@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import uuid
from base64 import b64encode
from contextlib import contextmanager
import argh
import dateutil.parser
import gevent
import gevent.backdoor
@ -543,15 +544,44 @@ class SegmentGetter(object):
segments_downloaded.labels(partial="False", stream=self.channel, variant=self.stream).inc()
def main(channel, base_dir=".", qualities="source", metrics_port=8001, backdoor_port=0):
@argh.arg('channels', nargs="+", help="Twitch channels to watch")
def main(channels, base_dir=".", qualities="source", metrics_port=8001, backdoor_port=0):
qualities = qualities.split(",") if qualities else []
manager = StreamsManager(channel, base_dir, qualities)
gevent.signal(signal.SIGTERM, manager.stop) # shut down on sigterm
managers = [
StreamsManager(channel, base_dir, qualities)
for channel in channels
def stop():
for manager in managers:
gevent.signal(signal.SIGTERM, stop) # shut down on sigterm
if backdoor_port:
gevent.backdoor.BackdoorServer(('', backdoor_port), locals=locals()).start()
logging.info("Starting up")
workers = [gevent.spawn(manager.run) for manager in managers]
# Wait for any to die
gevent.wait(workers, count=1)
# If one has stopped, either:
# 1. stop() was called and all are stopping
# 2. one errored and we should stop all remaining and report the error
# Our behaviour in both cases is the same:
# 1. Tell all managers to gracefully stop
# 2. Wait (with timeout) until they've stopped
# 3. Check if any of them failed. If they did, report it. If mulitple failed, we report
# one arbitrarily.
for worker in workers:
worker.get() # re-raise error if failed
logging.info("Gracefully stopped")