribution to be auto included in the video description. If empty, do not add an attribution
-- crop: left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinates to crop the selected frame
-- location: left, top, right, bottom pixel coordinates to position the cropped frame
CREATE TABLE templates (
description TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
attribution TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

@ -324,7 +324,8 @@ def update_row(ident, editor=None):
# and are a subset of edit_columns.
modifiable_columns = [
'video_title', 'video_description', 'video_tags', 'public',
'thumbnail_mode', 'thumbnail_time', 'thumbnail_template', 'thumbnail_image',
'thumbnail_mode', 'thumbnail_time', 'thumbnail_template',
'thumbnail_image', 'thumbnail_crop', 'thumbnail_location',
assert set(modifiable_columns) - set(edit_columns) == set()
@ -607,6 +608,171 @@ def _write_audit_log(conn, ident, api_action, editor, old_row=None, new_row=None
""", id=ident, api_action=api_action, editor=editor, old_row=to_json(old_row), new_row=to_json(new_row))
def list_templates():
"""List names of thumbnail templates in the database."""
with app.db_manager.get_conn() as conn:
query = """
SELECT name, description, attribution, crop, location FROM templates ORDER BY name
results = database.query(conn, query)
return json.dumps([row._asdict() for row in results.fetchall()])
def get_template(name):
"""Get a thumbnail template in PNG form"""
with app.db_manager.get_conn() as conn:
query = """
SELECT image FROM templates WHERE name = %s
results = database.query(conn, query, name)
row = results.fetchone()
if row is None:
return 'Template {} not found'.format(name), 404
image = row[0]
return flask.Response(image, mimetype='image/png')
def get_template_metadata(name):
"""Get the metadata for a thumbnail as JSON"""
with app.db_manager.get_conn() as conn:
query = """
SELECT name, description, attribution, crop, location FROM templates WHERE name = %s
results = database.query(conn, query, name)
row = results.fetchone()
if row is None:
return 'Template {} not found'.format(name), 404
return json.dumps(row._asdict())
@app.route('/thrimshim/add-template', methods=['POST'])
def add_template(artist=None):
"""Add a template to the database"""
new_template = flask.request.json
columns = ['name', 'image', 'description', 'attribution', 'crop', 'location']
#check for missing fields
missing = set(columns) - set(new_template)
if missing:
return 'Fields missing in JSON: {}'.format(', '.join(missing)), 400
# delete any extras
extras = set(new_template) - set(columns)
for extra in extras:
del new_template[extra]
#convert and validate template image
new_template['image'] = base64.b64decode(new_template['image'])
except binascii.Error:
return 'Template image must be valid base64', 400
# check for PNG file header
if not new_template['thumbnail_image'].startswith(b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n'):
return 'Template image must be a PNG', 400
with app.db_manager.get_conn() as conn:
#check if name is already in the database
query = sql.SQL("""
SELECT name FROM events WHERE name = %s
results = database.query(conn, query, new_template['name'])
if results.fetchone() is not None:
return 'Template with name {} already exists'.format(new_template['name']), 400
query = sql.SQL("""
INSERT INTO templates ({})
sql.SQL(", ").join(sql.Identifier(column) for column in columns),
sql.SQL(", ").join(database.get_column_placeholder(column) for column in columns),
database.query(conn, query, **new_template)
return ''
@app.route('/thrimshim/update-template/<name>', methods=['POST'])
def update_template(name, artist=None):
"""Update a template in the database"""
new_template = flask.request.json
columns = ['name', 'image', 'description', 'attribution', 'crop', 'location']
#check for missing fields
missing = set(columns) - set(new_template)
if missing:
return 'Fields missing in JSON: {}'.format(', '.join(missing)), 400
# delete any extras
extras = set(new_template) - set(columns)
for extra in extras:
del new_template[extra]
#convert and validate template image
new_template['image'] = base64.b64decode(new_template['image'])
except binascii.Error:
return 'Template image must be valid base64', 400
# check for PNG file header
if not new_template['thumbnail_image'].startswith(b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n'):
return 'Template image must be a PNG', 400
with app.db_manage.get_conn() as conn:
#check if template is in database
query = sql.SQL("""
SELECT name FROM events WHERE name = %s
results = database.query(conn, query, name)
if results.fetchone() is None:
return 'Template with name {} does not exist'.format(name), 400
# check if new name is in database
query = sql.SQL("""
SELECT name FROM events WHERE name = %s
results = database.query(conn, query, new_template['name'])
if results.fetchone() is not None:
return 'Template with name {} already exists'.format(new_template['name']), 400
query = sql.SQL("""
UPDATE templates
SET {}
WHERE name = %(old_name)s
""").format(sql.SQL(", ").join(
sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
sql.Identifier(column), database.get_column_placeholder(column),
) for column in columns))
database.query(conn, query, old_name=name, **new_template)
return '', 200
def get_thumbnail(ident):
"Get the thumbnail for an event in PNG form"
with app.db_manager.get_conn() as conn:
query = """
SELECT thumbnail_mode, thumbnail_image FROM events WHERE id = %s
results = database.query(conn, query, ident)
row = results.fetchone()
if row is None:
return 'Event {} not found'.format(ident), 404
event = row._asdict()
if event['thumbnail_mode'] != 'NONE' and event['thumbnail_image']:
return flask.Response(event['thumbnail_image'], mimetype='image/png')
return '', 200
def get_odometer(channel):
